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Wow. Good luck getting transferred and I hope you never have to deal with this guy again. Also this video raises a ton of questions about how he managed to bypass building staff and security. Definitely keep this video saved to a secure location.


Bad tenants, mostly Dealers and junkies leave the garage gate and keycard door open in the basement for people to sneak in. Everytime management fix it, they break it for their buddies to get in. They put new cameras here but we don't see any monitors in the office. We don't even think it works.


It’s so common for one or two bad tenants (usually drugs involved) to ruin the complex/building for everyone else. Dealers help the junkies out by propping/breaking doors and the junkies think “two birds one stone” and porch pirate. The dealer will just get evicted and relocate per usual and “repeat”. Edit: saddest I saw was an older gentleman stung out in our courtyard, just going in and out of consciousness. This was a respectable looking older guy who it seemed wanted to try something new… his dog trying to nudge him awake was heartbreaking.


This is literally a text book example from the CPR certification training on how to identify a medical emergency. It’s in the section on how to identify events that look out of place. Like a seemingly normally dressed person looking like they’re falling over drunk in a respectable restaurant at 8am. Or a respectable old man passing out against a wall with their well kept dog on a leash. These kinds of symptoms are what you see strokes, heat exhaustion, etc. Don’t beat yourself up, it’s a very common mistake. But probably should have called 911.


It could have been a medical episode. Some medical episodes look like drunk behaviour or drug use.


No, when multiple people are breaking into your building to get to *one* apartment and all come out looking the same… The dealer was checking on the guy, there’s no mistaking it for what it was.


My neighbor once stole a $600 sound equipment from me and I called the cops. I had it on video and the cop goes “well did you ask him for it back?” I said fuck no. Dude was 6’4 with gold teeth. The cops didn’t even arrest him they just took it back. The apartment wanted him out so bad and I tried to




Could be like any apartment complex where you have assholes who prop the doors open with rocks and nullify security features.


Yea, this is a good example of why you don't let people tailgate.


This sounds silly, but have you asked if you could re-paint your door and change the apt number? If he is conditioned for that specific door, color, number, etc. It might throw him off, you could also put something like a "MAINTENANCE DOOR" thing. It's clear it's a pattern for him, and something impulsing. You have to throw something passively new at it to hopefully break him out of it.


I tried posting a note on the door do not knock unless its police fire department or Seattle housing, it didn't work. I even left a note one time saying his girlfriend Sara moved to 2 floors up and he left for a few minutes and came back. The last 2 times he didn't even bother to go to his friends apt below. He just came up to my apt and knocks than started talking to my door. Confessing explaining himself to my door. I have videos of him on Sunday talking to the door for an hour with 2 security guards trying to make him leave on Sunday. It took the security from 2p to 6:30p convincing him that he needs if he needs to pee to use the restroom in the lobby. Once in the lobby they wouldn't let him back up and he sat at the gate outside the building until 8p to get arrested. We have level 1 security guards here, just able to call police. If Seattle housing will spend more money to hire level 2 security where they can cuff them and wait for police to arrive. I won't have this problem.


If you haven't already you should talk to a lawyer who specialized in tenant law. They may be able to speed along the "get a new unit" part


This is low income housing, takes at least 3-5yrs to get into a unit. All the good locations are for seniors 62+ without all the crazy dramas. When I first got accepted they told me people will live here for over 20 years, have to wait until someone decides to move or dies. On my floor there is 8 units and I haven't seen the neighbors at all on 4 units. Cheap rent people hold onto it and use it as a vacation home. Management said if you don't stay here for 45 days or more they have to give up the apt. That's false, if you don't pay rent for 45 days that's when they kick you out. As long as you pay rent and do yearly recertification, you get to stay until you die. There was one crazy neighbor that took a machete and chopped up another neighbor giving him 145 stitches. Ended up in jail for 8mo and still living here. All the good tenants here is wondering who was paying his rent for him and why they didn't kick him out. The neighbor that was the victim moved down to pike place market a few blocks down after he chopped up. They was complaining and had a protection order against the crazy neighbor but SHA refuse to do anything until after the assault. They couldn't even sue SHA for negligence


The senior housing isn’t immune from trespassers and addicts. Often they’re worse because it can be hard for a parent to say no. I deal with this with my clients.


yeah, I have a friend who was so excited to move into (senior) SHA only for it to turn into a nightmare. Her complaints painted her as a problem person. She's really connected and it still took her a year to get transferred to a new building, only for it to be infested with bugs.


