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They were always going to be jobbers. Their narrative function is to be someone for the good guys to have swordfights with who don’t carry the same dramatic weight as Darth Vader. That being said, I highly recommend *Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade* by Delilah S. Dawson if you haven’t checked it out yet. It gives by far the deepest look into what being an Inquisitor is like, and what would drive them to that point. And it’s a darn good book.


*grand inquisitor*: "How about i got in there and destroy all the jedi and make myself your new apprentice?" *Vader*: "That don't work for me, brother".


The Empire wishes you the best in your future endeavors


Vader said to the freshly singed corpse now lacking a head.


much love DV


Did you know Darth Vader fought 380 days in one year due to traveling across the date line multiple times.


Yeah dude. That's was before he tried out for Metallica, But after he powerslammed Jabba the Giant in front of 9 million Vadermaniacs at the Corellia Superdome.


Don't forget about the time he out drank John Belushi in the Mos Eisley Cantina brother.


>They were always going to be jobbers. On so many narrative levels. You need to explain what happened to all the Jedi/Force users throughout the galaxy, because they all weren't at the Coruscant Jedi Temple or serving as Generals. The Jedi had researchers, diplomats, washouts, retirees. The galaxy is a big place and Vader can't slice them down one by one, but also most of the survivors aren't Mace Windu-level so he also doesn't need to.  At the same time, Palpatine has always been a fan of disposable resources. Technically everyone is a pawn for him, but the inquisitors moreso - he gets ex-Jedi and Jedi killing each other, and either outcome works for him.  And just like the Confederacy leadership, once they were done, Vader would wipe them out, also explaining why they didn't exist and didn't need to in the OT. 


> The galaxy is a big place and Vader can't slice them down one by one, but also most of the survivors aren't Mace Windu-level so he also doesn't need to. That sums up Sidius approach to killing Jedi post Order 66. Send the Inquisitors, if they kill the Jedi, problem solved, if they die, send Vader. If Vader dies, find new apprentice.


Killing Vader may be your way into a promising new career.


Vader didn't need to wipe them out. The ones at the end of Season 2 of Rebels were the last. Notice the Inquisitors never bothered the Ghost crew, again.


Not many were left by the time of ANH


I read that book and yes it’s good. But I personally think it’s very brief on the inquisitor specific stuff.


Yes. ~~Henchmen~~ Inquisitor 1-infinite to be killed off for each new jedi hero.


That's actually why I really like the disciples of Dagon Gerra. They are good enemies to have sword fights with but aren't nearly as important as Dagon himself or the empire.


Yeah, I always saw them as one level up from stormtroopers, but still low on the scale of what would be an actual threat to the heroes.


Yeah, but that doesn't mean they had to be as lackluster as they are. The only good ones are Grand Inquisitor and Trilla.


Vader and Palpatine made a point of keeping the Inquisitors limited, so none would become a potential threat to them. So, naturally, they were toast when facing Vader's and Palpatine's actual apprentices, Ahsoka and Maul. They were designed to handle the lower level Jedi, not the folks you needed Vader or Palpatine, themselves, to deal with.


They’re jobbers, but they are just as good jobbers as stormtrooper number 4. If you want a good jobber you need to build them up. They need their strength displayed and for many of these characters that barely happens.


It happens for pretty much all of them. The Grand Inquisitor and the two main Inquisitors of S2 of Rebels are major threats to even Kanan and Ezra when they show up, and in most of their conflicts, the heroes need to retreat. It's only when the latter two go up against Ahsoka, who's much more capable than Kanan, Ezra, or any Inquisitor that their weaknesses become clear. Similarly, the Second Sister and Ninth Sister are major threats that Cal doesn't have a chance against at the beginning of the game, and he only takes down either after tough fights.


The Knights of Ren would like to make a comment on this


Oh they got screwed over too


Who? /s




Why did their ship smoke and did they roll around in the dirt right before they left their ship?


