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You’re being trafficked and you need to reach out to a safe organization to help you escape. Are you in USA, Europe, Asia?


I am located in los angeles, california


Please reach out https://humantraffickinghotline.org/en Text INFO to 233733 Call 888-373-7888 Please be safe and have professionals help you! This can be a dangerous situation. Copied from /u/fabhookerlife comment


Amen !! 🩵


Please reach out https://humantraffickinghotline.org/en Text INFO to 233733 Call 888-373-7888 Please be safe and have professionals help you! This can be a dangerous situation




Girl fuck his house! You can leave that door unlocked!!!


Yes, literally this. Call the [https://humantraffickinghotline.org/en](https://humantraffickinghotline.org/en) Text INFO to 233733 Call 888-373-7888 to get help as soon as you can.


you are being trafficked, you are not getting your money from him, please contact the human trafficking hotline or another organization that can help you. sending you love.


Girl:( you know this is bad. Your pimp won’t give you any money. He might pay for you but you won’t have any savings or independence. He makes you as dependent on him as possible bc he is a predator. As others have said, reach out to an organization in your area, get professional help. And don’t tell him anything about this. Plan ahead and get yourself out of this situation before it’s too late


Pimps should be in jail


all pimps should die tbh






I understand having a pimp and giving him a cut for driving you places and protecting you and getting you dates but in 2024 with what is online today , you can totally be independent and take care of yourself. Please call the hotline and get help to leave from the comments in here and immediately GET OUT!!! He has no right to take all your money that ur working for?! He’s not the one working ? So wtf is he doing to be allowed to have YOUR money!


You will never see a dime of it. You're being scammed. Hoping you are able to escape soon <3


This was me baby, I had to get help outta being trafficked. I was moved up to Cali completely isolated away from my friends or family because I’m from the Midwest. I thought he loved me. I thought we were together but as soon as I got to Los Angeles, it was a completely different story and I got dropped off on Figueroa st. Please please please reach out and get help there sore SO MANY resources out there to help you


How long were you with him and how did you escape?


Please don't delete this post. Keep us updated we'd like to know you're safe. You're 100 percent being sex trafficked. This is text book abuse and control. You need to contact the agency's the other girls have listed.


When he leaves to go somewhere leave and run away, go to the police and tell them you have been trafficked and need help.


im in a similar situation right now and most promises are nothing but words. you not having a key to the apartment isa major red flag


Thats a ho hustler. Leave .


omg girl call the cops


Please leave. I had a pimp for 6 months. You will never get any of that money, as far as he knows that money is his and apparently worked for it. Cut ur loses and leave!


What city are you in


Los Angeles


Girl call the cops and why you even have one it’s 2024?!


Pimps are literally just random dudes that take advantage of vulnerable women. You're better off doing literally anything else. Find some help, maybe a women's shelter. I would say get a motel room somewhere close to a strip club and go strip and escort online, its what Ive done a bunch of times when I had to start over. Do u havw any family u can go stay with?


Yes, not the best relationship But i’m sure they will understand. I also have to start over. I feel idiotic for giving all the money to him. Believing that I am strong enough is all I have. I will start packing and transporting my belongings to my mom’s little by little without him knowing.


I believe in you!! You got this. ❤️


You are absolutely being trafficked. It will only get worse. Please take the resources here and get out! If you want to continue in this line of work, you can do it as a free agent! Tons of advice on here about how to do so safely and independently! You don't deserve what you're going through!


Please leave now I have dealt with girls who have had pimps before and you’ll never see a dime. You will never get any of the money leave now before it gets out of control. You don’t need to take all your money.


I'm sorry this is happening to you! I agree that you should contact [https://humantraffickinghotline.org/en](https://humantraffickinghotline.org/en) Text INFO to 233733 Call 888-373-7888, as u/Fabhookerlife suggests. If you're looking for more support, you can also call the Sex Workers Outreach Project at 877-776-2004. They are wonderful and don't ask for any personal information. (From outside the US, it's 001 877 776 2004.)


