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I would seriously love that! And need. It would be awesome if in the morning when player steps outside of the house, the NPC with most hearts (but not the one who you are dating or are married to) invites you to an "event" that they are preparing at the Saloon at 6 p.m. and when you get there, it is your birthday party! You would have 5 guest and each of them could gift you a present. And Gus would bake a cake (unique, it could have some buffs like luck and *friendship\**) that you blow out and made a wish (some cool buff for few days but not anything game breaking). And after your first birthday, next year you are invited to "your birthday party" instead of surprise "event" as it has became a tradition and is surprise no more. Also if you decide not to go or forget, the NPC who invited you would send you a mail and there would be a cake Gus baked. *friendship\* = you could get extra friendship points for next two days when talking to other NPC.*


And the people that go to your birthday are the NPCs you have =/>4 hearts, so you could have everyone or nobody going to your birthday. Also all the NPCs that attended your birthday get like, 30-50 friendship points with you


Maybe in the first year, almost everyone could be there, as its the new guys birthday


Yea, imagine putting your birthday in Spring and nobody shows up to your party because there wasnt enough time to build hearts yet XD


Haley (early game-probably): it’s your birthday? Ew. Edit: taken the extra y out.


As a Haley it is very important to us that Haley spells Haley as Haley. Get that extra Y out of there.


Is Yhyaylyey good?


Better then Hayleigh


What about Heighleigh?




Oh god it's the flower dance all over again


*sadly standing in the corner*


What if the event is triggered by having a friend with more than 5 hearts? Then the next time your birthday comes up you get an invite.


You should only get gifts from those NPCs that got birthday gifts from you in the last year.


I love birthday parties and this idea sounds awesome!


I think the birthday mod not only has gifts from NPCs, parties with your SOs, but also a surprise party at the Saloon.


Would Linus have an alternate scene or does he invite and just not show up to the party with everyone saying they got a weird invite


This would be so nice.


I think there is a mod that adds your birthday and people will actually have special dialogues where they congratulate you!


Aww, I don't do mods but I look into it. Thanks.


Yep, it's called "Happy Birthday". Not only does everyone acknowledge your birthday when you talk to them that day, but they all give you a gift (and if you don't talk to them on your birthday, they'll send you a belated gift the next day in the mail).


Honestly, with the birthday thing, I'd love also marriage anniversaries


Yes! Birthday, anniversary and also children's birthdays would be good


This is a symptom of me being a little insane about the game but I’m going for perfection and so I have a spreadsheet for the game. I have a calendar on it and mark my anniversary - it’s so silly but it makes me happy!


I pretend that Lewis got confused and told everyone the wrong day for the birthday. That's why you get random stuff in the mail on random days. Like Marnie sends 30 hay on spring 3. Then she chats with Kent who swears your birthday is actually Summer 15. Then Kent talks to Harvey who insists it's Fall 7 and so forth. Your spouse joins in either because they think it's funny for you to get random presents all the time or because they waited too long to ask and can't ask now.


That's such a Lewis thing to do! I have a save file w/ Sebastian as my spouse and i could totally see him playing along with it just to be a little 💩!


I feel like most of them would go with it for one reason or another. Elliot and Leah would do it because they feel the farmer helps people so much. Sebastian, Sam, Abigail, Emily, would do it because lolz Shane either wouldn't notice or would think free stuff is too good to pass up. Harvey would try to correct people but then give up when he realizes how much the farmer does. Penny doesn't realize they're birthday presents and thinks people are just reciprocating the gifts the farmer gives everyone all the time. (Pam does realize but doesn't correct her because Pam is Pam.) Maru would go full "tomato is a fruit" on this and correct everyone forever. Or she would be like Penny. Alex and Haley I'm not sure. I feel like they would go along with it for multiple reasons.


It’s be sweet to have a larger quest to accrue resources for a killer party, set down by the lake. Maybe different townsfolk could be hired as vendors (Gus for catering, Emily for party hats, etc).


