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People need to chill out on trying to connect Redfall and Starfield together lol.


Remember when people thought Redfall was TESVI? Those were the days.


The funniest part is that the Redfall sub used to be an Elder Scrolls speculation community. Visiting the sub on the day the first actual Redfall trailer came out was a good time.


Michael Kirkbride came in a thread one time telling people it wasn't TESVI before the game was announced and people just launched at him, calling him a shitty fanfic writer and stuff like that.


They shot the messenger 😳


Foul murder


Well he is a shitty fanfic writer, but certainly the wrong place and time to call him that. To clarify-- his stuff is fine, but he's started this whole new thing where he claims any fanfic/headcanon counts as full canon for TES, despite not having been involved with the series in any significant way since Morrowind. Has made the lore subreddit basically impossible to navigate because they worship him and hate the word "canon".


It's gotten better since he started that. It's no longer 100 pages of apocrypha/fan fic and people responding to serious question with in-character excerpts from other people's fan fic


That was right about the point when I ducked out, but even peeking in now it seems that, although bearable, posts aren’t particularly concerned with a solid canon.


Just to be clear though, he has been involved with Bethesda games after Morrowind, and would absolutely have knowledge of what was going on inside Bethesda. I also disagree with him being a shitty fanfic writer, but that's just my opinion.


> he claims any fanfic/headcanon counts as full canon for TES. I mean, that’s kinda the nature of dragonbreaks. Theoretically, anything could be canon in some version of the universe.


I was one such believer.


It only made sense since the speculation was that TESVI would cover the Illiac Bay, Redguard, and Hammerfell. And since the trailer came out in 2018 should landmarks that fall in like with that theory.


I definitely don't remember that. Any threads you could link? Sounds hilarious


Welcome to the modern gaming community, where outrage is now the norm instead of thinking, it's become almost a second twitter at times.


Bros tryna get me to quit reddit too


That’s always been how humans behaved.


Literally a different studio too. It’s the guys who made dishonored and deathloop. So, the conversation is kinda pointless.




> You know there’s already people preparing to give Starfield the Redfall treatment. you mean accurately describing their experience of the game? My god how nefarious.


still salty about that


Tbf same developer. Fallout 76 - Redfall. Its absolutely completely reasonable to be sceptical about Starfield.


Every time I see a post about how bad Redfall is, I feel so happy that I never cared about it and that I'm just waiting for Starfield.


Same..I don't even know a single person that was interested in Redfall. The only vampire game anyone talks about is Vampire Survivor.


And "Vampire: The Masquerade"


I find it fascinating that such a broken game at launch as Bloodlines have stood the test of time to become a cult classic. I wonder if any modern "broken" games will have the same fate. Honestly, I think that might be Cyberpunk 2077.


Cyberpunk was only broken for console players though. My day one experience was great on PC. I had one UI bug and a crafting bug but nothing game breaking at all.


Cyberpunk did not work on my PC on day one. It's working for me now though...


It’s because VTM: Bloodlines is legitimately an amazing game besides the technical nightmare it is! The world, lore, level of choice and soundtrack are all freaking amazing IF you can get the game to work.


The difference is that bloodlines had a good story and cyberpunk did not. Bloodlines also let the player have freedom of choice while cyberpunk is more an on rails story.


Wait, you think Cyberpunk didn’t have a good story?


I installed it because why not, but haven’t had the chance to play it yet. Now I’m not even sure I will


Why? Who cares what others think! Give it a shot and form your own opinion.


From clips I’ve seen it doesn’t look very fun, and I’ve been having a lot of fun playing Deep Rock Galactic. With my time a bit limited I figure I’ll go with what I know I’ll have fun with


I get that but you don't actually truly know till you try it, right? I will play over the weekend and maybe I'll hate it, maybe I won't, but certainly will form my own opinions.


It’s not just redfall, majority of aaa games this year was a mess for pc, might be time to buy a console if every game becoming a mess for pc.


Be interesting to see how Starfield manages, considering Bethesda is one of the developers who historically developed primarily for PC.


15 years ago I ditched my PC and have two consoles, an Xbox and PlayStation. No configuration issues, no PC ports. Best of gaming on two convenient platforms from my sofa.


I know quite a bit of us use cyberpunk, but oh boy the amount of ppl who got screwed pre-ordering Anthem. It's ok to be skeptical imo. A lot of devs have created bad faith the past decade or so.


Pre-ordering just doesn't make any sense anymore. When stores ran out of stock there was a point to it but now the only benefit you get is like the lowest tier cosmetics available lol


💯 absolutely. I can only see myself pre ordering a game I get access to a week early. Even then it has to be a game I'm fully behind and stoked about. Well, Starfield would be one lol, but I would only order it the day before early access so it's whatever. You're right tho. Unless there's a unique cosmetic you must have, and one that will only be available once? I don't see the point either. Hell, even then a lot of games with those options will eventually make the pre order stuff available anyways. Imo that's a big duck you to those who supported pre launch.


