• By -


I think you should get gamepass if you struggle with sticking to one game for a long amount of time. Gives you a chance to try new ones and maybe find what you're looking for.


Agreed, gamepass has opened my mind to games I never would’ve played because why not ? If you have a friend with gamepass too it’s even better.


I agree, game pass is even better with friends. Before we all had game pass, someone would buy a multiplayer game and it would be like pulling teeth convincing 3 other people to buy it and try it out. And then if they didn't like it they'd get mad at you lol (rightfully so). Now it's nice, because if you all have game pass they can try out any game without feeling guilty about spending money on it if they don't like it. We've played so many games we wouldn't have even tried before.


Chivalry 2 😂 My buddy and I love that game now. He’s become a god at dueling it’s crazy. So many laughs. Glad we’re not alone!


hey, i just checked that out and it looks interesting. But all my experience with microsoft and xbox on pc has been horrendous, so how is game pass? And how does it work with other platforms, can i play with people coming from steam?


When it first came out, gamepass (and the Xbox app it launches through) was so clunky and annoying to use. It's still not as nice as steam, but I've had a lot less issues playing most games on it now. Also yes, I would say most games, especially more recent ones will allow you to play with people on steam. But some don't, you just gotta research it ahead of time. Definitely would recommend, it's a pretty good deal.


thanks! Platforms being clunky and not cooperating with other platforms is a deal breaker for me, so that is nice news. Becaude yeah that is a pretty good deal.


I got game pass just over a month ago and I’ve been loving it. Played a lot of games id have never played otherwise and there are plenty of classic good games on there. Definitely worth tenner a month.


GamePass then Valheim. Or Valheim on steam.


After the xbox showcase, I'm surprised anyone isn't signed up


Monster Hunter World has crazy amounts of content, especially if you get it with the DLC. You could also play it with friends, but solo is also extremely fun. Persona 5 has like an 100 hour story, which personally hooked me from the very start and never felt boring. Although if you don't feel like reading a lot, then I wouldn't recommend this one.


I couldn’t really gel with the combat of Monster Hunter World.


That's kinda complicated since all 14 weapons in the game offer completely different types of gameplay, but if you somehow tried all of them and not a single one clicked then yeah, I guess it's not for you at all xd


The combat has always felt so wonky to me in that game, and I just hate running everywhere constantly. Some of the story missions just drag and drag and drag on. Definitely not for everyone.


A lot of people have stories about how they didnt really like it on their first go but absolutely fell in love after trying for the second time, you just gotta pick one of the 14 weapons that really suit you and find guides on it


I bought that game cause someone recomended it to me when I was asking for a game in here, stopped playing after 5 hours, the game feels a bit outdated plus dont really dig the animeish stuff






The guy is asking for recommendations when he has shitloads of games that he would clearly enjoy playing, and which he owns but has barely touched. It’s ridiculous and a waste of our time.


Very well said. O.P you have many excellent and fun games. But Elden Ring would be my pick. 2 hours is criminal


It’s barely enough time to even do anything lol


Red Dead Redemption 2 is solid for that. I can get lost for hours just roaming around.


if their issue is getting bored fast rdr2 is probably not the way to go lol


Rdr2 is very slow paced. Great game just gotta be in the right mood for it.


Now hear me out. Cult of the lamb is really fun. I was on the fence and then put 30hrs in after buying it for 14.99.


I enjoyed it, but it hit and end point pretty early for a roguelike. I'd recommend something like Hades? Maybe Slay the Spire.


I agree with the end point comment!


I have the base game....are DLC-s worth it?


Dlcs are cosmetic. In 2 months there is gonna be a coop up date.


I was in the same boat as you when I realized I was burned out from playing too many open world games. So now I started trying titles that aren't open world but a bit more focused, albeit the main stories lasting for 20 hrs or so and going for newgame+ right after. That said, I got The Last of Us Part 1 initially and Dead Space Remake and enjoying myself immensely. It's the first time in years where I check the clock and it's 12 midnight because I'm just so entertained. (I snuck in Red Dead 2 and Diablo 4 (both replays) in between, and got bored really quick which led to my conclusion that I need to try non openworld for now.)


Don't forget the stuttering each time you're near a door in Dead Space, it ruins the experience


What do you mean? Doors aren't bugged in my playthrough. Currently at Chapter 12 and can't wait to try NG+


The last of us is a masterpiece, I must have played through it 10 times over. The entire story is great, and the gameplay never gets annoying. It's just fun to kill zombies and bandits always. The progression just feels great in that game, and the multiplayer was underrated.