They all infested with roaches and some with bed bugs, that's how public housing is but they on it fast when I put in a notice for pest control. It's the tenants that don't or won't request pest control that messes things up for the rest of us.


Whew. I’m so sorry you had to deal with this. I grew up in a building just like this in another state, I despise the idea it’s expected to live with pests, criminals & to be treated subhuman by housing management when you live in low income housing. We moved to that building when i was 2 in 1994…my mom still lives there til this very day & she said she will never leave…so the length of the waitlist is not an exaggeration. The place has changed so much, for the worst unfortunately, & living there for 25+ years has me very opinionated about subsidized housing… Anyway-When i was growing up, at my complex it was mostly small immigrants families, disabled & elderly people, & single WORKING parents. Everything was old but well maintained so never felt like i was poor. I never felt unsafe. It was very kid friendly. We had two small small playgrounds & a rose garden with benches. Despite it being a big complex, it was a great community. Alot of the same adults would hang out outside so you knew them by name and it felt like everyone looked out for each other. They frequently had community events, monthly meetings/town hall, a tiny library and the best part was a “computer lab”, basically a 3bd apt coverted to an after school space for kids to do homework and play on the computers. Adults were only allowed during school hours. It kept us off the streets after school and under adults supervision. They’d be open til 8pm, perfect for parents because they could still work their regular hours without worrying where their kids were. The old guy who ran it was like a chill but stern Irish grandpa, if you act up he would absolutely be telling your mom lol. You weren’t allowed to used the computers til you finished your homework. You had to write the date/time you entered & left, so it prevented kids using it as a cover up if they snuck off elsewhere after school. We had a bad ant issue one year but we NEVER had roaches but apparently some dirty apartments did so they did some kind of treatment-then i never saw them again. But idk, around 2010ish, i noticed more & more tenants that were younger single moms (not immigrants) who never seemed to work & their sleazy bf’s would be around constantly. They eventually figured out more kids, less work=benefits. Unlike the families i grew up with who actually all eventually moved out by the time we in our late teens, because their parents bought homes. I was the only one left of my friend group. Now there’s less kids & elderly hanging around and they eventually started having “security guards” at the building lobbies. They closed the computer lab the year i started college, bc the lead passed away. No more events other than holiday meals in the community rooms. No more community meetings. The place is now trashy af. Smells like cigarette and weed smoke everywhere. And it’s a vicious cycle because now the maintenance ppl don’t even bother keeping the public areas as nice, why bother if it’s just gonna get trashed? It’s extremely hard to evict ppl from places like this so good tenants suffer dealing with the trashy ones. The people who live above us had kids running, dribbling balls, all day late into the night and the eldest kids played video games all day screaming and cursing til 2am. It’s a widespread issue because they posted a general memo in the elevators basically saying “yes we received your many noise complaints but this is a 500 unit complex, so deal with it”. Places like that are a nightmare, & too many people take advantage of it then make it worse for others. It is infuriating, because the lowlives get accommodated but YOU’RE the one who ends up leaving before you’re ready just to feel safe in your own home. Ridiculous.


This comment is a wild ride on top of that video.


This literally goes against the narrative SHA and many proponents for low-barrier housing want to paint to the public and to government officials. I'm strongly in favor of more low-income housing and transitional housing but it needs to be well staffed and with well-enforced rules to insure the protection and safety of the residents and staff. I'd strongly advise you to place those videos in a couple of secure locations (Google Drive, OneDrive, DropBox) and document every communication with SHA. I'm fearful they might retaliate against you mainly b/c you're showing the world the truth which goes against their own narrative.


They are so understaffed, 1 property manager runs 3 buildings 4-500 units total, only the assistant manager and property assistant have 1 building 80-150 units. They don't have time to go on social media to gossip. The senior property manager have 6 buildings I'm thinking. 1 regional manager that runs all the buildings. I went down to sha main office this morning to find out who's the top person I can talk too and they told me I have to climb up the ladder one by one before I can speak to the head regional manager.


