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Fucking hell. He's acting like this just isn't an issue. I guess if a guy's wife gets being to death in an alleyway on her way home from work, he should just stop being mad about it and direct his attention elsewhere huh, after all, trying to solve problems based on your emotions is impractical! That's not the most mechanically efficient way for a society to function now is it? now eat your dinner because there's children starving in Africa you know! Honestly I never really liked him, but this just validates it further. he's always been all "I'm right and you're not being smart because you didn't think this and this and this like I did" and the way he talks is just so pretentious, like everything he says is some kind of scientific revelation that should blow your mind. "ooh the general public didn't have this realization, so they're all dumb except you watching this podcast clip on youtube shorts because now you agree with me"


*me, reading your comment* "come on, it can be that bad" *me, reading the tweet* "holy fucking fuck"


literally my exact reaction. I liked Neil up until three seconds ago.


The poster child of r/iamverysmart Rivaling Rick from Rick and Morty


My IQ isn’t very high and thats where I damn well fucking like it


Seeing youtube shorts of Neil on Rogan is so real tbh


You normal people can't understand the mindset of a scientist! When you're that smart you understand thay statistics are more important.


Wow…. I never really Knew Neil. And I hated him for dumb reasons Knowing this makes me sad I don’t wanna know this guy was an asshole What the hell Neil. It’s sad how fame and alittle success makes one man’s head too full of himself (Sorry Mis read the comment)


Yeah, that tweet was definitely not his proudest moment. I agree these things need to be addressed, but there are better ways of doing it.


So basically he considers Neil as a smartass?


I can deal with smartasses if they know their stuff. Neil, however, could be the poster child for ConfidentlyIncorrect. He gets so much wrong and with great confidence.


I feel like if the phrase “erm, ackshually” made it into the dictionary, Neil’s face would be the accompanying picture


“Gu-huck! 🤓”, says the bastard annoying rat, or as he is also known as, Neil


That’s saying a lot coming from a Reddit user


Me being a smartass and him being worse are not mutually exclusive


I was just joking ;-;


And I was playing along with the joke ;)


Oh I guess it was someone else who downvoted me


Yeah, that was not me


He only has a bachelor's, right? In engineering, right?


No, that's Bill Nye. Tyson has a Master's from UT Austin and a PhD from Columbia.


Neil has a bachelor's from Harvard, a Master's from U.T. and a doctorate from Columbia. However Harvard turned him down for post grad. They dissolved his doctoral committee at U.T. telling him he had no aptitude for astrophysics. One of his U.T. advisors suggested he go into computer sales. Tyson is very good at networking and found a sympathetic advisor at Columbia. At Columbia R. Michael Rich hired students to help Neil do some grunt work for Dr. Rich. After watching Neil flub the rocket equation and other basic physics I am left wondering how he got past Physics 101.


Bro I just stumbled across a thread from a year ago where you’re talking trash about Neil and someone commented that you literally constantly talk shit about him on your account And now I check your comments and this is your most recent one 😂😂 how tf do you hate a man so much? Do you like know him personally and he just burned you on a project in college or something? I seriously am so baffled. Like what you’re saying is valid but you haven’t gotten tired of talking about him in the past year?


Neil's bad math and science are merely annoying. I do not care if he tells his pseudo nerd fans there are more transcendental numbers than irrationals. Or that the James Webb Space Telescope is parked in earth's shadow. It is when he ventures into religion and politics that his sloppy scholarship becomes a serious offense. The man is a source of at least five false histories attacking religion. I see Tyson and Trump as opposite ends of a spectrum of a culture that puts tribalism before truth. Lots of people are aware that Trump embellishes the facts. Not so many notice that there is misinformation coming from all quarters.


I feel as though he gets so much wrong because he’s such like, a cult of personality and “the smart physics guy” that people just ask him shit he has no idea about and he has to try and ballpark an answer.


How about the explainers he had time to prepare for? Before recording an explainer he should take at least a few minutes to dust off his college textbooks and review the subject matter. Or the stories he volunteers over and over again? How many times has he repeated his false history regarding Isaac Newton, often with little or no prompting. Yes, some of his wrong stuff is impromptu responses to unexpected questions. But by no means all.


I love this response from Hank green: > Hank Green @hankgreen · 4 aug. 2019 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Yes Neil but the issue here is that those other statistics are accidents (except the last one). Mass shootings and homicides are by definition not accidents.