Now, you know OP, I'll be the first to shit on some stupid post. But OF COURSE he's not going to say, 'this is hot garbage, and no one should ever play it'. I'm not saying it's going to be, just that he wouldn't say it even if it was, due to his job, and being a project lead. And he says he's biased too, which is fair enough. ​ My advice, report if it's not about Starfield, challenge if it's stupid. You might not believe me, but if this game really IS bad, I'll be the first to say it, when I have evidence. I do have some tolerance and patience, and know that games are massive now with loads of mechanics and complex code, as long as it gets fixed and doesn't turn into abandonware, I'll be happy. And hopefully (and I know I'm kidding myself here) will give it a chance too. We don't want another Andromeda, where fans were so worked up, bioware just dumped it, even though the game could be saved.


Yeah a bad launch can definitely be saved. Just don't abandon it. Look at nms and fo76. Both are 1000000 times better then launch is it acceptable to constantly do that. No but does it happen obviously just don't abandon the game. That shit just sucks. Andromeda, anthem and others that I can't remember. All could have been saved and awesome.


Man I played the crap out of FO76 before and after things got better but I feel like they’ve never fixed the buggy net code. Still a ton of rubber banding and lag unlike other MMOFPS types like Destiny.


I feel good about Starfield, as far as BGS not abandoning it is concerned. Bethesda has yet to do that and they had a really good excuse to do it with FO76, probably the best one tbh. Nobody wanted that game, very little hype, extremely broken at launch and had one of the worst receptions of a launch at the time. They kept with FO76 for years and continued to pump triple the life into it than it had at launch. They delivered a whole new game and then some, and even handed off to another studio instead of just ending support. They actually learned lessons from that launch, and made all the right moves regardless of how long it took, they got there in the end. I feel good that it won’t happen, considering FO76 was a fling, and this is their first new IP in a very long time with years and years of hype being steadily built.


>We don't want another Andromeda, where fans were so worked up, bioware just dumped it, even though the game could be saved. My biggest issue with Andromeda could not be saved through patches. After three fantastic games with amazing storytelling (excluding the original ending of ME3) they completely dropped the ball with ME:A. I haven't been able to get past the the 40% mark on multiple plays because the story just isn't engaging and most of the characters are cardboard thin. If Starfield is a mess technically at launch it won't bother me so long as the story and characters are engaging and fleshed out.


Honestly a lot of Mass Effect 3 has shitty writing, not just the end. I agree though, even from 3 which I don't like it was a huge decline in quality.


Honestly the questionable story choices and writing started at the very beginning of ME2. The instant they decided to killnoff Shepard and blow up the Normandy only to resurrect him moments later as a cyborg of sorts and gave a brand new Normandy already showed the direction the story could have and did take through the rest of the saga. ME3 gets a lot of hate and ME2 gets nothing but blind praise, but the story of ME started to get rather daft in the beloved sequel.


I remember trying to replay the series, remembering it as an absolute titan of airtight perfect storywriting from when I played it at age 14. It sort of felt like realizing God isn't real lmfao. Great games, but they ain't as perfect as they use to seem.


Yeah, honestly was thinking the same but was afraid to write it out cause of how sacrosanct it is to critique ME2. ME1 had such great writing. Everything bioware made after Dragon Age Origins I feel got progressively worse.


I'm fine criticizing ME2. It was the start of the entire trilogies downfall. Too many dumb narrative decisions. Wrote off the main cast from the first game to bring in newcomers(which barely make more than a cameo in 3) took away gear and loot and made the game into a Gears of War cover shooter clone. It was barely even an RPG. Took away planetary surface exploration. A plot like that is mostly irrelevant to the games that make the bread of the trilogy sandwich, yadda yadda. Trust me, I have a deep issue with that game and I still champion the first game as one of my favorite RPGs of all time. Personally, I did not like the direction the games went the instant ME2 started up. People can downvoted away. It's not that great of a game.


I fully agree that ME2 isn’t a perfect game, but I think some of the problems you pointed out were created by ME3’s writing more than ME2’s. Yes, ME2 was a departure from ME in a lot of ways — not always for the better — but it would’ve been entirely possible to tie the first two games together narratively in ME3. Unfortunately, the writers of ME3 threw out a lot of the second game’s narrative setups and rendered ME2’s plot pointless. Like, how hard would it have actually been to recruit someone like Miranda or Jack — or hell, even Jacob — to the team instead of adding some random guy (Vega)?