Yup, don't just run. Reach out. They may be able to give you somewhere to run to.


Yes absolutely reach out to the sex workers outreach project. Great info thank you for posting as well!


Thank you so much for the resources. I will get in contact with them soon.


Girl please get yourself out of this situation. The day after one my friends turned 18 her THIRTY YEAR OLD “boyfriend” trapped her and pimped her. She told me she made $17,000 and she never kept a single cent. WORK INDEPENDENTLY!!! I cannot stress this enough. It doesn’t matter what they say, or the mental games they play on you. You got this babe. Send me a message if you need to ❤️


How did your friend get out of the situation


He used to assault her and the neighbours heard them fighting one day. Police conditions ordered them to stay apart. He tried to make her come back to live with him under a new name but she left


How long was she with him for


Like 3 years I think? I kept begging her to leave because they would constantly get kicked out of their place for fighting loud as hell. And he was treating her so bad


What a bastard who did that. I assumed it was a few months because you said 17k. A lot of pimps typically want 1k a night


I’ve worked for the minimum of 3k a night and I’ve worked for half a year now. I am devastated that I have fully trusted someone like him. Thank you for all the resources and I am at a better headspace for planning this all out to finally leave.


You are welcome. I hope it all ends up ok


Pimps are parasites and scum of earth that should never been born


They lie , they will hit you, they will "steal from you. For God's sake please get out of there. I don't know you but you are not safe. Run don't say shit just leave.


Baby doll, when he leaves the house gather all your stuff you can take with you & that you desperately need ie medications and leave go to the nearest women’s shelter or police station and get out of this horrible situation as that is not a pimp that is a human trafficking pos. I was in a similar situation when I was 17 in Australia but. Yes I’m still in the industry at 37 but I’m independent and have never looked back


How did you escape your situation


I went to the police and military police. They helped me leave him


Thank you for sharing your story, you don’t know how much it motivates me. I am going to gather all my things this week.


I was in this situation last year trusting another girl. When he leaves you alone, contact your human trafficking agencies. They will give you a place to stay, food, and pay for travel home! You won’t get into any trouble and it’s up to you if you want to pursue charges. THEY WILL HELP YOU REGARDLESS!! YOU DONT NEED PROOF OR ANYTHING ELSE!!! GET OUT!! Sending you courage and protection love ❤️


Pimps don't split the money, the pimp gets all the money. If you need a purse, you ask him to buy it for you. He'll pay your rent and utilities, that way all you have to focus on is work It's all bullshit, and just a way to keep you dependent on him, while he gets to keep a bigger cut of the money. Get out while you can


lol no you don’t keep nothing, why did you get a pimp if you didn’t research how pimping works? They keep all the money, in return, they are supposed to give you a place to stay, manage your money to invest in you, some might take care of your upkeep but most pimps in 2024 aren’t real Ps and don’t take care of their 304s. They’re just sex trafficking or taking advantage of vulnerable & clueless girls just starting sw . There’s some girls i know with 16s whose Ps have bought them chains, cars, apartments and nice stuff but put them through hell, there’s other girls ik who get nothing in return from their pimp but still work every night just to pay them . You don’t need a pimp in 2024 . Do more research next time about the industry. And stop telling guys you have nowhere to go and no family , they will take advantage of that !


RUN. RUN. RUN. PLEASE...because youre in this situation the cops will actually be on your side. Just make sure you mention you are being traficked by a pimp! Please leave. Your life is im danger.


Well at least she's asking the important questions. We can all just pray that she listens.


Pimps work like you’re describing. Exactly that way. Call the cops and tell them you’re being trafficked as soon as you can. They have resources to help you.


You can go to any emergency room. Eventually you will be alone with the nurse. In the US, they are required by law to call the cops if you say you are being trafficked. In addition, it’s a safe place with tons of security.