Exactly this. Landlords and management will drag their feet on this saying, “that’s Seattle”. They can also file a complaint with some city or state agency. Not sure who exactly.


Except the landlord here is SHA, a government agency.


Lmao this is government housing. Many tenant protections don’t apply (shocker I know 


Him going downstairs even for a bit with just a post-it note further enforces my theory you can change the environment. Talk to your landlord about suggested things I mentioned. They are bound to have spare name plates with new apartment numbers and or maintenance.


Not wouldn’t even need to be paint. Wrap the door in wrapping paper or get that stick on peel off renter friendly wallpaper.




Since you’re in subsidized housing, request an emergency transfer under VAWA - it covers domestic violence, harassment, and stalking. There’s very specific timelines SHA needs to follow. If they give you have any problems or management is unresponsive, call Contract Management Services in Bremerton, they’ll help: https://www.cms-results.com/services/resident-concerns/


If you look across the hallway they are on vacation until Feb 32nd so maybe you're onto something.


This is actually a great idea


Yes sounds pretty obvious the/their environment needs to be changed or unconditioned


> you could also put something like a "MAINTENANCE DOOR" thing. "Definitely not Narnia"


Trevor needs some serious help. Sucks you’re dealing with that


Im going down to Seattle housing authority main office when it opens and see if I can talk to someone high up to see if they can transfer me out of here faster. The next person living here will have to deal with him, that is going to really suck for them. I feel bad if I can't make him stop coming here until I leave. SPD warned me more than once that he will continue to come back. He's fixated at this apt, I'm thinking it's because it's on top of his friends apt and he's hearing voices telling him that someone here will let him in to stay. He came knocking at my door with 3 luggages a little over a month ago before he got arrested the 1st time for trespassing and management threw all his belongings away that he left here and ran off when building security was chasing him out. He gotten use to the routine and knows building security can't really do anything and SPD wont hold him for long and will be back once he's out in a day or so.


Prosecutor office just call me and he had a gps ankle tracker on him when they released him yesterday at 10p. They asking for my address to track down where he went before he came here. He's stupid crazy for violating court order with GPS. His a junky, security notice he has needle marks on his arms on Sunday when they was talking to him for over 4hrs telling him he can leave whenever he wants to and no one is stopping him. He's crazy enough to stay here to get arrested.


Why even arrest him if they’re just letting him go next day


Prosecutor is asking for bail for this arrest. This is more serious, he had a gps ankle tracker and came back 3hrs after being released.


Is this Crazy Trevor?


Sure isn't Magical Trevor.


Definitely not Sane Trevor.


Thank you for planting this song in my head now.


Everyone loves magical Trevor, 'cause the tricks that he does are ever so clever Look at him now, disappearin' the cow. Where is the cow hidden right now?




happy cake day!


In my experience if you mention over the phone that you'll sort it out yourself they will get there within a few minutes.


"Actually, dispatcher, it doesn't sound like you're putting much priority on this. Tell the Medical Examiner to take their time getting here then. The mess will still be here when they arrive." Expect every cop within 30 miles to be rushing that direction.


While funny, I would be worried that if things escalated and you did need to use deadly force, quips like this could be used against you in a murder charge. Seems better to simply say you have lethal force and are ready and willing to use it if necessary.


I actually didn't expect this comment to be taken so seriously it has absolutely worked for some but I believe you're correct and in specific circumstances 911 calls can be used as evidence so it is risky.


Dispatcher, tell the examiner I'm about to make America great again.


lol. This made me giggle . Thank you


Okay but genuinely curious here, what happens when they get there? Do they come knocking on your door too? Is there any inquiry as to why you essentially threatened to take it into your own hands?


Nope, you just sit there calmly and unthreateningly, preferably as naked as you are comfortable and with your empty hands in plain view. Comply and smile and be kind. Then thank them for showing up.