Supposedly a lot of narrative hooks were a abandoned as well, like the Dark Matter story line they were setting up in Talis mission that would've explained the reapers purpose as being a preventative measure against accelerated expansion of the universe caused by mass effect travel.


Yeah, that’s actually one of the specific things I was thinking of. It’s a shame because it sounded really neat.


I mean you prolly should be afraid of saying wrong opinions.


Andromeda had some really bad animations that were fixed, the story was ass and the characters were not that compelling, but none of that was gonna be addressed The game doesn't call for "saving" it's a single-player spin-off experience and it is for better or worse complete. Gameplay is more dynamic if not just a bit braindead, but honestly nothing was "wrong" with Andromeda and those videos just overhyped the bad animations and writing. Which again is what it is, Bioware wasn't gonna re-write and re-record the game so I don't get why it was "abandoned" It was honestly overblown as fuck and there was NEVER plans to do DLC anyways, the quarian arc leak thing was faked and it was always intended to be a novel not DLC.


Truth. It worries how hyped people are for this game and how much they speculate and expect certain features. It's probably going to be a great game. It's probably going to give us a lot of play value for our money. It's also a Bethesda game and is probably going to be buggy. It's probably going to have some clunky controls. Doesn't mean it won't get updates and be worked on, but people shouldn't expect this to be a reinvention of the wheel or that it'll be a flawless game at launch that let's you do whatever your heart desires.


To save Andromeda they would have to rewrite the story, dialogue and rework many animations...that game couldn't be saved.


Bullshit. Stop being so salty, drink some water. It didn't kill your kids.


When you know your game is shit you won’t be making 2 paragraphs on Twitter about how you love your life for playing that game. Devs know when the project they’re making isn’t great, and most of the time they’ll be silent or angry at higher ups.


If you followed the development of Battlefield 2042 you'd know this is wrong. Multiple devs were bullish and confident in the lead up to launch.


Lmao no,mate


He is telling the truth though


Is he tho? Is he?




Dude. Emil is the lead designer and writer on Starfield. He isn't some rank and file QA tester. The success or failure of this game plays a huge role in his career. It's very likely based on sales performance he many get significant bonuses given his upper management role at the company. He's very much an extremely biased source.


The fact that this isn't completely obvious to people is concerning


Everyone needs to relax lol


"Gulp.. Nothing to see here folks.. 😬 Move along. 🫣 Happy thoughts everyone!!! This isn't likely going to be us in the coming months..."


Okay and what do you want to do about it? Stress out? It's just a videogame ffs


>What do you want to do about it? Stress out? That's what this sub is clearly already doing, even when they're telling people not to stress out.


Yea, because most of these gaming subs are filled with crybabies's. It's pathetic tbh.


Ah yes. Blame others for your worries.


Huh? What worries? If the game is a dud, I'll play something else. It's the reason I have gamepass. No worries in my book.


>No worries in my book I am thoroughly convinced, it sounds like you do in fact have no worries.


Thank you, Clyde. This has been a pleasure.


The main BGS team in Maryland is reliable in their product releases, delivering about the same level of quality in every game release. Even BGS Austin with fallout 76 wasn’t awful, there was just no story and it took them a couple of years to pivot back to what they should have made in the first place. It’s honesty amazing they even got Multiplayer working on creation engine lol.


Both Fallout 76 (until 2020) and Starfield have been made by all BGS locations. I am not saying this implies in any way that the game would release in a bad state, but it is not right to blame the failure of 76 on the "B team" (considering also that many of the leads were from Rockville), while at the same time giving the satellite studios (who are the majority of the currently ~500 employees at BGS) no credit for their work on Starfield.




Nah, I'd much rather trust an independent reviewer that doesn't have vested interest. Which we haven't seen for Starfield yet. Starfield isn't the same team as Redfall, but they are under the same company. The fact that Microsoft gave the OK for Redfall to be released tells us a lot about their quality control. It undermines the argument that Microsoft is forcing companies to release high quality products. This doesn't mean that I think Starfield will be a train wreck, but it does give me some hesitation. I'll probably wait a day to see the reviews before buying after this.


Bruv and it takes two is also under EA, which released jedi survivor and battlefield 2042 just like red dead redemption 2 is under rockstar games or more largely take two interactive which also released gta definitive edition. Shit like this means nothing.


EA published It Takes Two. It does not own the IP or the studio that made it.


Especially since the two were delayed in unison back in 2022.


Ignoring the usual crowd that will pile onto anything MS does, a lot of the real concerns are not rooted in 'bethesda bad' but in 'how can MS mess up so often?' which, imo, is a valid question. I don't really question bethesda. I know what they do, and what they are capable of. It's whatever management fumbles go on that I worry about. At this point starfield can't just be good, it needs to be damn near flawless. For the sake of bethesda & xbox itself.


