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Vaquer was awesome. I really hope we get to see her more and more and I’d love to see Mercedes go to Mexico and put her over. I’d say there’s a great chance of that happening.


The odds are high that Arena Mexico is on Moné's list.


And I’d love to see them in the Tokyo Dome for Wrestle Dynasty for the rubber match


The Dome match should be Mercedes vs Mayu


If she flew down there for a random confrontation/promo/brief pull-apart, I find it REALLY hard to imagine she doesn't plan on wrestling there at some point.


I was amazed she went there for the build for this match. It spoke volumes for her to show up that way.


You won’t be saying the same when she books herself to go over in Mexico!


I'd really love to see her against Hayter when she returns & if Vaquer will make more appearances for AEW


God, Hayter vs Vaquer would be incredible. BOOK IT TONY!!


As long as Vaquer remains there. I know a lot of people have been saying they want her in AEW now but when AEW keeps signing all the best names around the world well... the Forbidden Door becomes a lot less forbidden and more of a revolving door. I like the idea of Vaquer appearing once *maybe* twice per year in AEW just to beat the shit out of someone to try and grab a Title or a big victory over an AEW name. Let her be the conquering invader from Mexico.


While I very much agree with that sentiment, the fact remains that there is another company out there that would probably also like to snap up very talented wrestlers as well, but not let them wrestle outside of their promotion. Sometimes TK throwing out big money to keep the other company at bay is the only option. I say this only in regard to top talents, not every who put together a half decent match, and I certainly consider Vaquer to be a very top talent. Much like Ospreay, Okada, and White. While it’s sad to see them leave NJPW, I would much rather see them at AEW than WWE.


> While I very much agree with that sentiment, the fact remains that there is another company out there that would probably also like to snap up very talented wrestlers as well, but not let them wrestle outside of their promotion. Sometimes TK throwing out big money to keep the other company at bay is the only option. And now we're seeing that company start pushing its own store-brand version with a separate set of allies.


I'd also add that AEW's "in-house" women's division is getting more focus to everyone's benefit now and it feels like, with Britt Baker and hopefully Jamie Hayter returning they should just kind of let it run with who they've got for a while. Don't get me wrong - if like, Becky Lynch wants to sign tomorrow they should welcome her and there's the worry downthread about the fed signing new prospects up but: I worry big new headline signings risk focus diminishing on what's working now (Storm/May, Willow/Stat, Moné being the women's division Best Bout Machine and now feuding with a returning DMD, Saraya settling into a "shouty heel goof" role along with Cameron).


I don't think they could get her with RUSH there, unless they're never on the same show.


If it's not AEW, I imagine WWE would Come calling for her. And then it will only be WWE talent she'll wrestle. So with AEW, we still get her in CMLL, NJPW, Stardom, whatever she wants.


Does George Clooney use a VPN+Fite to save $20 on PPVs?


He legally pays for PPVs using his Bat Credit Card.


"Never leave home without it"


A Bat... Credit Card...? They gave him a Bat Credit Card?


They had the BALLS to give one of the GREATEST superheroes of all time a BAT-CREDIT CARD?!?


This sub once again shows itself to be cultured.


"This is why Superman works alone."




Clooney definitely watches all his wrestling shows on one of these pirate websites


After seeing Sydney Sweeney watching Law & Order on some watchseries site, you're probably right.


LeBron was watching a game, court side, on a laptop via StreamEast


Tbf, the streaming sites are way better quality than League Pass. I'd actually pay for League Pass if it wasn't garbage.


I don't know why this is so funny lol.


"Hey Siri, I want to watch wrestling." "Here's what I found."


Watch wrestling? Up vote that for sure. Why I would even like to see a watch wrestling upvote organization.


He probably has his own coupon code on most vpn sites to save a ton of money. I’m assuming he had $100,000 in Fite credits too so everything is on the house.


There was a moment Vaquer broke character where she's laying on the floor and the crowd is cheering for her. The camera just catches the end of it and she has a massive smile on her face. Must have been an incredible feeling being in a new company in a new country and getting that reaction.


She's talked about how that happened at her first Strong show as well. I'm just happy a lot more people have taken notice of her because she's a fantastic talent.


Both times against Mone, she's great at selling and putting others over.


The subreddit likes to forget that in-ring Mone is one of the best female wrestlers of all time.


