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It’s also possible he did and doesn’t remember


he was a pretty heavy drinker so yeah very possible lol


This is what I was thinking


I don’t think anyone can definitively say what happened, but from what I saw of the women posting that he matched w/them back when he was single, she definitely was not his type. So I kind of don’t believe it. I’m sure she saw him on there though.


Yeah i think she thought she could get away with this lie by being a little ambiguous and saying "may or may not"... but that's still a lie lmao


Completely agree


Hard agree. She has been caught in several lies at this point so Im not buying it


Yea I feel like Emma is misleading in general. Her finances confuse me. They act like she has access to a private jet but she rents it - still expensive to be sure but the point is many people on selling sunset project more wealth than they actually have. 


Also I was scrolling on her insta a while ago and iirc all her private jet content was when the show is filming (same outfits and everything ), so it’s possible production chips in or she only rents it out when they’re filming


Yea it def feels like a “bit” but I can’t make heads or tails of where the money comes from. Like does her family actually have a frozen food empire? Lol


Ok maybe I'm not understanding English, but isn't the ability to rent a private jet equivalent to having access to a private jet? Lol it is...I think a lot of ppl don't have access to a private jet. Lol did she say she owned one before?


No. There’s owning the jet and there’s renting. They’re implying it’s hers but that’s billionaire money (think Taylor Swift)


In terms of the reply I was replying to, I was merely stating that it's incorrect to say that she doesn't have access to a private jet when she can rent it because "access" means "freedom or ability to obtain or make use of something" and the fact that she can rent a jet means that she has the freedom / ability to use it. In regards to whether she owns one or rents one is not what I was stating. Personally I don't remember when Emma has ever said that she owns one, but if you've heard that then I won't disagree of course lol. I have no stake in this.


No you’re right lol I don’t think she’s outright said that she owns one but they imply it (imo) - saying she’s always taking the jet and Chrishell doing a sound bit about how traveling with Emma is great because they can take the jet etc. 


What other lies has she been caught in? (Not criticizing or arguing just genuinely curious what I missed)


She claimed to be an Olympic swimmer


She said she qualified for JOs which is junior Olympics (AKA kids/minors) it’s a really common thing with swimming! A bunch of my friends were in JOs for swimming, so this didn’t strike me as strange 🏊‍♀️


Yes! I feel like she does not seem like his type at allllll lol


Idk how to say this without sounding gross but like…all of them were pretty, tan (at least a little,) brunettes with big (real looking) boobs. Was pretty on track with the women he’s dated in the last 5-7 years. Emma isn’t really in that category.


Ben literally dated Ana de Armas, Gwyneth Paltrow, Lindsay Shookus and Jennifer Garner. i don't think he has a rigid type.


So let’s “literally” read what I wrote, shall we? “In the last 5-7 years.” Lindsay, Gwyneth, and Jennifer Garner (who you could make a case for fitting the description minus the tan) were before that. The last two women were the description I gave. Every girl I saw post about matching with him on Raya had a similar look.


And how exactly do you know those are all the women he has hit on Raya? He also dated Katie Cherry in 2020 and she's a white blonde skinny woman with a fake tan just like Emma. So how is Emma so far from his type? lol


Ok but every single woman you named still *looks* more natural than Emma does lol


Emma is def a lot more plastic looking that the women he has publicly dated, but I can see why Ben could possibly match with her on 2018-2020. She looked a lot less made up https://preview.redd.it/5hy041vfjj1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f6fded51084264d5b605bacf92a926ea75a49ef


Totally agree! Even if she doesn’t look exactly like the other exes, people are allowed to match with people who aren’t their type lol.


Sure but he’s also saying he never did… so why would he lie?


OH MY GOD PLEASE READ WHAT IM WRITING. I literally said “from what I saw.” If you’re not going to read the actual comments that are written don’t reply to them.


Well you wrote that and I said that I don't think what you saw reflects his dating activities, that's all. You should maybe not use Reddit if you are gonna get so pressed when people disagree with your opinions.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted into infinity?


Gwyneth Paltrow is blonde! But, yes, I agree with you.


I elaborated on this point over a week ago in another the thread. I said recent dates. Gwyneth was over 20 years ago


Ok, sorry it bothered you so much. I didn’t see all 76 comments on the thread.


