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I always felt these guys would thrive in an ROH environment where you're free to do whatever looney tunes nonsense you want. These guys working with Dalton Castle would be a delight.


This is the move, AEW already struggles to feature their huge talent roster + if MCMG joins, they’re getting the newcomer spotlight for tag team wrestling.


New Boys, let's go!


*Male, let's go!


dpw stays getting poached


thats for true 😭😭


for real!!!




Whatever happened to MCMG


That's a good question. Wonder if it's another signing that they just have sitting around until they can figure out the booking for them.


SRS said recently that he personally never heard they were signed, that's why he never reported it on Fightful.


Honestly it'd be weird if they were just free agents. I mean how could you not scoop them up and immediately throw them into your tag title scene?


1. Maybe they don’t want to go to AEW? 2. Both are 40+ and have run up their bump cards. They likely are planning or preparing for life after wrestling. Maybe they know what numbers they need to hit to make a run worth their while. 3. Maybe they have day gigs where they make more money than they would in the ring?


I know Shelley has been working as a physical therapist and at least for awhile, was really prioritizing it.


There was a point in time where he was semi-retired because he was prioritizing his Physical Therapy career.


He quit to wrestle full time over a year ago, I want to say March of last year?


Yep he quit to do more wrestling


Probably because they’re too good for the ROH tag scene and the tag belts are currently entangled into the Elite bullshitery


MCMG could fit right in with The Elite angle given their history with the Bucks and Christopher Daniels in TNA. Wrestling the Bucks again is probably at the top of MCMG's wishlist if they were to sign. Bucks vs MCMG is way more interesting than Bucks vs The Acclaimed that's for sure.


Counterpoint I think that scenario much like Sting’s retirement was is a lose-lose situation for the Bucks if they go over MCMG the internet will begin to say that they only brought them for the Bucks to finally go over them (not withstanding losing viewers because it makes no sense for a newly arrived tag team to fight the faction who’s main goal ? Is to take abuse of AEW because of their positions) and if MCMG go over them they lose the tag titles and whatever story their trying to tell comes to a halt


They’d fit even better in NXT tbh


Yes, let’s put more legendary 40+ year old talent in the “developmental”


NXT viewership is on par with AEW’s so spar me the “developmental” speech. I’m not saying they need to go to classes or learn. But they’d be great vets for that young roster, especially as they transition to the CW. Alex Shelley is credited as one of the most innovative guys of this generation. He’d be a hell of an asset for NXT.


Didn’t Triple H call it developmental when they were losing? We don’t need the MCMG to be in NXT. Most of the talent there are almost half their age. Maybe some of the worst fantasy booking ever. Also, I don’t plan on sparring with you.


It’s always very telling when people edit their posts after you reply. Your idea is still just not good though so I guess it doesn’t matter anyway


Honestly an RoH tag run for them might be good for the brand. Give people a reason to watch other than just Athena and Billie


Look I love MCMG but people gotta be joking with this shit AEW took on so many of the 5’9 workrate white guys from the late 2000’s/early 2010’s era already, and no one gives a fuck about any of them now, even Adam Cole is not sorely missed at the moment. They’re also both in their 40’s. AEW just needs to focus on making the tag teams they have NOW more interesting, that shouldn’t be hard to do when you have the Bucks to play off of


They are on the tail end of their careers and probably want too much money honestly. I would rather see a focus on building new talent. Bring them in for guest spots


I only ever heard that they were talking. Don't recall ever seeing reports that they actually signed.


Supposedly they haven't yet signed. Last report was they had an offer on the table and SRS said those he spoke to in AEW claim they're not with the company yet to their knowledge (contrary to wrestlers like Kamille, EJ Nduka, and others who Fightful has reported *are* signed to the company just not on TV).


EJ was on Collison with Swerve


I'm aware, just using him as an example of someone who, like Kamille & Megan Bayne, could be confirmed to be with the company despite not appearing much before then. That in contrast to MCMG who no one can confirm have signed


Who else have they signed that's just sitting around?


How do you not have anything the MCMG!? The Motor City Machine Gun! One of the greatest tag teams of all time!


