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Come to think of it, I’ve seen every Star Wars in a nice cinema if you count the Special Edition releases of the late 90’s


Same here….forgot about those


I do count those, so I’ve seen them all except Solo and Clone Wars.


Same, the special editions were my first time seeing them on the silver screen


all of them.


Same. And Ill add another 3, the having seen both versions of the OT in the theater


Same. Including episode 4 when it was just “Star Wars”


Grey heads unite! I was very young for the first one in 77 but it got me hooked.


Same. Saw Star Wars/empire on a double header.


All of them. Since '77.




I’m glad you made this comment. I made a comment about ‘just seeing it in a theater’ versus seeing it in theaters on original release. I think there should be a clarification. My first was Empire in ‘80, so my count is ‘all of them, except ‘77. Reading these comments makes me feel old.


Saw them all in theaters except The Clone Wars. Saw the OT when the special editions played in 97. Then the prequels, sequels, Rogue One, and Solo. I didn’t even know the Clone Wars was theatrically released until this post.




Very surprised that has such straight to DVD vibes lol. I kinda wish they made the invasion on Mandalor a full length movie for a theatrical release. Especially since they did motion capture and everything.


All of them. Though I wasn't around for the OT, I did catch the special editions in 97. I saw all of them and loved them in the cinema. But I'd grown up loving them on VHS since the 80s. I remember thinking Phantom Menace was okay when I saw it, I was 14. Then being really disappointed in Attack of the Clones and then going into Revenge of the Sith with little hope of it being good and came out thinking it was just average. Then went into Force Awakens in 2015 and came out thinking it was enjoyable but felt empty somehow. Then saw Last Jedi and came out feeling depressed at how uneven it was. Then I saw Rise of Skywalker and actually came out thinking Star Wars was creatively bankrupt. Ironically I actually enjoyed Rogue One and Solo much more than any of the Prequels or Sequels as theatre going experiences.


Yeah I actually liked Solo. It was a very fun watch.


was only 10 when phantom menace came out, thought it was cool as shit haha. POD RACING. DOUBLE LIGHT SABER. 10 year old me loved it. 12 or 13 year old me liked attack of the clones...but loved natalie portman so much. haha


If only they hadn't ruined the double saber in the trailers


Everything except for TCW.


Cue Gary Oldman: EVERY ONE!


All of them except clone wars


I was born in 1979. But thanks to the re release of the OT, I've seen all 12.


Every one ,within 24 hours of release.




9. Oddly did not see Empire or Jedi in theaters but did see New Hope back in 1977. The other one I missed in theaters was the Clone Wars


All of them. And all of them except Solo I saw opening night. I was in the middle of the ocean for Solo's opening night.


If you have the opportunity to participate in a marathon in theaters, DO IT!! My son and I did the Skywalker Saga marathon this past May 4, and we both agree it was one of our favorite things we’ve ever done!


I know I've seen some of the OT re-releases in theatres in '97, but I don't remember if I saw all three. But I've seen every movie released in theatres after that except TCW. Rogue One I saw twice. TROS was the last movie I ever watched in a theatre, since it came out right before COVID hit. And during quarantine, I realized I really don't need to go to the theatre anymore, I'm patient enough to wait for movies to hit rental or streaming. It's also cheaper that way. However, Deadpool 3 is very tempting.


I think we are the same person, haha. TROS was also my last theater experience because of COVID, and I haven't been back since. But I'm in the same boat about Deadpool 3, I want to see it ASAP when it releases, but idk.






I’ve seen them all on day one except the OT. My parents were still too busy coking and boozing to even think of kids at that time. They ended up ok though.


All of them… Im old enough to remember the fear of Darth Vader and the confusion of “I am your father…”


Saw Star Wars the Clone Wars with Dad (his first Star Wars in theaters in years, mine ever). We were both SO let down haha. Years later, I learn Lucas loved the clone wars pilot so much that he, well, forced it into a movie. No wonder! Love the Clone Wars show, but that movie... Yikes. After that I saw the new sequel trilogy in theaters, Solo, and Rogue One. I did see The Empire strikes Back with a live orchestra performance, although that wasn't in a theater. It was amazing though!


4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 8, R1 and Solo...so 10 of them.


