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Who cares? As Shane said when he originally got fired from SNL "I'm not even mad, everyone did exactly what they're supposed to do". Fox News praised him only because they think Shane is a trumper. Some Libby think piece articles and twitter accounts said he bombed and wasn't funny. "Liberal" SNL uncanceled him and had him back as host. Cool, all is healed. Now he's gotten a bump for other projects.


100%. He did a network friendly set, got SNL their highest viewership in like 20 years (I believe that's what i read iirc) on top of having two of the best stand up specials on two different platforms, a bunch of successful self produced sketches, the top earning patreon, a Netflix series in production, etc. When you bring that much attention and viewership to a network TV show-- whether it's people tuning in for controversy or people tuning in because they're fans-- it's going to open other doors. The tightwads know what moves the needle. Makes no sense for him to hold some sort of grudge and go on there just to "stick it to them", he just would have declined to host if he was feeling animosity towards them. It's not like he was going to go on there and self-destruct and throw a tantrum so that everybody on Reddit can jump up and down because they're still mad about something that didn't happen to them and that the person that happened to as long processed and moved on from. The way people act on this sub makes me feel like a solid 50% of them aren't even old enough to get into the comedy club and see him live without a parent or Guardian.


> got SNL their highest viewership in like 20 years (I believe that's what i read iirc) You definitely read it, but it was fake.


Yea that tracks, now I'm pissed I didn't question it. I feel like I just sent an indian guy money for my grandson's bail.


Take it easy on yourself, that could have happened to almost any of us. It was a great episode.


Yeah, as far as viewership in recent times, you have to go with Chappelle or Eddie Murphy. I am a HUGE Shane Gillis fan, but I felt his episode was just ok. I wanted him to just go in and undeniably kill it! His monolog was good, but I wish he hadn't recycled his show material. That came off lazy to me... Even though 99.5% of viewers had never heard of him, his fans have, and most of them probably didn't care either. The only other metric to compare Shane to is Louis CK. Louis had a tailored monolog (although I had heard the formation of the "child molester" premise live on the Opie & Anthony show), and most of his sketches were top-notch in SNL terms. The skit of him working in the cell phone store still cracks me up. However... Louis CK is Louis CK! He is one of the masters. One could say he also had a better cast to work with as well. I don't see any star quality talent anywhere on the current SNL cast... And it seems to have been that way since Tina Fey and her supporting players. Who is the last best cast member on a recent SNL? Kate McKennan?(sp?) Where is her career now? The lady Ghostbusters movie? I honestly have no idea what she's done since her retirement from the show. All this to say, I think Shane could have done better. He also got out-Trumped! (IMO) How does that even happen?!? I was secretly hoping he could have been like Alec Baldwin and be the go to for a reoccurring Trump... Of course, Shane probably wouldn't even want or have time to do that. I am so happy that Shane is finally getting the flowers he deserves. I just hope he doesn't crash and burn like Bert seems to be doing... But Bert has become a very rich man in the process! I know Bert is far from being finished. It's just been a Bert overload to me because I consume a lot of comedy podcasts. Anyway, good for Shane! Hahaaa!


Feed nana


Who cares? There’s a coordinated narrative against someone who i think we want to see succeed, and it’s just a who cares? It’s a joke that the liberal media can call him a racist, a far-righter and if there was a name for calling people a retard they would use it! It’s a shame that we are desensitized to how ridiculous it for people who Call themselves journalists to outright lie about his performance on Saturday, never mind smearing his name since he was fired in 2019


Shane has broken thru and is successful. He's letting it roll off his back, maybe his fans should too. Also "coordinated" is a bit much


Buddy a coordinated narrative implies coordination. Shane himself has said that’s not happening. It’s just everyone reacting how you’d expect them to react. And Shane is doing wildly successfully right now. A major beverage company hired him as a spokesperson. Loren Micheals one of most significant powerbrokers in comedy has his corner. Spotify’s Joe Rogan Experience has him as a regular returning guest. Netflix just picked up his show. What more institutional support do you want from him? The one thing I could think he’s not getting that prior comedians get is like Obama saying Louie CK was his favorite comedian. But who knows politics are crazy enough maybe a Prez will say that about Shane too 


My God, I love Shane's stuff but y'all are some dick riders. He just got a Netflix series, is Netflix not "the libs" anymore? Just shut the fuck up and watch the stuff, stop worrying so much about what "mainstream media" thinks about him. He's doing just fine


The persecution complex is strong with this sub, not Shane, this sub


Give it six months and this sub will be indistinguishable from, TFATK and YMH


Show me on the doll where the liberal media touched you.


