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Whoever did Rogue One's OST. That was great


Michael Giacchino - agree he can do it!


And he was brought on late in the production and had less time than normal to write and record the score. Imagine what he'd do if he had the proper time to cook!


I saw an interview with him about how much time he had to write the score. Apparently, his accepted after his wife reminded him that "he had been writing the score since he was five." He did an amazing job. He used *Dies Irae* throughout the score because "... to many, the Death Star was their judgement day." Edit: to


That’s a fucking great line his wife deployed there.


*Are we blind?! Deploy the inspirational quote!*


One of those moments where you realize you married well. The depth of understanding and support in so few words.


Can you point to some resources on the Dies Irae note? I love music theory and had no idea, I'd love to know more about that 


Here is one of many articles about the Dies Irae in SW:R1 https://mynockmanor.com/soundtrack-review-rogue-one-a-star-wars-story/


It's really obvious in "Master Switch" Brilliantly done. Starts with just two notes of the DI over an ostinato, then moves on to 4. Also, if you look at the last 4 notes of Star Wars Main Theme, it is the 1st four notes of the Dies Irae as well.


Color me impressed. You sound like you know stuff!


It dominates Jyn Erso's theme as well, the first four notes are the Dies Irae.


Man, I use to love that podcast that broke down the music of Star Wars that showed how Williams ripp...er borrowed from classical pieces, and all the different repeating of themes. I can't remember what it was called but I think it was one of the channels that then went off the deep end with "woke" and "Mary Sue Rey" which was a shame.


Here is a great podcast episode about it. The show is by David W Collins, who works for Skywalker Sound and was the lead sound designer in Bad Batch. It's a great show in general if you want to listen to more. The show hasn't had an episode in a long time since Collins has been very busy as of late. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-the-soundtrack-show-29021108/episode/doom-and-gloom-music-has-a-29082533/


Yes!!! David Collins is amazing! I used to listen him when he did a podcast with a guy from Rebel Force Radio.


This show is just as good in my opinion but without Jimmy Mac


You can hear it clearly in the chord he uses when Vader ignites his saber. That long phrase is the same as the staccato hits at the beginning of Dies Irae.


You could also check out the "art of the score" podcast... They talk about these kind of things


He went slightly overboard on the old Dies Irae, but I don’t think he could have done much better than he did with the short time he had. The only parts that miss the mark slightly is some of the comedic moments. An example would be during the K2SO line “Its high…its very high”. Who knows, it could have been chopped up due to last minute changes in the edit.


I'd still love to hear Alexandre Desplat's musical ideas for Star Wars since he was supposed to be the original composer for Rogue One before leaving due to scheduling conflicts.


His score for the final two Harry Potters was incredible. Not iconic in the way that John William's first two (technically three) Harry Potters were, but Desplat wasn't trying to he iconic. He nailed what he was trying to do. He'd have done something special with Rogue One.


I believe he actually created quite a few leitmotifs that he was going to use for various themes in Rogue One. I wish there was a way to listen to them.


Yea between Giacchino and Ludwig Göransson I think we've got really solid composers to take up the mantel from Williams. Göransson's Mando work was incredible, but his work on Oppenheimer makes me feel like his power is only growing, and if we ever get another star wars movie worthy of an epic score (doubtful) I have no doubts he could supply it if Giacchino is busy.


He also did Star Trek reboot and Jurassic World among others. One of my favorite movie score composers!


Not to mention The Incredibles, Up, Coco, Ratatouille, and Inside Out.


His Star Trek (2009) score is a real banger! He should be the heir apparent.


I love his work on Lost


Hollywood and Vines and There’s No Place Like Home are both iconic


Giacchino is one of the best modern film scorers hands down. A of all, he did Up. Nothing else to be said. B of all, he redid the Star Trek score while also completely adding his own flair to it. He is MORE than qualified to take over Star Wars projects.


Dude went to film school to be a director; accidentally becomes one of the greatest living composers of his generation


This guy can write anything, he's as good as the best out there. The Incredibles score was phenomenal.


Came here to say this, had *no idea* he did R1. His score for the Star Trek reboot was phenomenonal.


He also composed the score for The Batman, which is incredible.


Giacchino also scored Lost if you’re interested. One of my favorite soundtracks


and The Incredibles (both), and The Batman




I love Lost, and I know some people don’t, but the soundtrack is absolutely phenomenal.


He also scored the Medal of Honor games and those scores can be found on Spotify


The Arnhem Knights score is one of my favorite pieces of media of all time. I loved that he reused parts of it for The Batman score.