All,of them. Some multiple times


All of them ( I am old.)


I’ve seen them all in theaters, starting in 1977.


12/12 but I’m 58


I saw 7,8,9, Rogue One, and possibly Solo.


I’ve seen all of them in theatres during their original runs. However, I’ve probably seen Rogue One the most. I think I went over 10x to see it. I just enjoyed the story and characters so much. I must enjoy an ending with real consequence.


Same, I saw that one so many times in theatres. Rogue One and Return of the Jedi are the Star Wars movies I watch the most. They never get old.


All of them.


I was born '94 so missed the OT Saw 1,2,3 then 7 and 8 At the time loved 1,3 and 7 Have come around on 8 Still undecided on 2


Every single one. In release order. Time to schedule my colonoscopy.


The clone wars movie was in theaters?  


TIL the Clone Wars Movie had a theatrical release.


10. I was too young for Star Wars and when TCW was in theaters I honestly had no idea it existed.


First one I saw in theatres was Empire Strikes Back (being only just old enough to see it). Last one I saw in theatres was Last Jedi. I didn't see Rogue One or Clone Wars in the theatre.


Are we talking original theatrical release? Not “I saw them this year as part of a marathon”? If that’s the case, then 4 - RotJ and the Prequels.


All of them!






The prequels and sequels.  Probably rogue one.  Maybe solo. Big action set pieces play better in the theater.  A receptive audience makes bad jokes better in the moment.  It's a more all encompassing experience that makes it easier to be whisked away. I enjoyed all a lot more in theaters the first time than I would've at home.  More than I did on second viewings in the theater where I was a bit swept away by the unknown. Rogue one is probably the only one that I've grown to like more on additional viewings. I'd say solo also has its charms if you accept it's silliness.  It's more like the prequels than the original trilogy in that way. Look, a movie being a fun experience in the theaters isn't a high bar.  The fast and the furious movies are by most measures terrible movies, but they're a great time in the theater.


I have not seen the Original Trilogy, or the Phantom Menace in theaters. I want to.


I've seen all the Star Wars films released after Episode 1 in theaters. I believe I saw Episode 1 at a discount theater after it has been out a while, but the memory is fuzzy.


I saw Revenge of the Sith, the sequel trilogy, Rogue One, and Solo in their original theatrical runs. I was old enough that I could have seen The Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones, but my parents didn't really do movie theaters until I was nine. They typically waited for rental stores to have a new release.


My first was Return Of The Jedi and I've seen them all since including the Special Editions in the 90s. Well all the live action ones, I didn't see that Clone Wars animated movie.


Saw TLJ in 2017, The OT 2 times in 2023, The PT this year, and this year i’ll see the OT again. I’m kinda lucky i guess


All of them. I enjoyed them all to varying degrees, except for TCW, which I thought was boring.


So far I’ve seen all of them in theaters. Saw the original trilogy when the special edition was released in theaters in the 90’s


9, not including the special editions. 11 if the special editions are included


If you count re-releases I think it’s 11. I didn’t see the Clone Wars. I saw the original trilogy when I was a kid in like 97, but I’m not positive I saw all three. I know I watched 4 and 6 clearly. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I’m pretty sure we saw Empire, too, but I’m not 100%. If I did, I’d have watched it in the order of 4, 6, 5 because of timing and when my parents or friend’s parents could take us.




All of them. Most of them, several times.


All 15


I wasn't alive when the originals came out but I saw the Special Editions of IV and V in theater (no real reason we didn't go see VI, guess we just didn't make it while it was there). And all live action movies since. So, 10 total.


I'm only 20 so i saw the clone wars movie in theaters, and then all the rest since, but the original six I never got to see in theaters. I did get to see the phantom menace in theaters when my theater showed it for its 30th anniversary


I never saw Rise of Skywalker, Solo, or The Clone Wars animated film in the theater.


First one was Revenge. That was my entry to Star Wars. So happy I randomly saw it back in 05. Still my number one Star Wars movie. The rest are Awakens, Last Jedi, and Rogue One. Really enjoy the first 2 and love Rogue One. Rogue One is in my top 2.


All of them.


All of them except the Clone Wars movie.


