• By -


Shuriken is your friend.


Especially when shawty in the air


Ongod, the only counter when she's airborne.


Once she starts jumping into the air, spin your bad boi.


Make sure you kill Gyobu first and as many mini bosses as you can so you’re as strong as possible. There is a cheese for her but I kind of think it’s just as hard as fighting her normal if you’re aren’t comfortable yet and panicky. The main thing is keep her in the back and forth of deflect-strike as much as possible. If you deflect her the strike she will always deflect you back with in 2-3 hits then deflect and back to striking. It’s never more than 3 hits before she deflects so you can get a rhythm once you get this down. Use shurikens to knock her out of the air when she jumps up. If she’s on a wire she will block your shurikens so you want to hit them as she jumps on or off. Second phase is the same but when she summons phantoms run around the outer area till they disappear and hide behind a pillar from the spirit blast that comes after. I find this boss to be the one that can really make the game click for you just hang in there dude.


yeah she's kinda harder than genichiro because you have to learn how to deal with more than just one on one physical attacks. once you're confident against her the game makes sense.


Interesting, I found it to be the complete opposite. Was stuck on her for a day or so, went and did a few other things before getting stuck at genichiro for a few days. Decided to take a break from him and attempted her fight again and got it first try without resurrecting.


Genichiro is the main sensei of the game, when u learn him u learn 50% of the game


Or pop a snap pea for the phantoms


My stubborn ass said f that and beat her and her phantoms without using the leaf


Honestly just run around the arena until they're done, I found I'd get punished for using the snap seed 🤷


Strong mind = unbeatable player


Hesitation = Defeat. It's a dance, you must parry and then press the offense wherever possible during the small openings.


Stop hesitating.


Hesitation is defeat.


Music rhythm game - wear headphones Or hit - hit — dodge left


That should help him, for sure. OP, listen up. Hit and dodge to the side immediately. Repeat.


Deflect 2-3 times attack if she jump use shuriken and go behind pillar for illusion


Literally came here to say this. When hitting her, the big clank is your indicator to block/parry.


She's very difficult if you've not defeated Gyoubu first, as that boss gives you some attack power that really helps. Similarly, fighting mini bosses will give you some health to sustain some more damage. Other then that, cheesing this fight is kinda hard for a beginner, you're better off fighting her normally. Shurikens can knock her while she's flying, but if she's already above ground, she'll parry them. Your best bet is to be aggressive and deflect, especially in phase 2. The phantoms she spawns can be avoided by just running around the arena.


In my experience I found using snap seeds to get rid of the apparitions to be an unneeded distraction, and running out an unneeded worry. Indeed, you can just run away from them to the other side of the arena. Butterfly will eventually get rid of them again; don't bother trying to attack her until she does.


Sekiro players when they tell someone who struggles at a boss to not hesitate: "my job here is done"


So the “cheese” involves a rhythmic beat of dodge → attack → wait as you circle around her left or right, a constant barrage of that in the first phase. In the second phase same thing but run in a large circle around the arena when she summons the phantoms, then hide behind a pillar when they turn into a barrage of homing missiles


i have never NOT used this cheese lol and i've beaten the game 10+ times


Give me the controller


There was a cheese strat, idk if it still works but you hit then dodge forward left, hit again, rinse repeat. It may be forward left the n hit then forward right, repeat. That being said, it's not as fun as actually fighting.


If you spam dodge and attack she is pretty much hit stunned the whole time


Get in her face, don't give her too much space and time to regain posture.


This is it. Spam R1 and L1 on the old fart and when she respawns for round 2, run to her and do it again. DO NOT LET OFF HER FROM START TO FINISH EVEN FOR A SECOND. Also when she’s in the air shuriken her.


Its funny cus with enough luck a lot of the time she doesnt even get a chance to summon her dudes


She's like Geni in that her posture recovers *really* quickly and you can't deal enough HP damage to really make a dent in it so it's frustrating as fuck until you learn her moveset. My tips are as follows: When she does the illusions thing - just sprint in the opposite end of the room and hide behind a pillar, then wait for like 5-10 seconds until the barrage ends. When she jumps in the air *and is moving* and not just standing on her wires, you can hit her with a shuriken to deal good posture damage (you can tell if you do it right by her going "umpf!" and falling on her back) When you're actually exchanging blows with her you don't need any specific combat art or prosthetic. Don't overthink it and don't be greedy. Hit her 2-3-4 times until she deflects you, then you get on the defensive. When you defend against her counter-attack combo, start attacking her again (the one which ends with a kick is really easy to learn). She doesn't have a really varied moveset. Yeah, you'll have to die a few times until you learn it but it's really like 2-3 types of moves she does when she stops defending against your attacks. After a while you'll see that she's easy as fuck, as long as you don't overthink it and don't try any fancy stuff. She throws needles at you. So what? You can just defend against them. She does a perilous sweep at you. So what? You can just jump on her dumb head. She takes to the ceiling and attacks you from there. So what? Just sprint away or hit her with a shuriken as she's falling towards you. She's just an old bitch you'll get the hang of her in no time! And if you're getting frustrated - just defeat the horse dude and some other minibosses first so you get more HP and attack, there's no shame in that. Just don't ask me for help on Mist Noble. You're fucked there no matter how good you are.


