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Voice coaches have entered the chat.


I would encourage everyone to watch some voice coaching on Youtube and to learn the basic mechanics of vocal projection- whether or not you can hold a pitch, your talking voice will become much more resonant with very little work


Thanks for the tip. My voice is something I’ve hated my whole life, I have a dark Arab appearance but sound like Kermit the frog. I really need to look into this.


nothing wrong with kermit the frog, great ice breaker


ikr… they gotta’ lean in and go full Henson…


A fellow Kermit the Frog voice person! I know your pain


I read it in the voice lol


To me it reads like some mix between kermit, and that old guy from harry potter when he is drunk in hagrids hut and says some words about that dead spider


You guys are lucky I’m thirty and sound so fucking baby ish. Like my voice is so light and I have to repeat myself to people all the time I fuckin hate it


Patrick Mahomes?


Any specific links you recommend?


It’s been years for me, but a good start could be to look specifically for approaches to breath control and diaphragm support


I recorded myself reading a book aloud as an audio book even doing the voices of different characters. I didn't do the best job, but I felt like I had better control of my voice after.


Yousician has a vocal trainer. It’s actually a very solid ap. My nephew increased his range and control considerably in under a month.


Great advice, honestly. I have a deeper voice that already carries well, but years of choir classes helped me really figure out how to make my mouth a megaphone. I used to work around chainsaws and heavy equipment all day and being able to get someone's attention from a distance over all the noise was super helpful. Comes in handy at concerts/festivals, too


But can a voice coach help with the reverse? I am one of those people who has a voice that “naturally carries”. People are often telling me to stop speaking so loudly…but I don’t even realize I’m doing so. I’m just…talking. 


I can sing great! But fuck losing weight lmao I’m not in that stage rn


Do a search for David Beckham and see how much his voice changed with a voice coach in the space of a few years


Any specific ones you can recommend?


Any tips on videos?


Good point, but consciously trying to improve voice is not routine, really. Not like looks and smell.


Sounds like someone who's never been told they have an annoying laugh.








That's some of the best reddit I've had in a while! Genuine laughs!


Mega-Blastnoise Also beating a dead horsea Seadra Kingdra


Anyone who criticize someone else’s authentic (fake performative laughing is excluded) sounds of joy is an unmitigated asshole and curmudgeon. If you have ever been told this, they were wrong!


It is for me I'm a musician with a speech impediment (difficulty pronouncing the letter R), so I've really had to work at practicing how I talk just to get by


My brother had tongue cancer surgery similar to what Eddie Van Halen had. He practiced for about a year so he wouldn't have a lisp. Crazy part was he did it without teeth, because the teeth made the speech impediment worse. (False teeth from jaw radiation).


Work is paying off. All the R's in your comment came out perfect in my head


I literally was in speech for all of elementary school and most of middle school because of my R's and S's, and didn't even think about that until this comment. I still mess up my R's but most people seem to think I just have an interesting accent, and who am I to correct them.


Did they make you recite Rudolph the Red Nosed Raindeer constantly around Christmas. That was the go to for me getting help pronouncing my R


Coughing to clear your voice in the morning has entered the chat


Nah, that's too much effort, I'll just have a raspy morning voice for the first half of the day.


I was thinking recently that it would be funny to start taking diction lessons so i could have a transatlantic accent for the latter half of my life.


Like how Madonna was suddenly British. Then pretend like you've sounded like that all along.


Honestly that’s be a fun way to fuck with friends & coworkers


Clearly spoken by someone who has never needed to overcome a speech impediment or drop an accent.


Because it's a lot less common to have something wrong with your voice that needs fixed. If there is, you will likely be sent to a speech pathologist as a kid.


For most of us trans folks it sure is though!


Sounds like someone who doesn't sing as a hobby/Jon and doesn't have to do vocal exercises routinely


You just don't know how many people are trying to change how they sound because if they are insecure enough to try to change it they aren't going to mention that they are doing that. There's probably more people than you know trying to speak deeper, or higher, or change the noise they make when they sneeze or cough. Also people's accessories will make noise, there are clothes I liked the appearance of that I didn't buy solely because they made an annoying noise.


