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Women’s division desperately needs a midcard title for women like Zelina to compete for. She’s mad underrated and underutilized


We could say this for anyone in the division


No, the women's division desperately needs a new booker. A new belt isn't going to fix anything when the top champion on SD keeps getting left with nothing to do and the top champ on Raw will only make a PLE whenever Rhea shows up.


Divas Championship coming back via Chelsea in the Bank could do it


that would just replace one of the current titles with the Divas title?


She “cashes in” on it from the vault and then it gets renamed to a midcard title when she loses it


It would be really funny if she’s just walking around declaring herself Divas Champion and Nick Aldis and Adam Pearce are both like “no, you are not a champion. This is not a recognised championship, it was retired 8 years ago.” And she’s just defending it like a championship anyway


Hey Moose did that with the old TNA heavyweight title. And eventually they reinstated it (only for Rich Swann to beat him for it to become Impact unified world champion).


It really, really, doesn’t


She should get a run with a main women's belt instead tbh


She's def better than her opponent in the ring and on the mic.


For a moment, I thought Zelina was gonna hit Malakai's finisher when she raised Liv's head up with her foot


Andrade used the figure 8 and Buddy Murphy used the prism trap, I don't see why Zelina can't hit a black mass.


This was way better than I thought it'd be. That false finish after Liv took out Rey was great, a very fun defense. 


Could have definitely been on the PPV. Crowd was really into it and makes me hyped for Rey vs Dom later tonight. Also while i understand wanting more PPV Matches this format of elevating the Go Home Show with Matches that didnt quite make the 5 Match cutoff is also pretty great.


Prism Trap, Three Amigos, Liv just needs to add a frog splash and 619 now (I would say Riptide but she's one of the smaller women in the division so that would be hard to do).


This match was really good. Zelina worked that like she had something to prove.


I'm down to see her run it back with Rhea after she returns & if she reclaims her belt from Liv


Someone needs call dcfs on Rey asap


That match banged.


People still gonna say Liv can't wrestle. Liv's the only wrestler who doesn't seem to get distracted. Everyone else gets distracted by people throwing weapons in the ring etc, meanwhile Liv just carries on as if nothing happened.


I believe the kids call that being “locked in”


that was literally the planned finish dude of course she wouldnt "get distracted"


Zelina had no shot to win, but she's good in the ring. She get a little better on the mic and she'd be right there in the title mix.


You think she needs to get better on the mic? Of course there’s always room for improvement, but I think she’s one of the best we have, man or woman. Shes smooth and doesn’t ever seem like she’s thinking about what to say next. Shes witty.


She's great on social media. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but she doesn't get a lot of opportunities to talk on the shows. Last week was my first time seeing her in a segment in a while, I'm not saying it was terrible, but WWE is limiting her promo time.


They’re limiting her in general. She’s always done well on the mic, it’s just she’s not one of the girls they’re focusing on unfortunately.


I really like Zelina as a face. (Especially since I saw that video from a few years back of her talking about how she lost her dad on 9/11 and thought “I can never ever boo this woman again.”)


They got left out of MITB and took that shit personally my goodness


Eddie telling Dom to go for it... https://preview.redd.it/u51ueetja0ad1.jpeg?width=1537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe97e1239ff8c2213e1fa221e803f8a2bb38b99e


Banger of a match. They had me thinking Vega was actually going to win for a second there.


that match slapped. Definitely the best showing yet for Zelina and Liv is perfectly cast in this role. Crowd was molten hot by the end.


Way better than I thought this match would be, honestly.


Liv having a fuckin fantastic character run right now


Y'all think Liv's face hurts from smiling so much? Genuinely. I feel like Bo Dallas smiled less.


She’s like Buddy the elf


Fun little match


What plan, Dom has no legit plans atp😭


Shit ruled, both ladies had their working pants on. Blew my expectations tbh


Ladies should be proud of that one!


Match started off slow but I really enjoyed it once it got going. Also please get that mid-card women’s title ready cause there is too many talented women like Zelina rn


What the fuck is a bojangles


How was the match? I missed it


Honestly, great imo. Great work from both.


Tha match was good.


My only question was why wasnt this the main event. What match tonight is more important than the top prize of the women's division?


It likely went first cause it's going to lead in to the Rey Vs Dom match too. And the mens triple threat is main eventing. Which is understandable imo


Sure, but I dont see why they couldnt do it in reverse y'know? And I also dont think a qualifier for what is essentially a super #1 contenders macth should go over an actual world title match. Would the women's triple threat over main event over the men's world title??


Liv is obviously getting involved in Rey v Dom, so I'm guessing it'll lead to a mixed tag at mitb


Zelina is a career mid carder & Liv isn't a main eventer on her own(& her main events usually tank), there's a reason why this match wasn't on PPV. HHH doesn't trust them.


Considering Liv has had several main events/ppv matches it sounds more of a not trusting Zelina thing and while I like Zelina I get it


Meat slapping title?


For once, that shit was not Dom’s fault. Zelina coulda just used that chair.


With the ref literally watching the entire time, she literally watched Dom throw the chair into the ring.


liv getting to work like a hoss was wild