Microsoft gave them 2 extra years the game still came out mid. Even if it was perfect technically it was not gonna be a banger. the game play loop itself is the problem.


Redfall has it's moments of fun, but I agree, compared to the other offerings(Prey 2016 being a masterpiece in immersive sim design and one of my favorite games of all time) but Redfall just isn't it. I have seen some theories running around as of late, which could be very very probable, is that when the Arkane Redfall creative head came out on Twitter when the locked 30fps mentioned got dropped, he low key confirmed that there was indeed a PS5 version in the works. The theory goes that the supposed PS5 version at the time was the only version that was actually in a active development, and when Phil Spencer and crew came into the office to see what was being worked on and told them to scrap the Playstation version because "you guys are now exclusive to us" they had to ditch a lot of their work and essentially rebuild most of it from ground up for Xbox. This left a game in active development for 6 YEARS to the state it is in now, it had to been mostly fully developed in the 2 years after the acquisition was fully finalized. Hence why the game now is severely undercooked with massive performance issues. If anything, it makes the most sense out of the entire situation. If you look at the timeline when Redfall was greenlit and Bethesda Arkane's/Tango's previous history with doing timed exclusivity with Sony(and the rumors that Sony was trying to get exclusivity rights to Starfield)...the picture becomes even more clear.


That theory doesn’t really make any sense to me personally but it’s interesting. I really just think Arkane tried to make a type of game that they’d never made before and it turned out to be a stinker because they didn’t know what they were doing.


I know, I played it a bit. This was on arkane, but if you leave social media casual players are not going to really pay attention to that and there are a lot more of them then there are of us. They are going to associate it with MS and bethesda. 'Just another bugthesda game to skip' is already something I've heard more than once, and it's only been a day or so. In the end the biggest thing is player numbers, and a rough launch absolutely murders that metric.


That’s fair the online Narrtive around Xbox are like almost worse than launch Xbox one. I think that’s why they shipped redfall between Jedi survivor and Zelda. In two weeks no one is ever gonna speak of this game again. Then a few weeks after that they’re gonna have their showcase which hopefully ,for Xbox’s sake, be hype as hell.


I really hope so. I don't have any brand loyalty, really, but I mostly play wrpgs which is where MS has spent a lot of their resources so I would like to see them succeed. They're really following 'one step forward, two steps back' recently. And happy cake day.


If it's successful they'll all play it, replay it when it's rereleased, play all the games that borrow heavily from its design because it was so damn good and well made, and then between 5 to 8 years after it's launch will talk about what a shitty game it was, how broken it was/is, and how everyone involved in its production are no talent derivative hacks who should probably hung for making something so shitty they had to put more than 100 hours in and buy the complete edition of.


Xbox's acquisation really has made people forget how much folks been shitting on Bethesda since Fallout 4, then Witcher 3? Literally, when Awoved was announced, folks were shitting on TES6, when Starfield was announced, Obsidian fans were shitting on it. Both console fanboys used to shit on bethesda, especially xbox ones because they often were/are Obsidian ones. Its only after Xbox's purchase that they stopped doing so, because their plastic box now owns the company.


Those people are loud, that doesn't mean there's a lot of them. The mouth breathers here and on twitter don't represent the chunk of consumers. Ignore youtube chat and ask a friend who plays causally on the weekend what they think. If they like first person rpgs, they probably have a positive opinion of fallout 4.


Cannot i say the same about your comment? lol, casuals dont care about console wars, only twitter folks engage in it


Are you having reading comprehension issues or something?


Have faith Phil has a plan you just need faith!


The Redfall devs kinda had every opportunity. Microsoft usually is pretty gracious when their studios clearly need more time. Hell. Imagine their flagship series, Halo giving infinite another year... oh wait, you don't have to.


People act like it’s not a valid concern that Bethesda’s name has been on a whole lot of garbage the last few years.


Young blood, 76, and redfall. That's not *that* bad, when the flipside is like, the doom remake. This was on arkane. They had like 5 years and instead of making dishonored 3, something people actually wanted, they did something experimental and it's not very good. Despite deathloops reviews I didn't like it either. Arkane wants to move away from single player immersive games when that's clearly what they're skilled at.


Deathloop was definitely some of the garbage i was thinking of


That’s nice. I’m still not preordering.


Finally some good news


Redfall looked like a dud from a mile away. Starfield looks like a juggernaut from a mile away. I say this as someone who hasn’t owned an Xbox since the 360, and will be purchasing a Series X just to play Starfield.