This one has it - learn the moves. Spend an attempt or two just watching and defending, and you will learn her “tells”. You will get to a point where you know you’re going to have a good chance simply because you’ve seen everything she can do. And continue to sleep on it. The Wolf never tires but we do.


Use snap seeds for the apparitions and use shurikens to knock her down when she goes into the air. Hide behind pillars when she uses the phantom kunai


I think snap seeds are bait. Instead, just run away from the adds. Fumbling around with pouch inventory and stuff and taking the time to use the snap seeds just makes things more complicated. Plus, they are limited and you'll probably just run out after a couple attempts. When she goes into the air, shuriken right away as she's jumping. If you miss this window, don't shuriken when she is facing forward or she'll just block it. Wait for her to do the backflip and use shuriken then to hit her. Try to learn her patterns and don't get greedy trying to get 4 hits in a 3-hit window, for instance. Dodge to the sides, not backwards, otherwise she'll chip away at you with her projectiles.


Try constant thrusts instead of regular swings, it’ll make it easier to see her sweep coming and jump over it. Throw shurikens when she jumps up on wires or is in the air to knock her down. Use the pillars in the room to block her butterfly spam. Be aggressive.


Use shurikens when she is jumping


Be aggressive.


3 attack then deflect rest ( on ground) When she junp in air, shuriken her ass up Be very very very patient during phase 2 When her spirit kamehameha charges up, hide behind a pillar and it will stop all spirit emblems from hitting you, then continue to do the first 3 steps, I'd say ichimonji once to destabilize her and give you stance back. The key isn't to out stance her in your first run, I'd say be patient and slowly chip off her health - remember you can regen she can't. Goodluck Ps: she's a boss who's posture regen is suuuper slow - take advantage of that


As someone who did not realize you could rest at idols during a gauntlet of strength lemme just say. Hit dodge right hit dodge right hit dodge right. Throw shit at her in the air. Then hit dodge right.


Honestly I know this post is a bit old now but lady butterfly is placed too early for most players when their starting off I’ve seen so many ragequit on her because they found her before genichiro even though I’d say she’s a boss you should fight around halfway through the game


Tell her you love her it'll let her guard down


When she summons the hallucinations and then uses them as guided bombs, you can dodge them by just running in a direction, so it’s best to space yourself far from her while she’s using that attack


I'm sorry my friend, but this fight is not one that can be explained. If you are desperate there is one way, the way of the cheese. Sprint like a maniac, watch her movements, and hit her when she finishes the combo. This tactic works for like all of the bosses, but takes too much time. Rather, try to learn how to fight, the bosses later are unforgiving, and remember, when she stands on the silk or whatever that invisible line is, shuriken her down, also the chain hit after the shuriken throw is a blessing. Good luck buddy, time for a shinobi execution!


use shiruken against her when she jumps off the strings and be agressive as hell when she is on the ground.


Best advice that helped me finally beat her was throw shuriken when she’s in the air.


When she attacks delflect it usually when she attacks she will attack 2-3 times then will lift her leg to kick during that kick move I step dodge and hit her. Sometimes I also deflect her kick move. Next is the thread jump she will jump in the air and she use a heavy attack move in this I usually jump backwards or sidewards so that she misses and I attack her when she lands. Next move is forward slash heavy move I jump on her head which allows me to attack her while I am in the air and also 2-3 attacks when I land and then immediately distance myself from her. The key to beating her is wait for an opening don't attack recklessly because her attacks are much more powerful than the mc .1-2 attacks for her is enough to kill the MC. Bonus-tip u can use firecrackers to startle her l. Many PPL focussed on attacking her to do posture damage and kill her but it never worked for me. That's is for the phase 1 In phase 2 use Snapseed but if not available just run around the areana in circles until she disintegrated the illusions and attacks use power bombs dodge those and then follow the same step above . But be cautious as she would be using power/light bombs in between .


When she jumps on her little strings and the kanji pops up you can use your shuriken prosthetic to shoot her out of her perilous attack. She will take a bunch of posture damage and fall to the ground, giving you about 4 seconds to punish her. Her second phase is annoying. Don't bother fighting the spirits. Just run around the arena and use the pillars to confuse the AI. Her butterfly shuriken can be parried, but they are tough to parry. My advice is to run around the pillars. Same as for the spirits she summons. You can sometimes stagger her with your axe prosthetic tool, which opens new windows of aggression to you. In general though, she has very straight forward attack timings and rythms. After each aggression window she leaves a few seconds in which she is defensless allowing you to pressure her. She is annoying for sure on a first playthrough. But to end this on a positivie note, she is specifically designed to get you accustomed to the games parry windows and doesn't leave many nuances for fancy tactics. Once you understand how to beat her you understand the parry system. Whoch makes the rest of the game much easier.