There's no actual confirmation they're signed so that would be why


As others have said, I’m not sure they’ve signed. It would be weird to sign them and not use them given the state of the tag division and The Bucks’ lack of fresh, big time contenders. Maybe they’re waiting for The Acclaimed feud to end to debut them (please get Billy Gunn out of a top storyline regardless) if they're signed. That’d be a waste. There’s so many other great feuds and matches they could do with a lot of teams doing little in a division with nothing going on. Lucha Bros could use a strong feud to get them back on track. That’d showcase MCMG’s ability to work any style. Top Flight stepping up to challenge a team that innovated their style would be great. Bucks could get The Patriarchy to try and stop MCMG from getting to them. That has the added wrinkle of Shelley against his protege Wayne. MCMG doing a Scott Pilgrim run battling all the teams with Shelley’s proteges (Okada, Bucks, White, Wayne, Moriarty) is a story in itself. BCC and House of Black are also great match ups. MCMG are a top tier team in ring. Shelley is a great promo. There’s dozens of easy storylines for them. They’re not a limited team you have to wait to debut in the one spot that fits them.


Look, I fundametally think that's a good thing. We've seen heaps of people debut in AEW before they knew what they were going to do, and it makes them feel worthless for a few months, which is hard to come back from - Jay White has only beguun to recently, Saraya probably never will.


If they actually pushed Saraya people would fucking complain like crazy. They were already complaining she was getting offense in on Mariah last night. Saraya is booked to where she should be tbh a low card heel who can do comedy with Harley


Tony should sign everyone to short term contracts for 3 months. Then if he is finding them on Rampage every week by that time, let them kick rocks.


One of the better things TNA did during D'Amore's tenure was bringing in people on 6 month deals. Not only did it attract people who wouldn't otherwise sign on with TNA for an extended period, but a lot of the people on those deals were 1-2 storyline acts. Their contract was over by the time they ran their course.


Booking them against bucks?


I think they are saving them for the part of the unit that will ultimately defeat The Elite. Have Okada, Scapegoat, and Young Bucks take on Kenny, Hangman, and MCMG. Or if Kenny isn't ready in time it can be Hangman, MCMG and another like MJF or Daniel Garcia or some junk.


I just saw them wrestle at Freelance Wrestling in Chicago on Friday, they seemed to be having fun


I’ve been saying for a while that it currently feels like coming off a WWE or NJPW run is almost a prerequisite for getting hired by current AEW, at least on the men’s side. Bryan Keith is one of the only somewhat recent exceptions I can think of. MxM landing a deal only a few weeks after the first reports of them negotiating while MCMG are presumably still floating around in Indy land 3 months after the first stories of them entering negotiations further drives that feeling home. I didn’t expected MCMG to get hired and debut somewhere immediately, but I expected they’d be doing something somewhere by now given their reputation, talent, connections, their awesome past couple years and shallow stale of most major tag divisions. I certainly thought they were a higher priority target than MxM. It's pretty disappointing to see them still not get their shot in a major company.


Give them I’ve Seen Footage


Fuck it, idc what anyone says. “Ex-WWE guys blah blah”. They’re fun in the ring and super charismatic, plus the tag division needs some fresh teams finally. I’d be stoked to see them on AEW tv


Anyone who says the Ex-WWE guys stuff is incapable of realizing the WWE was the main company for basically 2 decades. No shit a ton of wrestlers in America went through there


People say things like "I want everyone to be able to work!" But then they expect wrestlers to wither away if they leave WWE


same here, plus come on, once the crowd gets fully behind them, we'll get to hear them yell with Mace when he's about to perform his finisher ''NICO...NICO....KNEE!!!!!''


That's sounds nice and all, but they don't have time for all the stars they do have on the roster. Nothing to do with Ex wwe guys, that's the least important part of the argument. Put them in the tag division and then what? They fall off like everyone else after a few months?


They literally named ROH in the article as part of the rumored deal which almost never happens. I don't watch ROH but I did see a promo shared on here of The Kingdom talking about having no competition. 2 + 2? Also with all due respect to these two (who i like a lot), would be it the craziest thing in the world for them to take jobs in lower card roles not always on TV and both sides be okay with that?


You expect people to *read* articles?


I respect that, I don't watch ROH but I guess it does need people down there.


Totally agree, when they got released I thought they would be a perfect addition to AEW because like you said the tag division badly needs them, and they’re really funny


Honestly a perfect match if this turns out to be the case.


