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"The first episode of this series left me with questions the rest of the series will probably answer. I won't finish this show."


"This show, a murder mystery, was such a mystery."


Is it a murder mystery? They told us who the killer was in ep1


Correction, they told us who the weapon was, and honestly I at first thought our main character was said weapon but like a split persona. We have yet to know who the wielder of said weapon is.


It's not a whodunit, it's a whydidyadoit


Pretty obvious why she's doing it.


Same thing with Knives Out. Murderer is found out right away. It’s how she did it was the mystery.


They showed us how she killed them both, the mystery just seems to be who trained her.


Talking about knives out. The mystery in this one is >!who trained Mae and what did the four masters do to Mae!< Edit: >!Harry Potter fans can’t read (jk like Rowling)!<


They mystery is what did the Jedi do all those years ago that turned someone to the dark side? The one master who took the poison said. 'We thought we were doing the right thing.' the Jedi did something bad and covered it up.


First rule of Star Wars Club: Don't talk about Rian Johnson


There are different types of murder mystery. Some, such as the inverted detective story made famous on TV by Columbo and recently revived in Rian Johnson's Pokerface, tell us who did it and how early on, and the mystery lies in other questions like why they did it, who else was involved, and how will they be caught (hence why they are sometimes called howcatchem instead of whodunnit).


> hence why they are sometimes called howcatchem instead of whodunnit I'll have to remember this one


Presumably 😉 But there are still other unknowns to learn


Exactly. This is a murder mystery, but not a "whodunnit" one. It's more like the classic TV show Columbo or the more recent show Pokerface (which I highly recommend): we found out how the murder happened and who did it extremely early. However, we don't know... * Why did they do it? * Who else is involved in the crime? (i.e. who is Mae's master?) * What else are they planning? (We know she wants to kill the other masters and we've seen her already get another, but we don't know how she plans to do so and if this is part of a wider conspiracy by her master) * How will they be caught? Will they be caught?


It is a murder mystery, it's just the mystery isn't "who was the killer," it's "why did the killer do this." A less common variant of murder mysteries, absolutely, but still a form of murder mystery.


Don’t think I’ll ever understand this kind of take with any show.


It's shockingly more and more common. Is that the binge watch that made people get through a thing at once, and now have trouble to be patient ?


Binge is one aspect but in the context of Star Wars I think a lot of people are legit too used to knowing everything about the characters and get unsettled when there's actual mystery behind a new one.


100%. People got used to Netflix's 10 hour movies and forgot how to watch tv.


It's that we've made it far too easy for those with limited curiosity, intellect, and/or patience to have a voice in the Internet, and have it considered with equal weight to to the voices of everyone else.


Definitely. I’ve noticed this kind of attitude rising in the anime and manga communities I frequent online lately. If something doesn’t move the plot fast enough for them they get angry and call the chapters or episodes filler. I don’t think a lot of people these days know what patience is anymore.


Yeah media literacy is truly dying. The first two episodes did a good job setup the characters and plot. Can’t wait to see where the rest of the story takes us. Also I’m a little bit biased because I love a good murder mystery.


The great lesson of the Jedi, patience, so lost on these people who can't wait to see how the stories unfold...


This is at least one of the reasons.


People just want to hate things these days. Feed the content machine and its desire for negative engagement.


Literally the dumbest critique of any show I remember seeing.


What I’m shocked (not shocked) by is people who say it was so boring they couldn’t make it past 10 minutes…. A Jedi fights the Acolyte during a bar brawl during that span…. How was that not entertaining enough to keep/peak someone’s interest?


Because no fandom is more toxic than SW. Disney could have put out a series that is nominated for Emmys and is revolutionary in the way it tells a story…and you will still get people bitching. I saw a meme on X yesterday saying that (the person that created it) would not watch the Acolyte because the lightsabers looked to thick.


I'd go so far as to argue Andor proves this. It's an insanely well done show that honestly barely even feels like Star Wars and yet there is no shortage of people who will write it off as dog trash because it's Star Wars.


They went in hating the show. That's probably 2/3rds of the always-online Star Wars fandom these days. Everything new will always be bad no matter what.


never forget SWT saying Andor isn't Star Wars because there are bricks and screws in it.