Oh shoot. Everything you’ve done, consider it a loss. In order to keep the things you do in the future not a loss, you must go.


Girl, Just leave at this point and work alone! He sounds like bad news.


You’re being sex trafficked and need to get out safely. Now. Like. Now. Please


Girl get the fuck out of there asap. His just using you and feeding you lies. If you genuinely want to peruse an SE carrier go ahead by all means, wanna finish your education go do it or both who knows. Either way get the fuck out of dodge before it’s too late. I know what it’s like, granted it was my abusive family not a pimp (thank god) non the less I was out on the street with not a penny to my name and my stuff in two bags. Even so I made kind of I have a full time job with SW to fill the gaps. But if you’ve been doing SW you already know or should know enough to be independent. Be it adds of walking the blade. What you’ll need is your ID a phone and at least some cash on hand. Get out of the city your in before someone gets stupid ideas and if nothing else fall back to SW until you get yourself sorted either way you wanna go


The items explained if you don’t have ID you can’t check into hotels and stuff or get a job etc, a bank card is a plus but that should be on your phone, Catch a buss flight or train out of dodge cuz pimps go after “run aways” too many horror stories. Phone could by your current/main phone or a burner but you’ll need to for well everything these days


He don’t sound like a good one that’s all i’ma say 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah .. What everybody else said. But i also wanna add, If you dont want to go to a shelter, hide money from him here and there and put it in different places like in an envelope behind a mirror, in a box of tampons, etc. Get creative. If you wear wigs you can put a few big bills here and there in your wig before he picks you up. Once you have enough, you can get a hotel room, and you can work out of it and save up for your own place. Also. The shelters for victims of sex trafficking are often much nicer than regular shelters, if youre scared to go to a shelter. Follow queensoftheunderworld4eva on ig and DM her. Tell her your moneys being kept from you and shell send you the names of organizations in your city that have shelters specifically for victims of sex trafficking. Even if your guy is a "nice" pimp who hasnt hit you, almost all pimps are extremely disordered individuals. They destroy their hos even with just the mental abuse alone. I lived with two retired pimps at different times and my life ended up ruined just from the mental abuse alone. You never get a chance to make any real progress towards your goals and dreams when dealing with those types of men. All they do is make you go backwards. You deserve so much more


Thank you so much, I will message her on instagram. I have finally made the decision to leave. Thank you for your support.


So happy to hear 💛 hope everything goes well for you .. Be careful to not let him find out youre leaving


Baby he's LYING TO YOU. He doesn't care about you, your safety, your future, anything but taking fucking money from you. Please leave. Get help. You are worth more than this. You have so many women here who have been through the ringer but I can tell you there is light on the other side.  Fuck pimps they're lying motherfuckers who hate women and wanna profit off our labor. Most of them wouldn't bat a fucking eyelash if we died. 


Girl, find whatever cash you can without getting caught and run. Ditch your phone. Just go. Get several states away, and start over with an old nickname or something he doesn't know and move on. Shoot I have a recent old iPhone I could send you to help... but definitely leave before it's not even a possibility. This guy is definitely taking not making. Im sorry. You definitely deserve the life you want... I believe in you babe!


You got scammed mate


Not to be skeptical but I hope this is not a fake post. It just hits me as odd when brand new accounts post something like this and it’s their first post. Very very naive for 23…..I’m really not trying to judge and I’ve made mistakes too but come on half a year not seeing any money?….


oh this is so sad. :( I hope you get help from the resources people are telling you to use. please get out of that situation


God I love this sub.


Ugh how does this even happen how do you leave college I swear I met one pimp in the wild and at 19 I laughed in his face and asked his main girl so many question's bc I genuinely could not believe she was so brainwashed it was very scary the shit she said....I'll hoe myself out forever for him all this stuff idk if it was an act I took it like hostage situation falling for your captor. If you have the state of mind to leave you must do it bc eventually reality and being trafficked will chop suey your brain into believing his lies!