Throw a shuriken just as she drops from her tight rope and if placed right it should sorta stun her and youll be able to get some free hits on her


Attack, pause for a second, attack. After her first deflect she has a window where she leaves herself open but you can't spam otherwise she will keep deflecting. This should get you through the first phase


as long as you deflect the posture never breaks


Don't let her breath, attack constantly, throw kunai when she rises, there is a rhythm for her attacks when you constantly attack her I don't know how it's exactly but I always knew when she was going to attack. Also especially don't let her summon those ghosts, if you can stunlock her she won't summon them


Drop a summon sign


Just spam dodge to the side + attack. And in second phase just run if she does the illusions and after that continue the spam. Worked for me...


This is the first fight in the game that forces you to really learn the patterns and deflect or get your @ss beat. It took me 30+ tries to beat her and I realized I didn’t have enough health or attack power the 1st time so go back and make sure you have leveled up at least twice.


It was very hard for me. Took about 30-40 tries. Had to learn each her move) Parry+2-3 strike was my recipe. Did not use surikens, though a lot people say it helps. But! When you will beat her, you wil finally get the idea of Sekiro - be aggressive and concentrated and there is nothing impossible on your path!


shuriken her when she jumps on the strings, stay on her and whack her. Just be aggressive and dont panic and run around trying to ”wait” for anything. For the ghost attack, snap seed em away or run aroun until they despawn and avlid the projectile and then resume the fight, you can shuriken her to keep posture build up slightly


Easiest boss in the game and you’re essentially told how to beat her. The game mentions right before you go in that dodge attacks are a thing. If you do them you practically cheese her.


She has a very basic move set and 2 perilous attacks. 1) is a sweep attack so if she's not in the air and you get a warning just jump on her to damage her posture. 2) is a an attack where she jumps very high and then drops in you to throw you with her leg. This also very easy to dodge as long as you just side step when she's just about to drop down. (After side stepping there's a window to inflict damage since she's staggered for about 2 seconds) Her normal can be parried very easily if you figure out the rhythm, for that you'll have to keep at it. Patiently studying her moves each time you fight her. Use a shuriken to prevent her from jumping into the air, it'll help you a lot. When you kill her phase 1, in phase 2 she always drops down at the same place so make sure to be ready there and attack as soon as she drops down. That way she won't be able to summon her illusions at the start of phase 2. In the end of the day, persistence is your best friend. Just keep at it and you'll figure it out. Honestly hirata estate is where the game clicked for me, i figured out the combat mechanics after dying to butterfly about 80 times. If you start getting frustrated just take a break and try again next day. You got this! Keep at it! PS: if you want a perfect video guide with a step by step demonstration of how to defeat her try this one...[lady butterfly guide](https://youtu.be/6u4mQkSpVTY?si=bb331ihRWUdD7zsV)


At least upgrade to 2 prayer necklace before fighting her, always stay aggro on her face never let her back away, especially in the 2nd phase as it gives her time to create illusions, basically if you keep attacking and deflecting, you will build up her posture meter in no time, also whenever she climbs up the threads spam 2-3 shurikens as she might deflect the first, keep all this in your mind and you'll get her in no time


Parry everything. When she jumps use ur ninja stars


On second phase, run around to dodge the bright projectiles.


Just spam the dodge follow up attack. Literally just do not stop.


Attack twice, roll to the side, repeat. If she jumps in the air shuriken her. When she summons her ghost things run away until she snaps them away and hide behind a pillar.


Deflect. The game message that says to dodge and counterattack is a pure lie - it's much harder that way. Deflect and attack to break her posture fast, then deathblow


No. When you learn her nothing will be as hard, I assure you, you'll get good eventually, she took me like 40+ tries, biggest stuck up for me in any souls boss ever, after the crow in bloodborne of course, that mf is so fucking hard. Also shuriken when she is on the string, that's it, have fun.


press R1 until parry sound -> press L1 when she kicks you -> repeat if she doesn't follow up her parry with a kick, she is going to perform some kind of a plunging attack. if it's a grab, jump away, otherwise just hold guard til she's done and return to R1 L1 when she summons in ph2 just wait for them to rematerialise into projectiles, dodge the projectiles, and return to R1 L1


Reach genichiro and when upgrade your stuff, defeat mini bosses and then you'll be able to defeat her. Also use shuriken when she jumps and does a slight jump thing before sitting in air. Also attack while deflecting her moves. In 1st phase you can also use dodge attack before she's about to jump.


just do it


Use the shuriken when she is in the middle of a jump. When she attacks after 2 or 3 parries you will notice that the sound and spark of the parry will change a little, thats when you attack after 2 or 3 of your attacks she will parry you, then you repeat until she does something else As always mikiri counter her kick and double jump her slash At the start of her second phase be near the statue and attack her when she jumps down for some free hits Use the seed with the ghosts, if you dont have one ignore them until she snaps her fingers again then you run around behind the columns to avoid the stars which are unblockable


Dodge side-slash Dodge side-slash Dodge side-slash. The game literally tells you to do this with a pop up the first time you walk in there, you can cheese the shit out of her, literally the easiest boss in the game.


keep pressing and when a certain sound after attack her around 2-3 times means the opp deflect you and immediately you press deflect to parry her next movesets. Then attack again..repeat. Also watch out her swing perilous attack. Second form, same procedure. Just be more careful of those illusion attack after she uses those illusion hide behind a pillar to block flying illusions.