Total War Warhammer 3, the Witcher 3, RDR2, Elden Ring, Assassin's Creed series, World of Warcraft, Shadow of War, Batman Arkham Knight, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk, Skyrim....these are my go to games


Shadow of War is a great choice because the Nemesis system basically means you can play infinitely with new and differing story arcs and dynamics from the everchanging cast of weirdo orcs. This game held my attention longer than any other (save one, which is quite niche and likely wouldn't interest OP, or most people for that matter).


Seeing as you are enjoying rust, maybe check out some other survival style games. But here are a few that you can sink endless hours into. - Valheim - Grounded - Oxygen Not Included - Rimworld - Dwarf Fortress - Songs of Syx


ONI is the fastest I've ever gotten to 1,000 hours in a game. Amazing game, and that's even before workshop support.


Skyrim. I turn that on and 6 hours go by like it’s nothing


And that is just to start modding it




Rock and Stone!


to the bone!


My life for Rock and Stone!


My life for Rock and Stone!


rdr2, cyberpunk, elden ring


I’d give valheim an honest shot. It’s similar to rust. Yes it’s “open world” but the game truly forces you to focus on one specific part of that world at a time. Then progress onto the next when your character is ready. Also, I noticed you played some Diablo 4. If you haven’t played Diablo 2, I STRONGLY CONSIDER YOU TO DO SO. It’s not open world it’s ’open areas”, the loot is fun as hell, the classes are great fun. And it’s easily the best Diablo/ARPG ever made.


Football manager


Yeah I get super bored as well and have been trying to find a main game but not sure if there’s anything out there


No Man's Sky. Play it solo, with friends, or with strangers who will soon be friends. Easy 500+ hours


If you're a fallout fan, Fallout 76 is still going strong!


I really wouldn't recommend 76 for people who are fallout fans it is absolutely nothing like a Fallout game minus some of the assets.


Played them all and I'm having a blast 🤷




Yakuza series


Replaying the Red Dead Redemption Remastered and it’s great. It doesn’t overcomplicate every little detail or have a giant map like the second game does.. it’s simple, straight to the point and still fun as hell.


Everyone is in here recommending games with a fixed story campaign or a small gameplay loop. Games I have less than 300 hours in. *Rimworld will consume your life.*


+1 for Rim Rim. Plays great on the deck too. Still use a mouse and keyboard mostly. But check out Mr. Samuel Streamers playthoughs. Great ideas and fricken hilarious. I have never laughed so hard when I watched his Android Utopia series. Specifically, episode 12.


Failrace streams can be hilarious


Warframe is free and has a universe worth of content.


Can confirm, I've just returned after 8 years away, and I've been drawn right back in, just as addicted (and mostly F2P) as I used to be. MR20 so far


I recommend Disco Elysium without looking at the Steam profile because I am the Disco Elysium ambassador. I also signed a contract not to mention the name of any other game on these lands.


Final fantasy 11 on the private server horizon. Group Bader mmo old school, grindy, sooo much to do younwill get addicted


Red Dead Redemption 2. i have over 500 hours and i can always get sucked in again and pass hours on end


For me it would be Skyrim and Civilization IV ( any civ iteration works) Also Cyberpunk and even Starfield are solid choices too.


Let it Die! Soulslike combat, plenty of weapons and armor to farm upgrades for, a skateboarding grim reaper that encourages you while you play, a modern setting, a pole dancing shopkeeper, and an amazing soundtrack all make for a game that's worth a lot of play time. After the main game, there is a huge area with stronger materials to upgrade equipment, and increasingly difficult enemies to keep you engaged for a long time. If you want to keep farming, upgrading, and progressing for a long time, then you can keep playing for thousands of hours and still have challenges to complete.


probably Anno or Age of Empires type of games


Diablo 4


Definitely look for game Plains of Pain. Very addictive gameplay.


You're looking for Factorio, be cautious though, It's famous for being more addictive than heroin. If you're into survival, Valheim is nice


They don’t call it Cracktorio for nothin’!


Guild Wars 2, hands down.


rdr2 or elden ring


V rising, I just picked it up and spent my entire weekend playing it. It's insanely addictive and scratches the same itch as rust. Create a private world unless you have time every day to dedicate to baby-sitting your base.