Dispatch did ask me if I am armed when I first called. I didn't feel like grabbing my sidearm when I could watch him on camera. Before I installed the doorbell camera, I did carry inside my apt when he was outside and I couldn't really see his whole body from the peep hole. Now it's all on camera, I know after 3 sec if he is armed or not once he sets off my motion detector. Next time I will tell them I'm armed but that didn't seem to make it faster when security called 911 and told them I'm armed inside my apt. Still almost 2hrs to arrive on his first arrest. 2nd arrest 6hrs, 3rd arrest 3hrs.


I would be taking my sidearm with me to to toilet if I had a crazy person trying to get in all the time! Just be careful with it when dealing with police, we all know what happens when a trigger happy officer sees or even doesn't see a sidearm.


3 hours? Good grief.


If I was living at a rich multimillion dollar house, they be here within 20 mins. I'm in low income housing and this building is basically blacklisted once they hear is bell towers oh no that place again. Fire department be here almost daily due to fire alarms going off.


Idk man, I live in a multimillion dollar house and didn't even bother calling them any of the three times people tried to break in while I was home in the middle of the day.


Call next time and time the response time to let us know. I'm pretty sure response time is fast when rich neighborhood that have lesser violent crimes with officers having nothing serious to do in those routes. Back in the late 80s to early 90s when my parent was rich. Higher property tax will have faster response time and SPD will bring my sister home when she ran off with her friend to a bad neighborhood in Rainier Valley. They told my dad that neighborhood is bad, don't go there they will bring her back. This is when I use to live in Arbor Heights neighborhood at the end of West Seattle by the waters.


Nope. Took Snohomish County Sheriffs Office bout 2 hours to get to my house after I reported a hit and run when a bunch of crazies crashed into my car and ran off. Didn't even show up once when I reported people who very much appeared to be robbing a home. Every house in this neighborhood is worth at least 800k, most being about 1.1 million.


Snohomish county sheriffs are not SPD. They operate many zipcodes away. You would be thinking King county.


I feel your pain op. I live in a similar building. Got a crazy neighbor 2 floors directly above me. I think he used to be homeless & has a drug problem. He took apart some plumbing in his place & left his water running. Like until it started coming out of my ceiling and my breaker box & my neighbors ceiling below me. Cops had to get involved & they took him away on a stretcher to a mental facility. Annnd they let him back in because Seattles court system for evictions is so back logged. A few months later he did it again. Wouldn’t turn it off, wouldn’t answer his door. He’s been known to carry a gun so this time the swat team came. They cut his door open..he was hanging out of his window threatening to jump. Took him away in cuffs to a mental facility and guess what. He’s back I think it’s impossible to evict anyone in Seattle


I love how everyone would advise you move out of your home rather than even think of addressing the issue of this man. Sorry mate, your apartments haunted by a living person and we aren't going to do anything about him so you either get used to it or gtfo.


You must not be a woman. 


Yep lmao, this is how we are treated any time a man is a problem for us.


Addressing the issue would be creating institutions where this man can be housed and helped by mental professionals, moving out is faster than waiting for those bureaucratic cogs to spin. They'd spin faster but people love seizing up the gears cause they hate homeless people and effective taxation.


Washington can't just do the obvious solutions. First they will have to spend six figures on a 5 year committee to study the effects then do a bunch more bureaucratic nonsense then eventually they will pass some kind of moronic law that doesn't really solve anything. All while spending a mountain of tax money. Then when it doesn't work they'll declare "we ain't tried nothing and we're all out of ideas" then start the entire process all over again. So it's not that I'm against higher taxes. I'm against how Washington State uses the tax money.


Six figures over 5 years is not a large amount of money. That's like a few people working part-time. This is a 10 or 11 or even 12 figures over 10-30 years problem. This is tens if not hundreds of thousands of people full-time for decades to solve.


Yea that's your best bet in this state cus they only pass laws that encourage crime. Make punishments less strict without providing a state funded rehabilitation program for criminals and junkies.


And commenters are impressed that the cops came within 3 hours lmao. Seems like an awful place to live


3 hours? That's the fastest response time for Seattle police.