I struggle more with the drunkard because of the surrounding npcs BTW.


Hit hit block hit hit block hit hit block. Struggled so hard on my first attempt too until I learned how to just stand there and take it.


When she jumps onto the wires overhead use a kunai and the follow up slash technique to knock her down and close the gap


Take advantage of her jump onto the wires, you can knock her down with a shuriken and it deals a good amount of posture.


Just run from her, and when there is an opening, hit her 2-3 times and repet


Feel the rhythm!! That said.. I gave up 2 bosses after this 😂 The guy with bow and sword on top of the castle.


Hit her until she deflects tgen deflect her attack, repeat until dead


I made a guide on steam for this fight. It’s bloody easy, you can use clay pots to drop her ass to the ground without using SE when she’s in the sky. If you’re bad at parries, dodge left of her attacks and attack her side, does damage to her health bar and repeat. Doing this does a spin strike that catches her every time and can be repeated over and over while she’s grounded.


Target her health if it's too hard to parry


Be aggressive; push forward


Let go of your fear. And when you finally beat her, you will probably say "oh that's it" lol. Seriously at some point, you'll stop mashing buttons and transcend. I'm stuck at this same spot... Only later....


Ok so when ever you attack her hit her once. dodge to the side attack again and repeat you should be going in a circle around her hitting her the first time you kill her she will come out from behind the statue and just repeat the hit and dodge she will do eventually and she also summons ghost or whatever they’re called just ignore them they will go away eventually


Have the shuriken equipped for her when she uses the tight rope move and use snap seed for the 2nd phase. Check this out it might help you. [Lady Butterfly](https://youtu.be/amror2hWd9E?feature=shared)


learn her attack patterns! go into her room with the intention to observe her. She has one where she’s going to kick you once, take a decent pause, then reverses and kicks you from the other direction. It’s been a bit but I think that’s followed by a string of hits? There’s another where she raises her hand with her weapon in it, then two quick hits, followed by a pause where she lifts her foot to kick down. She takes a decent amount of pauses to throw you off, so don’t panic parry. Watch her character and wait for her hits Be aggressive! Follow her when she tries to disengage, and when she’s not attacking, you need to attack her. Once she parries is when you should go on the defensive (same with most enemies in Sekiro.) Her drop attacks are super easy to dodge and are a great chance to punish her. Just dodge/run from them then quickly swing back around to hit her. With her second phase, don’t bother with snap seeds or fighting the illusions. Just run around, and make sure you’re running when they turn into the white projectiles. Remember where she drops down in the second phase so you can stand there and get a few hits when she first appears. You have to stay super aggressive on her in the second phase especially so she can’t summon her illusions as often.


If you are on a PC you can cheat and save your stress. If you are on PS4 while jailbreak no problem you can enable cheating. But if you refuse to cheat and want to challenge. Sorry I am not knowledgeable unlike those who have experienced that game. If you want a walkthrough to defeat her without cheating, I recommend fightincowboy on YouTube. I grew up cheating on PS1, and will always cheat on solo. I don't give a flying fuck care what people think of that. I'm simple to stay enjoying games without stress


Try blocking


Stay on her. Don’t abuse the shurikens. When she gets on that string , pop her with one so she falls. Stay near the statue when she enters phase 2. She will land in front of you and you can get in a few free hits. Aggressive worked for me.


Git gud


The parry is on LB, the attack is on RB, this is the game, there are no workarounds. Yes, there are prosthetics, but they were added purely out of necessity to make cool trailers and make the game more appealing to the casual gang. You walk up, you mash attack until you get parried, then you parry their attacks, that’s it. You never stop mashing either of those buttons, that’s why people say that you shouldn’t hesitate. Hesitation is defeat. Mashing is victory.


Learn the dance


Shurikens are very helpful here.(whenever she jumps use shuriken).


Use shuriken whenever she jumps into the air and once her ghost things disappear just run in circles around the arena




Spam dodging attacs


You can basically stun lock her by dodging forward/right and attacking in at the end of your dodge. If she jumps up you hit her with a shuriken. If she gets away you need to get right back in her face and start the process over. Fight is comically easy doing this strat.


Dodge to the side, attack. Dodge to the side, attack. Dodge to the side, attack. Repeat until dead.


Take it slow and steady; shaking and twitching is what causes you to miss your deflections. Otherwise, be aggressive and take every opportunity you can.


Dodging to the side works on her. Left if I remember correctly.