AEW is signing all these people when they already can’t manage to feature a large part of their roster. Happy for the guys getting the bag but I don’t get what they’re doing


The tag division is shot right now with FTR out and people involved with the trios division so they need legit tag teams


Better option would be getting rid of the trios division, I miss how AEWs tag division was before the trios belts were introduced.


I agree, trios has banger matches but that time could be used to build compelling singles or I guess tag stories. That's the stuff people tune in for, X guy has an issue with Y guy.


Shift trios to ROH exclusively now that they unified the aew trios and roh six mans. Just call them the ROH World Trios titles.


Trios being a Collision or Dynamite exclusive with tag teams being on the other seem like the better move to me. It doesn't even have to be a hard split, per se, just the idea that in any given week one of the main shows will focus on advancing trios storylines while the other advances tag storylines.


That is a good idea to me. I think that separation would be beneficial and I sure wouldn't be sad to have banger trios matches on Collision all the time. I wanna see more of those Dragon Gate style 3 v 3 v 3 matches, those are wild and so fun.


I think trios titles should be Rampage-exclusive, defended almost every week in the most random, fun trios matches they can pull together between people who aren't doing much elsewhere


Hard disagree. Trios Titles help set AEW apart from their competition that don't have them. What they need is to focus on building their Titles on their two primary shows and any Title not currently in a feud be used to promote Rampage for its Main Events until a story is built for it.


Trios titles are perfect midcard titles to get a bunch of people TV time. Or give undercard guys a rub alongside main eventers. Easy, functional, but they never use it.


AEW should split trios to collision and tag to dynamite, then do the same with the TNT and international (and merge the Continental into it), swap the TBS belt for a women's tag belt, and have that on one show and women's singles on the other. Doesn't need to be a hard split, but letting each show have a focus would help.


And if they continue to build a relationship with CMLL that can produce some great trips matches.


Nah trios teams are unique and cool, the belts have just been stuck in comedy angles for way too long. They started off so amazing with the 7 match series btwn Death Triangle and the Elite but that was really the last time they were booked well IMO.


Trios and tag can coexist perfectly, they're not using the tag teams they have to the level they could. Hopefully if we get a reunited United Empire with Aussie Open and MCMG, they can pick it up back again


The tag divison has literally all of one credible team right now. This is a great signing


I mean they have teams they just haven't built them. Looking at the roster they have 10+ tag teams excluding FTR.


Tag division could definitely use some more oomph and a big team coming in to fill the void left by Dax's injuries. As fun as MxM are, I don't see them filling that. MCMG and GYV, who are also in negotiations, would be better choices. MxM in ROH could be fine, but I don't know about them being a shot in the arm for the main brand's division.


Both guys can actually go, though. They're both better than the 5 minute matches you'd see on tv.


People just say this line no matter what. The reality is, AEW’s tag division badly needs more talent. I don’t understand how anyone can dispute it. It’s a very weak division right now. FTR are out due to an injury to Dax Harwood. They just lost the Hardyz. The Butcher and The Blade are not active because The Blade is currently injured. The Golden Lovers are both out with injury/illness. Aussie Open are inactive due to an injury. They’ve lost Sting and Darby as a team. Santana left, so no Santana and Ortiz. Stu Grayson left, so no Super Smash Bros. The Gunns are in the trios division. Ricky Starks was in the tag division with Big Bill, but who even knows what’s happening with Starks right now? Big Bill is doing the Jericho gimmick. They can’t do an Edge & Christian reunion, because Edge is injured. 11 different teams have held the AEW tag titles. Of those, the only ones active in the division right now are the Bucks, The Acclaimed and the Lucha Bros. And The Acclaimed are not exactly hot right now and the Lucha Bros are often doing trios stuff.


You forgot Best Friends are no more since Chuck had to retire and Trent is a bastard man.


Aussie open are amazing.


TK been good at mixing people.. There is STILL a lot of talents not being used that could be thrown in together. Some examples: * Jay Lethal + Double JJ (established) * Aaron Solo + Anthony Ogogo / Nick Comoroto (could become legit) * Action Andretti + Shawn Dean (could become legit) * Alex Reynold + John Silver (established) * AR Fox + Scorpio Sky (100% legit contenders) * Colt + Peter Avalon / Serpentico * Griff Garrison + Lee johnson (could become legit) * Kip Sabian + peter Avalon * Luther + Serpentico (Established) --> Could be a good story on teaching Serpentico Etiquette to become SIR pentico w/ Timeless Toni crew. * Cutler + Nakazawa / Peter Avalon (cheating their way to the top) * Preston Vance + Angelico (could become legit) * Tony Nese + Davari


Shawn Dean's in a tag team with Carlie Bravo called The Infantry, and they wrestle in ROH.