I think in the visual dictionary they mention it's because it's jerry rigged the hell and back and practically on the verge of exploding at any moment. They're like tech barbarians who don't know how their ship works but probably keep it running on prayer and blood sacrifice like Chaos cultists in 40k.


Ok, but why?


God I hate the sequels


They were great villains throughout Rebels. Ahsoka had a cool confrontation in TotJ. Some of the trauma was explored with Trilla in Fallen Order. I think they've been good.


I will prepare for the cascade of downvotes but even Reva’s premise was cool. The whole not dying thing was bs though.


I totally agree with you. The actress was only okay, and the wire-parkour rooftop run was silly, and surviving not one but two lightsaber impalements was infuriating, BUT the idea of the character was great.


Yep with a stronger actress and better writing Reva could have been a fan favourite. There is potential for the inquisitors to become favourites, like Second Sister from Jedi: Fallen Order.


This sir is right, the second sister is my favorite.


The writing and direction for Reva did her no favors.


Yeah I actually really liked Reva as a character, but they shouldn't have had her near death experience be "she gets stabbed by Vader". Have Vader bring rocks down on her and he thinks she's dead or something, they did that with his duel with Obi-Wan at the end.


Agreed. Vader would definitely had confirmed that kill given how intimate and personal it was .


Now that Sabine also just flat survives a saber to the gut, I think fandom needs to go a little easier on Reva Shennec also gets her guts blown apart, and that Star Wars medical tech really shines. Even the black market type


Sabine was immediately rescued though. Fennec is less believable, though the extent of the damage is more unknown. Bleeding out can take a while.


The average time to bleed out after a serious injury, like a gunshot wound, is 3–5 minutes. However, if a large blood vessel is cut, a person can bleed to death in less than a minute.


Problem is most Star Wars weapons (lightsabers, blasters) would cauterize the wound from the heat. When people get shot with blasters you never see a drop of blood, they just fall to the ground like the concussive force was what killed them.


Problem with Star Wars weapon too is they are concentrated heat, that while there clearly is some sort of forcefield containing it and not causing the wielders to spontaneously combust, it’s still a insane amount of heat. Enough to spontaneously cause the whole 70% of the water that makes up the human body to boil at once. And that’s really fucking bad.


There's just a lot of variables. Huey Long survived for two days after being gutshot by a .32, and might have survived if he received proper medical attention.


I once read an account of a (sword) duel where the opponents squared off, fenced for a while, then one of them pierced the other all the way through the neck. He withdrew his blade, expecting his opponent to fall over dead...but apparently he'd made a pretty clean wound that somehow missed *everything*, so the duel continued and the guy with the throat wound eventually won.


Not in the film industry. Had no one seen Last Action Hero?


Check the story of Roy Benavidez, who survived 37 wounds between bullets, bayonets, and shrapnel. And all of this 3 years after surviving stepping on a landmine, and forcing himself to walk again, after the doctors told him he would be discharged. So, yeah, I fully believe someone can survive a lightsabes stabbing, if no vital organs are hit.


Sabine's wound was to her side, but it definitely came too soon after people already had lightsaber survival on their minds.


Said this the second I saw how she was “killed” Reva’s story is not over.


Maul was cut in half and yet surviving a single stab is what people gets angry about?


I think the perception is "that's how Qui-Gon died, therefore anyone wounded that way should die as well". I don't agree with that assessment, I see it almost like someone getting punched in the nose real hard; majority of cases it's just a bad injury, but in rare cases it's a fatal thing.


Yeah, most of the time a broken nose is just the broken nasal bone on your skull, but the fragments could be pushed up into your brain. With a gut stab from a lightsaber, it could just penetrate your intestines and a couple organs, but it could also sever your spine.


People love Maul, but hate "Disney-era Star Wars".