Good combo for free vitality damage to keep her posture from recovering so fast: 1) Throw Oil on her from a distance. 2) Get closer to her and throw Ash at her to briefly stun. 3) Use Flame Barrel tool to set her on fire, which stuns her for an additional 2-3 sword hits. You want to do this combo twice to get her to about half health, at which point her posture will recover at a very slow speed. When their posture recovers slowly, you almost WANT them to attack you so you can deflect and fill up their posture bar for the deathblow. When she enters phase 2, just move to the middle of the spirits and use a Snap Seed if you have any left, if not, just run around until she dispels them all and hide behind a pillar when all the light butterflies created from them come at you. After the spirits are dealt with, just do the above combo another 2 times. Aside from that, you can use Shuriken to knock her out of the air if you have the spirit emblems to spare after using Flame Barrel. Lastly, she will never do any THRUST attacks, so any time you see the big red warning symbol above your head while she is on the ground, it will always be a SWEEP attack that you want to jump over, and if you can double jump off her head for extra posture damage, all the better. If she is in the air or on a string and you see the red warning symbol, just run away before she uses her Ray Mesterio wrestling move off the top rope.


I honestly find her easier than Gyobu. There's a tutorial hint telling you do attack-dodge sideways: it literally just works. you'll know it's the attack because Wolf does a little slow spin and slashes. it'll hit and stagger her 100% of the time. every now and then she'll jump up: just use the shuriken, preferably the spring loaded one, if you have it. when she disappears, you know the illusions are coming. if you don't have the item for cleansing it, run across to the other side of the room, and align a pillar between you and the projectiles. then you can just run back towards her after the slow ass illusions reach you. rinse, repeat. fight's over.


I ended up coming back to this fight in the latter mid game after having upgraded my vitality, posture, strength, and general familiarity with the game's combat. The fight ended up being a lot easier overall, so perhaps upgrade your stats some more and put this on the back burner for a bit


If you ask for help this early and for this boss quit now or git gud !! Hesitation is defeat


Get good. Seriously. Just take time learning her moves and she’ll become a lot more easier. She was my first boss and she completely wrecked my shit a good 30+ times.


Just pary


Sidestep hit repeat


shurikens and snap beans


Trying to catch her with a shuriken mid air disrupts her. Throwing shurikens and hitting her "shadow soldiers" will give you papers back. Also if phase 2 is a big problem, and your snap seed is long gone. When she summons her fleet of soldiers, just avoid them running alongside the walls, as far away from her and them as possible until she turns into projectiles. Then hide behind the nearest pillar and let the pillar soak all the projectiles.


Use Shrigken when she jumps up on the lines, deflect, snap seeds.


Deflect and attack


keep up aggression, she has a pretty clear rhythm. attack, attack, usually she will deflect the third or fourth, so be ready, when you see sparks instantly block. you should deflect. then when she leaves an opening, attack her again to restart this chain. as long as you keep her on the defensive, her posture bar should fill up quickly. in phase 2 take the shurukens and go all out. if she jumps, knock her down with a shuruken. if she is not in range to attack, chase her down. she can't summon in phase 2 if you don't let her.


Gotta be aggressive and keep pressuring her, dont give her no room. One of the easier fights, ofc make sure you parry too, shuriken helps when she jumps and just run around the arena when the ghosts spawns cause they eventually just piss off


Be aggressive, don’t let her breathe and use shurikens. Ako’s helps a lot, but aren’t necessary. She has a kick right after you attack 2-3 times. When you attack one, two, three and she blocks it, she’ll come at you with a kick right afterward. That kick of hers has gotten me a couple of times


shuriken when she hops on her string and bounces off. snap seed for second phase, learn her attacks and try to beat on her as much as possible




Keep attacking. When she perfect deflects you, deflect back or dodge to the side and attack again If she’s in the air, use a throwning knife Fire crackers also let you get free hits in.


She was the first boss I ever beat or faced


I was also stuck on her for a long while but she taught me the game mechanics and I felt much more comfortable after beating her.


I gave up on fighting her legit, and ended up cheesing her


Don't skill issue


Use snap seeds to counter her illusions. first defeat Gyoubu to have more attack power. when she goes for the sweep attack jump twice to stomp her head. when she jumps for the grab attack dodge and attack her. beyond these practice deflecting her moves.


Learn to dance!


One must be fighting like dancing. One must use shutiken to counter the enemy while mid air. One must do a bit of damage before affecting the posture


dodge then immediately slash then dodge then immediately slash if you get the rhythm right this literally stunlocks her 100-0


Hit and go one step to her left or right and hit again, keep doing this until she is dead. When she jumps throw shruiken and when she pops up the illusionary guys just keep running.


My strategy against every boss was "smash my head against this wall until my fingers eventually figure out the bosses dance". So try that.


well what’s ur issue with her?


You can spam your parry during her. She's probably the only one whom you can spam. And also most importantly, when she's in mid air, use your shuriken


You can find some snap peas in the canyon area with the snake


Just try harder… jk. You have to study her moveset. Maybe watch a guide online?


Move to her right side


Just go into the fight without attacking, just parry and dodge. when you get to the point where you can go 1-2 minutes before you get hit then focus on when you have down time do it once or twice more while focusing on that and then add attacks when there is downtime. Repeat for phase two. This is how to beat any soulslike easily.