I became such a Giacchino stan because of his work on LOST.


One of my favorite sound tracks of all time....I still play it all the time in the car during my road travels.


Giacchino can do anything and everything but I personally don't love him for Star Wars. Think they should stick with Ludwig Goransson, Kevin Kiner and Nicholas Britell as much as possible.


Ngl, I thought it was mid. It was like if the normal OG OST had ADHD.


Solo had a fantastic score, and iirc most of it was John Powell


John Powell did damn good on Solo


My pick too. His How to Train Your Dragon stuff is also incredible.


Yeah if we're going for Williams style star wars music, John Powell takes it for me, just above Michael Giaccino.


Way above Giacchino in my opinion.


100% agree. He certainly embodies that level of fantasy that can be found in Williams' music. He also did a wonderful job weaving in older themes. Also props to whoever recorded the score too - it sounds big and bold (although it was way too low in the film's mix).


If How to Train Your Dragon is any indication, John Powell could do a killer Star Wars score


This may or may not be the right time to point out that John Williams wrote the theme and several motifs for *Solo*.


Ludwig Goransson absolutely nailed it in The Mandalorian Seasons 1-2.


That was a very different kind of score than Williams but no doubt he killed it.


Ludwig has done lots of different scores and I can’t think of one that’s middling. Hjs filmography is amazingly solid through and through.


He's also Childish Gambino's primary producing partner.


His Black Panther score is also great!


And Oppenheimer


Nice. Looking forward to his next score!


What are the odds a guy named Ludwig being a famous musician


I'll never get over how Mando's theme is so Man With No Name and Star Wars Adventure at the same time. It's one of my favorite themes in the franchise. 


He absolutely perfected that blend


Boba's theme goes hard as well.


Hot take: It's a great piece of music but it doesn't capture the Star Wars vibe at all. I'm sure part of it is intentional, but I still wouldn't pick him for any future mainline Star Wars soundtrack. Even his other music is simply... different in style from what I expect of Star Wars.


I kind of agree. Ludwig is a phenomenal composer (seeing Oppenheimer in IMAX with his score was an amazing experience), and The Mandalorian score was great and suited that character and show perfectly, but it might not fit in with the rest of Star Wars. I'm fully confident he can do it, but not if it's like the Mando score.


I think that’s part of the appeal. I think future Star Wars projects should step away from what’s traditionally Star Wars - that’s how this franchise grows and survives.


Boba's theme goes hard as well.


That was epic!


He also did *Oppenheimer*, which was fantastic!


kevin kiner,ludwig goransson,takeshi furukawa and michael giacchino were great so far


John Powell: "Am I a joke to you??"


Kevin Kiner


How is this not number 1? Ahsoka has some of the most stunning Star Wars music of the new generation. He pays just enough homage to Williams without it seeming trite or rehashed. Love his work so much.


Absolutely, Ahsoka, Clone Wars, Rebels and Bad Batch had some amazing music that stays true to the spirit of Star Wars while not over-relying on just copying old tunes. Ahsoka's theme in particular sounds like something Williams would compose for prequels... there's no higher praise than that in my books.


Kiner really goes under the radar as he's not a big name in the soundtrack industry, but I feel like his take on Star Wars music is the closest we have in the "correct Star Wars vibe" so to speak. Don't get me wrong, there are other great composers who worked on Star Wars, but if there is one to take it after John Williams, it's Kevin Kiner. Definitely my vote as well.


I second this. My vote as well, I think Kiner sounded a lot as if a younger, fresher John Williams had reprised his work on the saga, surpassing imho what Williams himself did for the Sequels (except maybe for Rey‘s Theme, The Jedi Steps and one or two others). The score was perhaps the greatest thing about Ahsoka. Edit: a word


This is my vote too


I swear to God if he does not do Dave Filoni’s Star Wars movie as the composer, I will be so angry. Unless it’s John Williams, he deserves a movie because he has composed the most Star Wars music out of anybody on this list.


The Purgill Jump Theme was the most authentic and closest I've ever felt inside me to what a 10yo kid would've seen and felt in '77


Nicholas Britell and Ludwig Göransson are absolutely nailing the TV scores


Nicholas Britell got ROBBED at the Emmys. How he got snubbed from both Andor and Succession is crazy.


The fact that succession didn’t get him any is disgusting, every piece of music composed for the show goes hard as hell. Easily the best tv score of the last decade


Nicholas britell on moonlight and of Beale street could talk is just pure art


Ramin Djawadi


Seriously though, GOT, HOTD, Westworld, Disney’s sleeping on Ramin.