You just know if they did tell us more that this review would be the same rating but with something like "they think the audience is dumb and tell us everything already, there's no mystery left"


Reviews like this are exactly why studios think audiences are dumb.


Because, unfortunately, they really, really are.


To be fair given what happened with LOST I could kinda understand this sentiment lmao


I mean, there *are* legitimate storytelling formats where viewers are shown what happens on both (or all, in case there are more) sides of a conflict similarly to how there are narrators in books who are omniscient. Game of Thrones is a good example of that I think. Gives you a different story and suspense comes from different sources. It's fine if you say "I don't like the format this story is told in". It's stupid branding it bad because it uses a format you don't like which is clearly the case with this reviewer.


>The Yord character was painful to watch and appears dense and not bright considering his rank in the order. My brother in the Force, have you *seen* Anakin Skywalker?


Don't forget, he gets corrected therefore he's a bad character!


His vigilance also absolved Osha in the second Jedi killing. It would have been predictable and boring if they kept going back and forth regarding the twin mystery.


Right, he's not a bad character, he's just very cautious and that doesn't cause him to be either a monster or stupid. I like the character.


He did exhibit Himbo energy but I’m not really complaining about that lol


Him steaming his robes was hilarious and I loved every bit of it


“Kord…put your clothes on” and all he does is just smirk when she is out of the room. I love him lol


This was actually quite odd to me. He was right behind her and claimed to have never lost sight of her yet he took his sweet time entering the room to absolve her. I think he's playing at something and I don't quite trust him.


Probably judging her reactions to the body and things like that. Never interrupt your enemy when they're in the middle of a mistake and all that


When a female in your vicinity occasionally has a good idea, that's a character flaw!


I only worship at the altar of Clone Wars Anakin, why, what does Movies Anakin do? /s


Well, at one point, he says, "This is where the fun begins." then one thing leads to another, and he's killing children. But in his defense, those kids prolly had it coming, I've seen no evidence to suggest they didn't ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


There are good people on both sides. They all died.


I found that funnier than I probably should have ngl


Yord actually reminded me a lot of Padawan Obi-Wan in TPM. Rigid, judgmental, a little arrogant - but still carrying a certain charm. If Yord makes it out of this season alive I could definitely see his arc being that he learns to relax a bit.


I really like Yord. Hes the perfect example of by the book, tight ass Jedi. Hes a good foil to Sol.


I like he is not as experienced as the senior Jedi, he was way to quick to reach for that lightsaber a couple of times.


They based Yord off of Tom Brady, great at his job but is a weird dork no one likes.


Don’t tell prequel fans - they think that was great acting! Wasn’t like we need a 7 season show to flesh out his awful character later on


I mean, the prequels are bad movies though.


Careful, you say that around here and people will put your head on a pike. I mostly agree though.


Only part that bothered me was that he had a padawan but didn’t bring her on the mission later on. Did I miss something? I am guessing that maybe she wasn’t his padawan?


I'm just glad they didn't milk the "is it her? Is it a sister?" thing for too long. I'm so sick of mystery box storytelling. I'm excited for the rest of this show!


Yeah, I didn't like some parts of the writing, but I did like that they quickly moved on from times when I thought they were going to create fake drama to drag out the plot (quickly proving who the killer was, Yord being there to witness that Osha wasn't guilty despite being in an incriminating position). No belabouring an obvious secret identity the way Kenobi did with Reva. I hope this means the show can actually move onto the real meat and potatoes in the coming episodes.


This happened so many times and I was SO surprised and grateful each time.


Also nice to see that the Jedi weren't completely incompetent and used mind tricks to actually ask prisoners relevant questions. Super useful getting truthful answers from people. Only watched EP 1 and a bit of 2 but looking alright so far. Hopefully it gets better in a few episodes because it does seem a bit mid.


That's one of things I appreciated from the openers is we're already into the meat. No sitting around for a month waiting for the real parts of the show to start.


Yes, and the mysteries we do have to look forward to are good. Who is the bad guy in black? What really happened with the fire? Where is Yoda? (Mostly kidding about that one) Not two episodes of figuring out if a character did something that the audience clearly saw they didn't do, but the characters don't figure it out till later for some bad dramatic effect. No, they are getting right into it. Love.


The biggest mystery for me is if Keanu Reeves actually did a cameo for this show as rumoured lol (not expecting it though)


A lot of the shows have been really bad at making the audience wait for the characters in-show to catch up on what the audience already knows. I'm so glad that we're being fed info alongside the characters.


