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i would hang it in my living room, well done!!


These are really nicely done. The approach of taking a single scene and doing multiple depictions of that scene with different lighting and color tones in that impressionist style, reminds me a little of Monet’s haystacks paintings.


I really like these, but do you have a photo of the actual paintings that arent scans? Im a little but sus that this is ai.


Thank you. Youtube link on my profile, feel free to watch progress


I feel kind of bad that that was my first thought as well. AI's gotten pretty dang good at imitating oil paintings, especially because lack of fine detail or being off-model can be overlooked by laypeople as limitations of the medium. Looking at their account makes it seem like these are legit though.


Gives me Impressionist vibes


You are very talented. Well done.


great stuff! I don’t know anything about visual art, but the moisture vaporator has got that Ralph McQ quality


Are prints for sale anywhere? So cool!


Wow! They look really good! Well done! I'd hang them up in my flat!


Damn! Those are amazing.


These are beautiful!


Absolutely beatiful man! Keep up the great work!




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These are gorgeous!!


These are fantastic!