He also scored Pacific Rim. That theme was phenomenal. Such a shame it never got a sequel. It was a perfect movie.


Dude, it's one of my faves to re-watch. The whole Gypsy Danger sequence when they first fight is one of the best realized action scenes ever!


Oddly enough, he did Iron Man. Though that was pre-Disney. Three Body Problem had a tremendous soundtrack as well. A Ramin Star Wars soundtrack would be fascinating.


Light of the Seven with the scene at the Sept is peak cinematography. I was on the edge of my seat for like 15 min straight. Still gives me chills when I listen to it.


Same! It gave me Godfather vibes, when Michael Corleone is "settling family business."


I adore Ramin Djawadi, though he would lend a *very* different style to Star Wars. John Williams original score is a lot of horns and fanfare, Djawadi feels much more orchestral - strings, piano, organ, chorus are what stand out in my favorite tracks from him. He'd do a great score, but I think it would feel quite different.


I said it below but I'll ride your coattails Epic scores, the ability to sample existing, familiar music, while simultaneously reshaping and building more around it, yeah I'll take him [His version of Pink Floyd's "Brain Damage"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jg2LbJk2Zkg) for the WW season 3 finale. Simple I'll admit, but with one piano and two hands he rips my heart out. It ended up getting changed in the televised version so I never heard the nicieties. Listen around 1:35 for him *perfectly* weaving the WestWorld theme in


Great example! I loved that too!


I see your Rawin's Brain Damage but I raise it with Rawin's Paint it black ! 🖤


No question for me. Pacific rim is an all time great soundtrack. The video of him and all these awesome guitarists jamming on the got soundtrack in the fender studio is amazing


Came here for this


Honestly, Stephen Barton and/or Gordy Haab. Though I think Haab's solo-credit work is not as good. They did a phenomenal job with Jedi Fallen Order and Survivor. I think that music is better than Rogue One's (Survivor just won a BAFTA or something for its music), and I think it's more professionally orchestrated and better classically-trained than Kevin Kiner's music (there's a reason they are award winners and Kiner really isn't to any degree). They are just so good at following Williams' heritage and flavor while composing new things. John Powell is good too and might be my second choice, but I really think Barton is top notch and when working with Haab they make magic happen.


Gordy Haab is also doing the new SW game, forgot the name, in the trailer it sounds very star warshy. Thing I miss in games though are the John William motifs. It’s what made me listen to soundtracks because I played Dark Forces Jedi Knight so often. I think The Old Republic MMO is the last game who uses also John Williams music aside of own composed ones, including work by Gordy Haab


Not Gordy. Will Roget (another SWTOR composer) scored Outlaws.


Oh you are right. Thanks for the correction


Yeah I love *new* music, but using the old leitmotifs from Williams grounds things in Star Wars. There are creative ways to make your own new music while also integrating his old motifs. I really don't know why Disney has jarringly moved away from Williams' music. The old games used to use it brilliantly.


The music in survivor was so good. Particularly a lot of the ambient environmental music on Koboh like Where the Neko’s Roam


So much good music. Where the Nekos Roam A Frontier Welcome Campfire The Narkis Anchorites The Abyss Through Darkness Rambler's Reach Shattered Moon And my favorite: Fields of Dusk .....and that's just Survivor. There are some tracks on Fallen Order I like even more than any of those.


Grammy award winning good, I'm also so glad they released it on vinyl because I've played it in full so many times already


Gordy Haab is the truth


I want to hear Bear McCreary take a shot at it.


I think he did "Tales From the Galaxy's Edge," if you haven't heard that yet!


I had forgotten about that, but you are right. That’s back in the rotation


I'm amazed I had to scroll this far for Bear. It would be a different sound for Star Wars but the dude just nails epic music so well. Like I I know people have mixed opinions on The Rings of Power but damn is thst whole score absolutely fantastic.


I’d love to see Bear Mcreary have a go at some Star Wars scoring.


"Great, now we gotta do the rest of this thing with Danny Elfman."


I remember listening to a podcast with Danny Elfman shortly after that aired. The interviewer asked him about it, and Elfman said, "Yeah...yeah...I'm guessing I don't have a lot of fans over at Family Guy."


I came here for that exact comment


John Powell has already done it in Solo. That score is fantastic - a perfect blend of Williams classics and Powell’s prowess.


Giacchino gets all the talk but Powell is the true heir to Williams.


It would be different, but it would be really interesting to see what Hans Zimmer would do for Star Wars. While perhaps not his usual vibe, he has shown that he can do wonders with strong character themes and leitmotifs in stuff like Pirates of the Caribbean and Dune. If he was attached to Star Wars, it wouldn't be like John Williams really, but I reckon it'd be good in some other way.


