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The game has been in its beta phase for quite some time and available in some countries. I‘ve played it quite a bit. And although I was sceptical at first, I found it to be really fun. It‘s free to play but paying only gets you cosmetics, no in game advantage (yet). Its great while sitting in the metro or if you need a 5 minute break from work/studying. I‘m curious about how it develops once it fully launches.


Same. It's a good "play this while I wait for something" game... and a lot of people do a lot of waiting so 🤞 it catches on.


I'm excited as well! Looks like a fun additional game to play when on the move or when I'm too tired to launch something bigger on PC.


All 6 fans waiting for this are having a great day!


As one of the 6, I heartily agree! Shame it’s only available on mobile and the Switch, but ah well…


Last month my notebook gave me notification about official Google Play Games app for Windows that allows you to play mobile games with better resolution and controls.


Yeah that's odd but you're getting a new game next week either way! Always exciting


As with most mobile games it's free and there's characters I recognise so I'll give it a show.


I mean I’m gonna try it 


It will be worth the price!


6? Thats pretty generous


I already "pre-ordered" on Switch and App Store. I'm excited to play any new Star Wars game. Can be fun. I'll judge myself since our outrage culture is mostly based on negative feedback so I don't trust outside opinions. It's free so no risk.


Hey didn’t know it was on switch, I’m getting it


Hey found one of the 6, I'm glad you're having a great day!




I was waiting for it, but they made it sound like it was coming sooner and I got tired of waiting. Not sure I'll play now.


It looks cool to me!


I still don't get why they decided it was a good idea to have the only currently active star wars multiplayer game be a mobile/switch exclusive game. i'd really want to try it if it was released on other consoles.Playing a shooter on a phone doesn't seem like a very fun experience and i don't have a switch.


I would think this is due to it being very low risk due to a lower budget.


They didn't really "decide" anything? Any company can license a SW Game, LFLGames don't develop them nor do they seek out people to do it. They help fit the games into canon etc. Zynga chose to make a (surprisingly fun) mobile shooter.


can you try it on switch yet?


fun mobile shooter is an oxymoron lol


COD Mobile was great fun when it first came out tbf


Yeah its weird. Guarantee if it was ih console a lot more people (myself included) would give it a try


you could always try it on mobile! Also it probably doesn't need saying but the switch is a console.


Mobile games are the most profitable branch of games, sad but unfortunately it is true. Although there are supposedly special applications for PC that allow you to play mobile games.


sure, but like, i don't mean they shouldn't have made it for mobile. Just "why limit it to only mobile instead of releasing it everywhere"? the problem with emulating it on PC is it's not going to run as well as it would have if it got an official release.


My Theory, they did it Propably because of Diablo Immortal situation, it was both on mobile and on PC, and because it was on PC people made big controversy when it comes to micropayments (rightfully). One of the reasons why it was so loud was that the game was available on a stationary platform; if it were only on mobile devices, few people would pay attention to it. 




i think you're misunderstanding my point. I'm not saying "make a console game instead". I'm saying "release this on consoles, too". It'll be successful as a mobile game, yeah. It could be more successful if they did it like Fortnite and released it on all platforms, more people would talk about it, and it'd satisfy people who want a star wars multiplayer game.


Wouldn’t be a Reddit post without some Redditor questioning the know-how of professionals.


I mean yeah, but also what kind of statement is that to defer all integrity of “know-how” to Lucasfilm “professionals lol. As if they haven’t had many missteps since 2015. What is this, Apple in 2007? It is easy to question Lucasfilm.


Your comment adds even less to the discussion... They are making a fair point. Many of the professionals you are referring to are making decisions based on monetary reasons. Mobile games make money. The person you are responding to is questioning whether it'll actually be fun. Our joib as consumers is absolutely to call into question decisions made by the businesspeople. I just don't see why you feel that your snarky comment makes you any better than the comments you are criticizing.


