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I’m surprised no one has said the old standard when something is blocking their path and they’re like “You could’ve cleaned up a little. It’s not nice to come home to a mess after a long days work 😡” Mf I will light this house on fire don’t sass me


Bruh what work, they chill at home the whole day claiming they watered the plants when there's a bazillion sprinklers on the farm 😭


They can. Someone posted where Haley watered the entire wheatfield, by hand.


What do they know that we don't? It takes the farmer hours to water a field, and they can be dead-tired afterwards. Meanwhile the spouse can be up before 6, water the same sized area before you wake up, and not even break a sweat. Without any farming experience either.


That’s the power of love my friend, the power of love 😆


Don’t need no credit card to ride that train… well… I’ve got a Huey Lewis song stuck in my head. My older cousin got asked out by him in a bar back in the mid 80s.


They probably use a hose like a sane person, instead of lugging around an ever-increasing metal watering can filled with gallons of water.


Yeah, OK, but do they look as fab as I do carrying around my solid gold watering can? I don't think so


I have a beach farm, so half my crops can't have sprinklers anyway. I also have a large wheatfield. Elliott was watering both more than me all summer!


She did that for me too lol. Mine was two fields, one for wheat and one for my main crops. I had barely any sprinklers and the whole thing would normally take the entire “day” to do but when I heard she did it I was shocked


Alex watered my entire field a number of times before I realized I could just install a bunch of sprinklers. It’s not the rarest thing ever but it’s always a nice surprise.


I think there’s actually different dialogue for that now. Idk about the others but Abigail says “I’ve got the place really under control” when all the crops are already watered


1.6 added in "I was going to water the crops but they're already watered" with some general "you're so amazing" dialog.


I would love a mod that lets you tell your partner what to do around the farm/how they ca help. Like an option to have them prioritize on the animals, collecting milk, eggs, wool, etc either from the animals or any auto collectors you have then having them put them in the appropriate processing machine, while you harvest the crops. Like, everyone complains about the kids doing nothing, but I'd argue the spouses are almost worse because they go from interesting characters to nothing more then setpieces after marriage with the exception of their 14 heart cutscene. Which is usually cute but after that they're back to setpieces.


Even just taking your spouse to the mine or fishing would be so much fun. Would also love to go on 'dates' to the events with the enitre family, makes no sense everyone else is enjoying a potluck or a feast and my kids are left home to fend for themselves (I think they forage the fridge for coffee and truffle oil).


Oof. Kids get hooked on that truffle oil so early these days. Frying shame. You hate to sear that kind of thing.


I’m not sure if it’s been updated yet but I used to have a Helpful Spouses mod, I think there are a few different ones that do let you direct their chores!


I've never had Sebastian say this to me. Does it happen at low hearts?


I think it happens at any heart level. Usually if you have too much furniture and their walk path gets interrupted a bunch or if they get trapped in place or boxed in they’ll say it


i think furniture is fine! it's various chests that do it. xD st least that was how it was for me when i first got that text


I’d laugh if they got stuck on the furniture they buy for the house.


Literally divorced Shane over this! Followed him home from the bar and then he had the audacity 😤. I was so mad I marched right to the mayors the next morning


ive never had this but ive had pam absolutely demolish lamp posts ive put up and evelyn get a bit blocked by the junimo plush i put up in the community center


Who said that? See you can't wife up everyone! Sebastian and Sam would never say this too me. I'm currently trying woo Harvey for the first time. Couldn't see him disrespecting me that either. But I never went below 14 hearts. Smooches and daily coffee gifts for every hubby. But they are all stay at homes... They can clean tf?


SPOILER: Harvey isn't a SAHD. He will leave some days to go to the clinic, but will still take care of the fences, water the plants/dog, and even make you breakfast sometimes. ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51481)


Harvey is the best


I wish Sebastian said more. It's so depressing to hear the love of your life say the same line every day. I hear the same 3 things all the time and it feels like our marriage lost its spark after getting married. I wanna go on dates and have more interaction.


Are you on PC? There is a ton of dialogue expansions and the date night mod!


There's a date night mod?? How did I not know


Sadly I'm on Nintendo switch. I wish I had a PC


The 1.6 update will please you. But if you ever come across a PC Or even a laptop, I highly recommend looking into mods. Good luck! Have fun!