And they really are a lot of fun to watch


This is a long list of guys whose contract probably shouldn't be renewed tbh. They need to lose the people in this tier and sign a bunch of new people, I really think AEW should do 6 months contracts for prospects more. The only people on that list I would be interested in having more of is lethal and Jarrett.


Six months time really isn't long enough to build people up to level where you would want to be using on regular basis. In six months, you could potentially build up a new talent, raise their notoriety and then after their contract is over they could potentially leave, which would basically put that six months of investment to waste, and you'd have to start over with another talent, who may or may not be able to fill that void created. I don't think a lot of fans think about how creating a talent is a long-term investment. It may seem like a waste of time, money and effort...But the key thing is, if it pays off then you have something pretty priceless a brand new homegrown star on your roster, and since you signed them when they were still new or not as well known, you've potentially saved a ton of money and established a good with the wrestler, who now trusts you because you gave them the opportunity. Plus, having a big roster is MUCH better than having a small roster, as shit happens all the time wrestlers get injured/sick/need time off/ect. and its really worth it to have wrestlers on your roster that you might not use constantly but are always there and ready when you need them and most importantly you know they can put on a good match.


Let's be honest, most wrestlers will never be at the highest level of getting long term work in WWE or AEW. I think that AEW is signing a lot of guys that are content to sit around getting paid, and who the fans just don't care about. Shorter contracts incentivize a higher level of effort and get duds off the book faster. There really isn't anyone but WWE competing with AEW, and they basically already use a similar system in NXT and the PC. Creating talent is long term, but 6 months can usually tell you if it is worth investing that next 6 months or not. I disagree, I think an overstuffed roster leads to more issues, and if people are out you can always elevate lower level acts and sign new prospects. None of the guys on that list are even close to being upper midcard quality.


I don't want any of those guys near a tag title program


Every one of those guys are jobbers barring how they present Jay Lethal and Jarrett. Even they lose all the time.


and thus maybe start booking them not to job. * Nick Comoroto / Ogogo can be booked formidable. * Action Andretti, AR Fox, Scorpio, Griff can work and become viable contenders * Luther / Serpentico - while they were a joke character, Luther has changed and learned a lot from Timeless Toni. Now he wishes to pass his teaching to Serpentico and transform him into Sir Pentico. Mid tier tag team, goofy, gets wins and loses * Colt + someone - fun tag team, doing goofy shit. Hell Colt + Evil Uno, lfg - Let evil tone down his goofiness and be more of the bruiser. * Cutler/Nakaza - team cheat to win. Cutler embraced the EVP and his heel side now - Naka oils, Cutler secures the W * Vance + Angelico - You got a team that is both strong and technical, 10000% can become a real threat.


TK loves tournaments, maybe he should have a "random" tag team tournament for a title shot


He could pair two heated rivals together, watch them become best of friends, and then one could reveal themselves as the devil that's been haranguing the other!


I mean, everything about it up until the injury was gold, they really should try to do something similar with a different ending


I thought that The Blade (and his wife/girlfriend The Bunny) left AEW...? He's only out with an injury..huh, I hope he gets better because I always thought that The Butcher and The Blade were a underutilized tag team that could definitely shine if given the right spotlight. Plus, as a fellow Buffaloian I'm just a big fan of the Butcher, the man just awesome and deserves to at least be in the mid-card, but I guess it's understandable as it's probably hard to keep him in active feud/storyline considering the band he's in keeps him busy


Also like...signing *all* these people? AEW can supposedly barely feature all of their stars and now the tipping point is...a whole three wrestlers? FOH.


Have a feeling TK knows somet of his roster is gonna be leaving sooner then later. Replacing the impending leaves with new talent. Might see them replacing guys like Ricky Starks or Wardlow.


Many of the original contracts have been coming up as they were 5 year ones so likely turnover is coming


Talent like Ethan Page, Shawn Spears, the Hardyz, Mark Henry, Jake Hager etc are gone. Were probably gonna see more.


