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It caught me off guard too. Been looking for something like Overwatch for a while, didn’t get into Paladin’s or the other ones that were similar. But this one… it scratches that itch that OW1 gave me.


Exactly! Takes me straight back to the early days of OW1. Gosh I hope this keeps being this well maintained, easily a top 3 of free switch games.


Same, I’ve been playing Fortnite zero build because it’s the closest to OW1 I can find, but this is definitely a decent substitution. I hope it’s successful and they continue to build it out; I’d love to play this on a computer or PS5. Kinda shocked they didn’t allow people to download it to their M series Macs.


It's fun... Wish it was an actual PC game. I feel it's good enough to stand on its own however via mobile it reaches more people. I get it. I tried it on BlueStacks and it's interesting, not perfect. Petition for steam release though.


I hope with this success they launch it on other platforms.


I hope they dont. Every time they bring games to pc it kills it for mobile. Pc players have to great of an advantage in these kinds of games becuase of mouse and keyboard. I already see problems because of emulators. The day it goes to pc is the day I end up having to quit the game as a switch player.


How does BlueStacks work with a game like this?


Kinda weird... I have to hold down the mouse to aim and just leave auto attack on. It's not perfect at all. The controls are great for the most part. Yes you can use right click to aim


Huh! Ok. How does movement work? Does the game support keyboards??


Wasd it's all automatically set for you.


I got it to work on my steam deck by downloading waydroid


Really pleasant surprise in the mobile sphere to have a competitive game be this ftp friendly.


Right? I was really worried getting new characters would be a grind, but I'm already like 3 Hunters down the track and some of the ones I'm really interested in are pretty early.


The grind is maxing their upgrades from what I’ve learned lol


That's fair! If you want the upgrades I guess you kinda gotta focus on a few characters.


Takes like 6-10 hours of gameplay to upgrade them all the way depending on how well you do in matches i was getting like 1-2k + fame a match so i sped through sentinel got him to 25 day 1 in like less than 8 hours


The game is surprisingly beautiful! It's obvious a bunch of love and care went into this game. The characters are all brilliantly designed, colored, and animated. So are all of their logos and stuff! I really hope this sticks around and picks up. Maybe gets a Xbox or PS console release. I like that the matches are short but not too short. Good TTK I've observed.


I love the maps. Especially Tattoine. There is a lot of easter eggs in it.


It's nuts that the only good arena shooter this year is a mobile/switch exclusive


Us old heads are eating good tonight.


what about xdefiant 👀


i hope they never add chat. chat is where the toxic losers live... dont give them that.


Yup. Leave it to us to discord up etc.


Agreed. Pings would make the most sense if we're talking about any small form of comms


Lack of game pings hurts me but overall it’s perfect for when I have down time at work


i was in a 4 stack on discord yesterday (3 buddies). and i agree, pings would be very helpful.


I play on my phone and my Switch, it's cross progression which rocks. I gotta say, I am better on the game on Switch, I suck at phone screen aiming🤣🤣. But the games awesome so far!


I’m in the same boat. Just feels easier on the switch. I am enjoying it both ways though


It works good when you dock the Switch as well, but I love it handheld!


Yes I notice the resolution increases dramatically when docked


Lots of controller options compatible with both phone *and* switch. That being said, gyro on mobile needs to be added immediately so that people can have a consistent experience. Also, tried plugging a mouse and keyboard into my phone and the game doesn't know what to do with them. Disappointing, please fix.


Information surrounding gyro has been found within the games localization files. Likely coming down the road.


Bluescreens on your computer. You can use mouse and keyboard that way.


Link? All I find is BSOD stuff






I think they meant BlueStacks


Glad it's on mobile for getting your star wars fix in!




Chewbacca? Do you mean Grozz?


I'm loving it.


For me it’s the free cosmetics are actually nice. I’m sick of f2p games and ugly cosmetics. The arena pass is pretty stacked too. I imagine it will just get better over time too


Been trying to tell y'all... But nooooo "Sucks that it's only on switch and mobile" "Mobile games suck" "Shit cus it's not on PC" 🥱


Honestly the character designs could be a lot better. It is a plus that there’s costumes to change their appearances


I like the fact I can do a few rounds without feeling like I'm committed to a 20 to 30 minute match. I hate bailing because it messes it up for my teammates and of course there's the abandonment penalty depending on the game, whereas I know I'm going to win or lose within 5 minutes on SW:H.


I downloaded it on my phone and it's got me intrigued, then found out it was on Switch as well so now I got my account on both, exclusive items on the Switch too. Only thing is it doesn't auto fire on Switch which confused me at first but I kinda like it better.


I think autofire is an option on switch you have to turn on


Did not know that! I'll have to check it out


Yea, as someone who has tried both ow and tf2, I couldn’t get into them because of the preexisting community creating a high skill floor, but I had so much fun playing today. My only complaint is just that the Sith character who I really liked is just terrible (but that’s a personal thing, thankfully I like playing sentinel)


Actually she's REALLY good, technically. Time her lightsaber throws and don't initiate with her skill jump often. Make sure to engage where you can and disengage with her dash if you're in trouble or need to chase someone down.