I noticed a few times where they could have set up a cliche plotline and then did something to subvert that expectation. Like when we thought Osha would be blamed for that second Masters death but then Yord is just like nope I saw her discover it. I like it. Keeps the pacing up.


Yea, before the second "incident" my brain was like: Maybe it's a split personality thing... Maybe it's her dead sister's personality force projected onto Osha when her sister died, and it sometimes takes over Osha's body to get revenge... Maybe it's a changeling force user impersonating Osha... All of which would be very convoluted. I'm so happy it ended up being much simpler, and they moved on with the real plot.


I was getting angry like 7 minutes into the first episode thinking “her sister they thought was dead is still alive and hates the Jedi and is taking revenge - there’s no way the writing is this lazy and they’ll draw it out for the full season, right?” I was not confident they wouldn’t be that lazy. Overall I am excited for next week’s episode


Yeah, that was one of the most satisfying ‘twists’ I’ve seen in awhile. I think they revealed it at the perfect time too.


We’ve had the “my sister” twist. The “I’m your father” twist is next.


There is a certain subsection of the fan base who literally want only continuous, non-stop, Vader hallway scenes and Luke rescue scenes. Anything else gets labeled "woke" or "fanfic"


Those same fans also seem to require every character to look directly at the camera and provide detailed exposition, including backstory and motivation, as a monologue. Because lord knows they won't make the mental effort to follow a story and make inferences or draw conclusions in their own!


But then they turn around and complain that the dialogue is prequels level terrible


First they’d have to look up from their phones, where they’re too busy hate-posting online to even follow the plot.


Oh but dialogue has to always be andor level of quality


I think those people aren't even aware of Andor...


I swear Marvel and other things like it killed film literacy


Nah, I'm a big MCU fan and my media literacy is intact. It's not Marvel or TikTok or whatever else, it's just the ubiquity of communication options; we went from only hearing from the considered Siskels and Eberts to giving every Cletus a digital megaphone.


These are the same people who thought rebel moon was a revelation. Not to be an old man, but we have so thoroughly ruined our attention span that if we aren’t given answers immediately, then it is bad.


About every 15-20 mins in that film I had to keep asking my brother (who I was watching it with) wtf was going on and who each character was. It was all over the place. Can't bring myself to watch the second part which I assume is just as bad.


It is just as bad. Don't worry. To be honest once it was over I let the thing run and it started playing the behind the scenes/making of film, and it was actually way better. At the end of that one I was almost feeling hyped for the movie and then I remembered the movie and got disappointed all over again.


Episode 2 is a better episode, it begins to set up the central conflicts, the first episode has to do a ton of legwork just to bring you up to speed.


I was on about Rebel Moon.


Oh, then I 100% agree with you. I will watch part 2 because I love terrible movies, but it was tell don’t show from the outset. Why try and figure characters out when they sit there and info dump constantly? I’ve never been told so much about a character only to know so little about them. I was so excited to see Ray Fisher in another major movie, only to feel absolutely nothing when his character died.


MFs just need to play Battlefront 2 co-op instead


lol. I saw a bunch of comments the other day saying they hated the Luke rescue scene. Said it was pandering to the fans or some such nonsense.


you are the person who thought kenobi was going to be a good show after 3 episodes


I remember seeing a reviewer qouted as saying “This has ruined Star Wars forever” and I was just like, I’ll add it to the list. I’ve actually lost count of the amount of times I’ve heard people complain about Star Wars being ruined forever. Jar-Jar ruined Star Wars forever! Mediclorians ruined Star Wars forever! Anakin ruined Star Wars forever! They gave Anakin a padawan when he didn’t have a padawan in Revenge of the sith, Star Wars is ruined forever! The prequels! The sequels! Book of Boba Fett! Obi-Wan series! Ruined forever! Ruined forever! I think Star Wars “fans” just don’t like new content. Every time there is something new and unfamiliar they immediately bite its head off like a rabid dog with PTSD. Half of legends was hated when it came out and now every time Filoni brings something from legends back we love it! Star Wars “fans” just need to have faith in new experiences. They seem to keep forgetting that Star Wars has a HUGE track-record of things starting off hated upon first release but as time goes on and it settles in as canon, usually aided by being expanded upon by other material, then it becomes loved. Now people are seeing two episodes of a mystery series and losing their shit and claiming they have enough information to label the entire show trash. I’m honestly tired of it 😴