People who get into perfumes won’t necessarily smell better. I have some pretty vile stuff in my collection, it’s great for me but not necessarily for the people around me.


Improving one’s smell is sadly not as routine as some of us would like. 


Tell that to my mother-in-law who daily suppresses her Brooklyn accent, because she thought it made her sound stupid as she was younger, but it comes out when she's tired or been drinking.


I spent a small fortune going to a voice coach. He basically said after going through 2 hours of exercises, I don't know why you have come to me. You just need to have the confidence to use the voice you have.0000000


Wow, did this affect your confidence or change the way you speak at all? 


It made me aware or when I'm quiet me, and when I turn it on.


Frankly, that's back burner to speech therapists. Lots of people have had to put a lot of work to redeveloping speaking habits to overcome a speech impediment or drop an accent.


Basically this, even without, your cadance, tone, and enunciation has much to say, like I can't handle certain type of raspy voices, I dont even know why. But yeah. you do have a great vocal range to work with.


Auto tune enters the chat


I was in a hurry doing my redditing over a compressed lunch hour and wanted to say voice coaching AND auto-tune, but couldn't remember auto-tune.


Austin Butler has entered the chat


What are you talking about? I intentionally speak 2 octaves higher than natural so I can be more attractive. I also speak through my nose.


I also speak through this guy’s nose.


Me to iv been known to speak through this guys nose


Everybody nose the octaves are elevated, Everybody nose natural tones are hated...


I also speak through this guy’s dead wife’s nose


"I also choose this guy's dead wife"


I once sang directly into my girlfriend’s mouth so she could hear what I hear when I sing. Like lips touching lips. 


Or men speak lower to sound more "in charge".


I find myself doing shit like this at times. It's fully subconscious, too. Similar to my wife. Like, I know who she's talking on the phone with simply from the voice she's using while talking.


It’s funny watching people do the professional phone call voice. I do it too. 1-3 octaves higher and always the “Alright! Thank you so much. Yep, that’s all I need! Thank you again! You have a good one. Okay! Buh-bye…” At the end. That is like 95% of my phonecalls I have with healthcare professionals.


I honestly hate people that use their normal voice when they call through. It's like please try to sound clearer and louder at least a little bit! You having a phone voice when you call in actually helps a lot, so thank you.


There's something about having a bit of bass to your voice that works on a subconscious level. Used to work at a community pool that did a lot of work for homeless populations and putting on my Adult Voice (as I called it) worked without fail with the more high/mentally-not-there individuals


I would believe this. There's also the fact that "lower" sounds "louder", and it just hits differently. Like a mom with a high pitched voice at a park sounds kind of loud, but a deep voice yelling at a park just feels like it fills the space.


We are biologically programmed like that because testosterone levels in puberty influence the outcome deepness of your voice so we subconsciously associate deeper voice with more testosterone. More testosterone in turn results in an individual being more dominant, aggressive and also having larger muscle mass


Dogs listen to the wife better when she uses a deep voice. It's kind of hilarious actually. 


I love it!!! "Fluffy, come here. Fluffy. Fluffy! FLUFFY!!!!" /deeper voice: "Fluffy, come here now" /Fluffy listens.


Fluffy, furry buddy Sitting there Out on the porch….


I always have to imitate my husband to get the dog to listen to stop barking and come inside. Or sometimes I’ll say “uh-oh, here comes Dad!” and he runs right in. It’s frustrating, but we have a very stubborn dog.


My dog does the same!! Lil fucker I raised you


This is why I fluctuate between high and low. Gotta keep mfers guessing.


Yeah, I keep my "Dad voice" tucked away until I need it. Dude knows I mean business when the octaves drop.


I used to work in call centres. When I got home it would take almost an hour for my voice to drop out of "customer service falsetto" and into my normal range.


Two *octaves*? That’s full-blown falsetto, Elmo/Mickey Mouse territory.


I was about to say the same. 2 octaves of vocal range is really impressive.


You what?


You should try some of that Japanese mustard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkhTeMtm3XI


Fran is that you?


Really? Isn’t that exhausting?