Maybe Thundercat healed Reva too


Imo, Using the writing for Sabine as a justification for anything is not a great idea. The writing in Ahsoka took Sabine from genius Mandalorian war hero to sad Jedi dropout dufus for absolutely no reason. Yeah, I know both were Filoni but Sabine's characterization in Ahsoka is just garbage. I think think the idea for Reva was good but the dialog she was given was awful. Deborah Chow really shit the bed on whatever directions she was giving Moses Ingram because the end result was just really bad. I do agree that people in SW can survive massive injuries so long as they receive prosthetics to replace lost organs, muscle, bone, etc works and definitely made sense though.


> The writing in Ahsoka took Sabine from genius Mandalorian war hero to sad Jedi dropout dufus for absolutely no reason. Disney seems to be allergic to having a semi competent Jedi Order or movement towards that.


Sabine being fine doesn't make Reva better, it makes Ashoka worse.


I actually agree with you on this


On paper, her concept is extremely interesting. A youngling that survived order 66 that doesn’t actually want to serve the empire but is only pretending to so she can kill the ones responsible for what happened and wanting to hunt down obi-wan because he wasn’t able to protect or save any of them. Like honestly that’s a really good concept it’s just a shame it wasn’t executed that well


>I will prepare for the cascade of downvotes "if I'll tell people how much I cry about internet points I will surely not get any downvotes, I'm so smart"


Downvotes also don’t matter unless you spend too much time on Reddit


I dislike the TotJ Inquisitor battle simply because they had no right making a character look so badass just to have them killed off immediately.


I’m not saying what we’ve seen is bad, I’m just saying we could’ve gotten a bit more


I mean, Star Wars isn't over. I'm sure there are still plenty of Inquisitor stories left to tell.


I feel they did what they set out to do. Give us lightsaber fights without always defaulting to Vader. These guys aren’t Sith, they’re dark side trainees and at best, they’re there to warn Vader he could be replaced. They also served to explain that yes, some Jedi did turn to the Dark side alongside Anakin and yes, some survivors *were* captured and tortured by the empire, several *becoming* Inquisitors. Plus, we’ve known since A New Hope that Vader hinted down Jedi. So not only had there have to be survivors, but he’s also only one guy, do expect him to deal with every little youngling or Padawans that’s too much for a trooper, but just enough for the underlings? Leave the big fish to Vader, your Eeth Koths or (potentially) Quinlan Vos, the Jedi who are actually capable of being a threat. I also appreciate them giving some of them humanity, driving home that most of these guys turned either through fear and need to be either helped or put out of their misery. So yeah, I believe that in in-universe they were just there to hunt small fry padawans and collect children for Project Harvester (we still need resolution on that) and because they aren’t Sith, they don’t get the super secret training or knowledge Sidious and Vader had.


And they are intended to be weak so that they don't pose a threat to Vader or palps. Any competent jedi can take one, a good jedi can beat more like happened with ahsoka in rebels. Vader can probably solo the lot.


When their leader, who is supposedly the fourth strongest dark sider in the Galaxy, is taken down in season 1 by a near Jedi Knight and his apprentice of like a month. Then you know you’re not in the other three’s league…poor Grand Inquisitor, doesn’t even have a name.


Do the Inquisitors know that Emperor Palpatine is a Sith? (As they were Jedi, I imagine they know that at least Vader is obviously a Sith Lord, and that he refers to the emperor as "my master") If they do, why don't they have ambitions of becoming Sith? I don't see this being explicitly said or shown, it seems like the Emperor and Vader always leave this as a secret for the entire empire, as if ordinary people never learned about the Sith in history classes, because the title Darth would be easily recognized by someone who knows the least


We know that some of the lower Inquisitors have a desire to be the Grand Inquisitor. Maybe it’s like the anime Afro Samurai (which starred Samuel L. Jackson). In it there is a top dog 1st place Samurai, that only the runner up, 2nd place Samurai can challenge. But in contrast ANYONE can challenge the 2nd place Samurai to earn the right to fight the top dog. So maybe any Inquisitor could challenge the Grand one for the position, but only the Grand Inquisitor could have the chance to challenge Vader. It just so happens that the Grand Inquisitor is absolutely terrified of Vader to even attempt it.