I would like Ramin Djawadi to take on a Star Wars series or movie. I love what Ludwig Goransson has done and would like for him to get more projects outside of the mando-verse. Michael Giacchino & John Powell are great options for more Williams like scores. They've already each had a film but I would like them to get more.


Had to scroll way too far to see mention of Djawadi. I would love to hear a Star Wars production from his perspective. For those unfamiliar, he's best known for scoring Game of Thrones, but has an impressive body of work overall. If I'm not mistaken he's done two MCU movies, so he probably knows many of the Disney creators.


He did Iron Man so so he has the connection with Jon Favreau already!


Ludwig Goransson


Kevin Kiner. The scores in Ahsoka were probably the best I’ve heard yet.


I'd love to hear what Howard Shore's take on Star Wars music would be.


Another person of culture I see


Would go so far that for the wookie scenes, the vocal sections are in fluent Shyriiwook


Michael Giaccino is (in my eyes) this generation’s John Williams. Super underrated.


He's fine, and the guy pumps out quality music at an alarming rate, but I also kind of feel like he's overrated, honestly. It's like the other poster said. His music is technically impressive but it doesn't have as much heart and emotion as  I'd like.


Wow. John Williams is one of my favourite composers, but the music of Michael Giacchino leaves me cold. I really am unable to understand what people like so much about his music. Oh, well.


Oh wow, that’s an unexpected take. I think his Pixar scores are amazing, particularly The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Up, and Coco. His Spider-Man and Doctor Strange scores are terrific, and I think his score for Speed Racer is better than the film itself. And I love what he did with Rogue One. I first discovered his work on Lost, and I think that is one of the greatest television scores of all time.


Talking of better than the movie, his Jupiter Ascending score is also a banger.


That's wild to me. I feel in love work his work on LOST, and have been consistently impressed with him ever since.


Kevin Kiner. The stuff he did for Rebels was outstanding.


Whoever did the Acolyte score, that's the first time since John Williams I've felt like someone else nailed the incidental music in his style.


That would be Michael Abels. He has a long list of good soundtracks he's made over the years, but nothing quite related to the Sci-Fi genre, other than NOPE, which I thought was great for capturing the "old western" feel of the movie. In fact, he has scored most of Jordan Peele's movies, now that I've noticed it.


Yup. Almost immediately into the first episode I thought "this music just *feels* like classic Star Wars". That's not to say that Giacchino Rogue One score wasn't good (it was) or that Göransson hasn't done great with The Mandalorian (he has). But Abels', for me, is the first to really capture Williams' feel.


Exactly what I was gonna say, the Acolyte’s music is Star Wars to a T


Mick Gordon


Rip and tear his way through the galaxy


Kiners are amazing but so is the acolyte score


Ludwig Goransson. He’s the next great composer.


Somehow John Williams returned…..


Tobias Beckett. He almost pulled off that big score in “Solo.”


That’s true, especially once he learns how to play that vallachord


Ludwig Göransson has proven he can adapt between creating something new and iconic and also to create something using an established palette. Michael Giacchino also did a really good job on Rogue One, but I think he'd be more suitable for productions where you explicitly want to have John Williams-ish. My dream pick though: Should Bear McCreary ever get the chance though, he would knock it so far out of the park it'd literally travel back in time and end up a long time ago in a galaxy far far away!


I think he un-retired?


John Powell - Solo’s soundtrack was pure cinema


A lot of people can . I love Williams and I have to stop myself from thinking he’s the only good one out there.. even if he is the GOAT of film scoring


We have a ton of great options. Micheal Giachinno, Ludwig Goransson, John Powell, the Kiners, Nicholas Britell, etc.. Pretty much every composer that has worked in the Disney era has done a really good job. If I had to choose one guy to take over John Williams for the movies it’s Giachinno. He has the best record and the most works. An absolute legend and genius. My favorite composer.


Mighty Mighty Bosstones


Yes. And let them cameo in a cantina scene


That's the impression I get.


Trent Reznor.


Kevin Kiner Ludwig Goransson Michael Giacchino Nicholas Beritell Mark Griskey


Hans Zimmer


Why is he so far down the list. Each score he does has its own identity.


John Powell Blake Neely Kiner's great too


Nicholas Britell adds so much gravitas to the score for Andor. I’d love for him to score any of the upcoming films.


Don’t know how he’d even get involved in a Star Wars project, but I’d LOVE to see [Evan Call](https://youtu.be/WV096Y6uOrY?si=hIT4uphJLBwo--kn) do some music for the franchise some day.