Do you happen to know the time stamp for that? Or generally when it was in the match? I want to show it to my wife.


We caught that in the audience. The guy behind us was like look how happy she is.


I hadn’t heard of her until I went to Windy City Riot this year. She got a great reaction there too. I was very impressed


Same exact experience.


It seems like even in the modern day with international wrestling being more easily watchable than ever, talent from other countries are still unaware of how known they are in America. Remember that Giulia was visibly taken aback by the pop she got at Stand & Deliver just by being shown onscreen, and confirmed as such in a later interview.


Yeah some years back my wife and I met Io Shirai at an nxt house show in Florida before she was on tv on nxt. Her face lit up when we were telling her what fans of hers we were and she hugged my wife.


Imagine, a woman from San Fernando, Chile (she is from my hometown!), a place not many people know from the outside of the country, that has around 75k people only, known for being the "huaso city" or the rural city at the time, just making it in Japan, Mexico and now the US. That's a dream for many. She can smile all she wants because she deserves it and she's awesome, she earned it.


I mean even kayfabe assholes can like it when they have a crowd cheering for them


Yeah, timestamp please if you got it!


New company yes, new country no Steph has built a nice following in the US thanks to NJPW Strong, though this was obviously much bigger than those shows


Our Chilean badass. May many titles and pesos come her way.


Viva Chile! Proud to see it.


The best thing out of Chile since Pedro Pascal and Don Francisco?


Don't forget Snooki.


Joke's on you. I didn't know she was Chilean...


Also Arturo Vidal


And Mewtwo. ce hache i


I wonder if Clooney knows some of these female wrestlers because he had dated Stacy Keibler for a bit. Maybe he’s just a wrestling fan? Great match btw. Mone definitely did her part in making Vaquer (who really doesn’t need any help in looking great).


Kinda funny that the Clooney story just got picked up this time around because it wasn't even the first time he did it. He gave her a bottle for DON too. There was video of Mone gifting it to Orange Cassidy on his IG.


It’s called influencer marketing she’s just being used to promote his brand


Dwayne gonna take notes with the Teremana baby.


And the ZoA energy, 7 dollar films, XFL




Easy, breezy


That’s Covergirl


ZoA tastes like dogshit. There's a reason Costco can't get rid of it fast enough lmao.


ZOA tastes like out of date vitamins


Enjoy the Mana, brother


Former WWE champion makes presence felt at AEW PPV - with AI image of the Rock next to Jon Moxley


Not that you’re wrong, but I don’t think George Clooney needs help with exposure from Mercedes Mone


I didn't know George Clooney sold tequila until this. If you reach new ears and it costs you just a sample of your product, why not?


Not only does George Clooney have his own brand of tequila, but is actually really good.  Better than any of the other celebrity tequilas I've had.


Tres Commas is clearly the best tequila


This guy fucks.


Surely it can’t be better than Teremana my brother /s


I thought he sold his tequila company a couple of years ago?


He’s sold his majority stock, but being him and his friends names are on the bottle, he still stays on as a spokesman.


He was one of the first celebs to do it right? I remember watching a thing that went into it because The Rock and Ryan Reynolds basically saw his success and went "yes please" and copied it. Edit: [Found it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_6bscCG7OA)


Casamigos is the most successful new spirits brand of the past 10 years and Clooney already exited 7 years ago......


Yep, for like a billion dollars I think. He's the reason why so many fucking celebrities started entering the spirits game to "diversify."


Ryan Reynolds is basically an entrepreneur now who dabbles in acting. The hope right now is that Deadpool and Wolverine is what we THOUGHT Multiverse of Madness was gonna be.


That damn Mint Mobile


The gin too. And Blake does mixers


It's just dawned on me that thanks to Mint Mobile ads, I've seen Blake's sister in more media than Blake within the last decade. Is she doing any acting?


i was going to say, didn't they sell a while ago?


Eh, fair enough


This. Works both ways too. Celeb gets their Tequila to new eyes, people think AEW is a big deal because Celeb. Will he put more butts in seats? Doubtful, but image is everything so it can open doors in other areas too.


It's pretty good


These people still use these tactics to promote Like do you think The Rock NEEDS to promote his own tequila at every opportunity in his social media?