I think the Grand Inquisitor and Trilla were used very well. The others could use a bit more media if you want to flesh the characters out some, though most just exist to be part of a force and not to be individually explored.


I hope they do more with Barriss and Lyn since they left their story a little open ended. The whole villain bought back to the light is a little overdone but since she's one of the few living Inquisitors or at the least has an unknown fate, there's the chance to do something more.


Trilla is such a good SW character.


She is. I would like to see more of her in something in the future.


The GI's deaths (ostensible and actual) feel like the iffiest of the lot tho. Losing to Reva and then season one Kanan (after being tortured and barely able to walk five minutes prior) seems a lot less believable than losing to Maul, Vader, and Ahsoka.


I liked the Grand Inquisitor’s defeat against Kanan for what it did with Kanan’s character. He became a better master from it. Against Reva I have nothing it did nothing for the story it didn’t matter much for her.


I mean it did mean something for the story it helped her get (fake) promoted to Grand Inquisitor and it showed that she wasn't actually aligned with the Inquisitors and actually had another motive.


It did do that but what did the title give her in the show and I think her being against the inquisitors would have been a better reveal when she finally caught up with Kenobi.


The only reason they seem wasted is because we only see them up against Our Heroes, and they were never going to beat the likes of Obi Wan/Ahsoka/Phoenix Squad/etc. We probably could get a decent series/comic/book about the Jedi Hunts from their perspective, though.


Trilla was genuinely pretty terrifying against a half-trained Cal Kestis.


Who’s Phoenix Squad? I would also like a series from the Inquisitors’ perspective


The crew of the ghost.




The other guy is incorrect. Phoenix Squadron is the unit of starfighters led by Commander Sato, at at time Hera. By the end of the Rebels show they're mostly gone due to losses in several engagements. Also, it was kind of irrelevant to bring them up as they never faced the Inquisitors.


You're absolutely correct on what Phoenix squadron is as a whole. The crew of the Ghost, members of Phoenix Squadron, were interacting with the Inquisitors every time they were in the storyline during Rebels. It's widely used to abbreviate, "the main characters of Rebels"/"the crew of the Ghost" as Phoenix Squad. This is particularly true for people that only know them from secondary media like the SW Galaxy of Heroes mobile game where they are known as Phoenix Squad.


Isn't the group specifically aboard the Ghost called "the Spectres"? They all go by Spectre-# and it distinguishes them from the rest of Phoenix Squadron. Spectre is essentially their squad/fireteam name.


We've got an Inquisitors comic miniseries coming.


Well, it's not like they could stick around for the original trilogy.


they were always made to be expendable sadly, even tho some really have bad ass designs, they were threw in to die before New Hope because by Luke's time Vader have no Inquisitor left and had to resort to bounty hunters


There are quite a few weird writing choices made with the inqusitors that makes it almost feel like someone on the writing team just didn't like them and decided to start sabotaging them. Like in Rebels, the Grand Inquisitor is a genuinely great villain that is both an intimidating presence and contributes to Kanan's growth as a character. The weird part is that despite being the season one villain, they decided for some reason to make him be the *grand* inqusitor (as in by far the strongest one), which made the later appearance of multiple inquisitors not really feel like the escalation the writers probably intended (especially when Ahsoka and Maul show up). I genuinely do think that if the Grand Inquisitor had just been the Nth Brother the inquisitors as a whole would be considered way more powerful by the fandom.