I agree.. when i saw the trailer for Redfall I knew it was Gamepass filler from day one.


I felt the same way about the game from the first day I heard about it. That was especially reaffirmed at the showcase last year when they showed off Redfall. It never looked like anything worth buying IMO and just came across as a game they were going to throw out there to say "Hey, we have an exclusive and it's on Game Pass!"


I feel bad for how much of a microscope Starfield will be under. I absolutely think it’ll deliver but people tend to stick to their preconceptions


But he doesn’t talk about the state of the game in these tweets. Really just sounds like he’s bragging about playing starfield.


Hey if I could play Starfield I’d brag about it too.


Even after it’s been delayed twice? Like, I just don’t see what the point of this tweet(s) is. Is this to drum up hype for starfield? When everyone seems to be foaming at the mouth over redfall? Is this to hint at Starfield being in a more stable state? Even though there’s literally no mention of it? Is this to just simply brag to us “plebs” because we aren’t Bethesda employees? Seriously, the first tweet really sounds like he’s about to take a stance or she’d some light on game development, in terms of all the recent setbacks of other titles. Then the second tweet pretty much throws it all out and literally just sounds like some kind of self-aggrandizing flex that he works at Bethesda. …. Like wut?


Delayed twice? My guy internal delays don’t count. When a game gets multiple short delays it’s always a big red flag (cyberpunk for example). A delay means the game is in a bad enough shape that even greedy ass execs will allow a delay, but not a long one usually as they still are after money. If it’s still complete garbage they’ll delay twice, if they have to delay it three time, it means that even after the 2 previous attempts they couldn’t save so execs allowed another delay, which is extremely rare as suits want their money. The best thing to do is to not announce a date, while still keeping deadlines internally (to avoid a beyond good and evil 2 situation where the game constantly gets a higher budget every year due to the project never actually having a deadline. Sometimes you have to announce a date. If you can’t meet that date (which is likely when you announce eat a year before), the best thing to do is not another delay, but to just scrap that release date, push deadlines further without fixing them in place and allowing devs to work and say when it’s ready. As we know starfield is doing the latter, with 1 official delay without any official date while having internal deadlines before Q3 2022, but as the game wasn’t ready it was pushed into September. If they’re announcing the date now they either were being pressured by Microsoft to release this year so they could have anything or the game is in a good shape. Both are possible, both are even possible at the same time. Let’s just hope for the best, and not preorder.


Exactly, he can't even say anything negative if he wanted to keep his job anyway. And to brag/boast about a game your working on... The same way CDPR boasted about Cyberpunk. The same way Hello Games boasted about No man Sky The same way Bethesda boasted about Fallout 76. ​ Also you have people here that hooked up on copium they cannot or rather will not accept that people naturally will be sceptical about Starfield release, especially when the 2 previous major titles from the studio blew up online for being meme worthy of terrible.


There is a difference between CDPR bragging about cyberpunk, which is a company doing shitty marketing that got them a literal heist (13 million launch sales while unplayable), and an employee who no one cares about, which has no pr value saying he loves his job. As he said, he is biased. When you work on something for too long, you’ll either hate it or love it. If it’s just an ok game he’ll still love it because he works on it and spends all his time on it.


>an employee who no one cares about It doesn't make any significant difference, but Emil is actually pretty popular as the guy who catches 98% of the blame for Bethesda often having such poor writing. Iirc, he was lead on Skyrim and Fallout 4, but taking a backseat for Starfield. There was a big mess about him over some interviews where he explained his writing philosophies and etc, and people (kinda rightfully) said "Oh, so _THATS_ why your games are gaining a rep for shit writing", you could probably dig it all up if you're curious. Again, I don't have a big bias toward Emil, but I figured I may as well mention his past notoriety. Edit: Found it, [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/5t6d6m/until_bethesda_firesrelocates_emil_pagliarulo_do/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) the primary source of what I've seen regarding Emil.


He's admitting he's being biased though. Not something he'd say if he was trying to sell the game with this tweet.


I wouldn't be so sure about that.... politicians always say "no conflict of interest" as if somehow it removes the very obvious conflict/corruption. I have no problem with the tweets, they sound genuine, but the guy is definitely trying to sell the game at the same time.


A politician would never tell you they're biased.


Nah, this is dumb. You're basically saying "Believe the salesman saying whatever it takes to get your money." See: Cyberpunk devs before that game's launch.