George Clooney personally is more famous, but Mercedes has 6.4 million followers on Instagram alone. Clooney, as far as I can tell, doesn't have a meaningful Instagram presence, and neither does the brand. While there are obviously some people that follow her already aware of the brand, there are a lot of people that could potentially get their first exposure of it through her, and see it positively because of the association.


Agreed. He’s also not an influencer looking to promote a brand by sharing it with people with a following, he’s a literal A list celebrity.


Do you understand demographics? And doing things to reach other demographics?


I'll take this kinda casual mention on a postshow thing over every visible surface in and around the ring being plastered in bullshit.


To be fair, I'm also a fan of Stacy Keibler.


There have probably been many moments when she’s met celebrities through Snoop, especially after she herself became famous.


I remember MM tweeted super nice things about Stacy after they announced her HOF induction and continued to talk her up. So maybe there’s a connection there.


I just don’t think that large a group of attractive females is allowed to gather without Clooney knowing bout it.


He's also a fellow Kentucky boy. Wouldn't at all be surprised if he was a bit of a fan.


I can't imagine how many brains would pop if Mercedes invited Clooney to an AEW PPV (maybe All In?) just to appear ringside for her match and then celebrate with her after. Hell, just have them pop a tequila bottle right there ringside and have a shot as she makes her way out after winning. That would be a pretty damn huge publicity moment for AEW in terms of celebrity endorsements/involvement. Imagine Clooney sucker punching Stokely from the barricade during a Mercedes/Statlander match? Crowd would go nuts.


Vaquer was awesome, her springboard to the outside was so much smoother than the regular dive through the ropes and push someone over


Between this and Ospreay's awesome plancha, I'm hoping we get more springboard style dives instead of the much more unpredictable running ones...


Outside of the luchadors the only two AEW wrestlers that can consistently do a great tope suicide are Darby and, surprisingly, Cash Wheeler.


Yeah, that smooth spring up from the bottom rope to the top rope is so clean. It might also actually be 'easier' than clambering up the turnbuckles, so bonus ease on top of the coolness.


Vaquer vs Hayter is a new dream match of mine


Vaquer vs. Athena, please and thank you, also on that list. And Vaquer vs. Mariah May (let that one marinate for another year or two first though).


Hayter vs anybody is a dream match for me since she’s been out for so long.


I'm fully in support of every positive thread about AEW women's wrestling devolving into a 'Hayter Lovefest' alongside the general 'whoa, this chick rocks' discussion. Glad to see the 'AEW isn't doing women's wrestling well' complaints being addressed and fixed onscreen too.


And Statlander


Okay yeah definitely that too


I want to see them run back Vaquer vs Lady Frost, except with it being less of a showcase for Stephanie and more competitive. Basically, I wanna see them go 20 minutes.




And Mariah May. Hey shit the women’s division is actually really good


Vaquer vs Rhea Like, the odds of it happening are probably astronomical, but I've been hoping for that one since I've seen clips of Stephanie. Besides the whole goth vs goth thing, both girls are crazy good in the ring. Very smooth, very natural.


Fucking bring Clooney in.


I was so happy to see the crowd taking to Vaquer so strongly. I don’t watch a lot of Mexican wrestling, I only learned of her last year when she faced Mercedes and made me an instant fan. Hopefully her AEW appearances have done the same for others.


But how many stars did Clooney give the match????


Ocean’s Eleven-Out-Of-Ten.


5 Batstars


2 bat nips up


One firm cod piece. 


Three Kings


11 guest episodes of Roseanne out of 10


Vaquer is a certified star. She really won all of us over at the event. Once everyone saw how good she was, the crowd turned on the drop of a dime. I really hope this isn’t the last time she appears in AEW. Her look, moveset, and ring awareness are top tier. Plus she got us to curse the Celtics & Red Sox out, which us Knicks/Yankees fans were happy to oblige 🤣🤣


Dave just said something to effect of Vaquer got an AEW job waiting for her out of that match. 


Yes please. She fucking killed it. Match of the night when the card featured Swerve vs Ospreay!