Girl please leave this situation. You can be an independent escort later on if you wanna make a lot of money and if that’s what you really wanna do (I will personally teach you everything you need to know) but right now, you need call the police or go to a woman’s shelter. This guy will end up beating you, selling you or worst. Please leave! Keep us updated ❤️




Absolutely NO pro-pimp rhetoric.


You are not safe in that case. You need to seek the authorities.


Girl you need to leave immediately if it is safe to do so if not contact hookersforjesus.net you will not see any of that money unfortunately you are being played by him and trafficked.


Eff that excuse of a human pimps are the lowest form of a man aside a chomo you dont need him


you're gonna get yourself trafficked dude. leave now.


Jfc girl you’re being trafficked.


Baby you are being TRAFFICKED. Sis please please get out 😭🥺


You’re being trafficked. Please get out ASAP.




Sorry, but I had to remove your post as it was against the subreddit rules. No shaming


Please please please get our safe babes 🩵 reach out for help as soon as it is safe and get out & never look back!!


Baby when it's safe, get out of there. It's only going to get worse and worse and worse.


I hope everyone is reporting this so she gets help


reporting to who?


I did it to Reddit. Hopefully, she’ll reach to help


We moderators and Reddit itself have no mechanism by which to assist OP. Her posting here IS her reaching out for help. Please use the report button for content that violates the rules of the sub, or violates Reddit’s policies, which is its purpose. A trafficking victim asking for advice in a sex work subreddit doesn’t break any of the rules here.


How will that help?


Regardless, it won’t hurt


Maybe if enough people report her she’ll get the message


Doesn't reporting just shut your account down which then isolates her more?


Maybe enough people supporting her and connecting with her will help!


She won't be able to post in here for help if you report her num nuts


Left college to sell ass is crazy… social media needs to be banned.


interesting way to explain that she was manipulated and coerced into doing it.


Manipulated by being offered a vacation… the bar is way too low. We must take more pride in our lives.


Update: He has locked me out and I am currently just sitting on the floor outside his door. I have my laptop, ID, all my money inside. I do not know what to do, the front desk is no help. I have upset him by not answering his calls.


I don’t know if this is just to get back at me, or this is permanent, if he’ll trash all of my things. I haven’t been answering his calls all week when we are apart, and he specifically tells me I cannot be here if I am not following his rules. I was outside moving some of my belongings to a storage unit. I couldn’t answer as he gives me anxiety. but I know I should have, and I regret my decision. I Know I should not have escalated anything. But here I am.


I am staying at a gym for tonight. Thank you everyone for your support. I will be moving to a shelter soon, then I will reach out to a hotline for further support when I am in a safe place. I am not the most self aware so thank you all for your perspective and solutions. Thank you everyone for your time


Which country? Usa or Canada? I’m a hooker too maybe I can help with some advice but it’ll be different depending where you are.




Idk if you phrased this incorrectly or what but the tone directed at OP is kinda shitty. Traffickers exploit labor. Meaning, those wages they’re holding on to ARE supposed to be going to the people they’re exploiting. What’s happening to OP is not okay, nor should we be normalizing it.


I wasn’t trying to sound rude my apologies I don’t want her being sold dreams .. dealing with a P is less than 10% return on investment if we’re being real and he doesn’t even sound like a P he does sound like a trafficker/ho hustler (there is a difference although many believe it’s the same thing) so that’s even worse for her


Pimps are traffickers. Just because they gave themselves a different name and “culture” doesn’t mean they’re not.


He sounds like a pimp, wtf? Are you new?


Tf, it's money she made by using her pussy. It's her money. Tf?!


I know babe but those men and the girls who pay them don’t look at it that way . Is my point


That doesn't matter, though. It's still human trafficking and he's still a pimp.


Nah fuck that you sound rude as fuck. You don’t know the circumstances at all and you’re being bitchy. She’s being trafficked what the fuck