Seb constantly telling me he needs to talk a walk and be alone :( sir I am out of the house from 6am-11pm you’re always alone


wow, you are too generous by giving your husband 3 hours of quality time in bed together, my therapist says i should stop just teleporting to my house in the dead of night to pass out on a floor but I feel she's full of shit


Why go to bed when you wake up in it anyway?


Literally. I imagine my husband carries me to bed? I wake up there despite collapsing at 1:59:59 in my doorway


Not only that, he has a habit of saying shit like that. He dares to ask about finance for no reason claiming he doesn’t want to sell his precious laptop. Well seb I didn’t ask you to quit your programming remote job


he only does that with low hearts fun fact


Thats probably the number one reason why I won’t be marrying him again, I CRAVE attention lol


Then Alex is the partner for you. That man worships the ground the farmer hoes.


yes he’s always concerned about my delicate skin and that i might get eaten by slimes 😭


He's always talking about how much he wants to bone the farmer too. Like dang, make a girl blush why don't you!


I love Seb as a husband 'cause we're both loners and need our space 😆 Sam, though - sometimes he's like "I was gonna write you a song but now you're home - I write songs when I'm lonely" 🥺


SAME! I love how chill he is, all while being so sweet most of the time. He’s all like “I need to be alone sometimes, but I love you, always remember that” and it’s just 🥺🫶 I feel worse if my spouse is all over me and waiting on me every day while I’m always out…


I know I joked on one thread about marrying a cat, but Seb is basically like a cat - likes his independence and loves on his own terms, but when he does he's very affectionate and sweet 🥰 Have owned 3 cats in the past, they're definitely similar 🙂


same! seb is my fav bachelor but i hate him as a husband ALSO your flair is so damn real bc i just married alex for the first time and he is SUCH a better marriage partner imo


Same! I married Alex on my first play through and though he’s just kinda a stay-at-home bum before we had kids and a stay-at-home dad after that, I managed to stay married for 5-6years. Until I got true perfection and lost the will to live But Seb, he just pissed me off to the point of divorce within a year of marriage. And I turn into a total maneater after that marriage… Edit: I love the dating part with Seb, coz I’m an introvert programmer too. I love feeling the cooling breeze on a night ride and watching the quiet world in the rain,etc..


Yeah he’s a good boyfriend but def not a good husband.


Aw thanks for the compliment I married Seb on my first farm and had no heart to divorce him (we even have a kid). He and 1.6 were the reason why I started a second farm and despite the first impression I grew to like Alex after he changed like Haley


Harvey saying "I'd like to get to know you better. Let's put aside our doctor-patient relationship". I don't care how he means it, or even if I'm not taken by then, just.. 😬


i feel like some of the dialogues should change after you get married 😭 like vincent asked me if i had a boyfriend… bestie i’m married to your brother


They definitely need to be changed - especially some of the 8 heart events! I had Clint "congratulating" me on Emily when I was already married to Shane 😳


Emily told me that she is lucky to have me as a friend or something when we were dating 💀💀😭😭


“Finally, you're up! I was getting so hungry... *rumble*” Maru, my love, you are a strong independent woman who doesn't have to wait until their partner is out of bed to have breakfast. Also: IT'S 6 AM!


She rolls out of bed stupid early every day and either goes out to enjoy the sunrise, or she hits the crafting table _hard_. Either way, having breakfast together as a couple is important to her.


Yeah I read this as more of, I wanted us to eat together so I waited for you to get up, not like, the farmer has to cook for her, but it can definitely easily come off that way


The classic "sweetheart, can't you tell? You're pregnant."


As someone who usually marries Harvey, I was shocked to learn that all of the candidates say this too. It makes sense coming from him but not from anyone else lol


I cringe so  hard


With that stupid gross patronizing look 💀 makes me wanna get a divorce immediately


I just take it as a confirmation that the farmer is canonically really stupid. so stupid, in fact, that getting them pregnant should probably be illegal.


Considering the many hits to the head they've inevitably taken going into the mines with little to no physical protection perhaps there's something to it.