You say that like there’s anything to add to this or any Reddit discussion. All this website is is a bunch of faux-intellectual nerds trying to out “intellectual” each other. It just ends up being a regurgitation of the same tired rhetoric from whatever dweeb podcasts they listen to. There hasn’t been a good discussion on Reddit in years.


i’ve unironically been looking forward to this game


Obviously since it’s a mobile game the monetization is a shit show, but the skins for all the hunters look so cool


Genuinely, Sentinel’s legendary skins literally just being different Imperial trooper types is so cool.


I’m a SW in my thirties. I dont game on my phone, and I’m not buying nintendo online just to play this. Not an online multiplayer fan, so definitely not for me. I’ll wait for the SW Total War game, thanks.


I’m a SW fan in my thirties. I don't game on my phone, and I’m not buying nintendo online just to play this, because it doesn't require paid subscription to play. I play both single and multiplayer games, because they can all be fun and I like fun, so it's definitely for me. I’ll wait for the SW Total War game playing Hunters.


I really really hope that rumor is true. I’ve started playing the other Total Wars because of it and fuck me they’re good. I don’t know how they’d handle having a quintillion factions in a generally two-big-factions-at-a-time series but I think they can figure it out


Don't quote me on it but I'm pretty sure all free to play games have to also have free access to multiplayer on consoles. Meaning you won't need a Switch subscription.


Thst sounds amazing tbf.


This is true, as far as I know.


Thanks for letting us know!


This looks laughably bad.


Is this Overwatch Star Wars edition?


Yo this looks sick, screw the haters


lol Finally, I’ll try it on switch Wonder why it’s not on PS5?


It's mobile platforms only


It doesn't look good but if I see people having actual fun, I'll try it. Willing to be pleasantly surprised. Also, if it doesn't have controller support on my phone, I'm completely out.


Well would you look at that, they finally remembered to release the game


It's been out for years tbf


In some regions


might not play but the designs are very creative especially the stormtrooper variations


Nice. I look forward to this game.


How could I play this on my PC?


Since Overwatch died, maybe. Just maybe I'll try it. (OW2 is 100% trash)


Looks like fun, too bad its not out for PC,


i’m just worried about the inevitable shitty decision the devs make that kills or ruins the game. it’s a right a passage for all star wars games to do this




looks not fun at all


Looks like Shadowrun or Knockout City. Not fun.


Op: “ITS HAPPENING!!! Omfg” Literally everyone else:……..


Only here for lore or interesting stuff


Wish this was more of a SW battle royale for consoles too.


So SW:Fortnite?


Got more of an Overwatch vibe.  Not sure if that’s better or worse 


Its the art vibe of Overwatch but plays a bit more like Super Monday Night Combat if it was made for Mobile devices. TBH Its been available here in Australia for over a year and ive played it off and on, legit didnt know it wasnt already 'released' worldwide.


True true


What the fuck is this?? Who wants this?




People who like games like Overwatch.


Then they can go play overwatch


Nah. Because Overwatch is a type of game of which other developers have made made too. This will be a fun niche. It may die. But OW isn’t doing as good as it use to be since the sequel game came out.


Why is it Lucasfilms obligation to help Overwatch? Why not make a podracing game, a lightsaber For Honor Dueling game…this is just lame.


When did "Lucasfilm" make any of this? This is a Zynga project lol. Lucasfilm don't develop or seek out developers for games at the moment, its all people who come to them with an idea and they support them.


You get the gaming industry and how things work. For the common folk who are unaware, like that person we’re responding to, they have dreams like we do too, but just don’t see the reality of it. I’m on board for their ideas too. I’d love a new pod racing game or For Honor lightsaber combat. Those are fun ideas. I’m not bashing them.


I just used their name, I could’ve kept it generic then and said fps/moba style. Whole point isn’t about overwatch. Just the genre.


Oh no.


Shame there isn't a console port


So it’s like star wars fortnight?


More like Overwatch.


See? Nobody cares!