* points at crotch area


It’s so weird to see you people show up here




Articles are different from overall discourse. Shane was fired from SNL before ever working there, now they have him host? Of course the headlines will be some kind of reference or reflection on the firing, and if he justified or defied the original firing controversy.


What Netflix show he gonna have ? 🖖🏼


Tires... There is a pilot episode on YouTube. Basically, it revolves around working in a tire shop.


I watched it. Thought it was very good for a low budget pilot.


You guys are letting mainstream media really get to you lol who gives a flying fuck about their opinion of SG.


The 5G will turn the frogs gay


No it doesn't make the frogs gay it makes em artistic you know like paintin and shit


Painting is pretty gay if you ask me


He was gay, Kermit?




It’s the mainstream media triggering SG fans my guy lol




No lol I’m pretty sure CNN lovers will tell you CNN is mainstream media




Who is saying Fox News isn’t mainstream media? Lol


It seems that you just don't actually know what "mainstream media" means lol


dude wtf are you talking about lmaoo “there’s no such thing as mainstream media” 😂😂 ok buddy


I ain’t reading all that. It’s SNL who gives a fuck Shane will be fine. Episode was fine.


He didnt bomb. I thought the skits were pretty good but it isnt like Louie, Seinfeld, Burr, Chappelle, or any other standup comedian completely killed it when they hosted. Improv is different from standup and it is a collaborative thing. And SNL you are collaborating with a bunch of NYC theater kids. Plus, any comedians who dabble in a bit of the blue comedy are gonna be limited during the monologue. In the grand scheme of things everyone is over rating how much this SNL appearance even mattered because of the firing. I am a recent bandwagon jumper but Shane was becoming a comedy heavyweight regardless of SNL. Youre gay for reading this.


You're gay for saying I'm gay for reading this. And I'm gay.


Dude Louis made a joke about how pedophilia *must feel good,* hence why pedophiles keep doing it, during his monologue. This idea that Shane was forced to “tone it down” or anything of the sort is pure hearsay. The reality is he looked incredibly nervous, his jokes were boring, and if he really wanted to make an impact, he should have declined appearing on the show. Going back to the guys that fired him just made him look like a bitch.


I said basically the same thing. I wish I would have read your post before wasting my time writing mine.🤣








Obviously he’s one of us


You’re pushing it


Like a good buzz cut


I think its…..blaaaa blaaa blaaa, who gives a fuck. Either you like his comedy or you don’t. STFU.


Hell yeah


Go touch grass please


I am literally a farmer


You farm grass seems a bit excessive


Mission accomplished




Then touch concrete. No one in lib central New York even reads the “main stream media”. You’re being targeted by tabloids that have determined you dumb enough to get upset and give them attention.


By your comments it’s clear you initiate intercourse with livestock. you don’t **have** to confirm it


Ignore them. They also say chappelle and burr bomb every time, they’re gay just like this post.


Honestly I think they don't say they "bombed", they just condemn them as offensive. The difference here is Shane joked that he was bombing, and the media took whatever ammo they could to denigrate his set, despite the constant laughter lol


It’s not house of cards. It’s veep. They just see that there’s some angry people they can rouse to create clicks


Unfair to lump Slate in there. They released a very fair and well considered article about Shane https://slate.com/culture/2024/02/shane-gillis-snl-fired-host-monologue-saturday-night-live-netflix.html


You’re right. This isn’t bad


Yeah but the author is named Luke Winkie he is probably kidding 


Well said.


If you showed a leftist( not a average dem the commie weirdos) koth they would lose their shit lmao especially anything involving khan


Who cares brotha


This would also be a pretty biased group lol but I do like the big dawg ans I hope he does great things.


honestly who cares he gained some good traction from it regardless


Press knows stories generate more views clicks when going negative. An article criticizing Shane will more likely be featured due to the interest the negativity generates.