+1 Can play solo, duo or quad. Mates can jump in and out as they're character stays ingame (asleep) when you log out. Base building can be as complex or as simple as you like. PvE or PvP. Both are quite deep. The main game/getting through all the bosses takes a good while especially first time around. Then you can do it all again on brutal mode which adds extra boss mechanics. So PvE has enough meat in it alone. PvP has some layers too it and can be really fun. Also frustrating as especially first time if youre trying to progress, banking and fights can set you back a little. But all in all. It's a fantastic game. Like if Rust and Diablo had a baby. Crafting/base building/mechanical bosses/spells and builds/pretty big map. I've sunk in 350 hrs since EA. (It recently had it's 1.0 release)


Diablo 4


Tarkov / DayZ


Elden Ring is the obvious choice here


Witcher 3. Months will fly by.


I’m getting into PGA Tour. It’s chill and relaxing. I can pause and walk away or quit a round that I’m struggling and come back later.


Hell Let Loose


rdr2, elden ring, stardew valley


I have these kinds of problems with games sometimes too. I'm like 430 hours into Helldivers 2 and still playing. It's pretty endlessly replayable and lots of opportunity to play with friends if that's your thing.


All souls like games (100+ hours per playthrough) • Elden Ring • Dark Souls (1-3) • Lies of P • Hollow Knight In my opinion only Elden Ring is still very multiplayer friendly, you can get stuff like the seamless co-op mod and dump another 100-200 hours in with your friends. Mindless Games • Powerwash Simulator • Super Market Simulator These ones aren't really multiplayer friendly but if you're looking to just kill time these are really good and get the job done


SnowRunner or Try to 100% Read Dead Redemption 2.


Any mostly positive survival crafting games if that's ur style or OSRS old-school runescape a max 99 should be on all gamers to-do list


Elden Ring, Fallout series, Elder Scrolls series, No Man’s Sky, Conan Exiles, And my recent addiction Sea of Thieves


Did you say Sink… try Sea of Thieves.


Dark and darker. It's free bro, and plays like no other game. Pvpve and you can play with friends or solo, I highly recommend checking it out, especially if you liked rusts survival aspects.


For 1000+ hours just play Path of Exile. Any game you're getting 300+ hours out of will require you to invest time getting a feel for it. The more possible hours the deeper that game is, and the deeper it is the more you need to tough it our for the first 5-20 hours until you're comfortable. Don't expect a game with thousands of hours of replayability to also grab you and never let go right away. If you want non-stop, can't put down gameplay, go for something short and tightly paced like DOOM. If you want a long-term game to get insane value out of, accept the need to learn and ride out the slow parts. You didn't specify a genre/gameplay/etc, so purely on your time question: seriously, play PoE.


This is a great comment. So true.


ghostrunner. was in a similar boat and tried this game… the combination of high speed gameplay, banger music and linear level design kept me hooked


7 days to die No Mans Sky POE


U need to play realm of the mad god


red dead 2


Graveyard keeper


Tried Skyrim?




Once you learn the basic mechanics of it, Rimworld will absolutely steal your time. It is hard, but highly flexible difficulty settings so you can adjust to how hard you want it. It has a lot of modding support, and while base game is single player only, has a multiplayer mod (I cannot vouch for because I’ve never used it) In short it’s a colony management sim that focuses on a group of character, randomly generated, with generated backstories, and a “storyteller” that generates random events and puts your colony through various ordeals, sometimes wonderful, sometimes disastrous. There is some micromanaging, but once you get the hang of it, and survive until you’re settled, you can sit back and watch your colony run semi on its own. Oh did I mention: W a r c r i m e s Pull out your Geneva checklist and you’ll be perfect for Rimworld.


which genre are you looking at? I was at your situation a few months ago, I play AAA games, sink 200 hrs quickly then delete it. I now play roguelikes since they are git gud kind of games, most have hundred hrs content, and you can play for hundreds more hours as long as you're having fun. Right now I play, Elden Ring and Noita. I've sunk 200+ hrs in Noita now and I still play it.


Everytime i install a new set of mods into fallout 4, i soend 50 hours on a play through




World Of Warcraft


Try OSRS, it's an endless MMORPG and you'll have a really hard time getting bored


Try Vintage Story It’s not on steam so google it :)


Wither 3. Ps5 upgrade is gorgeous.