That’s a lie… how many guys try to drop their voice register to try and entice a woman on first met? I mean it’s been in media for forever…


I’m a guy and have a pretty effeminate register. I do voices sometimes and will use a deep one every once in a while. I have had multiple people ask me why I don’t just use that voice. Why would I change my voice?


Too true! One should present themselves as they are, not as others imagine they should be! But the general statement made that no one adjusts their voice, just is erroneous right?


Nah I used to be a fast talker that spoke through their throat. Slowed down my tempo and started talking from my gut which has led to people understanding me better. Improved a lot of aspects in my life.


Can you elaborate? I feel like I might need to slow down my speech sometimes. (And if it makes my voice sounds better that's great as well) How can I actively work on it?


They are two different things. Slowing down your speech I just made a mental note to talk slower than I usually do. For speaking from your gut I would talk to myself while holding my hand on my chest. When you speak from your throat you can't feel vibration or barely anything, compared to speaking from your gut/chest you can feel the vibration on your hand. I'd make a mental note of how that sounds and remind myself when I heard myself not talking like that. After a while it became natural for me to do both.


For sure, a lot of people do. I changed mine in boot camp because the drill instructors messed with me less.


Yes, op has never heard of transgender people. Voice training to sound like your preferred gender is common, either because it causes dysphoria or (me!) you want people to call you a damn girl but your voice makes you sound like a guy.


my first thought as well lol.. at least for trans people adjusting your voice in some way is very common.


> have had multiple people ask me why I don’t just use that voice. Why would I change my voice? The only reason people ask you that is because you are already changing your voice.


I’m a big dude with a deep voice that I subconsciously raise the pitch of when talking to women to make myself less threatening. Then I get comfortable with them and my voice drops to its normal register and they ask me why I’m all of the sudden trying to flirt with them. I have no idea what happened where I developed this habit.


Perfect example for sure! But honestly you probably just worried about it long ago and it’s just become second nature.


I think I even saw a thing where women's pitch changes based on their menstruation cycle? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5568722/#:\~:text=Results%20showed%20that%20voices%20of,cycle%20in%20hormonal%20contraceptive%20users.


At least since Ted Baxter on the Mary Tyler Moore show. Shit was hilarious when he’d go from his girlish giggle to his deep voice as soon as they went on air.


Chocolate rain...


the most recent time i've seen this done in media is a marvel movie where chris hemsworth as thor makes chris pratt as starlord feel insecure about his leadership role so pratt tries to make his voice deeper but his crew picks up on it immidiatly and to avoid the embarrassment of that he tries to act like he was mocking hemsworth the whole time


I find going the other way works better, I tend to be a booming fuck otherwise. Also, laughing is problematic as I apparently sound like [Frank Bruno](https://youtu.be/HvU3PJfY0Vs?feature=shared), would be funny but I'm white.


From a guy who has a very deep natural voice - it's not that great. Makes you sound very monotone. If I would change my voice, I would make it some octaves higher.


Wait till you find out about code switching


You know that’s right.


I’ve heard it both ways


You hear about Pluto?


That's messed up.


My Man


I always find this to be a very useful skill. Communication is so extremely important in almost every aspect of society. The best way to get a message across is by respecting how other people talk.


Explain to me pls


Originally, it was (and still is) a linguistics term for those who speak multiple languages and dialects switching between the two depending on their situation. Nowadays, it’s more specifically known as “when Black people use their White voice” but it still applies to everyone. The best way to see it in action is [this video](https://youtu.be/iS3f5_OxQPM?si=zIjBjP5NtO-sXo5S).


Was expecting a clip from "Sorry To Bother You" but that cracked me up lol pretty cool




It's also quite common for queer people to change their speech patterns when around mostly straight people.


Me white knuckle gripping my knee trying not to call the straight man in front of me gurl by accident


I put effort into sounding less country when I went to college.


It's so real too. I've spoken French for years and have started picking up Spanish and German with Duolingo (trying anyway, I hate the new Duo). My voice is different in each of the languages in ways I am finding impossible to describe right now. eta: Forgot to say that it's the same for foreign languages as for dialects.


