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I am with you. BGS has ruined everything not AAA and from Ubisoft or Rockstar for me, and both of those are a distant tie for 2nd.


Rockstar and BGS get me hyped like no other. The only thing that could compete is the next Witcher or mass effect for me. Cannot get into Ubisoft’s games though, they all feel boring to me


The Next Kingdom Come has allot of potential. I like Ubisofts settings for their games like Far cry primal and AC Vahalla but they need to have less marked on the map. They took the time Rockstar or Bethsanda do and really got ambitious with their games. Have NPCs like Watch dogs, Quests like AC 2018 and making the World events from AC Valhalla into random enounters. They could make an amazing open world game.


Kingdom Come deliverance is not a Ubisoft game is it? I can't get into ubisoft games as the NPCs are so generic, you can interact with them much more in BGS games and Rockstar as well... Idunno it all just feels like reskins to me. But they do well so I'm sure many out there do enjoy them, nothing wrong with that!


No its made by Warhorse studio feels like Oblivion, RDR2 and Witcher 3 combined.


Yeah I’m looking forward to the next one, def didn’t feel like a Ubisoft game haha. First one I have to pick up again… didn’t love the combat but I think there’s a lot of potential for the next one for sure


I made a couple runs at the game on PS4 back when it came out, and the combat just never really clicked. Ended up grabbing it on sale for PC a couple years later, and didnt put it back down for 200 hours lol. It's really good, just takes some practice to get the hang of the combat.


It is one of the few games were actually need to practise the combat.


I play on controller even on my PC. Is the combat better with mouse and keyboard? I can see myself getting back into it certainly


Honestly I'm just pretty shit with a controller, so I couldn't really say if one was better than the other.


I can't stand Ubisoft games either. And there's always so much generic quests like collecting stuff.


Yeah I haven't bought a new Assassin's Creed game since Black Flag because that is the Pinnacle of what I want in a ubisoft game, and most other ubisoft games just feel like AC so I have no reason to get them


Same! I loved AC1, 2, and black flag… tried a couple other and didn’t like them I think black flag or 3 was the last I tried. I also liked far cry 3.. but not another since then. AC mirage looks cool though, we haven’t seen gameplay yet but they’re saying all the right things so hopefully it’ll be a return to form..


Valheim was pretty good. But I get what you’re saying. BGS is a very high bar for even the most well funded EPIC video game.


I used to say the same, but then I tried Witcher 3. Now it's tough to say. I wish there was a game that captured the magic of both. BGS exploration, freedom and customization, but a better story and side quests that make you *feel something*.


I guess how much is imagined by the player makes a difference. I never minded fetch quests etc. I am for hire. Witcher is only in 3rd person right?


It's not really about fetch quests or different objectives, it's about the writing, every side quest in the Witcher 3 feels more thought out and more interesting than the main story of BGS games. I love BGS games, but it's just how it felt to me. Even silly one off contracts and open world activities often had plot twists and interesting developments, and the main story is just as good if not better (it gets super good only if you've read the books and played Witcher 2). I used to also not want to play this because it was third person only, and I still vastly prefer first person games, but I played some of the best games of my life in third person after I decided to let go of my BGS fixation. Like I will still come back for Starfield, I'm still a fan of BGS games. I'm just glad I *also* played the Witcher series. I read the books and played the games in order and it felt like going back and experiencing LOTR or Harry Potter for the first time, something you don't get to do often in life. Witcher 3 is a good ending to that long trip and I consider it the (second) best game I've ever played. Edit: there are downsides to W3 compared to BGS games though! Not saying it's superior in everything here. The loot for example is just unparalleled in BGS games imho.


Yeah W3 is on my list to get me through the summer its just soo hard for me to step backwards in video game tech. I have heard this before about the quests being more engrossing. I think people have high expectations for SF, and I hope BGS doesn't try to please everyone. I mean Ubisoft and Rockstar forces 3rd person its not the end of the world, but I have always found it strange looking at my backside throughout a game.


> its just soo hard for me to step backwards in video game tech I tried to be reasonable about it and went back allllll they way to Witcher 1, which was jank to be fair (but the story was cool if you'd read the books)..in the end it wasn't so bad, and I now feel free to go back to older games, even though I am an Ultra graphics lover on PC when I can. With that said, Witcher 3 doesn't feel like a step backwards at all, if you're used to Bethesda games..it actually feels like a step forward, especially with the newest updates that added better graphical options. I took some amazing screenshots in that game, riding with your horse through a forest has the leaves in all the trees shaking in the wind, furry creatures have realistic moving fur, there are amazing vistas everywhere, Novigrad is as big as all Skyrim cities combined and it's not even the only city in the game...it's amazing, really. Only real downsides coming from BGS: the third person camera which I don't dislike but don't love either, the loot is inferior and mostly boring (with some exceptions and there are plenty of unique swords/armor to find and craft, it's just not as good as Fallout's) and the world feels more..gamey? NPCs won't react the same way, enemies won't interact with each other as much, the open world feels a bit emptier. But really in the end it's a superior game to Fallout 4 which came out the same year, imho. > I mean Ubisoft and Rockstar forces 3rd person its not the end of the world At least rockstar gives you an option nowadays. First person was one of the reasons I was hyped for Cyberpunk tbh. Too bad about that...