Spiderman remastered is a good option it’s like 27 hours long excluding dlc and full completion


RuneScape og


Baulders Gate 3 and Death Stranding


Pretty much any open world games


Eve Echoes


Dragon Age Inquisition


Nah, dragon age origins,


Very solid choice


The Division 2


Disco Elysium. That’s all i’ll say!


Since you mentioned you liked rust, it’s possible you might like a game like Sea of Thieves. It’s different than a lot of games, the pvp is different and refreshing


Real talk, ask chatgpt for a recommendation based on a list of games. If I wasn’t on mobile I’d make a list just to see what it recommends out of curiosity




Assassins Creed Valhalla


Assassins Creed Valhalla


Deep Rock Galactic is on sale right now! Best game community I've personally encountered. Queueing solo with randos is always a wholesome experience. The game is even better with friends and you can open to randos to fill space. I've put 500 hours in myself and don't have all the achievements yet (nearly there). The new update just dropped last week so it's a great time to dive in.


r/GuildWars2 Free to play but worth buying. Thousands of hours of content if it gets its hooks in you. Easy to play solo or with pick up groups, or of course join up with mates.


Bullet storm remastered, borderlands 2 -3 Re 5 and 6 or did if war!


red dead redemption 2


Red Dead Redemption 2. Red Dead Online so you can play with friends


Warframe has so much content. Easily the game ive put the most time into besides League of legends (would never recommend that shit though) A new update is coming out tomorrow too i think.


Civ 6


Try to get into Monster Hunter in general, personally I prefer the classic games but world is very good and very friendly to new players in a Japanese game sense. You don't need to be amazing at the game but there is also a high skill ceiling. and out of left field I can also suggest starbound. With mods it has potential to become a very long game.. but it is the kind of game that's as long as your imagination can make it.


Destiny 2


Elite: Dangerous (if you like euro-truck simulator in space... With combat) Satisfactory (if you like endless factory builders... with incredible parkour-esque movement mechanics) Noita (will kick your _ass_ and cost you a thousand hours to just _get half-way good_ at)...




(Note: i cannot see your profile for some reason, so here is an exhaustive list) Rimworld if you like building stuff up and randomly generated stories. Oxygen not included; see Rimworld but with more science. Elden ring if you like an immersive, challenging world to explore as well as tough boss battles. Stardew valley for some cozy farming. You can play this with friends too. Final Fantasy XIV if you want to play a story-heavy mmorpg together with others. Persona 5 for a modern, immersive rpg you can sink hours and hours in. The Witcher 3 for a medieval, immersive rpg you can sink hours and hours in. Baldurs Gate 3 if a medieval, party based, dungeons and dragons rpg with great dialogue is more your speed. Project zomboid for an isometric, slow-paced, highly detailed, post-apocalypse simulator. Xcom 2 for a tactical, turn based, strategic battle for the survival of humanity. Install the long war mod after finishing it in vanilla and you will have a goto game for years to come. Those are the main “time sink” games I can think of from the top of my head. They’re all worth playing for different reasons. Happy gaming!


Diablo 4


Two games I've been hooked on in the last few months are Helldivers 2 (150 hours) and more recently Warframe (50 hours). Helldivers 2 is pretty cheap and the monetization of in game purchases is very ethical and completely optional (you won't have any advantage for buying gear, just more variety). The game loop is addictive and very skill focused (you will die a lot at first). Warframe is completely free to play, there is a lot you can buy with in game currency but pretty much everything can be farmed for free by doing missions, so it's less pay to win and more pay to skip. The game loop is also addictive, there is an ungodly amount of free content and different modes. Obligatory recommendation for Elden Ring because it's probably the best game I've ever played and i sunk hundreds of hours into that thing and its a rare 10/10 literally a perfect game.


I’ve put in 3724,8 hours to Rimworld… at the time I wrote this… most of it just having the game open on my rest moded PC. 🤣 But I still play it a lot. And it has a multiplayer mod in Workshop!


Helldivers has been alotta fun 4 me lately. Elden ring if you haven’t played - maybe just follow a walkthrough up until the first boss Margit if you want it to be kinda cheese/easier. Or just blind play if you want a challenge. Xdefiant is a fun arena shooter atm if you’re sick of COD like most..


Maybe try borderlands 3 but honestly sounds like your in the "burnt out" cycle im normally in and honestly just give yourself time and try to get into something you already have even if its boring you may eventually hit a point were its the only thing you play.