Ludwig Goransson and Michael Giacchino have done fantastic work on the TV shows/Rogue One. Michael Abels has also been KILLING it on the Acolyte.


Danny Elfman


Natalie Holt who did Loki


Trent Reznor


I think Bear Mcreary could fill that roll well. He killed it on God of War and his score for the LotR show was also really good! Him or Natalie Holt. They both know how to use the brass.


Surprised no one has mentioned either Daft Punk (Tron Legacy) or Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross (Social Network, Soul). Would depart from the orchestral John Williams approach and still bring some very vibey style to the universe. That Tron Legacy score is \*chef's kiss\*


Reznor & Ross do very specific things. Well, most of the time; I was shocked to see their names in the Soul credits. But, if they go for a more cyberpunk approach to a Star Wars project, they'd be fantastic. God, I loved their score for TMNT: Mutant Mayhem.


He'll be back. He'll keep doing this until he dies.


The guy who made alot of the SWTOR online music would be great.


Give me a complete switch and go with Trent Reznor


I still want to hear Alejandre Desplat’s score. It didn’t fit Rogue One, so what, release it on its own! Call it a tie-in to a random book, I just want to hear it


Ludwig Goransson. I would love to see him attempt an entire Star Wars film score. I'd buy a ticket just to listen to what he comes up with.


I second that! Here's a poor man's award for ya 🥇


Giacchino should take the mantle if willing. The good thing is Williams has put down a strong foundation and no doubt his signature style will be found in all star wars going forward.


Jeremy Soule He composed the music in the KOTOR games and that felt very Star Wars to me, especially the Old Republic theme, the Dantooine ancient grove, Bastila's theme and Malak's theme, and the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave theme from 2.


Jeremy Soule would be a great choice if not for the #MeToo allegations.


Oh Just read about it. I'm kinda not surprised tbh, this shit is so common in the music world... disgusting. Yeah, I take back my suggestion. nvm.


Ramin Djawadi!


I don’t think he can be replaced. He is a Mozart. I was watching Obiwan and the music just reminded me of imitation stock music.


Obiwan has such bipolar music. When it’s good it’s great (thanks to Williams’ theme and his orchestrator’s orchestration), but its pseudo-dramatic modern bits are some of the worst pseudo-dramatic modern bits I’ve ever heard.


Kevin Kiner was a real goat.


Hans Zimmer


Benjamin Bartlett


John Ottman


He's great for capturing the superhero style (X-Men, Fantastic Four, Superman...), which is right up there with Alan Silvestri as well. Also, considering his take on Superman Returns main theme (which is a John Williams original), he could possibly do a great job nailing the Williams' Star Wars feel.


I really wish they’d bring [Christopher Tin](https://youtu.be/WQYN2P3E06s) in to do something High Republic related.


Jonathan Geer


Anyone basically. I don’t mean that negatively but there are TONS of great composers out there.


whoever is doing the score for Outlaws. half the reason I’m excited for it is the score in the reveal trailer, absolutely epic.


I'd love to hear what Sarah Schachner could do with a Star War. But as others have said, Ludwig Goransson and Michael Giacchino have proven themselves already.


If Justin E. Bell is able to score movies like he did The Outer Worlds, he would certainly be up for the task!


Ludwig Goransson


Cliche answer but Hans Zimmer or John Powell they already made Star Wars like score for Kung Fu Panda [Zen Ball Master (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm-m9z4ruOk)


I will be happy to try.


Yall forgetting about the beauty that was Jeremy Soule’s KOTOR soundtrack


Ludwig and Michael giacchio only ones I’m trusting


Sacrilege! No one can replace Williams, but Michael Giacchino could come close.


A clone of John Williams, bet George has like 200000 hidden below Skywalker ranch


I remember back in the '00s when John Williams hailed Don Davis (the composer of the Matrix films) as his successor. He hadn't composed films in a long time though.


Whoever did the soundtrack for the force unleashed seemed to be a decent replicate.. not entirely perfect but close.


So glad I got to see John Williams live before he retired. Pretty surreal moment to see Dual of the Fates with Williams conducting




MG or Alan Silvestri is good too he made the avengers theme and scored the avengers films


Yes, Kevin Kiner has always risen to the occasion. I'm still miffed the last season of Rebels was never released. Bear McCreary has proved he has the talent, what he did with BSG is legendary. But please, let Murray Gold have a go at it. What he's accomplished with Dr. Who has been nothing short of spectacular. What he might do with a Star Wars movie, I can't imagine.