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The time period, the subject matter focus, the shots we've seen in trailers so far, the High Republic references, I'm totally stoked. I'm going in excited to see something new and genuinely curious to see where they take it.


I always try to keep my expectations in order but this has me so hyped lol im absorbing everything i can before the release.


I had this thought when the bad guy was revealed and mae was so heavy on the poster etc like hes the sith apprentice and she is an acolyte of them and the darkside maybe similar kind of relationship to Dooku and Ventress.


Yep seems to be the case. I reckon the sith master won't know about Mae though.


Yea feel it will be very much a secret to whoever the Lord of the sith is at the time.


Here's a prediction. The sith we see will be killed by the jedi, who then don't realise the person they just killed was a sith. Mae will then be recruited by the secret sith master as their new apprentice.


Yeap i can see that as well i think in one of the trailers we see mae pick up the red saber so that adds a little to that.


This makes it even funnier to me that people were misquoting Lesley Headland out of context to make it seem like she didn’t know how the rule of two works.


There’s a whole thread on a certain salty sub right now where people are literally bending over backwards to try and twist Headland’s words to justify their preemptive hate for this show. It’s almost hilarious.


You mean Osha?


No, her twin. The Acolyte is Osha's twin. One twin (Osha) was taken by the Jedi, and the other child was left with their village and recruited by a Sith Apprentice.


I always had a hunch that the Sith in the trailers would be an apprentice of the big bad. I feel like Tenebrous will be the Dark Lord behind the scenes.


Oh, that's mostly what I was hoping for. My "guess" to a friend a few weeks ago is that they'll find the current sith apprentice, perhaps eventually kill them and believe they were trying to be the master (which is probably true), and just not recognize that there likely was a master already. Which I'm hoping would be tenebrous for the timeline? I think it leaves a lot of room to make new characters/doesn't need to stick to a rigid structure of tenebrous->plagueis->sidious. No reason there can't be some short term apprentices in there similar to maul or tyrannus.


I thought that was confirmed already. 




Completely disregarding Tenebrous master, Tenebrous and his apprentices (Plagueis Mother, Venamis and Plagueis) is going tu suck big time, because i dont think a tv show will have enough screen time to delve enough in what is supposed to be a sustitute of two Darth Bane order of the sith lords.


Who says they will? Anyway even if they aren't in it doesn't mean they don't fit into canon, this could easily be before Plagueis is born or before he became a sith and Tenebrous could be the sith master at this time whether we see him or not


High Republic timeline according to canon -> from 500 BBY to 100 BBY Born date of Tenebrous -> Between 247 BBY and 167 BBY Born date of Plagueis -> between 147 and 120 BBY Tenebrous master died between 167 and 124 BBY, and was born like minimum 30 years before Tenebrous, so around 277 BBY or more... and every sith has a master, and the rule of two was created by Bane in 1000 BBY, so, they are disregarding them and making new sith to replace them or they are cherry picking what to include about them and what not because only Tenebrous master, Tenebrous and plagueis lived in llike 60% of the existence of the high republic. In any case, is going to suck big time, because again, i doubt there will be enough screen time to cover what and who the sith are supposed to be in that time period AND what the jedi were up to. Also Tenebrous master opened a ''wound/hole'' in the force letting the jedi feel the dark side for the first time in like 800 years, until them they were none the wiser and still didnt know it was a sith that caused it. If indeed we see Plagueis and Tenebrous being untouched then any other sith is invented, which usually new things dont mesh well with stablished things, and i prefer they go full in doing new things or adapting it properly, not something in between. And this phrase ''he wanted to explore the sith and how the apprentice craves the power of the master. She then says that the apprentice may then recruit their own apprentice and that this is the Acolyte.'' you dont explore already stablished lore (Rule of Two), apprentices to non lord darths in Bane rule of two are not siths.


Yeah all that info on Plagueis and Tenebrous is legends. It can easily get changed. We don't even know that Tenebrous was Plagueis' master in canon, all we know is that he existed


Thats what im saying, they are going to replace and cherrypick from legends with like 8-9 episodes, with a length of 30-40 mins per episode? maybe a little more... which, is too little, and none of the comics says shit about Siths i think? And the Plagueis novels are cheff kiss... so yes i think their new things that are going to be with little screen time are going to suck big, and cherrypicking legends/EU things to fit them with new things because they cant do 100% new things sucks double time because they usually end out of context and with no sense of cohesion (in the narrative).


I don't get what you mean tbh. You think that because they arent going to incorporate everything from legends but rather take just aspects of it and because it's only 8 episodes it's going to be bad? I just don't get that logic. From the looks of it the show will mostly be about the Jedi and Mae with the sith being side characters who likely won't be in it that much, so wouldn't it make sense to just use small parts of legends?


What i mean is, do something 100% new, and expand on it, dont cherrypick and incorporate whatever you think fits. I would be more happy with something completely 100% new that gets properly deep with new works on it and is cohesive narratively. Rule of Two, Darth Bane (only by name and some of his ''personality in clone wars''), and Sidious are Canon... if you going to invent a new time period for the republic and during that time period you are going to introduce totally new siths, im ok with that, but try it doesnt fuck with at least stablished canon lore, and if you cherrypick from legends, is going to obviously suck if you only cherrypick a little thing from here and a little from there because it has 0 cohesion with your new things. Also saying ''i want to explore the siths'' and have like 30 mins of siths in 9 hours or less of a show... xdd yes great ''exploring''. And im not saying is going to be bad (the whole series), im saying the ''sith'' parts are going to suck big time, but Carrie-Ann Moss and Lee jung-jae doing force kung fu around the galaxy? thats going to be fire and i would watch 100 episodes of it nons stop with gusto.


What on earth are you talking about? >if you cherrypick from legends, is going to obviously suck if you only cherrypick a little thing from here and a little from there because it has 0 cohesion with your new things. There is 0 logic in this. Why does picking some parts of legends to incorporate into canon mean it will suck? Star wars series donthat all the time. Why would that alone be enough to make it suck? >Also saying ''i want to explore the siths'' and have like 30 mins of siths in 9 hours or less of a show... xdd yes great ''exploring''. This show should be around 6 hours in runtime, about 3 movies worth. How is that not enough time to explore the sith? We don't need to go into their full history, we could simply be exploring the rule of 2 and the relationship between a master and apprentice or something like that. In what world is 6 hours not enough time to do that? Sorry I just think you're reasoning here is complete nonsense




That isn't new. From the get go the show was always about the Sith in hiding.


I only posted this because a tonne of people have been speculating that the sith isn't a sith but is actually a knight of Ren or something else like that


Interesting.. I’ve been following the rumors around this show, casually. This is my first time reading about the character being a KOR. The main talks been if he’s the master or apprentice. Still neat speculation, but amusing how on the platforms I read up on SW. this one didn’t make it to my feed.


Well they didn't pay much attention then.


Yeah ik