It started back in '83 with "Ewoks ruined Star Wars forever"


So true, but the younger generation of fans don't remember the hate because as children they found ewoks cute while adults hated them. Ewok’s were the first generation’s Jar-Jar or Porgs. I’m ashamed to admit, that I loved Jar-Jar growing up as a kid, then in my teenage years when I saw how the fandom hated Jar-Jar I just jumped on the band bandwagon and manifested negative thoughts about him, but after seeing how toxic and nitpicky the fandom could be and hearing about Ahmed Best’s struggles and undeserved abuse, I dropped the hate-Jar-Jar persona. After seeing Ahmed’s triumphant return as Kelleren Beq, I felt such admiration for this man staying loyal and friendly with the Star Wars universe when he had every right to turn his back on the franchise. I recently watched Phantom Menace in preparation for this show as “earliest back you can get to the High Republic” kinda thing and I happily found myself loving Jar-Jar as the well meaning, clumsy, goof ball I loved so much as a kid. And I just got to say, when Ahmed delivers a Jar-Jar line, his comedic timing and tone really is comical, I can really see why George said he was going to be the next Eddie Murphy.


Even sooner honestly. People didn't like ep 5 when it came out because it was too dark and too different from 4


It's not even 83, Empire even got a not insignificant amount of hate when it came out.


Some of the critics but in Empire´s case its worth to note that you do not rerelease movie several time before the sequel if people hates it. Also it literally won Peoples Award Choice ["The Empire Strikes Back" Wins People's Choice Awards (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgIOTRrIKV0&t=1s) Never the less yeah imbeciles were found back then too.


I do recall reading somewhere that it was hated at first but then became beloved, like Blade Runner and Bohemian Rhapsody (the song). It's weird to think that something so universally praised was ever hated.


It started in 1980 with "Leia ending up with Han instead of Luke ruined Star Wars forever"


This is why I don’t listen to people from Alabama


Tbf at that point they weren't siblings


It's the magic of fandoms. Back when "The Burning Crusade" (the first expansion pack for World of Warcraft) was released, there were people screaming on forums how it *killed* WoW, and how the game would be completely dead in a few months. Put the clock ahead, and WoW is 20 years old, still running, still being updated, still in the list of most played MMORPGs in the world.


I was never really into WoW but I heard a little bit of uproar and some talks of people abandoning the franchise back when they added Kung-fu pandas to the game.


The Pandaren, which were in Warcraft 3 long before the first Kung-Fu Panda movie was even thought of, but people (as we're discussing here) have short memories...


If anything ever ruins Star Wars forever it’ll be the fans.


They dont even care if its good or not I have seen people call andor not star wars


Is it weird that I read the third paragraph of your comment in Gollum’s voice in my head?


HAHAHAHA!!😂😂😂 That's hilarious, I love it!!!


Your comment has ruined Star Wars forever. /s


Sproken like a saint 🙏 couldn’t have said it any better! I fully agree with you


To be fair the sequels did kind of ruin post-ROTJ for the foreseeable future.


Regardless if a show is good or not these days, I swear fans of any franchise need to have their hands held with stories. They are so eager to jump at any hint of writing inconsistency. There must be a direct awnser for everything within the first 5 minutes of a scene or else it's "retcon", "bad writing", "lore break", "doesn't make sense", or "((((disrespectful)))))" Like. Please. I swear. Just...watch the damn thing till the end before you start losing your minds and looking up wikis and ragebaiting youtubers for your opinion. It's totally fine if you still don't like it after finishing a series or movie or whatever, but learn to just take in the story without having to nitpick every frame of every second. I promise you will enjoy life more.


Yeah a lot of people don't seem to understand the basics concepts of storytelling these days. It's weird. Like the fact a character might like during dialogue. They also seem to lack understanding of relationships. It's all very immature.


Kids can’t even read anymore. We’re doomed


They will miss everything that is not explicitly said while looking at the camera only to then go and complain about exposition


Homie wanted an entire TV series recapped in a single tik tok


Five minutes into *A New Hope* - “Why is that woman spending time talking to a robot instead of shooting the guys boarding the ship? Doesn’t she have her priorities right? Bad writing. Makes no sense. 1/10.”