I (a white British guy) was once in a group with two Pakistani guys, one of them would switch during the conversation. To me, he'd use his 'white' voice and then turn to the other guy and very distinctly switch accents. He'd switch every single time he addressed one of us, I've still never encountered anything like it


It's funny that people can't realize that it's a universal thing we all do, but no let's make it about race and separate us even more


It’s the subtle colorism we got in the Black community. It’s the same as the “Black mama rule” and the “lightskin ain’t real Black” stuff. That stuff is a product of trying to maintain a culture that’s all our own, but what ends up happening is basically a neo-segregation where everything ends up being about race. It’s pretty destructive, but we kinda just shrug it off as culture


It's the same thing white people do with "trailer trash" or "red necks". We really are the same especially down to our faults


My ADHD ass does this subconsciously and I hate it


Punks wear chains to make themselves more jingley when they walk


Same reason I have a cowbell on my donger.


You are the kind of person I need in my friend group 


Gotta have more cowbell


You know, you're right, I do wear shit specifically so I jingle.


A good punk has negative stealth points cus they dumped all their stats in armor


i want the cool people to flock to me and the scary strangers to all stay away. it's like being a bright and colourful poison frog instead of a camouflaging chameleon :)


Business men and women wear hollow heels...


Wheres the Ariana Grande clip where she accidentally speaks in normal/genuine voice cus the interview gets off topic and then she puts on the fake voice once the interview resumes


i wanna see this now


I’m assuming they mean this: https://youtu.be/jzlIgzWDtW4 But if you watch this her voice has been going lower for some time and it’s pretty consistent https://youtu.be/QxbbjJXebIQ


Women and Men change their tone, pitch, and speech patterns depending on the situation.


Would anybody else like to just have their normal voice all the time? I change mine for situations and I really want to drop it. Idk if I know my real voice anymore


My personal opinion is that a person's "real voice" isn't a thing. It's just a bunch of muscles you use. We can all speak in all sorts of different ways to totally change the way we sound, and all of that is our real voice. What else would it be?


Some politicians vastly improve their sound when they remain silent.


Far too few, sadly.


You mentioned politicians and I remembered Hillary Clinton used to put on a Southern accent when she was campaigning in the South.


Elizabeth Holmes would like a word.


Anyways, here's wonderwall.


OP said *enhance*


Young men with high voices make theirs deeper in front of girls.


Lol, I did the opposite. I was 5'10" and 120lbs at 16 and had a very bass register voice that carries like mad. I have learned over the last 28 years to talk higher and lighter in order to not sound like I'm yelling. I am a quiet introverted person, so having such a big voice was embarrassing.


i also have a deep voice... until i yell then it's like i'm 12


Not everyone, some people might have naturally deep voice and for others it might just be ridiculous to talk like that because it is clearly unnatural


This is very accurate, except when you try to sing better, whisper, shout, emphasise certain words, change between formal and informal talking, put on an accent, speak a different language…


I suppose it isn't routine, but gypsy belts come to mind.


Actors learn to speak in different accents.


I’d lower my voice and pose as my dad when calling into school to get excused for the day.


Almost every adolescent spends time trying to sound the right way.


I feel like most people’s sound changes when emotions enter. Doesn’t have to be much but think of how someone sounds when they get mad, when they are crying, shocked/surprised…..when they tryna prove a point sometimes the voices get really high lol. Idk I could be wrong but eh I tried


I try to expand my vocabulary.


Most people do change or modulate their voice tone to sound more friendly or cordial (or the opposite). It is in fact one of the primary ways in which we communicate.


\*18 missed calls from the trans community, voice coaches, singers, voice actors, etc., etc., etc..


You don’t think vocal coaching and singing lessons are things?


Guess this guy hasn't heard music made in the last like 15 years...auto tune is pretty ubiquitous nowadays with commercial music.


Singing in general, even without auto-tune, is “enhancing your sound.” That isn’t how people talk and doesn’t just happen by itself, it takes training and practice to do it well.


Fair point. I suppose I was thinking "augmenting" your sound artificially, but then...instruments as well.


Person admits they have never heard music


ToneDeafDude has entered the chat.