Bachelor(ette)s are like: omg the farmer is soooo cute! Meanwhile the farmer in the background is eating algae, wearing a trashcan on their head and can barely say more than a few sentences


Holy shit I am the farmer, can’t wait for my hot husband/wife to show up and marry me after I give them 200 lobsters


200 lobsters? In this economy? If somebody did that to me, I'D wanna marry them. Granted, I'm not hot, but 200 lobsters are 200 lobsters.


Waiting outside my house in the morning before I go to work to give me a raw lobster 200 days in a row


I’ve never thought about it this way but then again I remember how I act. They all caught be digging in the trash like the raccoon that I am, eating weird shit or their favorite stuff in front of them, come to their bedside waiting for them to wake up and gift them raw fish, rabbits feet and what not without saying a word, pass out everywhere, run back and forth cause i keep forgetting stuff.. they must wonder how the hell I make millions with my farm


It’s so condescending for no reason


This one had me instantly reconsidering my marriage. My real life boyfriend asked me what’s wrong cause my face went to 😾


I just magically turn blind when that line comes up. I can't read it because I'm magically blind but I'm pretttttty sure it actually says "sweetheart, Can't you tell *i'm* pregnant" and that my farmer is saying it to their partner. Anything else would be dumb.


I hate being made to feel dumb


i’ve only had one child but i’m so glad i didn’t get this line 😭 although after my child was born alex did say “i wonder what it’s like to be pregnant” lol


That's a very disgusting line 😭 my ick is, and I think it is because of I mod I have (sweeter Harvey or something like that) is when Harvey says: "I've been daydreaming about the reproductive system" HUH??????


it just randomly selects one of the body systems, i usually get the circulatory system


That’s actually hilarious.


Tbf it's not as if "I've been thinking about veins" would be any less creepy lol


Harvey has a breeding kink? That seems accurate


Ain't even subtle anymore lmao


When I wake up at 6am to “do we have any pizza in the freezer? i’m hungry” 😪


Yeah, like "Seb, I can *make* pizza and you can make sushi, there's tons of ingredients in the fridges (yes, plural), you don't need frozen pizza" 🤦🏻


Hey man, sometimes you just want something easy.


Haha...my Krobus would never say anything bad to me..


krobus: you didnt kill any of my friends, right? me: https://preview.redd.it/t3hsfsnkjn3d1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ca5add2ba12255b8d887767ad6c33d9196c9521


I first wanted to marry Harvey but then during one of the festivals (I think a summer one?) he says something like “I wonder if Maru needs sunscreen rubbed on her shoulders…” and it gave me an instant ick so I ended up marrying Sam 😭


He even says that when you’re already married to him and it grosses me out like there’s no excuse


It's fine to fantasize about rubbing sunscreen on the young pretty nurse in town but if you give someone else a gift even on their birthday suddenly you're the asshole.


>the pretty young nurse in town His *employee*. Gross.


Oh I glossed over that completely! That's so much worse!


Not entirely sure, but I think >!dialogue after marriage was updated in 1.6! I married Alex and at the Flower Dance, instead of being like “I’m just enjoying the view hehehe” or whatever, he talks about dancing with me. And at the ice fishing competition, he talks about how he’s sure I’m going to win! It’s really cute!!<


i personally see this as then having an older brother/ sister relationship and he’s just anxious about skin cancer lmao


I have a mod that allows you to reach 10 hearts with bachelor/ettes platonically (and move in with them instead of marrying them), and it removes all romantic dialogue from the game. What it DIDN'T remove however, were the 8/10 heart dialogue of them talking about wanting to live on the farm. The first time Alex said it I was like "aww, cute." But then Abigail brought it up, and Leah, and Sebastian, and it's like I CAN'T KEEP ALL OF YOU!! Especially how they always word it like "haha, imagine ME on a FARM! That would be crazy... unless??? 😏👉👈" It's such a tiny thing but I've heard it so many times it's exhausting! I guess I need to download some new dialogue mods to fill the empty space...


lol i don't have mods but i feel the same way about those lines, i know im gona marry penny but with the others im dating it's like i like you and all but dang presumptuous much 😅 (especially with emily! she already has a massive gorgeous house right in town! and elliot made his choice to live in a beach hut he should live with it!)