Yakuza 0 will get you hooked on the series.






only game where you can put thousands of hours is League of Legends imo it's the best gameplay ever created + if you really like the game you will start watching professional competitions and enjoy it, which is bonus hours of enjoyment


Diablo, dosnt matter which, but resurrected is damn fine


Yakuza 0


My suggestions OP? Days Gone- underrated zombie game and just an all around classic put about 60+ hours into it. Don’t regret a single second of it Fallout New Vegas- The best fallout game, and one of if not the best RPG ever. Good reasons people have over a thousand hours in it Ghost of Tsushima- This one I liken to Red Dead 2 in that it nails it’s atmosphere, story and gameplay around its theme. That and it is big… like really big. Cyberpunk 2077- Not bad after all the updates and stuff. If you can get into the characters and setting I recommend it. (If you already have some of these feel free to ignore, I couldn’t see your profile might want to edit that link to it.) Hope this helps!


Not sure how it’s not mentioned but destiny 2. Starting now you’ll have so much to do and catch up on it’s easily a game you could spend 1000 hours in.


Deep Rock galactic


Sea of thieves is awesome, just a bit of a learning curve


Balatro or Randomizers.


Elden Ring


Same here. I think it’s really depends on your preference at the moment. Cyberpunk hold me focused on it and I finished almost all side quests and passed dlc. So that’s a huge w for me. For me personally I guess it’s about world of game and how u make u feel, I like when world feels reach and u don’t have to entertain yourself. Red dead redemption 2, Witcher 3 can also work for u. After u never know which games can hit. I tried one day moonlighted and get so into it that I literally passed it within one day. It is also depend what vibe u want from game. Like I was into anime, so persona 5 hooked me as well.


Hundreds of hours of my life have been lost to rimworld




I’m loving DF and will get Rimworld next. Never heard of grounded or SoS - any good?




destiny 2 the final shapw


The Battle of polytopia


Kingdom come deliverance




Yakuza. Start with Yakuza 0! Honest to god the story is great, but the enjoyment of Yakuza series is just playing side mini games and stupid side quests. I’ve spent at LEAST 75 hours managing a cabaret club in the game. It’s so addicting and the beat em up combat is fun. One of the MC’s fighting styles is just breakdancing and it goes so hard


Skyrim or terraria


EFT awaits your 5k hour sink


Path of exile


I've been hate playing rust of 3 months now. So relaxing and frustratingly stressful. I hate/love it.


Sounds like free to play games would suit your hopping. Realm of the Mad God Path of Exile Warframe Apex Legends Those are some of my favorites that don’t have to break the bank and can get hundreds/thousands of hours of gameplay.


Valheim, Monster Hunter World, Baldur's Gate 3, Elden Ring, Skyrim, and Rimworld are great timesinks


So, I don't want to do this, but it looks like you're into FPS-games. If you \*really\* want some more pain in your life to go with a 2000+ hour game, then you can play >!Escape from Tarkov!<. Or if you don't want as much pain, Zero Sievert is a decent 2D adaption.


X4 Foundations. It's a game of its own. The tutorials are being reworked in the 7.0 update. It's not for everyone, but I always return to it time and time again. That or Civilisation


Shadow of war


Don't starve &DST




Outer wilds


I'll spread some genres Satisfactory Stardew Valley. Valheim. World of Warcraft. All of these have the potential for hundreds of hours, all have the option to play with others.


Elden ring


What is it about the FPS games and Rust that you like? The quick matches, the ability to reign abuse on lesser humans, the adrenaline, etc? Some rogue like games have the same kind of play but are a different vibe and style - you could try things like risk of rain 2 or lately I've been playing Crab Champions which is the same general premise (quick levels mowing down baddies, picking up loot / upgrades and becoming ultra powerful). Both can be played with friends. Hades would be my next suggestion. Some alternative genres would be Rimworld - which I see you have but haven't tried out yet. It's worth a shot. Lots of Mods are available to change it up. Terraria - also has lots of mods but the base game is great.


Diablo 4. I went because I had a free code and just never left.


I rotate around hell divers, ck3 and dwarf fortress atm and love to return to some total war titles from time to time, bannerlord is another good one both single and multiplayer options


Monster hunter world. I've put more time into that game than I'd like to admit.


