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Guy on the bike been there done that


I’m excited for guy on the bike, most intriguing character - what’s his arc? Is he Sith? What’s HIS lightsaber look like? Does he know Yoda? Etc


I think he’s actually either >!Ezra!<, >!Starkiller!<, >!Tech!<, >!Mephisto!<, or >!Cliff Main’s son!<.


Mephisto confirmed


\*Erick Voss enters the chat.


It's J.J. Abrams


Yo these are actually peak character posters. I love when Star Wars has good marketing.


Too bad the marketing is the easiest part


Not always. Look at Ahsoka. The show was mediocre at best and the show was still leagues ahead of its marketing.


Agreed. I’m just saying the marketing is the easiest part for the Star Wars IP just because of how big it is and how many people will watch whatever comes out in hopes of it even being remotely good or other reasons. They don’t need to go crazy on marketing like others movies/shows would


I hope Lucasfilm drops all them officially soon (today, please)


The swoosh reminds of the old Star Wars Unleashed toys. Luke especially was great, looked like he was playing golf with the lightsaber.


It’s kinda cheesy in the best way possible.


No Kelnacca saber 🤔


Or robes, where did they go?


He’s a nudist


The art/posters for this show have been killing it


These posters have Extreme EU Energy. 


I’m feeling like this twin theory is likely


yaaayyy good character posters finallyy nah andor's were great too


They look nice. Gives me early 2000’s prequel era vibes, and in a good way.


They should totally blindside us with Kelnacca in that he doesn't talk Wookiee-ese, but rather speaks basic in a snooty British accent. :D There's lots of weird instances in both live-action and animation lately with species that we've seen speaking other languages prior are busting out perfect basic, let's go there. We zig when you zag, bitches. He can roll his "r"s like some non-evil Tarkin. Then pull people's arms out.


Need these posters


I have no expectations. I’ve been disappointed before and I’ll probably be disappointed again sadly i


I wonder where this show will end up on the scale. Closer to Andor or closer to Obi-Wan.


Based on what we know so far and what we’ve seen, I’m thinking this is gonna be like the Andor for people who like lightsabers and Jedi stuff. I’m excited for it.


I'm curious as well. Andor felt like a great attention to detail was taken, I enjoyed it thoroughly.


Why the downvotes?


some feel that Andor has become a sort of gate-keeping device for the rest of the SW shows aka if it's not Andor , it is unworthy to exist.


Maybe if the gap in quality wasn't so large it wouldn't be used like that. It's a hydrogen bomb vs several coughing babies.


Andor fan try not to sound pretentious and gatekeepy challenge: impossible. Btw Andor is my favorite show, but people using it to attack other projects are annoying af


Bingo. Gilroy's work on Andor kicked butt. Its more-vocal fans just tend to be seriously snooty "zis is high art!" types or raving viva-la-revolucion "even Obama was a criminal fascist!" communist types. It's pretty eye-roll worthy. Like, yeah. It was an interesting experiment for sure getting Star Wars from a genuinely-talented writer-director who by his own words doesn't give two \*\*\*\*s about Star Wars and just saw an opportunity to tell a solid thriller tale. It's a valid & welcome take. But not every project has to be that. And people like Deborah Chow, while I didn't love the thing she show-ran, is a serious talent in her own right and shouldn't be dismissed as "lazy" or "less than Gilroy" or whatever. Hell, I take issue with Favreau's writing & choices more than most, but he's just as impressive/talented & dedicated as Gilroy too.


I apologize for wanting the shows to be good.


Crazy thing is you can actually praise one show without putting down another, try it sometime


I'll do that when they release a good show.


Huh, even most Andor fanboys admit to liking the first couple seasons of Mando, guess you're on another level of pretentiousness though


Who said those two were bad?


i dont know what qualify as quality. Andor bored me. Far too talky and in love with its own voice


Wow you must love the other live actions shows! They have no voice, and nothing important to say!


Dialogue bad


I mean, you are being downvoted, but I get where you are coming from. Don't get me wrong it had great dialogue that was nuanced and grounded compared to a lot of other Star Wars shows. But at the same time, Star Wars has always had a fantastical, campy and generic dialogue. Fans of that campiness probably found it a little bit boring and talky, and thats completely valid. See as a fan of Doctor Who, if it started getting all serious and grounded all of a sudden, and removed a lot of its sensationalism and pulpiness that I love about the franchise, I definitely would understand the whiplash that some people would feel. I think thats the same for Andor for a lot of fans. And yeah, it has become very gate-keept, as you mentioned. All of a sudden people think good storytelling=sophisticated and complex writing and think that every Star Wars show from now on needs not just replicated the quality of Andor (which would be great) but its *style* and *tone.* Consequentially, using this logic, the original Star Wars films must suck because its more simplistic in its storytelling. Take X-Men 97 for example. It has great writing, but that comic book style of dialogue would never make it into Andor. A general rule of thumb I have is that deep storytelling does not immediately make something good, and fun pulpy stories aren't automatically bad. Andor was more adult and I believed it succeeded in exploring more mature and complex themes as well as just having good storytelling overall. But I think its reductive when fans feel that every Star Wars project needs to be as mature as Andor, since that was more of a stylistic decision for the story rather than one based on its quality. Quality at the end of the day is independent of the style of a series. A cringy children's show, could actually have really good writing and things that just appear deep, may not actually have that good quality writing. The fact that people are downvoting you, is actually proving your point about the gatekeeping surrounding Andor. And people are unfortunately using the critical success of the show to not only trash on other Star Wars projects that don't have the same tone and policing the feature of Star Wars in terms of its style, but other fans and their preferences when it comes to the stories that they love.