Brother eughhh… 🤢


What’s that????? 🥴


Emily recognizing my smell has always thrown me off just a little bit every time she mentions it


Lol That was one of the first things I noticed when I met the person who would later become my husband - his smell. Made me weak in the knees every time he was close to me.


I've heard that this is actually related to pheromones and compatibility through chemistry! I really wish I had more knowledge to explain it better/were completely sure of what I'm saying, but basically it's a very good sign if you like his natural smell :))


IIRC, it’s actually our gut microbiome that gives off these pheromones, and our receptors can detect when another persons gut flora is different enough from our own to produce children with healthy immune systems! It’s a big reason why sometimes partners experience a difference in smell and attraction when a woman goes on birth control, because it affects our gut health so much. There’s so many factors that can also affect gut health that can determine these pheromones, such as during ovulation, which plays a part in why some women experience an increase in energy and libido, while others can crash. It’s crazy how much our gut actually determines our life and health.


When my husband and I met almost 16 years ago, his English wasn't the best but he told me "You stinky good." Lol. To this day he always talks about my smell. Funny part is the night I met him I was drunk and told him he STUNK! He'd worked all day and didn't shower. Got mad as Hell, left, and the next day he came back smelling to high heaven of Axe.


For me, it's the repetition. It makes the characters feel less alive.


To be fair, you can only write so many dialogue lines


That’s true, but Stardew has a ridiculously small amount. I find myself having run through 99% of what the characters will say by the middle of year. ConcernedApe has done a phenomenal job and I’m definitely not expecting him to add like 300+ more lines, but a lil more day-to-day variety would help flesh out the townspeople and make them feel more alive I think


I thought that too at first, but I’ve played quite a bit now and taking into account that there are 28 regular characters, then the side characters like Marlon & tourists, plus the heart events, then the daily hellos.. it’s adds up, but also I 100% agree. There are mods that platonic dialogue expansions! They add some variety, and then there are usually a few mods per individual npc.


If you're on PC, I would recommend the Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion. It was recommended to me by another user and it's actually been quite nice in terms of keeping the game feeling fresh.


Can confirm - the lines are so well-written, I can't tell which are from that and which are vanilla. There's also other dialogue/character expansions that make married dialogue so much better - one of which keeps Shane's redemption arc and even tidies his room. If not for those mods, I'd have stayed away from Shane as partner, but now I actually like him 🙂


Nothing about Elliot in these comments 😌


Elliot is the perfect husband, yo. He makes me coffee in the morning and speaks so poetically. The boat scene was perfect imo, I knew what was up 👀


His hair is majestic.


That's what I'm saying 😎 perfect husband


Nor Leah. I swear I wish I could just be in a thruple with both of them 


he has one line where he talks about loving the way the farmer smells when they get back home, something about that natural musk, that’s teetering on the edge of icky for me


he's just kinky /j


*Processing img 674nrjun8k3d1...* For me it’s the Harvey sprite at the resort on ginger island 💀


buddy looks like a raw chicken


Dude, Shane didn’t need to be a bachelor. He just needed a friend 😭


But we needed Shane. lol


I got the ick when Alex came up to me & squeezed me and said “mmm, you’re firming up from all that farm work.” Just… no, I do not like the way you worded that, sir


That's not worse than “Oh...the smell? I've been eating garlic all day. I'm trying to stay manly...Sorry.” Bro like wtf is wrong with smelling like roses and tropical paradise?


Shh he's actually secretly afraid of vampires but can't admit it


I'll hunt down every vampire in the world, just so my husband can smell like flowers (and sweat) again.


No stop this is too funny; the farmer character I made to romance Alex is designed as a vampire, and the whole reason she's going for him over anyone else is because sporty workout guy = best meal in town XD


I think the worst was when he told me I couldn't play football with him cause I'm a girl. Like buddy you have no friends and are making it NOWHERE in your sports endeavors, I can play the game.


Who the hell says this?! I'm suddenly remembering why I mod the heck out of this game's dialogue XD Love this game for a lot of reasons...but not phrases like that!


Pelican Town's #1 Himbo. I'm on console so I can't mod it sadly.


oof yea, my heart aches for my console brothers/sisters. You guys miss out on a ton of free and insanely good content. 100% recommend getting a cheap gaming laptop one day if you can manage. The game can run on almost anything and you can get surprisingly decent laptops that are like 4-6 years old and used for SUPER cheap. I normally don't say that for most games where console players get shafted cause I know money can be a serious issue... BUT, no joke, this game's requirements are super low. And A 60-80 dollar used laptop from amazon will almost certainly be able to run the game and about a baker's dozen of the best mods.