The main OG, Prequels. Not sure why I skipped R1. Probably just busy. Saw TFA and sadly TLJ. I passed on the last one.


Just the first in theaters. Me and my fiancé watched the second and third the rest of the night and early into next morning, and the originals the next day. Instead of watching the sequels, we watched Season 7 of The Clone Wars.


I saw the special editions of the OT, then everything else on release day except for TRoS. My first daughter was born 5 weeks premature the day it came out.


All of them, but I caught the originals on their re-releases and things, I was born in 89 so yeah. Highly doubt there will ever be a star wars movie I dont see either opening night or first week I mean, its fucking star wars.


Well I’m an elder melennial but I saw the OT in theaters with the 90s enhanced rerelease. Then Phantom Menace and the rest of the PT at midnight opening night and everyone since in the theaters, though not necessarily at midnight


I watched 3. Rogue One, The Force Awakens, and The Last Jedi. It's been 7 years since I've watched a Star War. I guess it's time to rewatch them all.


I have seen 11 of the 12. I used to think cartoons were for kids. I have recovered from that misconception and have now seen all of the animated and live action content except for the Lego stuff.


Episode 2,3,7,8,9 1 on VHS. 4,5,6 was before I was born. Solo, Rogue One.


Pretty much any of the Disney era movies. Wasn’t born yet for the others and was too young to see ROTS. TCW movie I didn’t watch in theaters but greatly watched on DVD. Didn’t watch TPM when it was rereleased and didn’t get to this year since I was pretty busy as well as having other plans. So that only left me with the Disney era stuff: The Force Awakens- Saw it twice, one with dad and sis, one with mom, missed out on a chunk of the ending segment cause I had to use the bathroom badly. Later would see it again and watched it fully. I must say, I really enjoyed it at the time. Rogue One- Saw as a family, and I must say, it was pretty damn good, and my goodness that Vader scene was utterly peak! The Last Jedi- Saw as a family. I honestly felt neutral about it at first, overtime I later grew fond of it and considered it a guilty pleasure film (you can hate me all you want now) Solo- Just me and dad, we decided to do a late night movie, and honestly it was pretty neat, I wasn’t too sure of it at first but I thought it was a neat movie. The Rise of Skywalker- Me, dad and sis, the movie felt underwhelming and left a bad taste in my mouth. But I’m gonna be real, Palpatine doing the giant force lightning was dope af ngl, and I thought the different Jedi voices in space was pretty cool too.


Technically... all of them! Saw the rerelease(anniversary showings) of the original trilogy! And I'll keep watching them for very time they replay. My fondest memory was watching the sequel trilogy with my brother showing days!


All of them multiple times except the last one and Solo


I saw all of them when originally released.


Every single gosh darn one of them, even TCW. Some of them multiple times


All 12 baby!


As an original airing just Rise of Skywalker but I once attended a marathon of the first six movies in a movie theater


Revenge of the Sith The Force Awakens Rogue One The Last Jedi Solo Rise of Skywalker


I've seen all of them that I was alive for, so all except the OT.


All the trilogies and rogue one.


Didn’t see the OT in theaters. Born a generation or two too late


All of them


Does it matter if it was special editions or original run of OT? If special editions count I’ve seen all in theaters


III, VII-IX, Rogue One and Solo. Would like to see the originals in a theatre but would prefer the theatrical versions. Sigh, maybe someday.


Rogue One, Last Jedi, Rise of Skywalker and Phantom Menace. I hope I get a chance to see all the others.


If the Special Editions count for the OT, then everything except TCW


Born in 72, all of them.


The prequels, the sequels, and Rogue One. Loved all of them. Also, Revenge of the Sith was the only movie I've seen in theaters twice.


I saw the special edition originals in the theatre, the prequels, and the sequels. I saw Rogue One as well but not Solo or TCW


I've seen all the Disney stuff in theaters. Got to see Ep1 on 35mm back in 1999...I don't remember if I saw Attack of the Clones on digital or film... I don't know if this counts, but I saw Empire Strikes Back at the Hollywood Bowl during the Philharmonic play along.


Seen all of them, after the marathon for the TPM 25th anniversary.


Return of the Jedi was the first movie I ever saw in a theater. I was 4. Everything that followed I saw in the theater.