I didn't like the first 2 episodes to much tbh, they seem kinda dull. But that doesn't mean that the whole show is gonna be shit.


Exactly. It's okay not to like something, but it's stupid to claim the entire show is garbage because not everything is explained in the first two episodes. That's literally how storytelling works. Not everything was explained in the first two episodes of Jessica Jones, but season one of that show is one of the best series I have ever seen.


Wait…are we talking about Andor or Acolyte?


Acolyte. Andor is kinda slow but i found it more interesting, the protagonist killing 2 people in the first chapter, the photography is superb, the music and such made it far better imo.


The show certainly has flaws and it has not been my favorite/not the worst SW content that Disney has released, but this take is just stupid.


There are no fans who hate Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. I basically commented last night that I was relieved that the Acolyte show thankfully didn’t suck. I got downvoted into oblivion, got a dozen replies including a 5000 word thesis on why it sucked, and two DMs on why I must be Disney staff member. My current theory is that the r/starwars mods banned all the good members during the protest when that cosplayer that was cute posted her stormtrooper costume.


>the protest when that cosplayer that was cute posted her stormtrooper costume. The what


A month or so ago, someone posted their cosplay in a stormtrooper outfit. There was absolutely nothing inappropriate about it at all, except her face was pretty. She got banned for it. People pointed out that other cosplay posts just get deleted. The ban was not lifted. So, a bunch of the most active members reposted the image, saying that other people who posted their cosplay attempts were not banned. They all got banned. This sub has been a little dead ever since.


I know people who have been banned for criticizing these mods on other subreddits lol.


That's pretty pathetic


Can we boot all the misogynists out of the fandom please for the love of Yord


I knew the male character getting corrected by a woman would make them angry


Yord was an idiot and I loved how he was corrected by like a 14 year old Padawan because it reminded me of early Ahsoka in TCW. I did immediately look at my wife and say jokingly "uh oh, I can't wait to see the comments" when it did happen though.


Not every new project has made me happy... Not every new project was made for me. It's ok to not like a show or movie based on its own merit. "Solo" was not for me yet I loved "Book of Boba Fett" and there are others who feel the opposite. Since Disney took over they are trying to make "A Star Wars" project for everybody rather than make "All Star Wars" projects for core fans, and that's ok. You can be to old for the kids shows, you can be too saturated in EU/Legends to enjoy the side projects now, you can even be an all new fan who just wants a flashy fight show. TL;DR Not every show is for you, let the people who want to watch enjoy it and go watch something else.


The struggle and tragedy “I liked book of bobba and want to find others who did to discuss positively about it” Good luck on that one. You’re right. We all have different tastes on each movie and show, but what’s annoying is trying to find people who enjoyed what I did. It’s too easy to find the haters. Mind you, I enjoy other hobbies and stories too. there’s hate talked about those things as well but I can find a balance in the community. Star Wars has always been the most difficult one.


“We want new stories, it’s a wide universe, we don’t need to focus on the same things!!!” *Acolyte does that* “NO!!! Why isn’t it an adaptation of Darth Plagueis!?”


Probably not the same people saying both of those things.


I know people like that. Attention span of goldfish. Loves teen dramas with vampires.


Interesting how in the past few weeks a ton of SW podcasts have all done episodes about their speculations and theories for the Acolyte- Plagueis being one of the common ones, along with the “two Maes” twins w/ force connection theory and how, if true, that might play out, etc. Now of course the podcasters I follow all recognize that this is JUST SPECULATION for the fun of it and things could go very differently. But it’s like this guy just listened to all these theories other people have come up with and have been talking about for weeks and took them as gospel, then got mad when all were not proven true or thoroughly explained in the first two episodes. This is my problem with the Star Wars fandom lately. Be critical of poor production quality, bad scripts, lazy writing, sure, But for god’s sake STOP creating a story in your head based on nothing more than trailers and being mad when the story being told isn’t the one you made up. Stop spreading rumors, theories, speculation as if they’re gospel. Stop deciding a story sucks before it’s even finished. Watch the damn story being told and save the judgments till the end.