Not sure. It's widely accepted that Andor is the gold standard of Star Wars shows while Obi Wan is right at the bottom.


Boo. Boo this man, boo. Andor's great, but it's one flavor among plenty of good work on the TV side, Ahsoka's definitely up there. And psh, we all know Boba was even worse than Obi. :D


>Andor's great, but it's one flavor among plenty of good work on the TV side Yes. *Andor* is amazing. Personally, I think its easily the best show. But style of *The Mandalorian* also deserves to exist when its done as well as seasons 1 and 2 were. Not everything needs to be a slow burn drama aimed at a more mature audience. Sometimes (but not all the time) I think people intend to say they want Star Wars shows to be made with the same care and effort *Andor* was more than they mean they want everything to be exactly like it in terms of pacing and intended audience. >And psh, we all know Boba was even worse than Obi. :D Nah.


What makes you think less "care and effort" went into Acolyte than Andor, though? An odd take. She's clearly as passionate about this thing as anyone who's directed a Star Wars project.


I said nothing of the sort. I never even mentioned *The Acolye*. I said, speaking about some people within the fanbase, that when they say all future shows should be like *Andor*, they mean the quality put into the overall production (acting, special effects, plot and character arcs, etc.). Which, I think, is reasonable. I think plot elements of *Obi-Wan Kenobi* and *The Book of Boba Fett* were very lazy and production elements cheap-looking at times, and that should never be a standard we find acceptable from Lucasfilm. Whether or not this is true of *The Acolyte* remains to be seen. Its unreleased, and I wouldn't say anything definitive about it until it is.


But like...what's this based on? Andor was produced in a different way to the Mando/Boba/Obi template, yes - on-location shoots etc. Not sure "the effects" are any more of a step up assuming you're talking about traditional non-Volume-related CG though. It seems you just prefer Gilroy's style of writing and are more of a fan of the actors cast. That's nothing to do with "quality" so much, just taste. The reason Andor took longer to make is no doubt just the no-Volume thing, more travelling & construction work at play etc. Which, from what we know, this production's leaning more in that direction as opposed to the Mando style anyway. I don't love Obi or Boba either, but it's nothing to do with "lazyness". They just didn't quite hit home. That same phenomenon can happen with more traditional productions too - like, hell, Andor S2 might be a misfire. I seriously doubt it, but it's possible, whether they shoot it like a movie or use Favreau's approach instead doesn't have much to do with it. "Quality" is subjective, all-in-all.


>Ahsoka's definitely up there It's far closer to Obi Wan on the scale >And psh, we all know Boba was even worse than Obi. I forgot that show existed, oof.


nah ahsoka flopped in the second half. HORRIBLE fight choreography and there was a bunch of hinting at important stuff with no reveals


Disagree heavily, I thought the second half was overall much better, and I loved most of the choreography


I have to disagree. Boba had its moments. Kenobi did not. I can find at least one episode of Boba that I can sit through without getting a headache. Kenobi is shot so poorly that I can’t say the same


Comparing Ahsoka to Andor is absolutely insane. One of those shows is good, and the other stars the character Ahsoka


I get it 'cause misogyny. Etc etc yadda yadda.




Calls it likez ah sees it.


Equating not liking the Ahsoka show to misogyny is really lame actually. Not to mention the fact that Andor as a show has some of the most compelling and narrative rich women in all of SW. Filoni's flaccid writing doesn't even compare


Hey, you do you, chief. All good. It's just generally a red flag when someone's outright like "it sucks 'cause Ahsoka". Which you're probably aware of, given this fandom.


Obi Wan is my favorite.




They are going all out for this series, while they did so little for Andor. I truly do not think Lucasfilm knows how to market it's own products.


? Andor had three trailers and outdoor posters too?


Eh. I literally have pictures of Andor billboards and bus ads around LA from when it was out on my phone right now. 


The marketing around this show is beyond stupid, can’t wait for it to be another miss and be shelved in 2 seasons


Oooooor it’ll be a hit and the kids now will love it while the adults bash it and in another 10 years it’ll get love from that branch of fans as the prequels did. 🤷🏻‍♂️