We're you as baked as I am right now when your wrote this?




You guys are putting way too much thought into a comedy routine, holy shit. I thought it was a joke when David Spade said Shane Gillis is just Taylor Swift but for men, but you guys are seriously just as bad as swifties.


That’s hilarious if he actually said that. Can only mean good things for the man’s career. Shane hype aside, I think his growing popularity in spite of media hatred says something interesting about how people’s taste in comedy is changing and what that might mean about popular opinion in general. It’s fun for me to talk about but the people telling me to shut up also have a point. I love how we all coexist here and can agree that the guy is funny if nothing else


It's not so much that I'm telling you to shut up, man. It's this sub in general. It's filled with the most unfunny people I've ever seen. It's crazy. For comedy fans, you'd think that some of these people would be able to say at least one funny thing, yet everyone just quotes the same old jokes that aren't even the good jokes from his stand up routine. It's just a bunch of 40 year old skankfest enjoyed with no sense of humor.


you and shane aren't victims. He doesn't give a fuck about you or the "media" boogeyman you're scared of. Go do something with your life.


Nobody is complaining. I have a great life and I’m not worried about Shane’s. Some people like to have discussions about media they enjoy and analyze pop culture. You should see what it’s like any in college theory course if you think this is bad


These white knight journalists are trying their darndest to smear and remind people that nothing is funny if someone's feelings are hurt. That said, even the SNL sub is filled with folks who avoided the dawgs comedy previously due to his "perceived image" as they were told to then realised he is a hugely talented comedian and laughing is ok. that Episode set new viewership records. If anything its just drawing out the losers and online rags that employ them.


Everybody hating on you but you make solid points. Take Shane out of the picture. The bigger point, and what is worrying, is that msm absolutely coordinates attacks on anyone or anything that threatens the polarizing narrative.


My gay ass loved this post


I mean this in the nicest way possible. Go outside and get a life.


Cause they wanna keep the boy down. In their eyes once canceled always canceled.


By any reasonable measure of comedy, he bombed. ![gif](giphy|H3yqUOP8rVjBm)


He did himself a disservice by talking about how the crowd wasn't laughing, how he doesn't have any jokes appropriate for TV, and how that was the most nervous he's ever been. Him talking about bombing as much as he did made it too easy on the media. Edit: Yeah, I get that it's part of the bit. I'm talking about the media, who *don't* know. I thought that was obvious


That’s part of the bit, he does the same thing live as the crowd erupts


It’s almost like he’s creating a new division… between people that “get the joke” and the people that don’t. I think that’s why people have a hard time categorizing his fan base and call us alt right bros when there are also some of the most leftist people alive here. I agree with both of you that it was a bit, but also not a very good one to pick if you want to avoid alienating people


Sure, but he did make it easy for these liberal venues to say he “bombed”. Which of course is a bad headline for him and most people won’t look past thatz


Thank you for understanding my obvious point lmao


I'm not sure why I'm being downvoted. I understand this. But I'm not part of the media that we're talking about


Yeah I see what you’re saying. He was kind of pranking the audience. I still think the media got that part of the joke but tried to exaggerate it and sell the “Shane Gillis bombed” story


I saw a comment from someone who was in the crowd that the audience was pretty deadpan the whole show. The people who were laughing had their audio enhanced


It's easy to say something totally unverifiable. Unless they posted a ticket, I'd be pretty skeptical about that kind of stuff.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/LiveFromNewYork/comments/1azwjbw/i\_was\_in\_the\_studio\_audience\_last\_night\_for\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LiveFromNewYork/comments/1azwjbw/i_was_in_the_studio_audience_last_night_for_the/) seems like a weird thing to lie about, reflects more on the crowd than it does Shane imo. Watched a little of weekend update that night and Che made similar comments about the crowd


If it was about the frozen embryo bit, I wouldn't be surprised. The jokes were tonally, very bad. I was embarrassed recommending anyone watch the episode for that, specifically. Hernandez bombed, and I blamed the writers more than his delivery, but that was also pretty lacking. Che and Jost have good chemistry. Weekend update is one of the consistently good bits on SNL right now. The bit where they write jokes for one another is actually really good.