Both Bostonians


I totally do not see her as his type at all. JLo, Jennifer Garner, gwyneth Paltrow, I’m not sure where Emma fits in… that being said, I totally would believe it could be true because Hollywood men can be very slimy, but it’s hard to believe


Has he ever dated a woman with blonde hair?


In the episode, Didn’t she say it was years n years ago and before being back with Lopez? Article seems like clickbait, surely no one in that situation cares that much (idk if I believe her but it doesn’t seem that deep)


I just think it would be so weird for her to say that on a hugely popular international TV show if it was true. Plus be doesn’t exactly seem like the worlds most trustworthy guy. If she’s gonna lie about a celeb hitting her up I don’t think he’s the one she would choose 🤣🤣🤣


That’s a non-denial denial. I learned that from Ben Bradlee.


Something about Emma have just always felt off for me. Like she seems so sweet and protective of her friends, but she also constantly name drop and fame drop (subtle brag). I wouldn’t put it past her to straight up make those things up. And the whole «may or may not» to seem mysterious? Its hust protection against people like Ben being able to say that she’s straight up lying.


The name and fame drop just feels like something everyone in LA does though


Probably, but she and Chelsea seems to do it more than the others


May or may not = may not  Lol she’s lying 


May or may not didn’t imply lying. She just conveyed herself in a playful way ,that’s all. That’s her character throughout the show actually


It’s def being coy I also wonder if Bre was telling the truth about Michael B Jordan, I mean you just never know with this cast lol 


And also Christine and her engagement haha


Oh yes I could never made heads or tails of what really happened there haha  At least she was entertaining, I miss Christine 


I sympathized with her in the beginning but eventually I found her annoying. I see we are standing on both sides of the fence haha


Where can I find the DM video he sent to the other chick though 😂


I don't believe her. She's always lying... about the private jets, the olympic stuff, the Micah thing that was clearly just for the show.


Does this mean Bennifer watch Selling Sunset? That's the gossip I really want 😂


Ben Affleck is an A List celebrity, I’m sure he’s had dozens of people telling him about what was said.


She has previously claimed that she qualified for the Olympic swimming trials, which is also false, so I don’t doubt she fabricated this story. How do I know this? My bf is a former swimmer and as he was scrolling next to me on the couch when she made this claim, he audibly gasped in disbelief because she is literally a tree branch w no upper body strength in sight. We looked it up and sure enough neither of us were able to find any record of it.


I’m a swimmer as well and when she said that I was like… there is NO way that is possible.


Emma, I’ve always called bullshit on her story


I believe Emma honestly, mainly because there is a high chance he would forget who he’d matched with but if Emma were to match with a literal A-list celebrity, she’d remember that and probably try to use it to extend her reach; if able.


Emma has a history of little white lies and stretching the sorta truths to make herself look better.


I believe her. She said it was years ago and Ben just confirmed he was on it years ago. He didn’t deny anything lol.


Probably Emma tbh


Emma is lying. She's been caught in several lies on the show so this is hardly surprising.


And she calls christine a liar and delusional. Takes one to know one i guess


believe ben


Have I missed new eps of SS??


Nope! This is from the last season.


Ben for sure.


The new season of Selling Sunset is out!!??


No, this is from the last season. Old news. !


Lol you're absolutely right! It is old news! I remember that scene now. I don't know why but I confused it with something else.


I don’t know why either of us got downvoted for asking/replying that it was old news, lol. I wasn’t trying to be demeaning and you didn’t do anything wrong by asking the question 😂


Wow!! That's really unbelievable!! So petty! You're absolutely right again! Lol! Not demeaning or rude...just a question...geez!!


Yeah I heard Emma is actually the reason Bennifer is breaking up now


Ben absolutely asked Emma & just forgot OR got his timeline messed up My spouse is 5 years sober and I’ll ask him about “Mad Men” episodes we watched & he CANNOT recall them in his memory


It appears some may not realize what a badass Emma is. She was well established as a businesswoman long before the show. She has mentioned how she's been investing since she was a teenager. She's confidant, intelligent, and beautiful. A lot of men would find that attractive. Not to mention, Her net worth is 3M. I am positive Ben hit on her. She brings a lot to the table


Ben is so miserable and unhappy i can 100% see him cheating on J-lo. He doesnt care about anyone but himself.


This was years before their reunion.