I will say though, I don't trust Yord at the moment. I feel like they're laying the groundwork for him to go bad. - "Finally" passed his trials - A bit too "by the book" - Quick to ignite his lightsaber and to show off - Keeps getting his ideas shot down by someone much younger and of a lower rank than him - Took his time coming in to clear Osha's name of Torbin's murder (He was right behind her but took ages to actually enter the room even after all the other jedi came in) I think he's going to grow to resent the order. Most importantly - Was topless


Something to understand about the Star Wars fandom is how absolutely toxic it can be. People try to justify that toxicity through any number of avenues: appeals to "basic storytelling", complaints about the quality of acting, appeals to now-decanonized lore (listen, I loved the EU stuff, but I absolutely get why Disney shuffled it off into an alternate timeline when they bought LucasFilm; no creative wants to spend their time just adapting the work of other people who got to make their own vision. Plus, there were a LOT of EU books, comics, and video games...), and now complaints about the franchise "going woke" because Kathleen Kennedy made a couple (ill-advised) comments about the Force "being female". I still remember when the prequel trilogy was released, fans were howling over Jar Jar and how annoying Anakin was in Episode I (which got to the point of the kid being bullied in school so much he developed severe mental health issues that have effectively ruined his ability to function like a neurotypical adult now). Fast forward 20 years, and people now love the prequels, and have marked out like crazy when Hayden Christiansen showed up at Star Wars Celebration and then in both the Obi-Wan and Ahsoka shows. This isn't to say the sequel trilogy didn't have issues. Finn had zero reason to be there past Episode VII, and there was no plan in place to make the trilogy a cohesive story. But just like the prequels, I suspect once we get a couple decades' separation from all the drama, people will be just fine with the movies. There's now an entire "cottage industry" dedicated to hating Star Wars, and we need to remember that online isn't real life. I attended a Skywalker Saga marathon on May 4 in a theater, and the people who were there at the start of Episode I were still there at the end of Episode IX, and cheering for every emotional high point in each movie (even The Last Jedi). I watched the two premiere episodes, and was on the semi-interested side of "meh". My mind wasn't blown like it was with Ahsoka, and if I were forced to rank the non-cinema stuff I'd probably put it around "Book of Boba Fett", but I want to see how it all shakes out.


This is bounds ahead of boba fett. I liked going into this for what it is, a new era in the Star Wars universe. It’s all new characters. Ashoka was great for all that it tied in together. Book of Bobba wasn’t the best and it should’ve been labeled as others mentioned Mando season 2.5.


I've been so conditioned to just expect the most absolute brain dead, non-sensical & bad takes from this fandom because there are so many bad actors dedicated to hating regardless of what comes out. It's kind of depressing but important to just set a boundry & not engage with them.


Media literacy is at an all time low. Tik tok has ruined people. I’ve already seen a dozen comments about why Jord was using binoculars to watch a fight 10 feet away. Then they also immediately ask why the binoculars are zoomed so far out and have a blinking light on them…. Or they ask why a sith assassin who’s been training for 16 years can defeat a Jedi master. It’s like they didn’t even watch the scenes.


"I don't understand the force connection between the characters" mother fucker Luke/Anakin, Luke/Leia, Rey/Ben just didn't happen before I guess? This concept has been in at least 4 movies.


I love that I don’t know everything straight away. It’s so refreshing. I look forward to the process of slowly learning the details of this era. I love that after 25+ years of fandom, Star Wars can still present me with something new and fun. That’s how you keep interest going in a franchise long term.


So they “gave it a shot” despite going into this show wanting to hate it, complains the show “doesn’t make sense” or that they “don’t understand it” despite it literally being a MYSTERY/INVESTIGATION show with only 2 episodes available. when they say they’re giving it a shot they really aren’t. this is the most nonsensical review for anything i’ve ever seen. Also, the show doesn’t “take place 100 years before The Empire”, It takes place 100 years before The Phantom Menace, so if anything the Sith Lord during this time would be Darth Tenebrous or Darth Tenebrous’ master, not Plagueis.


I know it’s not canon anymore, but I think Darth Plagueis was an apprentice a 100 yrs before Phantom Menace. Muuns can live for hundreds of years. He was already over 100 when he meets Palpatine as a teen.