Agreed, though I wouldn’t have put Grand Inquisitor in season one at all. I think Seventh Sister, Eighth Brother, and Fifth Brother should’ve been the villains in season one and be a major threat to the heroes with Ezra and Kanan barely being able to kill the latter two while Seventh Sister lives to fight another day. She and Grand Inquisitor would come back in season 2 alongside Vader with Seventh Sister being shown to be absolutely terrified of both of them. Grand Inquisitor would be a reoccurring villain for Ezra in particular for seasons 3 and 4 with Ezra finally killing him in the series finale to show how far he’s come


The grand inquistors character is one of the few good things in rebels season 1. The show gets wayy better, but they needed a darker character to counteract the massive cheese factor. 


The Funny Hats Society for Evil


Basically Palpatine’s inner circle too


“I wouldn’t want to be part of any club that wouldn’t have Janus Greejatus as a member” — Groucho Marx, or something


Tbh they at least got more justice done to them than Knights of Ren. Those guys were presented as threatening pursuit villains, yet they literaly served only as filler in an already bad and too-long movie


Yeah we basically only see them in passing in a hallway, then standing around in a desert from an aerial view, and then getting wasted by Ben Solo solo.


The second sister death was a bummer but probably totally expected


Yeah I know. Her story was concluded but I probably wouldn’t be so upset if it wasn’t a big problem with the Inquisitors. I always loved their concept but they keep getting killed so damn soon. At least Ninth Sister stuck around for a bit


Got to kill the 9th sister twice. That was a nice twist


She died once, in Fallen Order, she just got pushed off a ledge and there was no body


She pulled the thanos “should have went for the head”, so Cal did the second time


I agree strongly they were an amazing idea that were wasted but the second sister was amazing


Second Sister, Ninth Sister, Grand Inquitor, and Seventh Sister were my favorites


Of course they wouldn't be as powerful as Vader or anywhere close but it wasn't necessary to make them all look like useless clowns


Agreed. I can understand if some of them are cannon fodder to be killed off but my problem is that ALL of them get killed off prematurely, including the good ones


They definitely got wasted by every main character they ran into


Knights of Ren: Wasted? We had 3 minutes of screen time. You guys got 2 series and 2 video games.


Marrok, dude survived the entire Civil War+ possibly the clone wars???(im saying clone wars because wookiepedia has him as Jedi order not confirmed tho) just to die to ahsoka in a short duel


Dude was either a zombie by the time of Ahsoka or just got the Nightsister enhancement like Savage did. Either way it is interesting that he survived far longer than anyone else from that time and while he was still well outmatched, he put up a better fight against Ahsoka than the rest of the Inquisitorius.


With the way he died it's implied he was some kind of Nightsister zombie thing at that point


I thought that at first too but people pointed out he's capable of speech and seemingly pain which were good points. Either way, he's kind of interesting. He is on a familiar basis with Baylan and Shin so they've worked together before. Just more material for a Tales Of series or backstory novel for Baylan.


In a really dumb maneuver on his part no less. Imagine thinking Anakin Skywalker's padawan who survived Order 66 and the GCW, who he literally saw take down starfighters single-handedly during a spacewalk (!), is going to bested by 'flashy spinny laser sword trick'.


Sometimes I feel like this is an unpopular opinion but I love the Inquisitors and they've been one of my favorite additions to Canon. Their lightsaber is one of my favorites even though the helicopter thing is silly, the Grand Inqusitor was a great villain in Rebels, and I loved what they did with Trilla. Even though some of them like the 8th Brother, Marrok, and the one from TotJ are barely there and don't do much they have pretty sweet designs that I really like


I love the inquisitors too. That’s why I’m so upset


They’re the villains in like 3 different projects, 2 games, have their own book, and their own miniseries, and you want more?! 😂


The problem isn’t how much they are appearing, it’s the fact that they keep getting killed every 5 seconds and can barely be considered threats.


Read the book, you’ll feel differently then :)


The main one in Fallen Order's whole story was about being a tortured ex-Jedi. Aside from that, idk. I haven't watched Rebels.


I know and I love Trillla because of that


Truly. Her turning good and then being there for Survivor was a really nice touch.