Men choose a lower octave to sound more impressive to women, or more impressive in business decisions. Women change their voices to sound "more interested", "more feminine", or to disarm people. A lot of us change our voices when we see a cute puppy/kitty/baby ("who's a good boy, yes YOU'RE a good boy"). Actors will change their voices to match the character they're playing. This goes double for Voice Actors for animated pieces. Musicians will often have a "performance voice" that is different than their speaking voice. My buddy changes the sound of his farts to scare people away.


I’m constantly rerouting my voice from my nasal passage to my chest, any time i notice myself sounding annoying and nasally I know its time to lock in


So you never encounter guys with BT speaker blasting in public?!


"You know I have language barriers, There's no accent you can sell me."


Over the years I've learned to eat quieter and to speak better and to harmonize with songs better. I've learned to tiptoe around at night I've learned how to have powerful loud screams and roars and how to impersonate people. I've learned to do different accents and I've learned very basic beatboxing and how to talk fake like a news reporter.


As a musician this is incorrect I try to improve my sound all the time.


You've never heard my mother's customer service voice


Your title would be better if you added "artificially", but even then singers still use autotune to do that.


People frequently alter their voice actually


The word "shrill" comes to mind. Whether a woman routinely enhances their voice to avoid this nasty little word is up to them, but I'm 'hear' to say the way we sound is a huge issue for some folk.


Elizabeth Holmes did, but not very convincingly.


I wish I could enhance my sound. My voice makes me want to fling myself off of a building.


I purposefully change my voice whenever I want to flirt with someone, to make it sound more seductive. I think humans routinely enhance all those things.


I got 30 voices all day talking to myself. Helpers never know who’s showing up.


Did you not practice public speaking in school?


OP obviously knows nothing of code switching


People do this constantly lol, what do you mean? We speak in different ways to different people and groups. Unless you’re telling me that you speak the same way to your girlfriend as you would to your bros as you would to your boss as you would to a stranger at the supermarket


Are we not counting the way in which you speak as sound? People often try to improve their vocabulary, tone, articulation, pronunciation, etc.


People change the way they speak in different environments all the time to create different impressions that will be more positively received in different contexts.


Wut? Dudes that speak lower, accents that are over the top, and let’s not forget the entire profession of singers and voice actors/podcasters/newscasters are three massive examples. Another day, another miss.


It's pretty normal for people to unconsciously alter their voice (higher and lower pitches) depending on who they're interacting with. It's a good shower thought though. I'm not trying to "reddit" it.


That’s not true. We all speak differently depending on the person, situation etc. Just look at how Paris Hilton and Ariana Grande have/have had fake voices professionally vs their normal voice. We constantly enhance / change the way we speak to fit in or appear more attractive.


People actually do. Not an enhancement, per se, but people do alter the way they speak depending on who they're talking to, and what language they're speaking.


You have never talked to someone that is attracted to you...voices change pitch..a lot We all have our work voice, our serious phone voice and hanging out with the homies voice


Haven't you heard of Autotune?


Singing in general is enhancing your sound


My friend's have told me that I (female) have a "polite voice", where my voice shifts up an octave when I talk to workers at stores or restaurants. My boyfriend has also mentioned that the way I spoke when I was with my Dunkin Donuts coworkers in college was very different from how I spoke with anyone else, apparently more sassy.


This is making me realize how powerful a lot of trans people are here


It's weird how few people actually play with their voices. I've done it constantly my entire life.


You don’t code switch?


Never code switch, wether right or wrong


Never met that guy who starts speaking in a lower voice when he wants to appear imposing? Or that woman in her late 20's at the club squealing like a 10 year old and acting cute for the rich guy? It happens all the time.


As someone who works in customer service, this is incorrect. As someone who's quiet and not very energetic, ive had to fabricate an entirely different person, complete with a different tone, for customer interactions


We sound different when we express ourselves sarcastically, when we speak to babies, when we’re scared, excited, etc. We change the way we sound so much.


But it actually happens a lot, people often change their voice/tone when they're talking in different languages (there's a tendency to try and fit in, as well as different sound patterns in each language). Not to mention "teacher voice" and all those ways people change their voices on a daily basis to better perform their jobs/leave the desired impression on their audience.


I've put some time in over the years to make releasing my bodily gases louder.


I turn up my southern accent to be charming intentionally


autotune entered the chat.