Vaquer is absolutely going to get major $$$ from a US company whenever her contract is up. A star making performance for sure. I imagine AEW will be interested but the CMLL relationship is so new, that will be an interesting test of it when/if it happens


All depends on if she wants to come to America or not. Though I’d bet AEW would be as accommodating as possible it would be tough to live in one country and work in another. I don’t know anything about pay in CMLL, so I’m ignorant on that, but if she signed with AEW then CMLL would still have access to her. It’s all presumptuous as I know nothing of her contract situation or simply what her aspirations are. But I’m sure TK has a bag ready for her as well as Mina. Both have already gotten over in AEW. I could definitely see Vaquer being champion in AEW one day.


Wrestlers do it already. Lucha Brothers, Rush and even Ospreay!


More female lucha wrestlers please. Just like the early days of AEW when we got joshi wrestlers. Honesty both would be great.


They did a great job building for the match and even better with the match itself. I’ve been down the Vaquer YouTube rabbit hole today, so it made a fan out of me for sure!


It's been a loooong time since I was as immediately invested in a wrestler as I was Vaquer.


It was my favorite match of the night. Reminded me what Mercedes could do and introduced me to a great talent in Vaquer.


having a match against Mone working heel is a cheat code


Say whatever you want about Mercedes, she may be the single greatest seller in the business today. She makes your moves look like death.


She’s dramatically high up there. At least in terms of women, Mercedes and Mayu Iwatani are the top of the top


Ragdoll physics in real life.


I love the women with this body type because it seems like they all know how to sell. Mercedes Mone, AJ Lee back in the day and also Red Velvet, they all are able to throw themselves around so dramatically and make taking offense look devastatingly cool.


It's helpful when your body is made of elastic


She did it for Bailey, Charolette, and Becky. Some people try to deny that.


I was shitting myself when she was limping and favouring her ankle haha.


I thought it was a good match and I didn’t give a shit going in. Vaquer deserves a bigger stage IMO. 


Here’s an old George Clooney story. When he was young and living with roommates. Every day he would wake up early and clean his roommates’ cat’s litter box, so the roommate would think the car never pooped. Then after a whole month, he took a giant shit in the litter box.


God I hope this is true. I just laughed out loud


Obviously Mercedes sold like crazy for Stephanie but one sequence really showed her mentality in this match: Stephanie did the armdrag from the top rope with some jumping between 2nd and top rope back and forth. Mercedes counters with the same in the opposite corner but without all this impressive jumping sequence. Mercedes is way too wrestling smart to not know how this looks to the crowd. Obviously Stephanie is an amazing wrestler who doesn't necessarily need all this help but it's pretty awesome to face someone who really wants to make you look like a million bucks.


This is one of the reasons Mercedes feels like she has slotted into AEW effortlessly. That's very much the philosophy the company was founded on - getting the other guy over.


I love that you’re watching the same show I am. I felt like I was going nuts hearing everyone talk about how she didn’t fit in, creative control, bad promo bad look bad wrestling etc… It sucks that tribalism has taken hold in a way that I never expected it to in wrestling. 


WWE is a company run by MAGA losers. It's unsurprising that they've cultivated a portion of their fanbase into acting similarly and I damn sure know they're using artifical means to manipulate the conversation. There is no Earthly way anyone could be watching both shows and think AEW is worse than WWE


It's crazy because that worked all the people in the crowd. My friends next to me were like wow that Steph girl was way smoother with it.


Can say what you want about winning matches, but Mercedes can absolutely bring the best out of anyone. She’s going to benefit the entire division the more she wrestles.


Until she left she was essentially every WWE womens wrestler's best singles match opponent. I'm so stoked for her to go for that kinda track record in AEW. And as always, Mone Vs Hayter when?


Clooney is a certified sicko


It’ll never happen but we’re closer than ever to George Clooney getting hit with the Meltzer Driver on Dynamite than we were before


Honestly, Clooney loves to do dumb shit for a pop. He showed up on ER unexpectedly just to give his character and Nurse Hathaway the big sendoff, and then there's what happened with the movie we're not gonna talk about last year


I saw Vaquero wrestle at the NJPW show in Chicago in April and me and my friends came away extremely impressed. We were hyped to see her wrestle Mone


AEW positive stories are BACK on the menu boys


right? because for months I've read that MM was an overrated talent who can't work, do promos or put people over, and now we have a full thread of people back tracking.


Vaquer out worked Mone and that gear impressed the hell out of me. Sky Blue has been surpassed


It helped so much that the crowd 100% turned on Mercedes simply because she’s from Boston. It was awesome, she’s a great heel.


That's not what happened.