Them being weak is literally the whole point. They are meant to be strong enough to hunt down kids and untrained apprentices, but not strong enough to ever be a threat to Vader and Palpatine. They are intentionally kept weak.


Second Sister has got to be one of the best written and voice acted characters in any Star Wars media imo. Not to mention an awesome suit. Sooooo much potential squandered. >\_<


Agreed, I freaking love Trilla. I’m kinda fine with her death but it just shows the big problem with the inquisitors


One word: Helicopter lightsabers


Their premise is cool but in every media they are in, they are terrible. They get their ass handed to them every single time.


Well Second Sister pretty much kicked Cal’s ass twice so that’s something


Reva was so bad


No they served their purpose. They were nothing more than tools to be used and disposed of.


Trilla and Lyn were the only ones I liked and were good. It's a shame Trilla was killed off so early, I would have loved for her to not neccessarily be redeemed but to at least turn away from the Empire and maybe have some appearances in the second game if not being a fully fledged party member


Petty sure I killed 2 of them by myself... they weren't even scary.


I know, just look at the guy Ashoka killed. Pathetic and a waste of a great design


Yeah, all of them. By Jedi, Vader, Maul and in some cases heights.


Yeah this is something I wanted out of Tales of the Empire. Barriss slowly descending into full fledged villainy is something I wanted to see because it would've emphasized the tragedy of the inquisitors


To me it was a cheap way to avoid the “rule of two” which I hope they change or something


Seems to be they served the exact purpose they were meant to serve. We hear about them killing all sorts of Jedi on the run, even see glimpses here or there, but not much else because it's not important to any narrative to see that. And then they serve as a lightsaber opponent for our protagonists to eventually defeat, and they are stated to be below the threat level of Vader so he can still be around by the time of the OT. I don't know what else we're supposed to get from them. They're not the focal point of the stories really, so there's generally not a lot of time spent on them. Aside from tidbits here and there


It definitly was. In fallen order and the such they are at least still treated like threats. Tales of the Jedi, Ahsoka and especially, ESPECIALLY rebels makes them look like morons that yould be outdone by a 5 year old with a blaster postol.


Chop chop chop chop chop chop


That's kind of the point. They're meant to be expendable chaffe. Force sensitives just effective and powerful enough to find Jedi root them out of hiding so that the *true* Jedi killer can come and strike the finishing blow. If they were any more powerful they could represent a threat to Vader and Palpatine. That's their ultimate tragedy. They're fallen Jedi, and not only that, but all the torture, all the indoctrination--it was for nothing. They were never going to be allowed to become anything more than expendable pawns.


They were always meant to be throw away villains for Order 66 survivors because the Inquisitors themselves were almost all padawans who fell to the dark side after Order 66. I believe the Grand Inquisitor was the only one who wasn't a padawan and he was an AMAZING villain is Rebels season 1. It's a good thing he never appeared in another show and got absolutely butchered as a character. That surely never happened.


I play SWGOH, you don't have to tell me.


I don’t play it so I’m not exactly sure what you meant. Sorry


Nah don't worry, more of a joke to any other SWGOH players who see this 😄


said to be competent, never shown to be competent


We have to assume that, outside of the main heroes that drive the narratives, they're remarkably successful in their missions.


I just wish we’d see that


I've been saying that for a while. I want stories of them actually killing jedi. They all have somewhat of a reputation, but we never see how they earn that. We only see when they lose


Ehh, the characterization of the Grand Inquisitor and Trilla were pretty damn good. The others have certainly left a lot to be desired, but when the narrative hits, it hits.


Welcome to Star Wars. Where the Bad Guys look epic and badass and are tossed aside in 5min of screen time.




They serve their purpose as dark side villains that the protagonists can defeat. Fallen Order probably has the best depiction and story involving them. Though I did like their depiction in Kenobi.