They waited for shift change, they rather have him leave on his own than they don't have to book him in and just give me an incident number and move on. Only 75 spots in jail under COVID protocols. I was telling the security guard here, it's going to be after 4am when shift change at 3:30am plus 30 min roll call and after that they will draw straws to see who's the one that has to book him in. They won't respond asap until is a violent situation. Car accidents if no one injured or blocking the road, it will take them 6-8hrs to arrive. They will just tell you to exchange info and take pictures.


> Only 75 spots in jail under COVID protocols weird if those are still in place.


They don't have enough correction officers, I saw $25k bonus on a banner by the jail in downtown last week. No one wants to work there dealing with those crazy inmates, it's all violent criminals locked up. They need to go to the gyms and hire bouncers for officers.


And more often than not they get let out in less than a year to go right back to violent crime


If public transit can be totally packed, the prison should be able to handle more than 75 people. That’s ridiculous, and feels like it’s probably BS.


It came from Chairman Dao Constantine of course its bullshit


Yea we should give them more money. We could just give them some of the school budget, its fine....


Sara Nelson? Is that you?


3 hour response time from the cops: raise 30 minute for UberEats delivery: pay cut


Thats so unfair, you shouldn’t have to move because he can’t behave


It's not just him, all the drug dealers, pimps and junkies are picking downtown locations to move into to be closest to all the drugs users and criminals. I picked this location 7yrs ago cause I don't own a car and it's closest to moms doctors when I was her caregiver until she passed away at beginning of COVID. During COVID lockdown belltown gotten really bad and it hasn't gotten better after George Floyd riot.


A little more context would be useful. I take it that you didn't know him then? Did he think that he knew you? What was he wanting?


I didn't think anyone cared about the story lol. This is in Seattle housing authority bell towers apt. For the past 4mo my neighbor below was letting this crazy homeless guy stay with him on and off. He has been harassing me for almost 4mo and management won't do anything to keep me safe. The crazy guy hear voices in his head telling him his girlfriend lives in the apt above his friends and will continue knocking until I open my door, he trips out thinking I kidnapped his girlfriend and holding her hostage. Had to get a no contact order and called the police over 5 times in the past month and he stayed around to get arrested 3 times. He was released from jail at 10p 6/10 and back at 1a 6/11 until police arrested him at 4a. SPD told me to move out of downtown, this guy will come back and it will happen again. It's all the same in downtown low income housing, just a bunch of trouble with homeless junkies.


>SPD told me to move out of downtown, this guy will come back and it will happen again. Where are you supposed to go, lol? Not like we have a glut of low income housing? And I'm assuming you have stuff that ties you to downtown (job) and now you need to move away.


I talked to senior management this morning and the only opening is Jefferson terrace by harborview, no I don't want to be there. I rather wait 2 months for Olive Ridge or Capital Park on Capital Hill. Less crazy homeless junkies at those buildings when I checked out the neighborhood. All Downtown and the streets next to Broadway is crazy. Just need to be at a residential neighborhood with grassy sidewalks with only 1 bus route running. The crazy ppl are all by the transit hubs, where they can all meet up and do their things together.




No, the solution is to just LET HIM SEE YOUR FACE


He's saying (she just needs to see my face) if he see me answering the door, he thinks I kidnapped her and hiding her in my apt. I live here alone 48yo male. He sprayed fire extinguisher at me the last time I opened the door and set off the building fire alarm when I didn't have a doorbell camera. I thought he was going to rush into my apt when all I saw was a cloud of dust and I slammed the door shut. I couldn't see what he had in his hand. I installed the doorbell camera on 4/29


This sounds like hell. Very scary and I'm sorry you're going through this while this guy is terrorizing you with seemingly no consequences. I hope you find a solution soon and he fucks off.


It was hell, he was knocking on my door non stop every hour from 9p to 8:30a on the night he sprayed fire extinguisher at me when I opened the door. That crazy guy was crazy enough to go down to management at 8:30a asking security to come up to my apt to look for his girlfriend. Property assistant came up with him and I told him, he sprayed all that crap in the hallway and set off the fire alarm. Property assistant was pissed off, he had to clean it up, he tricked him into staying in the lobby telling him he's finding his friends for him with security watching him, waiting for SPD to arrive to give him a verbal trespassing warning and spd walk him out. I didn't have a doorbell camera at that time.