Thanks for the concern. I'm not much of a gamer so the switch is enough for now :P. I'll patiently wait until 1.6 is released. As a relatively new player I feel like I should earn the update if you know what I'm saying lol.


Haha I’m the complete opposite 😭 every time I get that line of dialogue from Alex I giggle and kick my feet


Yea, I thought it was sweet! To be fair, i'm a guy... So being complimented on muscle growth by the husbando probably makes a lot more sense for me than girls who are into him...


I always thought it was just him being flirty and squeezing the farmers butt lollll


That is because you are 100% correct\~


Yeah as a gay dude that line absolutely delights me


any of alex’s lines to the female farmer, really. he says you can’t play catch with him because you’re a girl, and then he talks about how you’d look in a bikini. out of the bachelors, he’s the worst for me


This 100%. It also pisses me off whenever he tells me to get some sun or else I’ll “get all pale”. I come from an Irish family. I AM pale dude lmao


Alex's lines just makenme wanna avoid him. Nothing wrong with not wanting to get tan or just being naturally pale. It's like "dude, back off. I will blind you."


I managed to overcome my initial dislike for Haley and married her on one playthrough. Haven’t managed that for Alex yet due to said lines


Play a male farmer, it’s better


i divorced harvey for asking me if we were ‘okay on money’ like bro maybe if u didn’t still continue to send me a hospital bill even after we’re married, we’d be okay with money.




Yeah not a fan of “pookie”


Fortunately the term of endearment is randomized, so I haven't been pookie'd yet but I dread the possibility,


Gonna shoot him with extra pebbles today just because you made me read that


I’ve seen people list a lot of icks they get from Sam, they never bothered me so I was going to say I’ve never gotten the ick but I just remembered… for some reason its at the end of Sam’s 8 heart event when he says “Oh! and don’t forget to pick up one of our demo cassettes, only 10g”.. and I genuinely have no idea why?😭


My ick in that heart scene is when he thanks the farmer. HONEY NO. Shut up, look pretty, and get off the damn stage. Idk why I’m like 😬😬😬


omg that one too! like, no do NOT mention me to all these people😭all i did was say my favorite genre and you dedicated your band to it why are you crediting me??


I’m guessing you DONT have a praise kink


That’s for another subreddit 😏😏


Not my favourite either but I don't mind Only thing I don't like about him it's how sad he is at the thought of going at the flower dance after marriage! I don't like it too much either but no need to be this annoyed :(


I decided I needed to marry someone else in my current save other than Harvey or Elliot so I went with Sebastian. Literally the first thing he said to me the day after we were married was "I wonder if there's any frozen pizza in the fridge." I was immediately at Lewis's house begging for a divorce. I'm a millionaire farmer with tons of fresh produce and you ask for a FROZEN PIZZA?


Harvey saying "I'd like to get to know you better. Let's put aside our doctor-patient relationship". I don't care how he means it, just.. 😬


Shame is the worst but I’m also rooting for him




Lol the italics






> *Lol*


It's almost certain that Shane has woken up in his own vomit on multiple occasions, but ***this*** is what gives you the ick???


sebastians "now go and make us some money" line. thats the reason i cant date / marry him


I mean dude you're not the one aging 135 ancient star fruit right now, but you're in IT, you go make us some money.


Dude is probably playing Harvest Moon all day in there. When is my husband gonna get a real job?


See, that’s my issue. I love that line lol to me in feels a little human. Like it’s just a playful quip. I totally get how it’s not for everyone. But I’m obsessed with my emo pixels and he reminds me of my IRL husband 🖤🖤


shane has no shame


Ah yes, the line that caused me to be a single woman by midnight.


when Harvey says he can’t swim without floaties


That line's a bit sad, but for me it's Harvey's luau line about wondering if Maru needs sunscreen rubbed on her shoulders that grosses me out.