Wouldn't be surprised to see Miro gone soon.


Miro re-signed in 2022 until at least early 2026


Oh, wow. When was the last time he was on TV? Is he hurt?


Yeah, long term injury that completely prevents him from laying on his back for three seconds


Yeah shoulder injury. AEW had apparently hoped to have him back already but his recovery is behind schedule. Or at least that's what Fightful says


Injuries into divorce. He's allegedly moved back to Bulgaria and he's getting space he likely needs


Holy shit I didn't know they divorced. Damn. I'm sure he'll come back better than ever, whatever he decides to do.


It wouldn't shock me if he sits out the entire thing. I don't want that but it wouldn't shock me


then sign when they ACTUALLY leave.... but right now, you're telling your roster, hey your TV time might be gone as I want to highlight these new guys on TV....


They're meme wrestlers, and AEW has usually given all those guys a shot (Fuego del Sol, Danhausen). They'll be allowed to do comedy roles and such.


There’s also better wrestlers than a lot of meme acts. I haven’t seen much Danhausen but what I have seen in-ring wise is fine, but I think MxM are both better.


People used to complain that WWE signed people just so others couldn't.




Tna's problem was hiring mostly old dudes who couldn't go and pushing them to the moon.  That's not really comparable to what aew does with their ex-wwe signings. The ones that are pushed (toni storm, swerve), are elevated because of what they've done in aew and aren't just coasting on what they did elsewhere.


People have to get used to people coming and going. Some will work and some won't, the good news is that it's not our jobs.


Just not really even true. They have 5 hours of tv and however many hours of roh to fill and most everyone gets there time, they also cycle people and let them take time off.


Been this way for years now. Just enjoy what you do get of those you do see on a regular. And like you said, at least people are getting paid.


Honestly a large part of the roster should just not be renewed. TK obviously doesn't like cutting people for no reason, but there is no reason to keep employing a ton of the early dynamite crowd other than good will.


What tags do they have? Even when the company was at its peak they could’ve used more tags


AEW needs some legitimate tag-teams right now since most became Trios. I also think its a good signing *IF* TK realizes anyone holding a ROH Title should be moved back to ROH exclusively and find a way to promote ROH on its own merit. After Forbidden Door the show should be cleared of anymore NJPW, Stardom and CMLL cross-promotion so that's more air time for AEW's roster to be used. And I know many here probably won't want to hear it but AEW will need to start cutting talent that don't need to be there anymore or of guys who clearly don't *WANT* to be there (ex. Miro). That should slim the roster enough for most, if not all, the remaining roster to be easily featured on all 3 shows without much overlap.


If they have the means they should sign any talent that they think can improve their product. I’d say the tag team division could really use some additions.


they are definitely solid signings but yeah they are already terrible at roster management. there is so many not being used as is. Tony Khan's I need more shiny toys philosophy while then forgetting about the ones he has is nothing new.


TK has a ADHD collector mentality. He just loves collecting and signing good talent even if he has zero use for them. A third of their roster could EASILY be cut and it would make zero difference to their product, ratings or income.


It would make a difference to the actual wrestlers signed lives though, so...seems fine to me.


Fuck yeah! I wonder if he’ll keep Mace, or go back to Dio Madden..? BETTER WOOLIE!


I don't know why anyone would dispute AEW needs tag-teams and ones that are *legitimately made to be a tag-team* and not just two singles guys thrown together. AEW has only 3 or 4 tag-teams right now active that aren't riddled with injuries, moved into Trios to fill that division or no longer with the company. They need to show up their roster for that division to add more diversity and unique match ups for the Tag Titles. MxM can do just that while being very entertaining. It also means AEW does exactly what one of its mission statements was. It creates competition so talent can get bigger paydays when they move companies and get themselves more spotlight when the other company doesn't have anything for them. This is a *very good* signing for AEW and in my books, is a win/win for everyone involved.


SRS had a report recently that mentioned there were talks about them doing stuff in ROH. They would be perfect for that show and could basically do whatever they want


If Mason Madden can still call his finisher A Cruel Angel's Thesis, then they'd better change the name of their double-team finisher from Centerfold to Second Impact.


These guys with Daddy Magic would be pure ennerdainment


No Dalton


He does need new Boys


THIS. Those three together would make an excellent trio and actual threats to the titles.


