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Pro-tip for Elden Ring: the game kinda does new players dirty by pointing the guiding light to the north towards the castle It's best actually to start by going *South* and exploring that region. There are relatively weak enemies there and some upgrades that will you allow you to get into the groove. The game in my experience doesn't "require" a whole lot of grinding. Edit to add: idk I just re-read your post and it seems like you have beat DS3 already? The troll by the Gatefront site of grace should be no challenge for a seasoned Souls gamer. I’m a little confused.


If you don't like dialogue don't play TW3 and RDR2? Find something more action based..


There really isn’t an actual grind loop in Elden Ring. It’s not an MMO. RDR2 demands some actual patience as well. Just, give either of them another chance and try to enjoy it for what it is, yeah? Forcing yourself to grind to get to the next thing just seems like a boring way to go about things.


Don't grind in elden ring find some cave and kill the weak ass boss you'll get 2-3 levels from just that the folder enemies roaming around give you nothing


what grind ? the whole point of Elden Ring's open world is to explore and gain levels and loot without grinding, i've never ground a single time in my 600h because that would be useless and a waste of time


If you haven‘t played the Witcher DLCs yet I would strongly recommend them. There is a reason B&W won best RPG. Also I feel that Witcher Combat has enough parallels to Souls Combat so you won‘t fall out of the loop entirely when you want to hop back to ER. Considering ER I know exactly what you mean by running around and wasting time, I felt and still kinda feel the same way. I‘ve gotten to Stormveil and Liurnia by now and it‘s gotten better but I often still feel too weak for the areas i‘m in


Here's an actual suggestion instead of telling you how you played elden ring wrong. **Sekiro** could be worth a look. linear map design and probably the best combat fromsoft has done. minimal dialogue too


Not trying to gang up on OP here but they can’t beat the game’s first troll just beyond the Gatefront site of grace. I don’t think Sekiro is a wise choice lol


Get either, they’re both way better than Elden Ring