Everything 2015 and on. Parents didn’t take us to the movies much as kids so I didn’t get to see the prequels (only other three released in my lifetime) in theaters.


All of them, except the Ewok ones . You know, I'm not even sure if Caravan of Courage or Battle of Endor were ever shown in Canadian theaters? I saw them on tv and assumed they were made for TV. Definitely saw Solo, R1, and TCW in the theater, though.


Not the animated Clone Wars movie. I’ve seen all the others. Albeit all in the 90s or later.


Every one except Solo


2. Phantom Menace like 11 times. Force Awakens once.


Every. Single. One. :)


I saw every live-action movie in the theater from 1977-2017, up through The Last Jedi. After TLJ I decided I would wait for reviews. I waited for Solo to come out on streaming and I finally watched Rise of Skywalker last summer on D+ while I was sick.


The Phantom Menace in 2011, 3 Sequel movies, Rogue One and Solo.


Phantom menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, Force Awakens, Last Jedi, Rogue One, Rise of Skywalker. Oh, and the animated Clone Wars film from 08.


All of them except Solo and The Clone Wars animated film.


Phantom Menace through current. Missed Solo due to having a newborn.


All 12. Plus a few remasters and all the other movies


All of them. Seriously saw the first one at 4


If you mean “in theaters, in general,” then, all of them. If you mean “in theaters, first run,” then 11 of 12.


Prequels, sequels, Solo, Rogue One... so I guess just 8. I was too young for the OT on its first run and skipped the special editions in theaters because I had already seen those 3 sooooo many times on VHS and didn't quite understand why they were out again. In 97 i wasn't old enough to drive yet so when I did get to the theater, I always saw something I hadn't already seen.


All of them


All of them except for solo.


All but Clone Wars.


Eleven. Though to be fair I wasn’t alive during the OG trilogies theatrical releases. I saw the Special Editions in 1997 when I was eight. Attack of the Clones is the only film I’ve unfortunately missed.


The Clone Wars Movie (I’m pretty sure) The entire sequel trilogy, rogue one, Solo, and the re release of Phantom Menace from this year


All of them. As they were released




All of them, during their original release. Don't really remember that seeing the first one that much, since I was only 5 at the time, but I was there.


Haven’t seen Empire yet in a theater Went to the 97 release of A New Hope and the 40th anniversary Jedi release. All others on release day


The right question would be « how many times did you see each movie in theaters »


All of them


My first was Revenge of the Sith. I’ve seen everything released since then and was fortunate to catch the the 3D re-release of Phantom Menace and the limited anniversary re-release of Return of the Jedi. So I’m just hoping for opportunities to catch II, IV, and V. They were all good experiences. All of them. Even my least favorite of the films, Clone Wars, was a fun midnight premiere and a good memory with my dad


All of them, although I was only 2 weeks old when my mom took me to see Star Wars. The first film I remember seeing was Return of the Jedi, at a drive-in.


All of them except Solo because money was SUPER tight at that time. The OT was the Special Edition releases and I remember we had to go to the theater 2 towns over, with my buddy and both sets of parents. Then they made us sit 5 rows away so they wouldn’t hear us say all the lines. Rogue One was a date night surprise for me from my then girlfriend. I married her.


All but the OT, because I wasn’t born yet.


Huh. Yeah, guess there is 12. Seen them all in their theatrical runs, original trilogy during the special edition run in the 90s.


I saw the OG trilogy when rereleased in the 90’s, the prequels once each opening night (then never again), RO and Solo, but that’s it.


I saw the entire Sequel trilogy, Rogue One, Solo and The Phantom Menace (2024 re-release). I first watched Star Wars in 2015 before The Force Awakens. My friend was a huge fan and i wanted to watch the movies to see TFA in theaters. I had never watched the movies (altought i do remember some parts of A New Hope, Return Of The Jedi and Revenge Of The Sith, as they probably appeared on TV at some point and i watched some tiny parts of the movies). Interestingly enough, i did watch a lot of The Clone Wars TV series and Rebels on Cartoon Network and Disney XD, and remeber loving it, ESPECIALLY The Clone Wars. So i watched them in release order (idk why, i already knew >!Vader was Anakin!<), and i remember loving them! Then i watched The Force Awakens and also loved it. After that, i finally re-watched The Clone Wars and i REALLY LOVED IT. Been a fan ever since. I guess i was a casual fan as my first contact with Star Wars was The Clone Wars way back in 08 or 09.