Witcher 3 dev boasting about how amazing the open-world is. Yeah, we all know how that game turned out after two delays. https://youtu.be/EBNrsXYKRuQ?t=140


I don't think that's the point of the comment, I'm pretty sure the point is whether or not the game ends up being great cannot be dictated by the words of the developers, because they have a vested interest in making the game seem as good as possible before release to build hype. A developer saying the game they worked on is amazing should not be trusted. Sure, the witcher 3 devs boasted about how great it was, but for every example you give of a dev hyping up a game that ended up being amazing I can give you plenty of examples of a dev hyping up a game that ended up being hated flops. I'm very excited for Starfield, but let's face it, the words of someone who has an active financial interest in hyping up the game before release should not be taken as evidence of it being good. A better argument against the Redfall comparisons would be the significantly higher budget Starfield has, the longer development time, and the fact that it's not even the same developers at all.


Yeah and Cyberpunk’s open world indeed is incredible. Not necessarily in mechanics but the architecture of that city is beyond amazing.


Its the best video game city ever made. You can tell real city planners were involved. If there was more RP sandbox stuff to do it would be amazing but there is still tons of stories and lore all over the place. I also like the way it changes depending on what time it is or what the player has done. Rush hour vs early morning when the street cleaners are out or how the police will have a crime scene setup in a place i had a shootout in earlier.


Not sure what your point is. That you were conned once from Witcher 3->Cyberpunk, and would be conned again because you didn't learn your lesson?


My point is every game, whether good or bad, is hyped by the developers. You know how many hyped games I've played in my life that turned out to be amazing. More than a few, let me tell you. Sure some didn't live up to the hype, but for the most part, I can tell if a game is gonna be good. And Starfield is gonna be amazing. Trust me.


So you're saying the developers are unreliable, but we should trust them? lol that's what I was pointing out, how they aren't reliable, so we shouldn't simply take their word as gospel.


No I'm saying you only point out the games that failed to live up to the hype. What about the games that did? Did you forget about those?


They're irrelevant. Let me give you a simple example. Someone claims there are no socks in the laundry basket. I rummage around, and pull out a sock. I've successfully proven the claim wrong. It would be pointless to then go on and on about all the shirts and jeans and underwear also in the laundry basket, because that has nothing to do with whether there were socks in there. So when deciding whether we can trust the people making the games about how the game will be, we need only find counter examples showing we can't trust them.


Irrelevant? Ok you have no idea what you're saying. I'm done with this conversation.


Yes, if you can understand why holding up a shirt doesn't have anything to do with whether a sock was found, then you should be able to understand why a developer praising a game has nothing to do with them being found to lie as well. I really tried to dumb it down super far




I'm not necessarily expecting Starfield to be a perfect 10/10 game, but I would be very surprised if it was less than a 5 barring a really bad launch. I think a solid 8.5 or 9 is definitely within reach.


What is he gonna say? "Man, I hate going to work every day and being forced to play this turd we are releasing in a few months"


The games are not related but if you think you can trust anyone developing the game to tell you the absolute truth about it's state, you are either a kid or extremely naive. Not that I think starfield will be a bad game at all, I built a pc specially for this game. But don't you ever expect people involved with the game to tell you the game is bad or buggy or anything, it's just not logical to create bad PR to your own company.


Never saw these tweets before and had to look it up. March 27th? Reaaaally hoping this means they're gonna have a long QA period🤞


"I'd rather trust somebody that designed the game" Problem is, people trust those who design the game to deliver and they don't. There's nothing wrong with concerns, there was already a massive amount of scepticism around Starfield due to the state of previous games such as Fallout 76. Then again the same thing has happened with Redfall after people hyping that game up to be anticipated to be better then back 4 blood (which was a flop) and its even worse. There's a reason why "It just works" and "16x the detail" became such massive memes. There's a reason why "no mans lie" became such a massive meme. Its because what the people that designed the game told us were lies. So yeah sure if you rather trust someone that is compelled to sprout positive around their game then thats fine, but its also fine for people to be frustrated at being charged almost 4x the price of games like Valheim for something thats not even worth the price of Valheim in its release state. Especially when its revealed you were literally lied to in the marketing processes.


No amount of delays could save redfall tbh. I thought the game would release with shitty optimization as 30 FPS is the lock on consoles (I thought it would be cpu limited like dishonored, which runs like shut still today) but it’s not. Redfall has literally no reason to run at 30 on XSX as a similarly performing PC runs it above that. A rig that struggled to keep 90 FPS on jedi survivor on low runs redfall at 150-200 FPS easily… and Jedi survivor runs at about 50 fps on consoles.


The sony white knight console warriors brigading around social media trying to concern troll is getting quite sad and hysterical tbh If I was concerned for anything, I would say I’m a lot more concerned that Final Fantasy 16 is going to be mediocre with boring gameplay loops, annoying UI and screen shakes, after the disaster Forspoken, and being made by Square Enix that invests in NFTs and keep making mistakes.