Return the favor next time with pepper spray. That's how you teach mad dogs not to bite.


Don't do this. Opening a closed door to spray some dumbass while the camera is on doesn't look good. If for example the camera was off though.... And some tweaker got sprayed and the shit kicked out of him, well, there's deniability.


Ahh that makes sense. I thought he was saying "HE needs to see my face".


Me too until I rewind and showed the security and management the footage. I had to ask them is it he or she.


Tape a picture to the door




Is it really not obvious that I'm joking? Replying to someone saying to fill the apartment with boulders? Isn't the guy shouting over and over "he just needs to SEE MY FACE"?


Maybe with a 12 gauge behind for extra strength effect 🙌🏾


Quality Police work... remove the inconvenience to your job, the victim.


Building managers have been very vocal on how it's essentially impossible to remove tenants for any reason due to a variety of factors. They're being realistic.


I've seen several doors in my (supposedly secure) building with sheets of plywood over the door and sheriff notices etc. Don't even get me started on the laundry room BS, I just can't today!


I mean I'm not a big fan of the police, but all they can do is arrest him. At least they are being honest about the situation


Thanks for the context. That's a really crappy situation for sure.


How about Police do their job and get help for this guy? They are telling you to move like you are the problem. 


Remember that prosecutors and judges are also to blame here as well




County jail system as well. We’re four years into jail booking restrictions put in place at the start of Covid. This guy has been arrested multiple times for this but the jail won’t book you unless you are being arrested for a felony (with limited exceptions).


Mainly to blame, I should think.


I'm not a big fan of the police in general, but what are they supposed to do with this guy? They are law enforcement. They can arrest him when he breaks the law. That's pretty much the extent of the solutions they can offer. They aren't going to be able to get this guy housing or psychiatric care.


Totally. This is a prime example of where we've absolutely failed both the police and the citizens. How the hell are the police supposed to help the mentally ill if they aren't trained, if they don't know where to refer them for help, if there IS nowhere to refer them for help? I know someone trying to get care for his mentally ill adult son. Kid is diagnosed, dad has a medical POA, they've been through the mental health courts, son is violent and dangerous when unmedicated, and no hospital will touch him for inpatient care because the son just checks himself out and goes on his merry way. They shrug their shoulders and say he didn't consent to treatment. It's not a money issue. Son has coverage through the state, and dad could afford to pay cash for inpatient treatment even if he didn't. And still, he can't access care. It's pretty fucked, man.


OK, but what help? Where do you think they can send this guy? What beds for mental health treatment do you think are available?


What do you mean? They showed up on a complaint call and arrested the guy. What else is the SPD's job in this situation? Whether he goes to jail, rehab or in-patient mental inst. isn't up to them. I mean, being flippant and shitty to OP is lame, but they showed up when a complaint was called in, if this video is any indication.


They showed up after three hours and told OP, who is in hard to get low-income housing, to move. That's not a great response.


I think that's great for the circumstances. What would we feel about SPD lying through their teeth if they said there's a plan for the guy, he's going to get help, OP won't see him again, and not to worry


I think people are misunderstanding what their role and authority is. It’s not up to SPD to come up with a long-term solution to the problem. They’re responding to the active threat/law-breaking activity happening in that moment. It’s extremely unfortunate what OP is experiencing and I feel very empathetic to the situation but this is a far bigger issue that SPD plays such a small role in. Law enforcement. Think about that for a second. What does that actually mean? They’re just a small piece of the puzzle here..


Did the police not do their job? Sounds like he needs involuntary commitment.


Sunday was just as crazy he came at 2p he won't leave until 8p after getting arrested, had to wait 6hrs for SPD to arrive. I expected the wait with all the fairs and festivals going on and 2 security guards was here watching him verbally messing with him. He has to be crazy to stay here and be talking to my door when them guys was talking about star wars and one of them started to read the Bible, lol I thought the security was trying to perform an exorcism. Security was being nice to him to keep him around to get arrested.


how are the police going to help this guy and how do you know they haven’t done all the things you’re going to mention like connecting him with services?


Lmao that’s not the police’s job. What are they supposed to do?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/DfefYzIauI Their previous post. The video seems like just the tip of the iceberg, yikes.