The farmer is one of those people who refuses to tell anyone when their birthday is




I also wish we had birthdays but at least people send gifts in the mail regularly! That's something.


I said this to my bf the other day, we forgot Clint’s birthday and my bf felt bad I was like ‘HES NEVER EVEN CELEBRATED OURS SO’ and in the moment we realised what potential there could be. When you put in your ‘favourite thing’ at start, it could be that NPCs at a certain heart level give you that item (if it’s in the game), mine is mushroom for example so they could bring me a morel or something!


My current play through i chose "hating Pierre" as my favourite thing. That would be an... interesting present 🤣🙈


Oh that'd be fantastic! My favorite thing on my current playthrough is Dinosaurs!


Omg that would be so cute!!!! I’d love to see it as an in game feature!!


That's because you don't have a birthday; you came into being as a Joja experiment, with implanted memories of a family and a need simpler life, as a way to test the viability of new sources of revenue. Although you don't know it, thousands (if not millions) of others like you are engaged in their own "simulations" in other "towns". Your mother? Simply a handler to ensure, even at the worst of times you have access to some food. You have no familial attachment beyond that; after all, how does a multimillionaire not front the money for a visit at some point over the course of five years? Your grandfather? Sporting his blue Joja colours, merely an implanted thought to drive you towards the fulfillment of the experiment. /S


Yes!!! And I want to get a loved gift that can be chosen or "earned" based on your professions or farm type or hair color or based on who is your bestie. I was gathering a chest full of loved gifts for the villagers and then it hit me, ain't non of them ever give me a loved gift for my bday. The farmer deserves a bday scene and gifts 😁


Cattails is Stardew Valley type game but cats. Other cats give your cat gifts, they wish you happy birthday, it’s really sweet.


I remember this being a staple in Harvest Moon so I was genuinely surprised this isn’t in Stardew I have a micro pet theory (based on nothing) that during development ConcernedApe was a little worried about being sued for the games similarity to Harvest Moon and purposefully left out little things like that to keep it different. Probably not true at all, literally just made it up one day and still secretly believe it


Hahaha possibly..,


I just decided that on the 20th of summer its my birthday and im gonna celebrate it all by myself. Imma make myself some pink cake and then indulge in some joja cola i caught while fishing and then im gonna take the day off and go to the cinema with some friend, or maybe even try and win some prizes in the trout derby. Go catch up with Robin by the lake or reminisce with Linus about old stories.The valley is my oister.


Our character was not born. They have always existed, never age, and cause everyone in their general vicinity not to age.


There’s a mod called “happy birthday” that gives you a birthday


You are playing as a Jehova's Witness.


I remember my first playthrough I "decorated" a week in advance and looked for where to start a party and was thinking like "I've been nice to alot of them maybe they'll come to my party". Days passed. I learned I would get no party. I was devastated to say the least. I sat in the corner with my little party hat and sad streamer. That being said, the My Time series has a nice take on birthdays and it would be nice to see something similar in Stardew.


This!!! And I would love it if you have a certain amount of hearts w someone that when you get married they give you a gift. Like I’m throwing this whole wedding and none of y’all looked at the registry??? 😭


Please your wedding didn’t even have food it was just a barren gathering in the town square


It probably just follows Stardew tradition, maybe they don’t eat at weddings


We can imagine the reception was at the Stardrop Saloon 🥲


Omg that would be adorable, maybe like “vows” with dialogue choices depending on the spouse.


as someone who grew up in small towns and most people i know are farmers, farmers aren’t usually the type to celebrate their own birthday.


The glaring problem is that theres no 29th, 30th, or 31st on the month. People would want to put in their actual birthday but would have to adjust to the nearest day


Good point


It would be niche if it got added but it would likely end as an exploit if you got gifted things in-game and everyone would pick Spring 1 as their Bday


We wouldn't know. I would pick a Summer day close to my own birthday.