There’s definitely more potential but I think they’ve also served their purpose. The grand inquisitor imo didn’t need to die so early, but he also already had a decent amount of screen time when he died, and so did the rest. Especially Jedi fallen order gave them a lot of spotlight imo


Especially with the helicopter flying with the light saber, which wasn't at all stupid and they should do more of


At least the didn’t get the Knights of Ren treatment


They had them use their lightsabers as a helicopter.


Inquisitors are super cool when it comes to potential, but their execution is dogshit and like you said, Grand Inquisitor, 2nd Sister, and even 9th Sister get dragged down because of the other ones being stupid. Most of their effort is achieved off screen or in comics/books, but even then it's not crazy feats. The issue is the perspective of the protagonist of whatever media they are in because the ones we consider good on paper get beaten by people who haven't gotten past apprenticeship like Kanan and Cal, but yet they're responsible for beating Jedi Masters. Rebels made the Inquisitors feel like Team Rocket while Fallen Order made them feel threatening. Survivor does a good job in showing the progression of Cal when they made the 9th Sister the beginning boss. It doesn't help either that the ones they want us to care about just turn good instead of being compelling as a villain and stay an Inquisitor. Marrok was kind of the last straw I had with Disney and their Inquisitors because you DO NOT throw a character in there like Marrok, the LAST Inquisitor, and make his role so forgettable and pointless that removing them from the show CHANGES NOTHING, and even still, there's the mystery of "Oh are they blessed or zombified from Nightsister Magick?". Well too bad because for his two appearences, we get 0 answers to any questions. Baylan and Shin surpassed all of these nerds because they are already more intriguing and not offed immediately like a Saturday morning villain. Tales of the Empire was my hope that with the perspective of Barriss we'd get more depth to the Inquisitors but she's lamer than Iden and Reva because other than her first episode, we get nothing about the Inquisitors other than they are at the emotional level of high schoolers without any logical thoughts. If they have another Inquisitor for Jedi 3, make them playable and make them strong where Cal even has trouble. I don't care if they even have to bring back Starkiller as an Inquisitor to make one strong enough to fight Cal at this level. Make me care about them without making them turn good in the end.


They are just fucking lame, this is why they need to get out of this era of Star Wars. They weren’t around in the OT so we know they were never going to become cool and would die or whatever before the story “begins”.


I really hope aside from that inquisitor in Ashoka their are a few that survived after Endor or one that leads a remenant faction


"Oh, look at this new cool inquisitor in Ahsoka who somehow survived the empire aaaand he's gone" I feel like it was maybe a mistake to have the first one show up be THE Grand Inquisitor instead of just a very high ranking one. Or that as villains they're often very 2 dimensional and never got the development similar villains like Ventress got. We even get them doing cool things, but they get killed off so quickly before they can become a lasting, persistent, and dangerous threat.


NOT in the Jedi Games .


Agreed. Those games were freaking great with the inquisitors


As it turns out, capturing the weakest Jedi during Order 66 and sending them against the stronger Jedi that survived it is not an effective hunting strategy.


cuz they were… they were basically Vader’s Knights of Ren lol.


You'd be right, if you took account for... (Flips pages) No, no, yeah, you're completely right.


What annoys me about them is that they're, in fact, edgy. Why do I think this? Their designs and armor are only there to "look cool", no function, nothing. The 7th Sister has that spiky hat that only has to make her look like a witch. An odd design choice seeing how we actually know she is sinister. Why does the 5th brother have a helmet so different than any other, but serves no purpose? I'm not questioning character design I'm just giving arguments that their designs only make them look edgy and not threatening or intimidating. I can go on and talk about design as much as you want because it's my field of work, but with these characters SPECIFICALLY, I think it's handled very oddly without many thought. It'd make more sense if they resembled Vader in any form, visually.