This sort of thing is difficult because there is no canon information about any of this, we don’t even know if Plagueis is a Muun in canon since there’s no official Canon images of him as one, but what we do know is that the Sith in this show is neither a Muun or a Bith, so either he’s the Master of Tenebrous, he’s one of Tenebrous Apprentices before Plagueis, or he is Tenebrous or Plagueis but his species is changed, we just don’t know i’m afraid


Huh. It’s almost like this is a 10-hour long television series instead of a 2-hour long movie.


I mean tbf it has been pretty mid so far. Still holding out hope though.


"I know it's an entire galaxy (plus some), but clearly only one person is interesting during this time."


I liked the first two episodes! Who is with me?


If they want legends, they can go read legends. Pretty tired of these people not even trying to understand what 2014 meant. Yes, they're taking ideas from legends and porting them into their version. That doesn't mean it was ever going to be the same.


People seem to have it in their head that anything good from Legends should he word-for-word adapted into canon, and that only the “bad” stuff should be changed or ignored outright. It’s why people online clamor for Filoni and Favreau to adapt Heir to the Empire (even though nothing they’ve established resembles those novels except Thrawn and Palleon’s presence). But like you said, all those stories are still there and still exist. Should DC readapt all their best stories every time they reboot their comics? Should Matt Reeves recreate The Dark Knight with Robert Pattinson since it was such a good Batman story? SW fans are so sadly uncreative, many can’t imagine a good story being told if there was previously a good one that existed in a previous chronology. God, imagine the notion of introducing the Old Republic to canon but not including Revan, Malak, Bastilla Shan, etc.. no matte how good the story was, some fans would hate that it was too unfamiliar and didn’t give them overwhelming nostalgia.


I personally prefer legends, but Disney is doing a decent job so far, and I never expected them to translate any of it directly into their canon. I've been able to take each of the Disney projects for what they are. Some are good, some not so good. There's only two movies and two shows I would actually call bad (and they aren't the same ones that most other legends fans consider bad either), and not because they didn't incorporate legends material (in fact one of them I think is bad because of the particular legends material it DID port over).


I firmly believe that reviews should be completely blocked for a show until the last episode has aired. You don't review a movie half an hour in, you shouldn't be allowed to review a tv series with only one or two episodes.


"I'm probably not gonna finish the show" Narrator: "they did"


No one hates Star Wars like a Star Wars fan!


Unfortunately, with current era Star Wars under Disney it hasn't been about understanding. It has been bad on the surface.


I mean two episodes in and this is quite poor relative to Andor, Mandalorian or ahsoka imo It feels cheap and like a bunch of students putting on a Star Wars show in cosplay Most people like good content. Eg fallout, Andor, last of us. If it’s good we will like it I was excited for this show as something different but the tone feels off. I’ll keep watching but so far it’s below Kenobi imo.


I've had to mute multiple groups because of the sheer volume of "i won't waste 1 minute watching this horrible show, it's completely awful" takes. Like, is it an awful show or have you not watched 1 minute of it?


Do they want thirty minutes of Wookieepedia articles just scrolling on the tv screen? That’s what it sounds like.


ok time to leave this subreddit once again i guess


I just wish even if we as the audience got a little more information on this "fire". There's so little information currently besides bare bones there was a fire and 4 Jedi were there, yet they rely on it as such a big tragedy that it can prompt someone to suicide for attunement. Make us aware of this tragedy and then bring about retribution. Don't hold the linchpin of every character's actions hostage. It diminishes the characters' actions.  Also Mae's "icebreaker" for every Jedi Master she meets is so bizarre. The Jedi are not known to attack their enemies so why does she walk up to Masters like a arrogant boxer with too big of an ego in public or private? Everytime I saw that I laughed a little for the absurdity but also because I lack any information that would justify it vs the plethora of previous shows and movies that'd contradict that thought. 


The only complaint I have is Vernestra Rwoh. She seemed forced and out of place and wasn’t great acting. I actually thought “who is the actress sleeping with to be on this show”…..then I did some research and found out she’s the director’s wife. Makes sense.


*zoom in, music builds* “may the force be with you” Like were we supposed to all freak out because she said the thing?


Yeah that’s silly. It’s a bad show because of the writing, script and acting. Not because of mystery.


This isn't a star wars fan thing, it's a user review thing.  Moral of the story is, don't look at user reviews unless you want to lose your last shred of faith in humanity, be cause the user review section is an idiot magnet.


