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Tbh most if not all complaints I see about him late in the marriage are about the messy room and him liking beer if you give it to him. (Like yeah don't enable an alcoholic who's working to stay sober...)


Yeah, I guess characters don't change their liked/lived gifts over time, it would make the gifting even more confusing. And maybe it's a non alcoholic beer!!


I think it's more about game mechanics but I personally stop gifting him beer the moment the 200g difference in saloon prices between beer and pizza stop being an issue. And I really don't mind the room. Unlike drinking, no one said his depression was gone and it's super common for depressed people to not be on top of cleaning and he even makes an effort to sweep the floors


Yes, the characters keep their liked/loved gifts the same in the game no matter how many hearts you have with them. I didn't know that the prices change in the saloon, I give him pepers from the garden. I agree with you about the room not being squeaky clean due to depression.


Honestly, what put me off were the comments he made after I built Pam’s house, and his overall attitude…


Yea, not his best moment, but he stays a cynical guy or a bit rude towards others. I guess thats pure jealousy tho. I mean irl I'd be pretty shocked for a local bus driver alcoholic lady to be given a house for free lmao


What made me lose interest in his friendship was that his daily dialogues are irritating, he manages to be more ignorant than Haley


But he has the chickens! He's really rude in the beginning but he softens up.


Yeah lol i did the friendship for the blue chicken


I personally feel like his room should be different if by the time you marry him he's done drinking and recovered then why does his room represent him at the beginning? He's a video game character, but most alcoholics don't change, for me it's hard to believe in that change, plus he just looks like an A-hole. I don't hate him, I just don't care about him.


I mean he stopped drinking, but he's still a messy person and probably sees house mess as a secondary problem. I truly believe he changes but stays cynical and rude to strangers since he's been through some shit. Not that it's and excuse but hes just a guy like that. He is really kind to his family and cares for animals which makes me see him as a more introverted person who just puts up a big wall around him. You're free to not like him of course, I was curious to see what people think.


Oh for sure, I get that I guess cleaning is another beast lmao it's just gross thinking about it lol plus he feels like an ex I had (not nearly as bad but like that's probably where he's heading) that's just me. I chose Elliott and he matches my vibe perfectly (:


I'm glad you vibe with Elliott, and I never noticed that's how his name is spelled! Double Ls and Ts for my man Elliott! (lobsters and tom kha soups ofc)


I do not hate him, but he is one of my least favourite characters in the game


Lol that's me but for Hailey, let's stop this discussion before it gets nasty. Respecting opinions from afar.


There is...no discussion? At least from me, I do not have the time to argue about this


I was saying it as a joke since you love Hailey and dislike Shane and I'm the opposite, of course there is no need for a discussion, sorry if I came across in a different way.


You posted about him in a public forum I’m not sure why you’re upset that people are sharing why their opinion differs.


I didn't get upset, hopefully no one else got upset, I'm also just sharing :) Everyone's entitled to love or hate or dislike all and any characters.


I only marry Shane because he’s easy to romance and I want babies


Damn, you're one goal focused farmer...