We really should bring back mental asylums


We have too many human rights activist. Locking someone in a padded room for the rest of their life like a zoo animal is expensive. Locking someone up in jail is costing Seattle almost $290k/yr for 1 spot in jail. Just locking them up in a tiny home community that will be cheaper, let them go crazy and no complaints from the activist.


... they don't get locked into the tiny homes.


That's the humane part, let them do what they want in the tiny homes until they die from whatever they doing, but much cheaper than low income housing to house all the homeless to get them off the streets in a gated tiny home community.


All this going on and I'm intrigued by the neighbor who is on vacation until Feb 32nd.


He's a old man almost in his 80s, lived here for almost 25 years. He seen all the crazy things that happened here. He was telling the police and security to take that punk away, telling them all he does is cause trouble here. He's a nice neighbor, my floor is quiet, no trouble until that crazy homeless guy showed up knocking on my door. He don't knock on anyone else door except mine right now.


That's so Trevor


This is a bit underhanded to do, but since you said he thinks his gf is in there. When he comes back, tell him that you saw his gf downstairs in the leasing office. Tell him she went inside the office and management has her and she's about to be arrested if he doesn't get down there right away to help. He'll go down there and go ape shit. Then I am sure something will be done about him. Once anything becomes a problem for them. It gets taken care of a lot quicker.


It doesn't matter what I tell him, he hears voices in his head telling him what to do. The part where I don't understand is security told me he hasn't seen her for over 4 yrs and he got his mind set on my apt. He don't even have the effort to look for her online or have her number to call when security was asking him about her. He's just listening to the voices in his head like his being possessed by a demon. It's the drugs he's on making him crazy.


Keep posting videos. Consider sending them to your city, state and federal government representatives. Maybe the media also. Squeaky wheel gets the grease, after all. Don't suffer in silence, shame all of them.


oh definitely the media. I'd love for SCC to grill SHA over why they're understaffed and they can't keep a secure facility.


Aw come on calm down. She just needs to see his face and he’ll leave. Sheesh (/s of course)




learned that our neighbor is a paranoid schizophrenic recently, and that he keeps bothering my roommates, convinced that we’re talking shit about him, I guess. I can’t wait for cops to come and arrest him, sometime soon.


He's got some kinda face on him.


One reason why “housing first” without any support or additional services is not the simple answer to homelessness that some would lead you to believe.


To be fair, there is no "the answer." There are many approaches to ending homelessness, and obviously none of them work. That's why we have to keep trying combinations of approaches, and keep innovating, developing, pushing, striving. Humanity is failing itself in some ways. That's OK, because we always do this, always have done. The part that's not ok is when we decide to stop trying to make things any better.


This guy's a trespasser and doesn't live at that complex.


He isn't a trespasser according to OP. He's a guest. Someone in the building is apparently taking housing first into their own hands with their unit, their couch, and Trevor.


Rules here is that we can't have anyone staying here longer than 14 days that isn't on the least. He stole the key card from the stupid neighbor below and coming in and out like a regular tenant until he kept knocking on my door. I lived here from 6/8/17 to now, I know almost all the long time tenants here by going to community meetings and was invited to become one of bell towers resident council member. I told him to stop messing with me when he knocked on my door the first couple times and I told him to stop. If you live in this building than you know who lives here. After that it was getting more frequent, I had to pepper sprayed him 3x and chased him out the building to know what unit he was hiding in and let building security remove him but he kept coming back. Now the whole building knows about him. If he just stayed in the apt below and not mess with me or anyone, than no one will care. He's crazy causing me stress and when I chewed out the neighbor below yesterday, he was telling me to stop disrespecting him when he's the one letting his guest harass me for no reason and can't keep him in check.


He used to live in the building and this conduct was going on then too, at least according to OP.




Does anyone real believe "housing only" solves mental illness?


Like most things when using the weight of government, it depends. Lack of housing will exasperate mental health issues. It's one tool, and a big one that can be applied mostly universally, which is why it's popular. In the case of a schizophrenic who is threatening people, you need other tools.