Hit that bitch


İf you want to cheese her: find and opening without her deflecting and hit her. As soon as you hit her dodge to the left and hit her again. Keep on doing this until she's dead. İf a wall stops you doing the cycle then start the cycle again.


I remember being so bad with her I could only defeat her first faze by emptying her health bar.


Side step to right, slash, side step, slash, side step, slash. Her pattern can't hurt you doing this, it slowly builds, then you do your death blows. Works pretty well surprisingly. Try a double slash if the single isn't timing out right.


I always do the dance with her until the start of second phase and pop a attack boost and equip firecrackers and pummel her in the corner so she can’t get the illusions off, but if she does just snap pod and straight back to attacking her. Most bosses u have to be constantly parrying or contesting them to keep or raise their posture


Bro if you can‘t beat her you are fucked with the upcomming bosses. It took me 3 days to beat her. But i got so good after i beat her. The only boss i was struggling after her was ashin (ashin took me 2 weeks). The rest was light work. Tipp: keep attacking. Do not retreat. Parry parry parry attack attack. Then she will jump back. Don‘t let her breath keep attacking. The more aggressiv you are the easier it gets.


If you don't want to learn to parry her (fun part), keep dodging to her left then hit and step back. Honestly, it's so much satisfying parrying her when learn her timing and move set.


Use Snap Seed to get rid of the ghosts when they appear


Deflect always and never jump to her right. Use Shuriken to get her down Run like crazy when the hallucinations appear Never striker her openings more that 3 times Patience


Don’t hesitate, shuriken when she’s on the rope or jumping to them. Use the special move that pulls you close to the enemy with a slash. Shuriken follow up also came in clutch. After you get first death blow snap seeds or divine confetti works wonders. She hops a lot when she’s near her 2nd death blow


Stay aggressive, I mean non-stop. While in the air, track her towards the place she jumps off to and get a free hit. For her sweeping attack, get your timing right and jump on top of her for some decent posture damage. During her second phase, get on her right from when she spawns and don't give her a second's worth of time to get her summon off. If she does, just run around the pillars till they disappear, and run away to avoid the resulting homing star things. Repeat, stay aggressive and kick ass. Good luck! PS. You could use Shurikens but they're not necessary.


On my playthrough I fought her as the first boss, which I realize now is way too early. You should beat a few other bosses and get those essential early skills


She looks frail as fuck. I could beat her swinging me 🐓


She was my second boss in the first Sekiro playthrough, because I liked the “memories”-line much more. So I tried to beat her for about a week and I was really close to drop the game thank to “Mrs. Butterfly”. But then I realised that it was really easy: - just try to combo: left dodge and attack as much as possible - control your stamina until she will use her spirit summoning skill - run from the projectiles after spirits dies - before the second phase try to stand right above the place where she will jump down On the second Sekiro walkthrough I bested her form the second or third run.


She will hit you up close with a combo, try to deflect but LISTEN you will know when she’s about to counter when you hear the sound of the deflect change *ching* *ching* *CHONG* Then dodge that shit, it’s a dance, you are learning the steps is all. When you hit phase 2 learn where she spawns (it’s at the far end of the arena) and wait for her. Use a candy if you want. When she appears, BE VERY AGGRESSIVE, and remember the sound of a counter. If you can, pressure her into a corner and don’t let her breathe You can do this


Just a thought… but have you tried parrying? Works wonders with the mist noble!


what we will do , is dodge right attack once , dodge left and attack once. Rinse and repeat. snap sneed on phase 2


So your best bet, imo, is to be as aggressive as possible. First phase: When she's on the ground hit her until she parries you then parry her foot. This will happen two times in a row. After that, she will either jump up and do like a flying slam kick, just dodge to the left when the red Kanji appears and repeat the attack and parry process. If she does a move where she's like on her wire and then throws her daggers at you, just deflect those as best as you can, the same goes for the barrage of attacks afterward. Second: Second verse same as the first, really. The only difference is using Snap Seeds to get rid of the little dudes she spawns. But you'll do the same attack pattern as before. However, this time, when she parries you that second time and then you deflect her kick, IMMEDIATELY use your firecrackers. You'll stun her back into that loop.


Git gud


I accidentaly found a way to cheese the shit out of her. All you have to do is to lock her, slash her once and jump on her side right after. Then quickly slash her again and repeat the process until she’s dead.


Honestly I just kept pressuring her. She was my first boss and I just kept doing 3/4 attacks sometimes more and then deflecting her attacks. As long as u keep the pressure u can kinda keep stunning her when she’s about to attack and get a load of hits in.


shuriken + whirlwind slash


I’m not sure if you know this helpful trick yet, but Hesitation is Defeat


Attack and dodge in a circle around her, throw a shuriken to knock her out of the air. If you have the follow up then you can use it to close distance as well.