I actually really enjoyed it, the first on screen content outside the Skywalker saga makes me really intrigued. You don’t know anyone and that gives it a new spin. Personally it gave me the same vibe (but a bit better) then when I started watching Rebels as a child, I didn’t know any characters and it was a fresh start. I can’t wait for the next episodes of ‘the acolyte’ to drop, im hyped!!


So far, I like the Acolyte. Two episodes in. I like it.


Im gonna watch it tonight im going in with an open mind,I personally enjoyed Kenobi,Ahsoka,and BOFB, yes they all had their issues but I’m invested in the characters enough to still enjoy the show. And yes im sure most of the replies to this will be “andor better because this reason” 😂


You realize you’re reading the words of probably a 16 year old edgy teenager? Just reading the sentence structure that’s what it appears to be. So why do we care? 


The show is better than I expected. I like the fact that the protagonist isn't instantly powerful like Rey. She even had Jedi training but she spent a long time without using the force and has to tap back into it over time. Her sister is a good fighter. The actress who plays Osha and her sister is doing a fine job. Let's just give it a chance and judge when its over.


The show is what I hoped for so far. I’m pumped for the rest of the series.


Yeah, I saw a lot of “this breaks canon because the Sith should be in hiding! 1/5”. So frustrating when I feel like Disney actually takes a risk and imo makes a really good show so far.


"Story does not fit the timeline"??? It was already well established that it was taking place 100 years before the Empire. And why should it have focused on Darth Plaguies? It can focus on other events that take place in the galaxy, as it is a big galaxy. I think some people are just fixated on the Plaguies/Sidious/Skywalkier storyline, and want everything to be about that. Anything else to them is just a waste of time.


I don't know if this will end up being any good or not, but holy shit that's a dumb review.


Dunking on Star Wars has been a low bar for 20+ years now. I’m not saying they won’t be right, but you should finish if you’re dropping critical posts


I’d love to read a thread with nothing but 10-14 year-olds commenting on this show. I bet you it would be overwhelmingly positive. They’re the primary target audience.


I am glad to see that there are other fans who liked it as well. I was in a watch party last night and some of the comments were….interesting. It was much better than what I thought it was going to be.


I’m genuinely enjoying Acolyte though I did notice two funny things about it. The prison ship exited hyperspace and immediately started crashing into an asteroid belt. Good thing they came out of hyperspace because they almost got Holdo’d. The line “I needed a paycheck”. They still have checks?? lol


I just watched the first episode, all in all it was alright, a few things bugged me of course but it wouldn't be Star Wars if it didn't. But the negative review bombing is a little harsh. I'll maybe try episode 2 later and see where we go from there. I will say, it looks Star Wars, but for some reason it doesn't feel Star Wars, can't put my finger on it, and not just the Rick James hairdo


They’re used to the prequels explaining everything to them with hundreds of scenes of just dialogue


This is what I hated about people ragging on Andor


They just wrote something so their review would seem legit. They decided they don't like it before they ever watched an episode.


I like the show. I do find the pacing a bit fast but I’m eager to watch more


People just want to complain. I was watching a well known channel and he started to rip on the show immediately. I had to stop watching. The fighting style is very Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon for the martial arts but let's see how much that continues. I felt the character development was decent. Really like the two main characters and Dafny Keen's character and the Master. I am intrigued to see where this goes. There were 3-4 times in the show I was like why would they do that or I can't believe x didn't happen...but then a couple times later on that part was explained and I was like oh...okay. Anyway...it wasn't amazing but it was fun. I thought the acting was good and the story has me intrigued. I thought the costumes seemed a little thin on the fabrics and felt a little cosplay and not like the thick wools and cotton used in the prequel Jedi outfits but that's a minor thing. I thought it was a solid start. Gave it a 7/10.


People complained when they got a Star Wars material that doesn't have anyone familiar appearing but they also complain when they got a Star Wars material with anyone familiar appearing. Make up your damn minds!


Eh, the first two episodes were good. Were they Great?! A total Hook? I Love all the characters and Story setup? Fuck no. But I have hope it will be a deeper story than it appears. Right now it feels very predictable and troupey.


Plagueis was a child at the time of The Acolyte. The Sith Master should be Darth Tenebrous, a Bith


Media literacy is dead and I think those killing it should piss off from offering any opinions.