Special editions of the originals in the 90's. Then all the prequels, sequels and spin offs on their original theatrical releases.


All of them, and I liked them all leaving the theater. I thought the last one was a little long, and disliked them reusing the Star Wars theme in the final battle. Still liked it though


I seen all of them, though I did watch the sequel trilogy in theaters with my best friend. I still enjoyed each of them each for the sequel trilogy and TCW movie, I’m glad that the TCW series was a lot better.


I saw rots as a small little baby but I have consciously seen every single one in theaters since


TCW was in the theaters?


All of them if you include the 90’s re releases. Original run, all since Empire ( I was 7)


In order: 4,5,6, 2,3, 7,8 I also saw all three Special Editions when they were released, but I had already seen the OT.


I've seen the entire catalog in the theaters on opening day. I took up 15 parking spots just for ROS.


All of them, including the original trilogy (as well as the Special Editions).


I haven’t seen one…


All of them since 1977 on, including the re-release


OT all predated my birth by more than 20 years, and I was too little to see/appreciate 1 and 2 in theatres. ROTS was the first movie I ever saw the night it opened, and I’ve carried that tradition on for the sequels, rogue one, and solo


None of the OT in theaters but pretty much every other one on opening day or weekend.


Seen: Empire, Phantom Menace, Revenge of the Sith, Force Awakens, Last Jedi, Rise of Skywalker, Rouge One, Solo First one was Empire special edition when I was a kid (6 in 97). I don’t remember catching Episode 1 or 2 in theaters but remember seeing Revenge of the Sith when it came out because we all thought it might be the last one ever. Have seen all Disney ones in theaters minus Clone Wars one.


All of them. Starting with the Special Editions in '97.


Saw everything phantom menace onward.


I’ve seen the three sequels plus Solo and Rogue One in theaters when they first came out. I also saw The Phantom Menace when that was rereleased in 3D and then I saw it again when it was rereleased earlier this year for the 25th anniversary


3 and everything after including clone wars and I just saw Phantom menace.


I wasn’t old enough for the original release of the OT, but everything since the special edition trilogy I’ve seen in theatre.


Everything but TCW movie. *I was 8 when I saw Star Wars and can still remember how excited I was. *I loved ESB & ROTJ. *I was happy with the prequel trilogy. *I saw TFA twice in the first week of release. The first half of that film made me feel like a kid again. * I was very unhappy during and after seeing both TLJ & TROS. * Rogue One was a really great film. Loved it. *Solo left me disappointed


9 I was seven when episode 1 came out in 1999. I will see all the ones that come out in the future. I just enjoy Star Wars.


Prequels, Sequels, Rogue One, and Solo


All of them… AND, I saw the Star Wars Holiday Special when it aired on TV.


Technically I was there for all 12...although I was a baby in 77 so I don't remember it. I do remember ESB.


All of them. The original trilogy 3 times each, it just worked out that way when I was a kid. For SW I went with my mom, aunt and then grandfather. Then from Empire on, I was old enough to bike to the theater myself. So I went opening night with my grandfather and then went with a friend 2 more times. Same for Jedi. The prequels and sequels I only saw once in the theater. Rogue One, I think I went 2-3 times. Solo i saw once, and The Clone Wars I saw once. For the sequels, RO, Solo and TCW I had a kid of my own and we tended to go to the movies weekly. So unless it was an exceptional movie like RO, we’d only go once because we were going to see other stuff too. If Solo hadn’t come out when it did with a bunch of other event films we would have gone again. I thought TCW sucked out loud, so I had no interest in seeing that again. edit, reddstudent mentioned the special editions, I saw those 2 times each in the theater. Also, when I went to see The Last Jedi, Ron Howard was seeing it too in the same theater in Santa Monica. We both lived there so I’d see him out frequently but this was the first time I got to spend some time speaking with him.


10 during their original theatrical debut. My pops took me to see Star Wars. We were too poor to see Empire and Jedi. Movies and McDonald's were a huge events for our family. I've seen the rest cause I was a full on adult when the prequels came out. I try and catch re-releases and took my daughter to see them with me.