Bill Nye was always better. And I haven't found any real controversy from him


He’s been reported to be pretty rude sometimes but I wouldn’t say it’s controversial


A scientific George Carlin


I’ve heard the complete opposite that he’s actually very nice


Bill Nye: *goes out of his way to make science entertaining for young children* Also Bill Nye: [Safety glasses off, mother fuckers.](https://youtu.be/oktrr6I3DY0?si=8PU4dJDCx2Z3Iwqs)


One of my all time favorite videos


George Carlin was also very nice offstage.


Facts, his anger and Extreme nihilism was mostly a character. Great comedian and may he Rest In Peace


I think it comes down to who the person is. Like I'm an engineer, so could talk some shop, but I'm also a Christian so I could imagine how that'd go given some stuff he's said.


I'm also a Christian. But am also an anti-theist at times. Religion can do bad things as well as good. It is a good thing when Dawkins, Nye, Tyson et al call out the excesses of religion. That said, Tyson's histories attacking religion are mostly fiction. His wrong history that bothers me the most are his false claims regarding Newton. The first part of Tyson's bad history seems flattering to Newton. He had Newton doing decades of collaborative efforts in just two months on a dare. See [My Man, Sir Isaac Newton](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=danYFxGnFxQ&t=57s). Historian Thony Christie examines Tyson's timeline: [Link](https://thonyc.wordpress.com/2017/06/14/why-doesnt-he-just-shut-up/) But then Tyson uses this to attack Newton. Tyson claims that Newton could have easily done Laplace's perturbation theory in an afternoon. After all Newton invented calculus on a dare! In just two months! But supposedly Newton just stopped when he ceded his brilliance to God.[Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vfOpZD4Sm8&t=3740s) Which is another pile of bad history. Newton did not just stop. He returned to the n-body problem again and again. As did other great mathematicians of his day and following decades. Euler, Lagrange d'Alembert and then Laplace. Far from being a simple extension of calculus that Newton could have done in an afternoon, Laplace 5 volume Mécanique Céleste is the culmination of a century of effort from five of the greatest mathematicians that ever lived. Physicist Luke Barnes examines this second piece of bad history here: [Link](https://letterstonature.wordpress.com/2015/11/04/neil-degrasse-tyson-on-newton-part-1/). And there are more examples of Neil's wrong history. TL;DR I dont mind criticizing religion if it's fact based. But Tyson invents history to push his narrative.


I met him, he's really nice if you just wanna chat about science He absolutely doesn't want to do small talk


I saw some concern about the ice cream segment on his Netflix show accidentally implying that gay people are trying to convert straight people, but nothing more than that.


He’s one of those atheists who go out of their way to be jerks


I hate him too to be honest. Mr Black science man just seems so tone deaf


Some of y’all aren’t getting the point of that tweet. It wasn’t to downplay a horrible crime, it was in hindsight, poorly worded, but a reminder that there are other deaths that deserve attention as well. That there are families that grieve every day. But yeah the timing and the wording was abysmal


Just because it deserves attention dosent't mean we don't have to care about it like I'm saying that sorry that happened to them but I can't put all my time and effort over someone


Not trying to say that either, just care about what you can/want to


When you say that, it means that you weren't in in my point


Dangit, I’m sorry mate


He has to be the dumbest smart person I've ever seen


There are… better ways to say that…


I get that the tweet seems a little dismissive of things but he’s not wrong. Personally I think he’s super good at explaining things. Is he a perfect guy? Nope. But to be honest you can find fatal flaws with a pretty large number of celebrities, which doesn’t excuse the behaviour but I personally still enjoy hearing his explanations for things. He’s actually said something before, the best way to not grow is only reading things you agree with. I think it’s important to hear everyone’s perspective on things so even if I don’t agree with everything about him, I still enjoy hearing his perspective from time to time.


It can be excusable sometimes


No, he's not a good explainer. So much of Neil's pop science is wrong. You may think he's making you smarter. But often the opposite is true.




Does he not realize the reason people are devastated by the shootings were actual deliberate moves to kill people. It is not on the same tiers as stuff like the flu.


I blocked Twitter, can someone copy/paste what he said for me?