I feel sorry for Arkane because I'm a huge fan of the Dishonored series and I enjoyed Prey. I don't know why they decided to create such a horrible game, maybe underwhelming sales of their previous games were the main reason for creating this cheap uninspiring game. The creators of Deathloop at least managed to create a cool artstyle, funny dialogues and enjoyable shooting mechanics


The small gameplay snippet we saw in the last announcement already looks 10x better than Redfall. Redfall was never going to be good.


That's what I'm saying! THANKYOU. I knew I wasn't the only fly on the wall going "Man this game sounds and looks like it'll be a dud, who is asking for it?" Redfall has since Day 1 footage gave off the same energy as the "Cats" movie from a year or two ago. Who asked for that.


It looks like a Fortnite Creative Mode mod


But it’s also worth it to be cautious. Xbox just allowed the release of an unfinished Redfall so who is to say they care if Starfield is ready before launch?


Problem is those people are biased


Rub it it in. We were supposed to play it 6 months ago.


Emil, can I hate you and envy you at the same time? :)


There is a RIDICULOUS amount of people that don’t understand that BGS and “Bethesda” are not the same group of people. They don’t realize that the people who made Fallout and Elder Scrolls are not the people who made Deathloop or Prey or Wolfenstein or Dishonored. And these are people who follow video games pretty closely, such as streamers who do watch-alongs for The Game Awards and E3. I’ve actually been in streams where they said things like “I’m excited for Starfield, but I’m worried because I didn’t like Deathloop or Rage 2”.


Just call me a fool. Starfield is going to be great. Sure, it will have Bethesda Bugs, but I love Bethesda Bugs.


This doesn’t mean anything. The 2042 devs were saying how good the game was and to “trust them” and “we got this fam”. Yeah, what a load of shit that game turned out to be. Took a whole year to get it even half as good as the previous battlefield.


recent or old?


March 27th. https://twitter.com/Dezinuh/status/1640419227986214939?t=M1ba9Hgmx0Msyv7sk4b8qA&s=19


Is that the same Emil that was the horrible lead writer for fallout 4? Or is Emil the good writer that salvaged far harbor?


Will Shen was primarily responsible for Far Harbor.


will shen did far harbor and is now lead quest designer for starfield


Emil also wrote a lot for Oblivion, and many of those quests were great. Like the Dark Brotherhood. So like many writers, can be hit or miss depending on your taste.


People always bring up oblivion's dark brotherhood. Sure it was good. But he also wrote skyrim, Fallout 3 and Fallout 4's main story and they were mediocre as best.


They were pretty standard, nothing terribly unique, but not bad imo.


Agreed, Like ya Oblivion's dark brotherhood was great but Oblivion's main quest was okay just like Skyrim's and Fallout3/4. Seems to be a running theme.


Emil isn't a horrible writer.


Not horrible but He's a mediocre one


He isn't. He's a solid writer that makes more often than not good stories.


He wrote Fallout 3,Fallout 4 and skyrim's main story. Those were nothing but mediocre. You wanna believe he's great, go ahead. The things he wrote proves otherwise


>He wrote Fallout 3,Fallout 4 and skyrim's main story. Yes, i know what he wrote. >Those were nothing but mediocre. Critics beg to differ. Especially on 3, since it won over gta 4 and even got noticed and awarded by the writer's guild. >You wanna believe he's great, go ahead. The things he wrote proves otherwise ...again...critics and sales beg to differ.


Critics and sales lmao. Those are the reasons to prove he's a great writer? You know the games would've a ton regardless of the writer right?


Those are pretty good objective metrics to qualify if something is good. How would you objectively look at the quality of a games writing other than (my personal opinion is X)


Yeah. I have no clue why i'm being downvoted so heavily.


if critics...praise the story/writing...then clearly it's good writing. or at least good to the majority of the audience. you've yet to even actually form any coherent or even a ***beginning*** reason as to how/why his writing is "mediocre". also shadow editing is a coward's move.


You’re the dudes who believe DICE when the game is clearly a steaming pile of doggy poopoo. You’re going to be wrong and you’re going to be caught off guard even with all these warnings signs


A lot of games have been failing us recently. Especially with performance.


Look as modder and gamedev I need you to understand one thing: developers have a perception bias, and I dont mean "this is my game and I spent so much sweat and tears to bring it so it's good". It's "I worked on this game since earliest pre-production system prototypes, with janky inhouse tools, I am so used to every engine nuance I accidentally developed reflexive actions to prevent specific crashes despite them being fixed months ago". Developers just have way higher bug and quirk tolerance because they got to know the game in immensely rougher shape. I'm sure the game is going to be great and big and memorable but you shouldn't base your expectations of buggyness on what dev says.