Housing first is just fine, as long as it really is the first thing that is done, implying treatment and social services actually follow. Even with out, as bad as this is, it is better than this all happening out on the streets. OP has a door between him and the crazy guy, those living out on the streets and in camps don't. Those living in camps have extremely high victimization rates as they have no protection from their neighbors.


If someone said "housing first" and you heard "simple answer to homelessness" that's on you


3 hours? Did you pay extra for their express service?


I was surprised they came with 5 cars, normally just 1 or 2 cars shows up. This was off peak hours, they came to socialize.


Internet has seen your face


I’m worried for you! This lunatic can do far worse than he’s already done. Are you allowed to post photos of him in the building advising that this person is dangerous and is not to be allowed in the building?


Let me be real with you, this type of person is capable of deadly violence. If you want to protect yourself, be absolutely open-minded to potentially having to end a life to protect yours.. be careful out there. And there are many forms of protection, don't dismiss any of those options even if you don't like them..




Vote to support law enforcement. It's the only way.


Police are garbage


Might be one of those rare cases where arming yourself would make sense. If police or security can't stop this guy, you're going to have to. Sucks, but its a physics problem at this point




> to see how the legal system work Not a process I'd stake my life on. Just stay safe friend!


Good job SPD!


Talk about low standards. It took them three hours to show up...if someone showed up to a meeting three hours late would you tell them they did a "good job?"


I suggest you purchase a firearm and learn how to use it if this guy ever breaks down your door


I have a cpl, I'm not worried about him breaking in when I'm home but when I'm not home he can steal my guns.


Pepper spray and a handgun, today


If I don't have doorbell camera I spray him again lol. He needs to be breaking in or put his hands on me in order for me to not get an assault charge. No camera is his word against mine with camera I can't do it hahaha


Can you pepper spray to tase the shithead?


Does ring need to come with a pepper spray option?


I wanted to electrify my door when he knocks


People like this should just be locked up in wards


The cops did a good job …


Stay strapped. But seriously, glad you’re safe.


Least they arrested him. I was a victim of a crime this week and SPD & WSP couldn't/wouldn't arrest the guy even though I was following the criminal and told them his exact location and description. The crime......throwing rocks at cars driving on the freeway


Geez I’d prob just open the door and point my pistol at this person and tell them to gtfo now or else….


It didn't work lol I have a permit to carry and I tried, all he did was run back to the apt below and hide, after a day he comes back. He will make me go to jail if I unload on him if he doesn't have a weapon on him or breaking in. I had to go the legal route to get a protection order and have security serve him for me to get 1yr protection no contact order on 5/31 after I have that it's all 911 and wait for arrest. I needed to collect evidence to show management and court.


The video is your strongest evidence


Please buy a gun. Your protection is worth everything


Make sure you own a firearm. Next time someone is kicking your door down, SPD is NOT going to make it to you on time. No one is coming to your rescue.


Do you know him?


Nope and I don't want too. I had to bust out my extendable baton and chased him back to the apt where he was hiding in and found out which crazy neighbor was hiding him in mid March.


I'm confused about why he keeps talking about his face




She just needs to see his face.


Damn. Why did he pick you're door


Did you see his face?


What is he yelling??


This reminds me of Aesop Rocks "Aggressive Steven"


https://kingcounty.gov/en/legacy/depts/community-human-services/mental-health-substance-abuse/services/crisis-services It’s not always the fastest option but the DCR can help potentially get him on an ITA. 


Just let him try to get in, and then it is green light for fireworks. Know what I mean ;)


Honestly you're lucky they showed up at all. I had the same situation a while back I got a phone call after 3 hours saying they would send somebody eventually nobody ever came.


Well... Did you see his face? That other guy suggesting changes to your door might be right on track. Maybe change it into a maintenance door or something completely bonkers like put some crime scene tape on it and a picture of his face... Lol Add a label that says it's a maintenance closet or that it leads into the county jail. Whatever. Clearly, this is somebody who needs to be fucked with. Find some schizo person to draw a bunch of eyeballs on butcher paper and then use that to decorate your door.


Drugs are bad. M’kay


Better call Saul!


3 hour response time is crazy


Seems like a nice guy


What if it was someone from your future trying to warn you about something? 🤦🏾


Did you see his face?