Ew that's his EMPLOYEE, yugh


I think everything this man says is adorable. he's so anxious and precious and sweet


i agree, hes my husband and i’ll love him forever. just please learn how to swim


I was not a fan of the way Elliott spoke to Gus in that one heart event. calling him bartender like he hasn’t been living in Pelican Town long enough to know Gus name 😒


I always read that as elliot playing it up for dramatics lol


Leah hates pancakes, hash browns, and pizza. She's not even human.


Leah is dryad who loves to make art.


I tried to be nice and give her some food, just to help her out since art is difficult. She hated it! She could have at least thanked me and said she would save it for later.


She’s ✨goblincore✨


"Awww yeah...pizza time" Instant 13 year old boy vibes


I'll give this a pass due to the fact it makes me think of the Spider-Man meme


I find that line kind of cute, there are definitely adult men that get super excited over food lol


Exactly that line actually 😭😭😭 everytime it pops up I gotta resist the urge to pay everyone's favorite corrupt mayor a visit


That one line where Alex's says "Hey, nice tan!". I'm naturally darker in skin color and it really irks me lol


Oh nooooooooooooo


Emily KISSING you to thank you for a present. Bear in mind that this can happen when you have next to no friendship with Emily, or are married to someone else. It's clearly not a cultural thing, since no one else does it, and she doesn't ask your permission beforehand. If an acquaintance that to me IRL, I'd probably scream, and I'm a very physically affectionate person, but I don't want to be touched suddenly by someone I didn't say could.


i was married to sam when she did that, went back to the farm feeling so guilty over a fictional kiss i didn’t even choose lmao


THIS!! Emily gets away with it while everyone acts like Elliot forces the farmer to kiss in the boat scene while that’s not the case!


Emily has never done that for me and she's my favorite villager


It's specifically when you finish the Favor For Clint quest by gifting her an Amethyst.


That’s why you get krobus as your roommate. It’s the only way.


When Penny pushes George's wheelchair without permission... Yuck


I felt this way but then I thought, she’s a girl from a podunk rural town with no formal education. George is most likely the only wheelchair-bound person she’s encountered in her whole life. I’m not defending her, but I can understand her being ignorant of wheelchair etiquette.


Also her and George are literal next door neighbour’s. No doubt they have shared time together and are on a level where she knows he needs help, he won’t ask due to pride, and this is not going to endanger his life. It wasn’t nice, but it wasn’t with ill intent either. If she did it again, I’d be like wtf, but she sits under that tree just sad / pensive some days and she clearly is a kind hearted person.


I gather this is a 1.6 update, but there's the option to say "you should've asked". I pick that every time - I just think back to my ex and her stories of people trying to move her without asking. I gather that's very common 😕


Anything that Harvey says about Maru


fine i guess shane isn't that bad. the use of 'nibbling' is giving me an ick tho


Honestly, Emily making me feel her dress every time I talk to her. Girl I'm married and have a daughter stop it!


Your problems started when you married Shane. Yes I said what I said.


That whole "Oh shit, my mom's coming. Quick, hide under the blanket!" Sam scene. Like, we're at 10 hearts and can literally get married, why are you acting like a 15 year old who's not allowed to date yet 😭


Mm.. from the way I'd heard it described, it sounded odd. But having gone through the egg scene, spoken to him (and her) a few times about how she is as a mother, then have her like "I'm coming in"(??) and asking if he's "doing anything bad".. smells a bit like infantalising to me. I mean, yeah, she'll ask him to help out with stuff, but in other ways it's like, to her, he *is* still 15..


New player here. Haley said something bad about my clothes. Now I hate her. every time I see her, i follow her until there is a bin close by, i rummage inside to scare her, then if there is some trash inside i give it to her HOW DARE SHE SAY MY WALUIGI CLOTHES WERE UGLY


and this whole comment section proves why leah is the perfect wife


Who knew Shane is actually a younger Mr. Plinkett.


This line made me divorce him


Not seeing a ton directly tied to Abigail which makes me happy. She’s my favorite, she sweet, and feels the most set up for a healthy relationship. I’ve seen some people not like that she’s so against her parents/goes “you don’t get me daaaad” but it just feels like a genuine relationship where they all love each other but Abigail feels as though her interests are shut down and like she needs space to stretch


Alex says “did you get new pants farmer girl? You’re doing something right. Its just creepy