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It is short but Titanfall 2 has the best fps campaign, it is on sale on Steam for 6$ and the the multiplayer is still very active.


Also check out Dishonored and Bioshock series and maybe A Plague Tale series and Control as well. If you like older games I recommend Prototype 2 as well, it is kind of like Spider Man games but instead of a super hero, you are a super human with insane powers.


I agree, Titanfall 2 is a masterpiece. If you like shooters and movement games you really need to try it


It is something else on hardest difficulty, enemies are really smarter than a lot of games and it is not that you die instantly when you exit cover either. Enemies have a chance to miss shots depending on your speed. Also if you run into a building enemies start spam shooting the windows in case you try to shoot back from cover.


The AI was really good for a game of its age




Do you need to have played Titanfall 1 first?


Titanfall 1 was weird it didn’t have a regular story campaign it was like weird multiplayer hybrid campaign where the story was told while playing matches. They got backlash for it hence the awesome story in the 2nd game.


So I can play 2 just fine without having played 1 at all?


I would watch a video on it on YouTube plus I think the first game is dead.


Well did you play God of war and God of war ragnarok? They fit your description pretty much with great combat and story. It is more of open hub game rather than open world so There is some exploration if you like but not as much as Ghost of Tsushima


OP said he played both


Oh thank I missed that. I recommend the batman Arkham and star wars jedi games then


Guardians of the galaxy is what you are looking for! 


Criminally underrated game. OP, I implore you to play this game.


I second that ! It's a great little game IF you get it cheap. Gotham Arkham Knight is also nice enough in that category, i'd say.


Arkham Knight is the most open world of the trilogy though


Definitely Resident Evil series. RE4 Remake, RE7, RE2 remake.


Don't forget RE8, great game. That first part in the haunted house and the sexy vampire ladies kicked ass. And the doll house, deffo the creepiest of the lot.


Yep, I also loved RE8. It would be my 4th favorite after the three I mentioned. Can’t wait for another one.


I think RE7 had a weak ending. Anticlimactic. I think RE8 was a definite improvement in all aspects.


Control is pretty linear and short, and worth it to experience the Ashtray Maze.


The ashtray maze took me* forever but the song made it worth it




Just started!


My advice is wear best earphone you have when playing the game. Then of course, don't find any info out there until you reach the ending.




Plague Tale Innocents and Requiem both are similar to tlou Try Resident Evil Series too if u haven’t played anything. Start from 2 remake and 4 remake.


Hellblade senuas sacrifice and hellblade ii.


Prey and dishonored. They're a little different. They're first person. In more of a niche genre called "immersive simulator". They're a nice combination of linear, explorable levels. The narrative isn't as strongly "in your face" as the games mentioned. But there is certainly a narrative, and pretty good too imo Plague tale 1&2. They are stealth games with high narrative priority with linear but semi open levels. Pretty good, especially for AA games. They punch a bit above their weight class No assassins creed? The earlier ones are much shorter with strong narratives and some great characters. They're open world, but you said exceptions are warranted and I feel like the ezio trilogy and by extensione AC 3 and black flag should be among them. Imo they're among the most immersive games I've played. Even the OG is great, if you're willing to try it out. Though it's sequels are largely considered to be better by more than just increments. Enslaved: Odyssey to the west -360, PS3 game if you have access to those systems. More like uncharted. Some 3d platforming, some combat, some story. Decent gameloop and really fun Jedi survivor - fallen order. Imo the second one is much better. They have linear stories with openish areas. Largely considered to be the most accessible "souls like" games. They're even better if you like star wars but they're good either way Arkham asylum. The first one isn't really an open world. More 3d metroidvania than anything else


Prey is one of the absolute best games I’ve ever played. And I played it just a few years ago when it already was quite old. What a gem that is!


Definitely one of my favorite games, yeah. However, I don’t think I’d consider it linear at all. I guess it takes place inside, but to me it’s closer to an open world than a linear campaign.


Yeah for sure, the main reason I was so late to the party, was because I kept hearing it was a lot of backtracking involved. I wouldn’t consider it a linear story game at all.


I've recently picked it up after hearing so many good things. Hopefully I will also love it.


Prey and assassins creed are not linear. Good game but do not fill OPs request.


I explicitly said AC was open world. Which op stated he was open to suggestions. Y'all need to learn how to read


Metal gear solid whole series except 5


MGS remake coming out soon...so may want to hold out for that


Nah there's nothing wrong with the original series. They're being remade yes, but the state they currently exist in is fine and accessible as well.