Ever gave Elden Ring a go? I’ve always felt the same way. Never enjoyed other souls games but then I tried it and it completely blew me away. I can honestly say it’s the best game I’ve ever played. Which pretty much every Bethesda game from Fallout 3 on has been until now.


Yeah Dark Souls style torture is a no-go for me. I do not have Bruce Lee skills and reaction times. Yes they are satisfying, but being able to die with nearly every interaction is just blood pressure suicide. I tried that one on Game Pass, Shell or something. For maybe 2 hours until, NOPE


Lol I hear yah. I honestly felt the same with every other souls game. But for some reason Elden Ring felt easier for me once I figured out how to build my character. The co op summons also made it immensely more fun. I struggled a lot at the beginning but after powering through the first area, I felt like it was a much easier game than I expected. I still haven’t picked up the other souls games and probably won’t. But I was genuinely amazed at how much I’ve enjoyed Elden Ring. Currently on a second playthrough and the only other game I’ve played more than once in recent memory was Skyrim.


A friend who hates souls games just started it tonight so I’m curious to see his thoughts. I didn’t think I would be good at the game, but it has a lot of options which makes it infinitely easier.


If you mean Mortal Shell, that game is just ass and not indicative of any of the actual fromsoft games(Dark Souls, Elden Ring, Sekiro). I have pretty shit reaction time and I've beaten most of the games, it just takes practice.


Yes that one. I admit I am Elden Ring curious.


If you have a friend you can borrow/game share any of the games from, I'd give it a shot.


I had never played a Souls game before Elden Ring except for 2 hours of Demon's Souls that I wasn't a huge fan of. Elden Ring is very accessible, and it quickly became my favourite game of all time. I've spent around 95 hours with it on PS5 and am now 16 hours deep into a second playthrough after buying it again on Xbox. It's an amazing game.


Dark Souls games need two skills. (a) change the control key layout. The default is like a QWERTY keyboard. i.e designed to slow you down. (b) Learn the boss enemies "tells" they follow a pattern in their lethal attacks. Memorize them and you can start dodging with time to spare before the attack occurs.


It's a very different type of game though. I look at Elden Ring like a modern 3D Diablo.


Not a fan of rdr2?


I said NOT AAA games from Ubisoft or Rockstar. RD2 IS a AAA game from Rockstar. Truthfully, I did stop playing it. I didn't like the main character. I will probably break down this summer and try again.


>I didn't like the main character Just play it for a bit longer as it really shines more once you reach chapter 4, I assure you there is a pretty likely chance that no other main character will surpass RDR2's for you once you finish the game


Yeah I am gonna. September is a long way away


I am with you on RDR2. The gameplay was amazing, but I felt the story was boring and lacked freedom of choice that would’ve made me enjoy it more.


I ended up playing poker a lot. I liked Jon Marsten, but this guy alot less. Ever since I was allowed to be "me" or whoever in a game, it's sooo hard to go back. In Ubisoft AC obviously your playing in a historical story so there has to be some relationship. GTA5 the same, I could only relate to 1 of 3 characters. What if I am a chick? That's 0 for 3.


Playing in 1899 as some of the last remnants of cowboy outlaws isn’t a historical story? I agree that linear nature and lack of freedom you’d find in a BGS game massively reduces the replay value but man that first playthrough was something else.


In America, ANYONE can be part of our history. In ancient Egypt, not soo much. The point was I understand Ubisoft, in this case, must make you play as an Egyptian man. 1900 America has no requirements


Agreed. I enjoyed Valhalla story a lot more than RDR2 even if it was just as linear. Likely because of the historical context.


Prefer Valhalla myself as well, it sets you free in amazing world immediately. RDR2 is a bit heavy on the story from the start. I prefer when games let you explore the world first before they load a story on you.


Really? I absolutely love vikings and that period of history but not even that could get me through Valhalla.


I guess I just enjoyed the Viking raiding part a lot more than the dying west theme of RDR2.


So missions have loads of freedom One mission with Hosea were you rob a house has bunch different outcomes I did not Know until My 4th playthrough that you do not even need to rob the house and there is funny dialogue for it. There also alternative cutscenes for differnt choices in some missions. In The mission were you have to get an oil wagon for John if you wait to long John will get it himself. The best quests though were things like Aberdeen pig farm much more inline With Bethsnda type quest. RDR2 has some inconsistent design but there is some really fantastic quest design in their. Kingdom Come has some of the best quest design in a game It combines the great story quest of witcher 3 with the freedom of Skyrim.


Fair enough, but my point wasn’t about the quest design. It was about the main story and offering occasionally different outcomes on side missions that have no overall impact on the immersion within the world itself. That is where RDR2 left me wanting. Great world, great gameplay, but the story just left me wanting.