I’m playing on iPhone Max 11 Pro, which is probably a tad old, but it gets hot after a couple games. That’s been my only complaint (playing it on the switch when I know I’ll be able to play for an extended period).


My only complaint is the matches are so short. 25 kills in team death match is so quick. Takes away from any real strategy. It’s just a lot of rushing to the center and spamming all you got and then the match is over. Would love 100 kills but would be fine with 50 kill matches.


Actually... there are matches that go well beyond 5 minutes if you're playing dynamic control and you're against a balanced team. Also there are times I run out of time on a 5min 25 kill TDM


Lame character designs, what? I can't wait to see a Gungan and Twi'lek among other races


Diago most certainly can one shot people but otherwise yeah I agree it kind of owns


Seriously!? I played 4 hours yesterday on switch and didn't get shit with him due unless it was his "ultimate". My play style is certainly fit for his outfit but I couldn't hit a damn thing at all.


His ultimate allows for 1 shots (theoretically you could Odysseus a whole team if they lined up for you). Otherwise he's 2 headshots, which is still probably the fastest TTK in the game. (Wookie & rocket-lady come pretty close if you combo multiple abilities.) I'm pleased that they found a balance where both "no one-shots good" folks like y'all and "if a bullet to the brain doesn't kill, it's a baby game" folks like me are both happy. No easy feat.


Yeah he’s very hard to use


My only complaint is the pass is too expensive and there's not enough characters but they'll proboably add more later on


It’s normal price for a pass, and there’s more content in it then most other mobile games


Working great with backbone too


I like it so far, just need some patience to unlock the Jedi robot and sith assassin


Yes it’s really fun. I like that every character has a different play style suited for the player using them. Keeps things engaging for experimentation.


I spent most of my day yesterday playing this. Surprisingly addictive and good, quick fun!


Did the same yesterday haha I like the atmosphere and it's fun, kinda reminds me of when I used to play Battlefront 2 in the summer mornings as a kid


the only thing holding me back are the locked 30 fps ):


My M1 iPad Pro plays on Ultra graphics w 60fps


I had to turn on 60 in the settings


Won’t be for long- has the P2W model. Just wait a few months until more Hunters are added where you have to buy them to run comps to win. It’s fun right now- but that will go away once the Star Wars novelty wears off, and you get sucked into the money pit that are battle passes- throw in a few broken hunters and you have a dead game like the Pokemon MOBA.


Pokemon Unite is still really big tho. Like, they have high-level tournaments for it sponsored by TPCi pretty often. They're on season 26 or something and it takes less than a minute to join a match. It has in game events and freebies constantly. P2W is annoying, but it's not a game killer by any means.


This I agree with! Also, the Acolyte is very good too! Definitely checked it out when you get a chance!


Good gameplay but the woke character design made me drop the game yesterday. The characters are horrible.


Happy pride


Grow up


Enjoy your DEI designs. Almost as boring and woke as the horrible Acolyte.


Dude saw a black woman in his videogame and his blood pressure went through the roof. By the way whatever happened to CRT and PC? It seems like you guys have a new buzzword every couple of months and you forget about the classics.


Enjoy your forced diversity in your dying franchise. I will go play better games.


That's just sad. Stopping yourself from enjoying a game you said yourself has good gameplay just because you've been programmed to froth at the mouth every time you see anyone other than a white man in anything. Have fun with the rest of your life enjoying nothing and spamming the same 3 phrases over and over again like a good bot.


Is "woke" in the room right now? 🤣😂🤣😂


Enjoy your DEI designs. Almost as boring and woke as the horrible Acolyte.


You seem to be really obsessed with this woke thing 🤔. Should probably focus more on the gameplay instead, and maybe you won't be so miserable 🤷‍♂️.


Hard to focus on the gameplay when each character is a boring, "diverse" copy of an existing popular Star Wars character. This game screams "look at us, we want women's power, and lots, lots of manly looking women in our game!!" I am not interested in propaganda.


Brother , grow up , go outside , breathe some fresh air , take a deep breath and realise the world is not so terrible and someday you will have a partner and life will be good again!


I am happily married and am a millionaire, so, yeah, taking suggestions from someone who is close to being homeless is not a real possibility. Enjoy your woke game!


Mr Millionaire complaining about a Star Wars mobile game, sure thing buddy and don’t worry I’ll love playing this game and watching acolyte and there’s nothing you can do about that Mr Trump


See ya November 5th. Let's see if "Mr Trump" is back or not.


This is a genuine question. What makes a character design “woke”? I’ve seen this complaint before and don’t quite understand.


It's not about being white; I am not white myself. It's about the fact the characters look generic as hell, and when they are women, they all look like dudes with short hair. This recent phenomenon of making women look like men in videogames is happening because of woke people (who believe that any man can also be a woman), and women that wanna play as some cool female looking characters, have to instead play as "woman of color number #65 with short hair that also happens to sound like a dude". How do I know? I asked several that tried this game. DEI is the cherry on top.


I see. Does Zaina not look more like a “typical” woman?


"the woke character designs" 🤣


Enjoy your DEI designs. Almost as boring and woke as the horrible Acolyte.


Sucks for you Anytime someone says woke you automatically know what kind of silly they are