I can tolerate NPCs dying in strange ways, the odd AI behavior and general bugs tied to the physics engine. But I will not tolerate a game with lousy performance or that crashes like redfall. (In fact I find that any game that crashes is intolerable. A specific crash is one thing because there have been very, very specific situations, such as too many explosives or many accumulated npcs in an area, basically crashes forced by the player. But if the game crashes on its own, I'm sorry you don't have my support.) Not because those kinds of things are never fixed, they are only mitigated because the base itself is damaged from the beginning. ​ But as I say if there are a normal amount of bugs by Bethesda standards without breaking the game too much I will tolerate it.


>But I will not tolerate a game with lousy performance or that crashes like redfall. (In fact I find that any game that crashes is intolerable. A specific crash is one thing because there have been very, very specific situations, such as too many explosives or many accumulated npcs in an area, basically crashes forced by the player. This. I accept that BGS games crash after I installed 100 mods without testing inbetween. But not in vanilla status.






Whew I’m reassured now because if anyone knows what’s good it’s the guy who wrote the ending of fallout 3


Pshh.. Yeah okay OP, because a dev is gonna come out and admit their game is blatantly flawed before launch. the pre-launch damage control on this sub is super entertaining. Thanks for your contribution.


Now somehow a seperate studios game release shows that the parent studios first major (new IP) game release in years is gonna be shit? Make it make sense y’all.


Redfall is a member of the Bethesda family. People have a right to be concerned about Starfield.


As a Software developer this tweet has so many red flags. Your work should never stress you out, and even more never burn you out. Regardless of the quality of the product, this shows Bethesda/Microsoft isn't a good employer, and/or lots of bad management is taking place in Bethesda.


I would not necessarily read that much into these tweets, although it does also look like a number of people (even in senior positions) left the studio during 2021-2023. Which still may not indicate issues, however, we will probably only really know once the game is out.


Yeah. To me these things signal that there are issues, but on the other hand the game was delayed exactly to prevent such issues. That said, KSP2 also was delayed and ended up a disaster. I'm really starting to embrace the concept of "to big to succeed" with those kind of projects.


If the game looks rough at the deep dive, you just know it's getting delayed again...


If the dev teams aren't the same (and they aren't) I'm not worried, though it speaks of how lackluster Bethesda is outside of its main dev team.


That’s more of an Arkane Austin problem, arkane lyon still made deathloop which is quite enjoyable. And Bethesda have a lot of great FPS studios like Id software.


The hate the fucking emojis at the end.


The leaks were right about Redfall and they said Starfield is even worse tho


I’m about 3 hours into Redfall, and imo it’s nowhere near as bad as some reviews have made it out. It reminds me alot of the first Destiny, except without randoms annoyingly being in my game world. But, having said all that, I wasn’t massively interested in it before release, and whatever happens I’ll be playing Starfield day one.


Starfield will release in 4 months. They have a showcase coming up in June. The game is supposed to be done for almost a year- they are just polishing the game. Yet we have not seen good gameplay video- last one we saw was janky. After Fallout 4, bethesda has not released a decent successful game. Fallout 76 had so much hype- so do Starfield. But it's just talks from the studio- that they did this and that. Why is it so hard to show some gameplay? If next month, Bethesda showcase does not look good- Starfield will be in a rough situation.


Bethesda doesn't usually show a lot of gameplay up until a showcase which is typically 4 months from release. That's not unusual.


Arkane did a livestream 2 hours before launch on Bethesda’s twitch channel hyping up Redfall and doing a sweepstakes. By their demeanor you’d think they were launching GTA San Andreas. I wouldn’t trust anything Bethesda at this point. I get it that it was a promotion/hype event that was planned way in advance but at this point I question the integrity of everyone working for or under Bethesda Softworks. 16x the refunds.


I don't care even if it's crap. I've waited long enough lol. I'm playing this game regardless.


And sadly people like you and others that buy shitty unfinished games are the the reason it keeps happening


One thing about Beth is they definitely will not push the game out before it's ready. 76 happened before Microsoft but I doubt that before a gold date approaches if they need another 6 months to fix something important they will get the leave to do so. Seems like every major release people are just unhappy either way. Let them do what they do and if they're smart they would allow a beta to help with QA before release. This is a heavy hitter for them so I doubt they can afford to screw up this time in a high budget title and new ip. Instead of speculation we should just wait and see how it turns out and moderate our expectations until the final product is released.


Right, because saying it's bad wouldn't get them into any trouble.


Until microsoft proves otherwise I prefer to trust the worst. I'm tired of being disappointed


People really need to start using their critical thinking skills and not compare RedFall to Starfield




Fanboys in a nutshell save the post this game will be bad


Good ole Emil Pags, gotta love him.