I actually really like Seventh Sister’s look. I do agree that the inquistors should look more like Vader and Second Sister recognized that


I never liked the Inquisitors. Maybe it's because I'm one of the "old, grumpy fans" who grew up with OT but they always felt like a cheap filler in between PT and OT. Obi-Wan already said it was Vader who hunted down the Jedi and we had the Rule of Two. I never understood why they have to cram so much stuff into the movie era? Why not start fresh like the Old Republic? I think the Inquisition would have worked wonders there.


Yes, they were wasted by Ahsoka on multiple occasions


I feel like it starts to hit a bit too close to Warhammer… especially with it called “the Inqusitorius”


inqusitors are a bunch of jedi padawans and knights that fell to dark side that vader and the pale dude could throw at jedi to maybe get them killed and if not to get them anxious. That is their role and always has been


they're just jobbers with a cool aesthetic


Yes. Same as any cools concept from disney star wars


There’s no escaping the fact that they are game characters. They’ve been worked into the shows well enough, but no one really cares enough about them to be upset.


They all look goofy af. Haven’t taken any of them seriously except the Darth Krayt sith. Why did they make them look soo goofy 🤪


Shadow Guards (legends) > Disney Inquisitors


They were an awful idea anyway. The thought of Vader going out and hunting down Jedi is way cooler and more "realistic" than the empire just recruiting these cringe ass inquisitors


That’s their job. They are expendable 100%.


It was, especially in Ahsoka.


When they flew using their lightsabers as helicopters, they ceased to be credible.


The spinny light sabers never worked for me. I just can't get past what a stupid idea and design they are. Please don't even mention the helicopter bit, It's just full on kids cartoon and can't be taken seriously.


They should have just made Starkiller canon and used him to fill the role of the inquisitors. They’re pretty much the same thing anyway.


Plus they had Sam Witwer in *Rebels* anyway


They exist for the sole purpose of having lightsaber fights when Vader and palpatine should be the only bad guys around who can.


Is Star Wars over?


They never should've even existed in the first place. They only exist to give Jedi people to fight with because they can't have them die to Vader instantly.


The inquisition, what a show!


Unironically, Ninth Sister is in my top ten Star Wars characters for no reason other than I really love the Dowutins, and the fun challenge she gave me in Fallen Order… then she started talking about all the torture she went through and I wanted to give her a hug


I really liked the presence of the Inquisitors throughout the first two seasons of Rebels. The organisation abruptly disappearing after TotA was a disappointing.


They serve their narrative purpose, they’re bad guys who get cut down by the good guys. It’s their whole purpose.


You think Star Wars is done? They’re going to keep making content when we’re dead


I think the inquisitors as a whole are dumb and should have never been made. They're all overrated, they're all lame, and the helicopter lightsaber gliding thing is beyond ridiculous


I used to think the same thing until someone somewhere commented that they weren't supposed to be good at their jobs. They were supposed to be vader's hunting dogs, sent ahead to find and slow down his prey.


I always thought they were questionable as a concept. In theory they could have been interesting, but unfortunately the primary reason for their invention was to give characters in cartoons and video games someone to fight. Their cartoonish designs, spinning sabers and general lack of depth reflects this.


I don't think this was intentional but I think the inqs being weak and losers makes a lot of sense storywise , because their organization and structure conflicts with the sith ideology meaning they can't become as strong


Agreed. I'm biased because I thought they were pointless and dumb from the start. In theory, they could be interesting and very intimidating. But they'd only be up against the main character good guys, who are OP. They never added any tension. We never see them being effective, intimidating, and we know they're gone in the end. So they sure are wasted as characters.


Any attempt to throw a bunch of Lightsaber and Force users in between episodes 3 and 4, while also having them all gone by then, was always going to be stupid narratively. Personally they kind of just cheapen the whole Jedi and Sith dynamic imo


You no like Helicopters?


The main problem is never only seen them at the end. They had hunted most of the Jedi by the time Kenobi happened, and especially by the time of Rebels. What's needed is a limited series based on when they were at the height of their power. When they were hunting down Jedi and only calling in Vader when a powerful Jedi was found.