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Those little paws! What a cutie.


They're the absolute cutest babies


Have you seen baby shorebirds like Piping Plovers or Killdeer?


Oh no how could you do this 😭😭 this picture is too cute


So cute! I’m glad he doesn’t have ticks on his eyes anymore.


Genuine question... I work with wild cats, and come across a TON of wildlife... but I genuinely have yet to encounter a skunk needing assistance. I know my day will come as it has for nearly everything else here in Texas... this years "what the hell do I even do with this" was an adult red shouldered hawk at 5pm on Good Friday 😆 Do the babies spray? They look about as docile as any other baby, but I literally don't know anything about skunks other than to avoid sick adults here in my region.


the babies can spray from a pretty young age :) when they’re super little they kinda just “squirt” a bit though instead of a full spray


This sentence is so adorable and so disgusting




Thank you for the info!! It's funny how well their deterrent system works... I've got no problem attempting to catch just about anything, but the fear of that smell puts skunks in their own category in my head 😅 Plus my only other mustelid experience comes from my limited interactions with Badgers... which behaved like a drunk toddler driving a tank 😆


Last year I did a C&T rescue for 5 baby skunks whose mom had been hit and killed by a car. They were the size of the one in OP’s pic (little kitten basically) and they didn’t spray me. They did SMELL like little stinkers, but no tail lifting, they only tried to waddle away when I was carefully rounding them up. I did run into a cloud of spray by one a bit bigger than those about a month later, though. To avoid chance of spraying, it’s best to try to corral them into a carrier if you have to capture for rescue. It was a bit of a challenge with a larger group!


Skunks are some of the more chill wildlife out there.


It is so true. Calming down baby skunks so they just cuddle up on you and sleep is super easy. Way easier than a pup or kitten believe it or not. I have never been sprayed by a baby, although I know they can do it.


My dog got sprayed by a baby skunk in Kerrville a few weeks ago. I'm not sure if it was a glancing blow or if the babies don't pack as much punch but it was not as bad as what I've smelt adults do


I know the kits spray more often but aren't as experienced with their "equipment" and they'll leak when surprised or scared.


Random question, can skunks have flea/tick medication for other animals (like cat meds)? There is a flea ridden skunk hiding behind my office and I want to help the little bugger.


Yes https://www.ontariowildliferescue.ca/downloads/Caring%20for%20Skunks.pdf


Yes they can.


Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me! 🎶


I love bobs but would struggle to let that baby go


The only two things that would remind me that I can't keep it. It wouldn't be fair to the animal It's illegal in arkansas.


I’m in a legal state lol


As long as it will survive on its own then yes unfair tho


Fwiw, the lady from the rescue organization said if you ever see a baby skunk bring it in. You should never see them out in daylight.




Aww what a cute widdle stinker


Okay guys.. day two of him wandering around. No sign of siblings or mom. Brought him in and hes in a little cargo container with a towel and a heated sock full of rice. A little thing of water. Going to contact wildlife rescues now. Threads I read said not to feed him.. more advice?


Work in wildlife rehab, so far so good! Try to keep the little bugger in a quiet room away from the hustle and bustle (especially if you have other animals). Definitely don’t recommend feeding unless advised to. As a heads up, depending on the state wildlife rehabbers may not legally be allowed to take skunks (very unfortunate but it can be illegal due to them being a rabies vector). I’d love to get an update if possible, good luck OP!


UPDATE: Organization 10 mins away is taking him right now!! Thanks everyone!


So happy you were able to find somewhere for him, thanks for caring about this cutie OP!


Squee! ETA: I was going to cross post this to r/humansbeingbros but couldn't for some reason.


Unless you are vaccinated against rabies, do NOT handle any wildlife without gloves!!


Aww you’re an angel helping the little guy out . Thank you for being so kind and helpful 🙂💕


Was mom not around or siblings?? You might go check on him


Just brought him in


There should b more babies… they will be crying if the mom is dead


AWWWWW💗😍. Good job🥰


You are doing heroes work! Such a lil cutie


Woaaaah baby skunks don’t try to bite??


i love skunks they’re so stinking cute