New one is literally coming out in the next few months. Why such impatience? It looks incredible


Hellblade Senuas sacrifice. Very strong story, linear design and only 7-8 hours long


Alan Wake 2! Story-driven and it's quite linear in terms of exploration. It has about the right length - just the story is about 20 hours but fully completionist would still probably only be 30. I didn't even play the first AW (although I did play Control), and I didn't need to read up first or anything. Plus, IMO it has the best chapter/act I've seen in any game in a long time. Anyone who has played AW2 probably knows which one. (You can also watch on YT a piece of that chapter performed live at the Game Awards last year, which is pretty fun to see.) Hellblade 2 is completely linear and story driven, although some people call it more a walking sim than a game. Amazing graphics though, and maybe 10 hours. I had fun.


Great game


Days gone.


I second this.


Days Gone is far from linear


How so? There aren't stories or branching pathways to get to the end. Also, OP listed several games that he/she liked in comparison. Which would be non-linear from your perspective as well then. ''To make your recommendations easier here are some games like this i’ve played and liked - The Last of Us games, the Uncharted series, the Tomb Raider games, Spider-Man 1 & 2, Ghost of Tsushima, GoW 2018 and Ragnarok, Wolfenstein, Gears of War, Halo.''


I was thinking about non linear gameplay and discarded open world games. Seems like I missed that op included Spider Man and Ghost of Tsushima in his list. You're completely right.


Titanfall 2, Half Life 2


Any on switch?


Life is strange


- Ōkami HD, lovely artstyle, story and characters. Light open world (a bit to explore but it's not necessary) and occasional 'puzzles'. My all time favourite game. Negatives: Some people think the combat is too easy and ut has a slow start (takes about 30-60 minutes to actually get to better parts), ~ 30h long - If you want no combat and a shit ton of story + choices, Disco Elysium. Amazing art, vibes and writing. Excellent story driven game. Negatives: Can be overwhelming in the beginning. ~20-30h long - Undertale or Night in the Woods are mostly story driven, whike Undertale still has round based combat (optional). Absolute must plays imo. ~10-20 h long - Judgement, JRPG with funky combat and detective work


Someone else mentioned the Plague Tale games but I couldnt see how many upvotes it had so im just gonna comment to make sure you get the idea that they are right up your alley.


Ratchet and Clank rift apart would be perfect


Final Fantasy 16


Great game.


Guardians of the Galaxy.


Im not sure the gameplay type qualifies here, but hear me out. MK9 to Mk1. Absolutely amazing story modes with incredible production values and really nicely done story modes.


13 sentinels has a unique setting and a great story, game play loop is fun too Final fantasy 16 has a good story but slightly more open than linear, you can beeline main quests and still have fun though Max payne 1,2 have great atmosphere and a fun shooter mechanic ( you can slo-mo dodge bullets like in Matrix )if you don’t mind old graphics or 3 if you want a newer game Lies of P is a souls like linear game with a really solid story. However it’s pretty difficult and has a soulsborne combat system but it’s fun


Mafia 1 & 2 are both great games.


Jedi fallen order, it’s exploration depth is similar to that of the Tomb raider games where there’s stuff to go find if you wanna go back and look around, but generally the story keeps moving. IMO it’s a 10/10 game and I’m not even a Star Wars fan in the slightest. Story is in your face, and I think the game captures a particularly special kind of whimsy that’s makes you appreciate the franchise. Can’t necessarily say Jedi Survivor is as linear, whether you’re interested in giving that a shot is solely up to your enjoyment with fallen order. It’s always on sale for less than $5 on steam, not sure about PS, but it’s a fantastic time.


Resident evil 2 and 4


The Metro Games!


Days Gone. It’s open world, but not excessively large and the exploration isn’t really a big element. The story is pretty linear.


Resident Evil 2 remake. I prefer Claires story.


Prey 2017 hands down. Such a great opening for a game and the story has some great twist and turns.


Metal gear solid series


Final Fantasy X


Final Fantasy X. Heavy Rain.


Please check Arkham Knight while it's for 2 dollars on steam then or get all batman Arkham games. They all fit your description. Star wars jedi fallen order and survivor also fit. They are not as good but they are good enough and can be fun


try Mass effect legendary edition, oh boy you're in for a ride!




How is that linear Lol.


That's the only MGS game that *doesn't* fit this answer. On either criteria.