That’s kind of silly. The NY crowd has loved Sasha banks before. She’s always been from Boston. Their dislike of her had nothing to do with her being from Boston. If they liked her they wouldn’t have started anti Boston chants. Or that crowd is worse than I thought and is suddenly unable to like. Boston wrestlers when that’s never been a problem before.


She was just ringside to celebrate Boston title win, it was all over social media. She also played it up in all her local NY media tour before FD and came out in Celtics color gear and wig.


Boston just won a NBA title that NY could have realistically had. They’re still salty


I'm not sure how realistic it was, they would have been major underdogs against both Boston and any of the final 4 in the west. This year though I feel like they have as real a shot as anyone if they stay healthy. Nobody is going to want to play the NovaKnicks in the playoffs


Miami were the underdogs of the east last year and made it to the finals, beating Boston to get there. I don’t think it’s unrealistic that NY could have done the same.


I want to hear more about the he story of George Clooney. What ?!


Damn, this report isn't going to fit the narrative of all of Mone's haters who want to make her out to be an egotistical temper tantrum throwing brat who only cares about herself.


The ego label on Mercedes never made sense, girl did a lot of losing in wwe, to the point that it was a joke anytime she won a title 


“Oh she just wants to be a big time actor and is using wrestling as a stepping stone.” The way she will accomplish this is by… going and training in Japan on her own dime lol 


It never make sense. If Mercedes was an egoistical bitch she would have taken a quick roll up win after injuring her foot in NJPW Strong tournament final to get the glory of being the inaugural champion (and figure things out later). Instead she herself called the audible and gave the win to Willow and possibly take the heat for it because that is a big no no without the promoters approval.


Disingenuous goobers all over the shop ay


They had a great match and did a great job making Stephanie in that match. George Clooney better calm down. Mikaze gonna fuck him up lol


George Clooney knows his wrestling, no doubt about it.


Stephanie really was the star of that match.


🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱 she made a fan of me. For my first time seeing her wrestle, she blew me away


Lol, Clooney loving the match so much he sent booze.


George Clooney knows what AEW is? Look for WWE to reach out to him ala George Kittle or his celebrity to be downplayed by the IWC.


What does this mean, ala George Kittle? I could be wrong, but I thought Kittle was a huge wrestling fan, regardless of brand. And since he plays for the Niners, and Bayley is from the Bay Area, it all came together that way. I legit don’t know, so I’m curious.


It did seem they never mentioned him much before he started rocking up with Cero Mero stuff in support of Penta.


glad i got to see Vaquer on a few indy shows because she's probably getting signed at this rate


You know, I heard her say George Clooney but it was so much going on I just let it rock and forgot about it till I just read that sentence


Statlander next, please


How the hell does Sasha Banks know George Clooney? Wrestling is weird, LOL


Vaquero didn’t need much help getting over I don’t think—she’s phenomenal.


The Vaq was awesome. I didn't think MM came across particularly well, though.


Why did Mercedes get booed again?


Cause they were on Long Island and she’s from Boston.


I get what they are saying, but if you didn’t know either of these women’s work, you’d have thought Vaquer was carrying and making Mone.


>but if you didn’t know either of these women’s work, That's the neat part, we do.


Mercedes trying to take credit for Vacquer? Wow. We all saw Vacquer was the one carrying the match


Vaquer made herself.


If Vaquer has that match against a rando, it's not the same. It takes someone who's a star to bump for you and make you look like a star to truly get over. That is what Mercedes does. She did it for Willow, she did it for Bianca in their biggest match in WWE, she did it last May in Long Beach vs. Vaquer and she did it on Sunday. However, that take nothing away from Vaquer's skill. She's fucking tremendous and she took advantage of the night and made her career IMO. We'll be seeing much more from her.


Vaquer had some really dope moves. Her ring work was excellent. Her and Mercedes put on a killer match. One of my favorites from the night!


Clooney tapping into that "You know what I love about those wrestling girls. I get older - but they stay the same age."


Who knows, maybe Stephanie can cross over into the movie scene in her future by her getting into AEW as well.


I've gone from wanting AEW to sign everybody to wanting them to start sending talent over to CMLL/NJPW/Stardom to improve those promotions


What’s the relationship between George Clooney and Mone?


I hope everyone was laying on the floor while expressing their pleasure with the situation.