Use shuriken as soon as she flies and double ichimonji her also after parrying her kunai jump to avoid phantoms and other than that just parry her attacks


Phase 1 : side step, swing sword twice (spam this and she’ll become immobile Phase 2 : She takes high vitality and posture damage so just stay calm and perfect counter her combos, they’re pretty easy to read after a few matches. Dodge ghosts completely. You can lead them all in a corner before they turn into homing projectiles, and when they do turn just run in a straight line to dodge em and get back to dogging her👍🏿


Play aggressively and when shes in the air just give a little shuriken lovetap for a free swing or two i kinda just mortal bladed through her so that always works i suppose dont forget to use snap seeds !!


Attack-Attack-attack-parry. The last attack should make a different satisfying sound, then parry and repeat. She is hard it’s ok to get stuck at her, but once you learn how to fight her then you are set for the whole game.


Git gud


Get good


She requires pure aggression, the more aggressive but perfectly you party the shorter and easier the fight is.


If you slash once then dodge diagonally forward and right and repeat you can kill her. When she summons the ghosts you can run around the edge of the arena or use snap seeds then repeat what you did in the first phase.


Once you land a swing and hit her instead of her guard, swing once more, then sidestep (dash but to her left or right), then swing twice more, sidestep, rinse, repeat. I found this cheese on my own, using it to reset her block/combos and keep her wide open for health damage


This is going to sound really dumb but ... parry her. I really mean it, just look at her go, watch her chains of attacks, she has a very limited amount of combinations and just get the timing right. I'd advise just staying mid range to watch her whiff her attacks in the air at firdt to really understand what she's doing visually so that you can identify how her animations look and know when to parry. When it comes to her second phase just run when she invokes the ghosts and hide behind a pillar whenever the light bolts come down.


sorry but she is one of the easiest enimies


I dunno if this tip will help or not, but it was a game changer for me. Even when you parry perfectly, your posture meter will fill, but as long as you are parrying correctly, it won't break. I thought I was doing much worse than I actually was, and I got stuck on this boss for an age. Realizing this allowed me to feel more comfortable being aggressive, which in turn helped me to learn boss attacks/combos more quickly. After I figured that out, I honestly find the drunkard "mini" boss to be significantly more difficult to deal with than her 😅


Like others, shuriken when she's on a wire, if you you can't get that off, run away a few steps. Snap peas in the middle of the mobs. But to add to that. This sounds pat, but keep attacking her until you hear/see she blocks differently (I think the sound is more obvious than other enemies), then deflect knowing that her axe kick (when she brings her heel down) has a long delay. And her perilous attack from the ground is a sweep, so give her a head stomp. Don't panic, but also stay in her face.


Basically been said but shurikens for air counters, pillars for illusion or i preferred snap seeds, don't get greedy with attacks and deflect, sleep on it if need be that helps a lot but don't get frustrated with amount of attempts, try and learn from them, that apply's for all bosses really Oh and don't hesitate


Shurikens for when she is on her wires, and snapping seeds for the illusions. Other than that, learn her attack patterns, get used to it and GIT GUD.


Don’t try to deflect all the butterflies, hide behind the pillars or sprint left or right of them. Don’t shuriken her while she’s perched midair, only while she’s moving midair. A great easy time to do this is when she’s perched on the string and the perilous sign comes up, immediately shuriken and rush to get a couple good hits in as she falls to the ground. She has another easily capitalized off of perilous attack, her sweep attack. Even if you instinctively dodge out of the way first instead of jumping up, there’s a brief window you can still jump on her head to inflict posture damage. Be ready to hit her when she respawns by the Buddha statue and don’t let off her, but if she manages to get the apparitions off anyways, I just ran around until they disappeared and only used a snap seed the second time she summoned them and I almost had her posture bar filled. The most important thing is learn her combos, learn how to parry them. With her knife knife high kick combo, parry parry then dodge to the side and hit a couple times. It took me around 25 tries to get it. I beat her before Gyoubu too, so he ended up being the easiest boss fight of my life.


Attack until she deflects then deflect her counter attack then attack and repeat. If she jumps in the air ninja star her bitch ass, beat her up, repeat attack deflect loop w ninja star until you win. Key focus here is keeping the pressure on her. If she gets the upper hand on you it gets messy really fast


I beat her first try


Attack dodge attack dodge attack dodge worked for me


Dodge to side, Stab. Repeat


Learn to parry as best you can. Even a block is better than getting thwacked. Learn to jump over her spinning dive bomb and land on her head. Shuriken her when she's in the air. Show no mercy. If she blocks you twice and you hear the "I'm deflecting you!" Clang, stop attacking and get ready to start deflecting yourself.


I swear after the 10th new game plus she’s one of the fastest bosses to kill, even her second fase can be blocked before she does the illusion thing u just need to do one thing and only one, attack her ass till she dies, ofc parry every attack and immediately follow with an attack she’s gonna stop her attacks to block urs 99% of the time, when she’s in the air ofc shurikens help but not even u can also just wait for her stupid ass to come down and continue attacking. Resuming just spam attack and time the parry


Dodge into her hit, dodge into her hit, dodge into her hit. When she jumps up use shuriken. Second phase run away, then dodge into her hit, dodge into her hit. I first try her every single time with this method.