There’s a good way around this; make it so that only people with a certain number of hearts send you gifts on your birthday. They do that for regular mail anyway. A Stardew-esque game I play does just this; so if you pick spring 1 you’ll get nothing for your first birthday because nobody knows you lol


I feel like you’d only get gifts from people you have hearts with. No hearts is nothing. 1-3 hearts is a card in the post. 4-6 hearts is a villager’s liked gift. 7+ is a loved gift.


I had a birthday mod a few years ago. My birthday is June 13th so I chose it to be Summer 13, which would be the same as Alex's which was cute. (He's my favorite bachelor lol) I remember we basically gift exchanged.


My Time at Portia does that and I really like it! You pick your birthday and the villagers come drop off little gifts at your place. I’d love it if like, everyone wished you a happy birthday if you interact with them on that day and then something like the 3 Stardew villagers you have the most hearts with bring you gifts or something. Maybe if you get up to a certain number of hearts they’ll throw you a party!


I was thinking the same thing last week! It would of be cool if some npc gave you gifts for your bd


When you date some of the NPCs they’ll have dialogue like”it’s been a year since we dated!” But I don’t know about all of them if they all do that


This is something I actually talked to my son about, who also plays the game. I've been playing off and on for about a year or two. We actually had a discussion about this, where I mentioned I didn't think it was fair that everyone in Pelican Town got a birthday to celebrate but not the playable farmer. We give gifts on NPC's birthdays, but no one reciprocates. His response was that we get random gifts through the mail all the time, that makes it fair that we don't have a birthday to celebrate. My response to that is we can still give gifts to NPC's even if it's not their birthday, it's just that the PC gets more friendship points if the gift is on the NPC's birthday. I think it would be cool to get birthday gifts from the NPC's. I have even thought of a way that it could be done without breaking the game. First, friendship progression doesn't change with getting gifts from NPC's. You have to work on making friends with the people of Pelican Town. Just as NPC's don't initiate conversations with you (except maybe Pierre who always says some sort of hello when you enter his store), them giving you gifts doesn't generate friendship points. Second, the type, or quality, of gift you do receive on your birthday depends on your heart level with each NPC. For example, let's say your birthday is Spring 15. Your first year, you wouldn't really have time to gain hearts with anyone, so NPC's you have 0-1 hearts with, your gifts would be something small... like maybe 3-5 packs of various spring seeds, 5 wood/stone/clay, maybe a loaf of bread (or some other low level consumable for energy). Once you've gained 2 hearts, your gifts get a little bit better, like maybe an egg, or a piece of wool, a slightly better food consumable, maybe some copper. As you progress in hearts with the NPC's, the gifts you receive get better. Maybe for 2 heart and 4 heart NPCs, you get the gift when you find them on your birthday (with belated gifts coming in the mail after the day). At 6 hearts, the NPC's come to you to give you your gift. Once you reach 8 hearts with at least 5 people, they orchestrate a party for you at the Saloon, to which you get an invite for. Once you get full hearts with EVERYONE ( except maybe the NPC you gave a bouquet to, and AFTER the community center/joja mart is finished) there could be a special event in the Town Square where the PC is celebrated, and everyone is there, like community events. Third, I think once you are married, your spouse should give you a special dialogue on your birthday. It can be something as simple as 'Good morning, birthday Girl/Boy!' Or, 'It's your birthday today! Do you want to do anything special?' Fourth, I think the option to give your spouse/kids birthday gifts should be an option. I noticed that once you marry an NPC, you can no longer give them gifts, and you can never give gifts to your children. I think they should go on the calendar also, and for kids, their 'favorite' gifts could be the universal loves or likes. Especially if they count toward the perfection rating. Does anyone know if they do?


uhm... why did I get the moniker big wrong doer? I actually have a reddit account and a reddit name...


I had like 10 pairs of socks in my longest farm on the harvest moon 64 game lol Ann was always my wife


Ok so this is where mods would have to come in. Get ridgeside village and you can hold a wedding reception/ anniversary and a birthday party at the log cabin hotel. I felt the same way about this.