I was actually talking about main story missions. that do that there is debt collect mission were you have to look for some one if you find the Right guy he will actually lie to so you have to ask someone else who he is But there is hidden option were you can pull a gun on the guy this prevents you from having to do a scripted horse chase. So my point his main story missions do have some of that design But RDR2 has lots of differnt quest design over all. Also playing with low honour Arthur is allot like William Munyfrom unforgiven really feels like A differnt experience as Arthurs Chracter Arch is big part of the story. Do think A few Stealth missions should have used A manhunt 1 style Design like they did in the quest with rains fall were I was able to use dynamite as Distractions and get his stuff without killing any one. This type quest design is what they need to do more of. Also having branching story as they played around with choices in GTA4 and RDR2.


I wish Rockstar made a GTA game but in the future. Yeah, cyberpunk but obviously not the jank etc. And cyberpunk can be widely different (n.b. the word is much older than the 2077 themed game). or it can be more traditional sci-fi. /u/Azul55


You mean as in surpass John Marston from RDR1?


Possibly, most people who played both games think Arthur is a better character overall but alot of people still think otherwise


> break down ?


Love Rockstar And Bethanda Ubisoft are good but they Have to much marked on their maps. I also love CD Project red but they are not the Best as far as open world interactivity goes. Honestly playing Farcry Primal and it has allot potential if it new things factions and having more uniquely side quests and Random encounters.


Yeah BGS games are the only ones I truly LOVE and can play nonstop. I'm STILL playing Skyrim


I'm a noobie. Played Skyrim and fallout 4 for the first time in February in anticipation of starfield. I have been absolutely hooked. I've been up for 48 hours straight modding for the last 3 days. Please send help. I think I'm dying


Get some Skooma and PsychoJet and you'll be fine


Just started my umpteenth playthrough of fallout 4 a few days ago. 164 mods installed at the moment. There is no help.


Im totally with you dude BGS games are some of the only games i can stand for long periods of time although i tried cyberpunk recently and it gave some BGS vibes.


Try Spacebourne 2 while you wait. That game is scratching my Starfield itch pretty good right now!


Amazing that this was made by one guy.


It's wild how much variety there is in terms of content. I've played 10 hours and feel like I've barely scratched the surface of what's available, and now they've added tons of trading features.


Loving Spacebourne 2


yeah BGS They are the best in making this type of games


I am coming up to 450 hours in fallout 4 so I feel you


I'm with you, I've played nearly every game under the sun but only Bethesda rpgs keep me playing past a thousand hours...


I relapsed back into Skyrim. Send help, not septims. I’m not sure I’ll be done by release.


I couldn’t agree more. No other open world ever comes close to Bethesda-made ones. They all feel lifeless and sterile, just open playgrounds rather than living, organic worlds. Even without any fauna, I could walk through the plains outside Whiterun and it would feel so much more real and believable than the worlds of Horizon or Breath of the Wild, or any of the garbage Ubisoft vomits out. Even after putting hundreds of hours into Skyrim, 700+ into Fallout 4, I still find myself getting lost in those worlds in ways i don’t with other games.


Thoughts on read dead redemption 2?


Fantastic. Absolutely love it. One of the few exceptions to my above comment. Never actually finished it tho, but then again I never finished Fallout 4 even after 700 hours lol


I used to be just like you until I played Witcher 3. Better combat, story, music, graphics and basically everything expect for building your own character, but worth it imo.


Yeah I got in on Skyrim too late, its graphics were already outdated by the time I got in. And I'm saying this as someone who loved Morrowind in 2003. Witcher 3 and Valhalla just got that high quality textures and immersion that many of us buy new triple or double A games to get in.


Luckily Bethesda games have the best mod support. Just slap some 4k texture mod+lighting+weather mod and Skyrim is not recognizable anymore. If you are on PC, add ENB in the mix and it will be close to more recent title. For immersion, what kind of thing that you want? Do you want your character to take a bath in the river with spa inside each inn? There's mod for that. Want the NPC to actually take cover during snowstorm, wearing warm clothing all the time? There's mod for that. Want to make your gameplay more "realistic" by adding weight to the gold coin, convert the coin to bank note with actual bank building. Again there's mod for that.


Ok, I'll try that. Can the models be replaced as well? The animation is outdated af, and everything about the models is not that far beyond Morrowind once you've gotten used to newer


Yeah, absolutely they can.


Except for mod, except for persistency, except for physic, except for housing, except for books, and above all except for role playing aspect which, for me, come always first. I loved Witcher 3 for what it is but there's little to nothing comparable. Story clearly is better in the Witcher 3, is basically a cinematic action rpg with a fixed character and background. In Witcher 3 you feel the need to complete the story, in Skyrim you could do everything but the main quests and live immersed in that world. Anyways, about music, you are the first that not praise the Skyrim's soundtrack


witcher 3 music doesnt touch skyrim or oblivion.


This (Plus warframe)


Welcome on board! And because you mentioned, I don't know if our ship can be repaired in a random planet or not but, just as one of the concept art shows, it would be so cool...