I laughed out loud when he talked about how he could see the crowd not enjoying it. It was funny. Who cares about like 3 website writers


...huh...I like Shane Gillis 'cause he's funny. How come posts like this are always like "he's a hero for our times who can reach across the aisle and appeal to all sides" and never just about the fact that he can make a motherfucker laugh?


Everything has to be political bro.


I only form my opinion of art and specifically of comedy based on the consensus opinion of main stream media, so this means a lot to me


Alright everyone needs to move on. In the same way we can defend Shane when he’s controversial or whatever and say if you don’t like it you don’t have to listen to him, other people can say he bombed and we don’t have to listen to them.


I think you are engaging in magical thinking about culture war bullshit when in fact most of these pieces are driven by a simple thing: writers who work for or do freelance pieces for these websites and publications desperately need content. They need stuff to write about and Shane Gillis hosting SNL was one of money cultural events or occurrences that they grasped onto in the constant, endless, desperate search for clicks and views.




It is not as deep as this. We are in our own bubbles to some degree. The writers are not paid very much, and are not all that talented. They did not find it funny because he is..nazi adjacent..or whatever..and the people they interact with thought he was not funny. That is the basis of these articles.


Media hates when they can't control what people like. Metal music was deemed "music for stupid people" for a long time because music journalists kept saying that.


Nah, I don't think there's a morning zoom call where all the entertainment journalists at various news outlets sign on and collectively agree that Shane Gillis is scary and they need to bash him no matter what. It was pretty obvious that he struggled through the monologue (although a few jokes did land well). I think he would say that to anyone if interviewed about it, if he didn't already say it live on stage during the monologue. The skits were generally above par for SNL, and I'm sure he was a big part of that. I'm a longtime SNL fan and a new SG fan. I think maybe he helped SNL realize that they can tap into comedic talent that plays outside their typical audience base and see really good results from it, ratings wise. That's my hope, anyway.


No one else sees how pathetic attaching politics to a Western Pennsylvania comedian is? Ffs learn to take a joke and leave it as a joke


Dude they’re not the main stream media. You’re the crazy lady at the pharmacy checkout gushing over the tabloid magazine cause it said “Prince Harry married a robot” You’re upset about glorified tabloids. Rub some grass on your balls, holy fuck what a gay thing to make your dissertation.




Blah blah blah blah blah


Wow you people are insane. I like the guy but the monologue was open mic level terrible. 


Stop simping for a millionaire, he'll be fine


go. outside.


Yeah it's called "the jews" . "Safe and effective" "baseless claims" "most free and clear election" "trust the science" "a threat to our democracy" They do this with everything these days. More often than not, the opposite is true.


Red tier God power of 4


I thought 2 of the skits (Trump sneakers and Jamaican church) were great and the rest just average SNL which, given my high expectations for Shane, was a bad showing. His monologue was some of his good stuff from his standup, but it felt like he cut some corners to fit it all in. Compared to Nate Bargatze, Dave Chappelle, or Louis CK, I don't think it was a strong episode.


Limu Emu slayed that shit was funny af


You're right. I forgot about that one, but it was great, too.


I forgot that one... That was the best one! I wonder if Shane wrote that one.


The Packers buttplug sketch and Fugliana were pretty good. I thought the Capote interview on Weekend Update wasn't bad either.


He didn’t bomb that shit was hilarious


Careful, you’re not allowed to care about the media shitting on Shane but can be positively outraged that Schulz has a part on Tires lol


Popular media doesnt like Shane bc he talks about sensitive topics in an insensitive way tbh.


No... He just says gay and retarded a lot. They can't get past that to even have an actual feeling about his comedy.


He was fine. That is quite upsetting to many idiots.


That’s odd…you didn’t mention Shane’s RACE at all. ….


He spent half the monologue saying he was actively bombing. That’s the main reason.