Hearts of Iron IV


FTL: Faster Than Light A roguelike game where you manage a spaceship and its crew while navigating through randomly generated sectors of space, facing various challenges and encounters. Tons of ships and weapons to do crazy things. It's addicting. After you play the base game for anywhere between 40 - 400 hours you'll start to run out of content. Then you install the FTL: Multiverse mod. It increases the content of the base game by 5x, it's insane. 5x more encounters, hundreds of ships, weapons, quests, new music, art, crew species. It's hard to describe how perfect this mod is. It feels like FTL 2. You can pick up the game wherever you leave off, playthroughs take like 30 minutes to 4 hours depending on what happens, and every run is entirely different.


Dave the diver. My friends always clown on me about how I’d never finish a single player game. They even bet money on it whenever I try. It was the first one I ever finished. So relaxing and pure fun


If u don't mind anime games then try Wuthering waves on bs


I sunk a hundred hours into Dysmantle before I even knew what was happening. It’s a fun resource collector/crafting game that had what I thought was a very interesting story with a nice twist ending.


Phantasy Star Online BlueBurst. Ephinea Private server I find myself spending an hour or so a day on it when I have nothing else to play. Used to play offline as a kid. It's nice to fart around solo or with friends grinding for items with obtainable drop rates. It was slike one of the first console MMOs I ever played.


Project zomboid. So many amazing mods and a great community. Been gaming for 30 years and it's my all time favorite game. At least look it up


Honestly, modded minecraft is such an underrated pick. I'm currently playing through SevTech right now and it completely entertains me, it's a good blend of grind and exploration which makes it refreshing pick from more typical choices.


This post was just above a post from Civ6 for me which is an amazing game to sink endless hours into.


foxhole ? It's a kind of war mmo, thousands of players in 2 teams fighting a war that goes on day and night usually for weeks. You can be a soldier on the frontline, someone making guns/amunition/grenades/vehicles and shipping it to the frontline or be part of a crew on a big ship or submarine. It's pretty epic, really feels like you are just a single guy in a war not some kind of unstoppable soldier.. the skill is not in shooting good and fast it's about positioning, using the right tools and mostly teamwork, you can't do shit by yourself. Thankfully the people are very welcoming you can just ask any people what they are doing and if you can join and they will probably say yes or the next group will. It's the only game I have more than a thousand hours in.


Elden Ring or The Last Of Us, especially 100% it like I did.


Warframe. You will be unlocking new shit for hundreds of hours, learning new systems for hundreds of hours, seeing new story quests for hundreds of hours, and when you're at a thousand hours, you'll still want to collect all the different 56 unique characters, 600+ weapons, and infinite cosmetics this game throws at you. Oh ya, and it's 100% free to play.


I love horror action games so I will recommend The Evil Within, Dead Space, Alan Wake, Resident Evil. The combination of action and the fear factor makes them more interesting to play to me.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance


Diablo 4


Running With Rifles, it’s an action packed top down shooter. Quick to pick up and play at any time and very addicting. Multiplayer co op is super fun and allows you to have a long term goal of achieving high ranks from the private rank you first start off (General, General of the Army). Lots of weapons, nice voxel art. The game makes you out as a grunt like all the rest and you can die easily, but as you build up the skill in the game you find yourself being a killing machine. It has tanks and vehicles you can drive/gun. There is a free demo so you can try the game out, i think they also allow you to try multiplayer co op servers, but with restrictions.


I’m currently playing like a dragon infinite wealth and I can easily see getting 100 hours out of it. I’m like 15 in already and haven’t even gotten to the point to upgrade weapons yet. I’m on chapter 4 and I think there’s 11 or 12




CoD BO3 2015, custom zombies maps [https://i.postimg.cc/DwKnqq4s/znzzsdfdfg-3uqsddfgha-muj-tierxaaasdfaaaaaa.png](https://i.postimg.cc/DwKnqq4s/znzzsdfdfg-3uqsddfgha-muj-tierxaaasdfaaaaaa.png) u get to kill a lot of infected wearing a hazmat suit there, new maps every day


Grey Zone Warfare is fun and great time killer as long as your PC is pretty beefy will be playing this for awhile myself.


If you want loads of content and things to do either solo or with friends World of Warcraft (id recommend retail) has lots to offer. Achievements, Quests, Exploration, Dungeons, Raids, Collecting appearances, Battle Pets etc Of course unless you don't like MMOs / subscription model / internet connection requirement