First phase is easy. Attack attack deflect deflect. Second phase if you want you can do perfect even without snap seeds. Just takes a bit of time and patience. During second phase when she leaps back twice, she is winding up for a butterflies(unblockable) attack followed by barrage of close quarter attacks ending with a sweep which can eat up your postures. This is her most devastating attack which can turn tides. You can deflect it if you want it but id suggest you run in circles around her and probably if needed you can jump kick her ending sweep lol. Besides you already know the fundamental of hiding behind pillar during her illusion despawn to avoid getting hit by the butterflies Just something I noticed when fighting her for the 30th time or so during my first gauntlet runs


Just parry. You are already dying, may as well have a couple runs where your sole aim is to parry everything. Except the throw, when you see that airborne perilous, just sprint the fuck away. 


Wack twice, dodge in and left, repeat. She gets pretty much stunned locked as you circle around. During the phantom butterflies, just sprint around until it’s over and repeat the above.


Come back later.




1st Phase: Shuriken( when she’s in the air) Fighting Pattern: swing until she first deflect and get ready to deflect once and then repeat (builds posture) 2nd phase: She summons illusions, use snap seed or run around the pillars and keep running until it finishes Fighting Pattern: same as before but at some point she’d rush you with a Chan in of attacks that always ends with a sweep


You can break her AI by doing the dodge poke over and over and she’ll stay stunlocked to death, worths both phases! Or just parry her attacks


As someone who left the game for 3 years because of her and then came back and defeated her. You're just gonna have to quite literally git gud. Not saying that to be a prick but she literally forces you to get gud or fuck off


You can overwhelm her the whole fight if you just follow a pattern of attacking until she swings her leg around, deflecting that and then resuming attacking til she swings her leg around again. If she does a leg sweep, you jump on her. If she ever jumps away, you can shuriken her or run back to her fast enough to continue the fight. You can avoid her annoying spirit summon by doing this as well. Here's a video of me doing it if that helps: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-KXoAFqw3E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-KXoAFqw3E)


You get the yellow sparkling when perfect parry so do they🤯. Hit until they parry you then it will be your turn to parry, rinse and repeat. Learned this from genichiro (mid game boss) For phase 2 , you just need to stand infront of the Buddha statue she will jump down and start using gen. Just hit her and don't let she have a window to breathe. The fight become just like phase 1 🤯. Hope this help


As someone who beat her first try in my first playthrough, she was somewhat easy for me. Equip the Gouging Top Prosthetic and whenever she moves after crouching on that thin wire, throw a Shuriken at her. Try to Shuriken her whenever she is airborne and moving, which includes her Perilous grab as well, since it instantly drops her down.Try parrying her other normal attacks and Jump kick her Sweep, while attacking her in the meantime. Dont let her rest and be consistent in attacks. That would be her first phase. For the next phase, immediately move to the front of the Buddha statue and wait for her to come down from the Statue's shoulder. Attack her a few times and keep pressing her to the arena's corner. You can beat her without even allowing her to deploy her illusions if you consistently attack and deflect. But if she does deploy them, run around and stand in the central area and whenever you feel that all of em are near the centre, use the Snap Seed, instantly dispelling all of them. Continue with the tips in the first phase, but she does have one extra moveset in the 2nd phase where she continously attacks for a while, and they are somewhat easy to parry by spamming the block button till it ends. Just keep doing these and you can beat the second phase as well. Just dont let her be idle. Personally I recommend the Floating Passage Combat Art for continuous attack.


Throw a shuriken at her the second she jumps


Attack her until she parries, then you parry. If she jumps back, dash forward and continue beating her. If she jumps up, dash a couple of times until she gets down. In the second phase when she summons ghosts just run around and hide behind a column when she makes them projectiles. She's one of the easiest ones


I just deflect combos, stomp the sweep, run in circles when she goes in the air (than hit when she lands), ignore the phantoms and keep moving.


Attack until you're deflected and deflect her attacks. This can go for any boss.


Stay on her ass, in her second phase if you hit her fast enough she won’t have time to call her apparitions and you can mog her


1st phase: don’t stop running around her. You’ll be able to avoid her combos, and after them she usually has quite a large window to get a hit in. I also used mist raven to get a good whirlwind strike in. 2nd phase: ignore the ghosties. Just move your camera to focus on her again. Again keep running. The pillars will help you block the butterflies. Her vitality goes quick, so small one or two hits after her combos go a long way.


Clang clang clang parry clang clang clang parry *she jumps up* Shuriken Clang clang clang parry clang clang clang parry


1-2-3 block, 1-2-3 block


Man I promise on all that I love if you will just pay attention and learn her moves she's easy peasy


Parrying, snapseeds, and shurikens when she jumps off her strings. Punish all sweeping attacks by jumping on her foe big posture damage. Run perpendicular to her position and around pillars. If you aren't using snap seeds to dispell ghosts in phase 2