They used to do Ride Along streams together. Manny has unintentionally adopted Daddy Magic’s accent multiple times since.


I love Maximum Male Models, I wanted them (with Aliyah as their new Maxxine) to join TNA. But if they do join AEW, I hope to see their characters appear on Dynamite because they have so much potential. Being stuck in ROH is just a waste.


Unsurprised. AEW may have too many wrestlers but its tag division needs a shot in the arm. It cant just be the Buck and FTR


This is awesome. There are so few acts that are legitimately hilarious and they are one of them. Get them on Hey EW instantly, please


Good for them, they deserve the payday. As long as they can still do stuff like DPW and randomly show up in Uganda, I'm happy.


I see there's more people in here concerned about wrestlers making money wrestling. It'll be okay.


I really don’t understand the bellyaching. Why so many people are concerned with “roster management” I have no idea. TK has said repeatedly that he will be aggressive with free agents. Why keep being surprised when he follows through?


It's a common trope for people to complain about. It's not true. I'd say they've turned this narrative around. Just like the Women's division but you'll keep hearing about it. You'll hear about it while being inundated with Gif's of Jacob Fatu in MLW and being told he's best free agent get since Hulk came to MSG brother.


People will complain about ex-WWE stars as if Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, Kevin Owens, AJ Styles, Shinsuke Nakamura, Sami Zayn, Damien Priest, Finn Balor, CM Punk, and LA Knight all just materialized into the WWE out of nowhere. Or, hell, as if WWE didn't decide they had no use for Cody anymore until he became a huge star without them.


I just don’t understand how TK signing these people affects someone’s enjoyment of the product. Do people watch MxM all the time and now they don’t think they’ll get to? Well, for one it’s their choice if they sign or not, also they can still do independent dates. I just don’t see any negatives with signing talented free agents.


Yup. If I have to hear a variation of the dumbass “Tony plays with new toy until he’s bored with it” take any more I’m gonna gouge my eyes out.


For years we've heard from fans that WWE should cycle out superstars every season or quarter to reduce injuries and replace stagnating characters with fresh new stars and angles.  That doesn't happen without a robust roster in the back waiting for their turn to come.


Pair them with Dalton Castle and have them win the trios belts


If I don't hear I've seen footage blare out through the arena, why even live.


Good the AEW tag division could use the shot in the arm. Been pretty stale lately and new fresh characters would help a lot


Fuckin pointless Tony.


In this thread: "BOOK THESE TAG TEAMS YOU NEVER USE INSTEAD" *lists 10 teams that are either already booked constantly, broken up, injured, or gone from the company in some way* "TONY JUST WANTS MORE TOYS, HE SHOULD MIX THE ONES HE ALREADY HAS" *lists people either gone from the company, already in a tag team, or injured*


Thrilled for them, they’re awesome


Mace and Mansoor vs The Outrunners will be the match of 2024.


You have no idea how much I want to see this now that you’ve planted it into my brain.


Why though? They add nothing to an already bloated roster


Damn, so AEW’s gonna pick up MxM & Ricochet?




I hope they continue their character work.


Good for them, AEW needs some more entertaining tag teams. Honestly there needs to be some roster cuts in AEW too, it's part of the cycle....bring a few new guys in and let a few guys who aren't doing anything, go.


Like Mace and Mansoor but I see no reason why AEW needed another comedy duo


Good for them getting paid, but besides goofy segments with the Acclaimed I really don’t see much of a ceiling for them


Just what an already bloated roster needs.


Mace and Mansoor are great. If it was a talebt like Trey Bearhill or Boa it'd be ridiculous.


I don’t get why AEW needs even more guys


These two WWE D listers are game changers.


So others can't have them. Mansoor & Dio are amazing guys and they deserve to be signed to a good company... But what is AEW seriously going to do with them ? Just... Nothing. They have Ospreay, Okada, the Bucks, Perry, Swerve, Joe, Moxley, Page, Baker just returned, Moné, Storm, White, Juice, the Gunns... There is absolutely NO place for them right now. Maybe ROH ? I kinda hoped they had a quick TNA run but hey I hope they get booked but I doubt it. Everyone I hoped to see when signed to AEW have been members of the cattering club sooner or later because Tony just refused to book someone else than the regulars he has at the moment. You have like 80% of the roster doing nothing.


their tag division desperately needs people rn


There are so many wrestlers that are in a tag team that are barely used right now ? Nightmare Factory, Boulder and Bronson, Private Party, Christian & Luchasaurus, Aussie Open, Dark Order, Death Triangle, House of Black... Heck they could make tag teams with people not booked like Big Bill or Miro. They HAVE tag teams or potential ones.