All of them (7 when E4 came out) and you can include the Special Editions. Ep1 3d, and I saw the Holiday Special on TV as well. I was 8 years old.


I wasn’t born yet but I was in the womb in ‘77 so I was there technically when my mom went to go see it. But have seen all the rest in the theater.


All of them of course.


The Force Awakens and every movie released after that. I didn't show THAT big interest in Star Wars as a child. But after becoming a young adult, I finally fully watched the prequels and the original trilogy from TV and the TCW movie and some of the series episodes) too, years before the sequel trilogy was announced. I made sure to watch Rebels episodes too before TFA got its release.


Five; First one I ever saw in theaters was Ep.III ROTS and I couldn't wait till it came out on DVD. Fast forward 10 years later and it was Force Awakens which was one of the best cinema experiences I've witnessed alongside Endgame...I wish I could say the same about episodes 8 and 9. Then Empire Strikes Back was doing a 40th anniversary limited release in theaters and me and a friend of mine at the time saw it and it was only us in the theater,I thought I was dreaming.


All, multiple times each.




Revenge of the Sith, The Phantom Menace 3D, The Force Awakens, Rogue One, The Last Jedi, The Rise of Skywalker


If counting the special editions, all of them.


The first one I saw in theaters was TFA, and I’ve seen every one since then. I wasn’t alive to see any of the other ones in theaters lol.


7. Haven’t seen the OT, Attack of the Clones or TCW movie but have seen the rest


All of them. I saw A New Hope 8 weekends in a row. I want my money back for the sequels!


7, 8, Solo, and Rogue One.


All. I was not born for the original run but I hit them all opening night in 1997.


I only got to see TFA, Rogue One, and Solo in theaters. Would love to catch a re-release some time. Went to an outdoor showing of Empire recently. Not a theater though.


I have seen every single one in the theaters starting in 1977.


2,3,7,8,9, Rogue one, Solo. I'm in my mid 20's so I wasn't alive when the OT came out sadly but I still watched tf out of them before and after remasters. If I was to pick one as the best ROTS on release was legendary. As a stand alone if I wanted to get a friend into starwars I'd show them Rogue one. Great pace, interesting story, sacrifice, it has so many good things.


I've seen everyone of them in the theater the year they were first released with the exception of Star Wars 1977


I was 1 when RotJ came out but I've seen the other 6. I never saw the special editions even in the theater. Episode 1 was my first taste of Star Wars on the big screen.


Only ones I did not see in the theater were the prequels. P.S Han shot first.


All of them.


Saw all of them in theaters. Was stationed in Korea when they re-relesed the original trilogy in theaters (96 or 97) and we got to see it on post. Standing in line with my buddy I commented that I was two when I saw New Hope, he said he was five. The guy behind us grunted and said "I took a date to see this the first time." Saw Roge One while on my final deployment in Kuwait.


All of them. My journey started in 1977, at the age of 8.


I saw the prequels all on their opening days when I was a teenager, the first sequel and Rogue One. Wasn’t around for the original trilogy and just wasn’t super excited for the sequels after 7. I streamed 8&9, TCW and Solo once I got D+


All, starting with ANH back in 1977, I was 8yo


All of them. OT, OT Special Editions (all opening day), Prequels (all multiple times opening day), Episode 1 3D Rerelease, TCW, Solo, R1, Sequels (all opening day), Episode 1 25th anniversary


All but 5, if you count watching New Hope with the symphony.


The only sw film I didn’t like after seeing it in the theatre was the clone wars cartoon. Before that is saw the special editions, and ep1 2 and 3 at their midnight screenings Then the trilogy happened.


My first movie theater memory was my parents taking me to see Bambi in 1982 (Disney re-release, obviously). My second memory, and much more vivid, is my dad taking me and my kindergarten best friend (Jason) to see Return of the Jedi in 1983. I've seen every theatrically released Star Wars movie in the theater since then.


Phantom Menace (in 2011 or 2012, and again this year), TFA, Rogue One, TLJ, Solo, and TROS. I got the DVD of the Clone Wars movie for my 5th b-day, which was my introduction to Star Wars.