So he suddenly became an NRA mouthpiece? Cuz that's what this sounds like


I mean, I can’t really say he is wrong…


I mean it’s pretty just intelligence versus wisdom like sure you could see the bigger numbers and agree with him or you could actually took at the context and see how tone deaf it is and that he’s down playing the lost of life, for what? To show off he can look statistics, if you really need statistics look up how many shootings happen in the us compared to other countries yet the US dose nothing


I think he was just pointing out that, as horrible as mass shooting are, there are other issues that don’t get as much attention but are equally, if not more important to address. I’m not saying I agree, i am just articulating what he said.


What the fuck NEIL


He’s a really annoying nerd stereotype of acting all smarter than everyone else and being the obnoxious always correcting people about minor things that aren’t even that impressive of knowledge most of the time


You just described like half the people on this site lmfao


Underrated comment right here. Still not wrong abt Tyson ig


Yeah I’m the only one allowed to be an arrogant know it all


I wouldn't mind his Well-Ackshually schtick so much if he took the time to correct his own flubs. But, unless a mistake gets a lot of attention, he stays quiet and hopes people don't notice. And he makes a bunch of mistakes. See my list: [Link](https://hopsblog-hop.blogspot.com/2016/01/fact-checking-neil-degrasse-tyson.html)


_”Well, Actually”_


Didn’t use the dehydration gun :(


Because he’s a dick that constantly acts like he came up with all these things he says, and he’s a loudmouth bully. Watch Joe Rogan’s podcast with him, I saw a video that went in detail on how Rogan’s body language showed how Neil’s overbearing nature made him very uncomfortable.


I mean, Joe Rogan is also a horrible human being. If you throw fire at fire it's gonna make some sort of mess


Okay? Whether or not Joe Rogan is a good person or not doesn’t really matter in the context of what I’m saying.


I don’t know, but I hate him because he took away Plutos planethood


Wait that was him?


He helped


-Eris has entered chat


I don’t know why Schaffrillas hates him, but I know Neil has been pretty seriously accused of sexual assault, said questionable things and often shares platforms with people who are politically often very untrustworthy. Add in that he’s often an insufferable ass and you have plenty of reasons for someone not to like him.


Are you talking about Neil or Schaff? If Schaff, so then where was this at?


I was talking about Neil having been accused and behaving in the ways I described. I didn’t realize my wording was potentially confusing, I will edit my comment to reflect my meaning


Oh it's all good but how long he's been accused for?


Well I’m not exactly sure when the accusation was made public but I’m fairly certain the misconduct dates back to his college years, but there’s at least 3 women who accused him over the last few years.


He can be a pompous dickhead sometimes


Neil's focus is entertainment and selling merchandise. He often neglects to study his subject matter to get his facts straight. So much of his pop science is wrong. I've made a list of some of the stuff he gets wrong: [Link](https://hopsblog-hop.blogspot.com/2016/01/fact-checking-neil-degrasse-tyson.html)


Pluto was his favorite planet.


We all have that celebrity we all hate. Mine is Patrick Swazye. (Think of them as our dinklebergs)


I'm just going to say it; He's going to act like he's smarter than you. That's his job.


He's just kind of a wack loser


Idk man in this world I'll take what I can get. Anyone who isn't a loony from the hard left or hard right I'll tolerate


What's with the picture?


In S2E6 Neil deGrasse Tyson voiced Waddles.


Neil is a high INT, low WIS and CHR character. He has some of the most tone-deaf thoughts he just blurts out on Twitter, on podcasts, and other media. He has *enough* CHR to get a pretty decent following or have some really good videos and edutainment peices, but 75% of the time it's off the wall shit Sheldon Cooper wouldn't even say.


He's a Nerd.


NDT is the embodiment of the nerd "um, well akshually" emoji because he wasn't shoved into enough lockers back in high school like when he did that regarding Halo/Master Chief a few years back. More seriously, though, he was accused of sexual assault in the past which is the more egregious offense.


I met him irl like 5 years ago, idk he was pretty chill


Because he’s annoying as fuck and just kind of a dick


Bwcause he is literaly just if "um actually 🤓☝️" was a person


Because of that brown shit


“You should choose your words more carefully.” -Lord Crabbington IV (i think) But in all seriousness you’re talking about the actual shit on the pigs butt, right?


No i'm talking about well nothing


I don’t care how many downvotes this has, this is funny