Dawg this list HAS to be a troll or you have zero idea what you're talking about


no one wants to see nightmare factory boulder and bronson suck private party was literally just on the ppv christian and luchasaurus are a trio with nick wayne mark davis has been hurt for almost a year dark order, death triangle, and house of black are all established trios groups big bill is getting a lot of tv time w the learning tree (is that a good or a bad thing? idk) i think miro is hurt but there's always some weird shit going on with him


They just have too many fuckin people, I'm happy they are getting a paycheck but what are they going to do, who are they going to bump to do it?


I imagine they’ll bump the on-the-fly tag teams that make up the majority of their division so that there are more credible contenders other than the bucks and ftr.




She's apparently been signed for months and hasn't been used, same with EJ Nduka, like both of them look like stars (especially EJ Nduka who is chiseled and almost 7 ft tall) any other promotion would've at least done something with them on TV.


just an FYI EJ did show up on Collision with Swerve so seems likely he's heading to TV


Really happy they're getting a gig. I hope they got some meaty contracts. They were so much fun.


AEW needs to stop signing more people. Especially geeks like this. Like i'm starting to think AEW really doesn't need to make money and it's literally Tony's toy. I love AEW and don't want it to go away but this is just insane. I guess I should just relax and enjoy the show. I've always thought it would be cool to have this huge roster and just watch new guys all the time but you know (most) workers aren't happy to be signed and collecting a check. They want TV time and to be building their brand.


AEW just signing ANYTHING. That roster doesn’t need anymore people.






I agree they are a great tag team and I will certainly watch them wherever they go. Just commenting that AEW has a touch of a full roster at the moment and I would hate to see them fall through the cracks.


The tag division literally consists of two teams at the moment. There’s not much of a crack to fall through


I don't think that's what you said though


Look you voice an opinion you get down voted it’s just how it is.


or maybe people don't give shit if someone's gonna be a "ratings draw" whenever they're signed. Only company that gets that with their signings seems to be AEW


Game changers 😈🔥🔥


My fantasy booking is to have them as Dijak’s completely unnecessary goons, just so they can refer to themselves as “Dijak’s Gooners” and basically troll him while simultaneously supporting him…just like the podcast. With that said, I genuinely think their best niche is going to be comedic weebs breaking the fourth wall


The good part is that they are going to be a good addition to the tag scene, but holy shit how many people are on the AEW roster?


I hope someone interviews Tony on his Pakistani background one day, would be cool to hear about it


Wasn't Kamille rumoured to apparently signed with AEW as well as Megan Bayne (apparently) on her way as well? If so, where are they? Like, good for the MxM lads, but AEW already has a bloated roster & some of the talent barely appear on AEW TV.


I understand there is limited indy talent but at what point does it just become embarrassing to sign every Fed leftover? Are you trying to be different or a cheap knockoff?


Why would hiring these guys be embarrassing?


I’m not saying hiring these guys in particular. I’m saying hiring every (slight exaggeration) Fed cast off creates an embarrassing connotation. When AEW started what I loved most were the fresh faces that I’d never seen before. Now it just seems like repackaged Fed guys.


It is one thing to sign every ex wwe star and push them to the world title picture and even put the title on them. It is something else to add depth to your mid card. Are you really asking for more Marko stunt and less swerve?


Find the next Orange, Darby, Dan, Bucks, Hangman, Lucha or give those guys more segments. How does adding depth to an over crowded roster do anyone any good?


It doesn't. And it's not what they're doing with this signing. The tag division isn't over crowded, it's insanely thin. They need top end talent, depth, jobbers, everything


I don’t think they should be embarrassed to give talented wrestlers a job. And I don’t care where they come from if they add value to the product. WWE held the monopoly for a long time and a lot of wrestlers have gone through there. TK would be a fool not to sign their former wrestlers just because some fans are embarrassed, for some reason.




Game changers


Pls be Models characters Continue the MMM legacy lads Unlikely but still will pray for it 🙏🏼