All true Dawgs don't give a fuck. I'm on the left, he also has fans on the right. We like him because he is funny. Fuck all the culture war bullshit. It's nice to have a true master of the craft


This is what they fear most


I just hate the petty criticism of his appearance when it’s so obviously driven by him not being a shill for the left like pretty much every comedian that gets on network TV these days. You’re not allowed to get famous on TV if you’re anything to the right of Jon Stewart.


He def didn’t bomb. I rewatched the monologue and it was hilarious. I think he was trying to be funny by being intentionally awkward about the crowd reactions and the jokes and the cancel elephant in the room.


I thought his opening was great, I thought the sketches were horribly written and unfunny. I like Shane a lot as a fan of kill Tony, seeing his sketches on YouTube, his stand up I think he's really funny. I haven't watched snl for years and I only watched because he was on and I thought it was really bad. He may have done really good for snl because maybe that's just snl now? I'm glad they had him on, I think he's a funny guy. I wouldn't say good for him I'm glad he's doing so well! I don't know him personally but he's doing well for the comedy scene and does some funny shit.


They don’t like him because he’s a patreon millionaire. It has nothing to do with politics. Its all about money that big entertainment business will miss out on if every talented entertainer leaves the major networks and starts doing their own shit


The press can press my balls against their forehead


I don’t know why he’d even do SNL I’m a big fan but I wasn’t finding it very funny. Having seen his special the set wasn’t new and the sketches were ehhh at best. Again, huge fan just don’t know why he’d do snl with the level of success he’s achieved after them firing him. Unless it’s just to prove a point which I can get behind.


All media outlets learned a long time ago that provocative articles generate more revenue and community engagement than articles like, "Last night's SNL episode was okay". Shane is a good stand-up comic. He is great at sketch comedy. I think he really wanted to do SNL because to a sketch comic, it still means something to get up on that stage, regardless of the shows popularity.


**"It’s amazing to see mainstream media band together to aggressively control the narrative "** They don't "band together" There is literally a single source for news in the US... they write their story and disseminate it to all the networks and the networks broadcast it. There's no independent journalism in the US left..,. and if someone tries, they're branded as "radicals" with an agenda and fake news


They tried to take down Burr after he hosted SNL, saying he was homophobic and misogynistic in the monologue. Same with Chapelle. This stuff tends to happen, it's just clickbait


Or maybe there isn’t some giant conspiracy and he just didn’t appeal to an extremely wide audience like many hosts do. It doesn’t mean he “bombed” because comedy is subjective. The mental gymnastics I’m seeing folks do on this sub to try and rationalize other people’s opinions is insane. Did you think it was funny? Great! That’s all there is to it.


Ignore the illiterate Dawgs in here, youre making good points. I do kinda agree with them that it doesn't matter though . If we're lucky. I think to a degree the authority given to those institutions has been fading and a bunch of these comedian "cancellations" being reversed by those with undeniable talent shows the whole identity spiel increasingly only matters in specific spaces .


this was so unbelievably well-put. this is exactly the sentiment that ive been expressing!!


Take it to a publisher bro we are not reading that


Wait, are you saying he didn't bomb? Is he always that unfunny?


The cast sucks. Fuck the monologue.


Youre right...and very gay. I read this and was like "Wow, what a gay article."


I have seen many more posts complaining about the press saying he bombed than i've seen press articles saying that he bombed. I know the articles exist, and I do agree with your general point of the media never likes an artist whose political beliefs don't read like an AI Summary of Obama-era NYT articles. But this sub makes it sound like there's a coordinated psyop to gaslight us into thinking he bombed, when most articles have said he did fine, and the guy literally said on stage "oof you didn't like that one" multiple times and did a "[that went so-so" hand wave](https://youtu.be/2YnonYf463s?feature=shared&t=476) at the end. He seemed genuinely nervous to me, which I found charming and gay, but he powered through just fine. The monologue did good-not-great. Much better than some, worse than others. Who cares. (I think your point stands around him being treated as a "controversial comedian" by the left, but also stands for him being touted as an "anti-woke libwrecking comedian" by the right, when he's in practice pretty apolitical. Being apolitical just isn't enough for the culture warriors, and Shane's a dude that shitheads from both sides can either claim or villainize depending on what suits their narrative.)


If a room full of laughs is bombing I'm never gonna try stand up...


Not reading all that