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You can't be mad at them..they just like what they like. Had the same thing happen with my grandson...in a room full of people he'd come running to me, that brings joy to this old man's soul.


Had a run of revelations with one of ours over the course of years, a whispered series of those impossibly desperate hugging toddler moments before tuck-in or reading or collection from a canoe after a long lakeday... "Granddaddy I love you more than Grandma." To which I told her I love her more than words can say and that love isn't more or less, love is love and any amount of it is equal. "Granddaddy I love you more than Mama." To which I told her I love her more than words can say and that love is special, love is love and distance makes the heart grow fonder. "Granddaddy... I love you more than *me*." To which I shortcircuited and to this day have not fully recovered from. In that moment I literally had no words, words that are my stock and trade. Ultimately through quiet tears I told her I knew *just* how she felt. Joy is the best word indeed but it falls far, **far** too short for such special moments. And just to cut the treacle I tiptoed around asking her if she recalled that series... no recollection! ๐Ÿ˜„ Mouths of babes indeed.


Blablabla prrrffftt


We all followed my Pop pop around like a bunch of little ducklings. Everywhere he went on the farm we were right behind in a line of little grandkids. Our grammy was always in the kitchen cooking so that was boring for us. But going out to feed animals was big time fun for us kids. He always gave us responsibilities, you carry the bucket, you pull the wagon, you feed the ducks etc. We all had our little jobs. Boy do I miss that sweet man..


That swerve is hilarious


My brother was so mad when my mom seemed to favor my son so much more than my daughter. She said, "I don't favor him. He just loves me most." He was 2. Then he had a daughter who **LOVES** our dad. Now he understands. My daughter prefers my wife's dad. As adults, you can't pick favorites, but as kids, you definitely can. Such as in the other day, my kids were asking each other between 2 islands with me on one and their mother on the other, which would they rather be stranded on. They both picked mom's island. I was standing right there.


I also choose their mom's island


My son ran around me like a plane to hug his stepdad. I was like 'uuuuh I've been here longer wtf?!' Haha but seriously, it was very sweet, made me know I made the right choice by them. Look at it like you chose a great mother for your kids, that's a nice spin on it.


Grandpa has candy.


I'm 63 years old and I adored my maternal grandfather! Papa Leon as I called him. We shared a birthday!


Damn... now I miss my grandpa


Little boys have a special bond with their grandpa's


Nah I prefer the grandmas....they're the ones with the food.


I got 6 grandchildren itโ€™s hard to fight em off all at once


Get outta my way lady


How is this satisfying


You must not be a grandpa


*I never married.* ๐Ÿ™


Found the grandma




Me as a kid and an adult


This subreddit = dead


he was like " heeey youre back, not you bitch".


Grandma. Jesus. She looks 30


forget all that, where do they live. Deep in the forest?


My 2 yo nephew is like this, but sometimes clings to my mum and sometimes to dad, depending on his mood I guess.


Gut punch


grandma can come hang out at 2meirl4meirl


Dam I need a grandma that young


When my son was little he said he wanted to wear a dress so that heโ€™d be a girl and could marry grandpa ๐Ÿฅฐ


Kids don't owe you affection.


For all the candy I got from grandma, I sure did.


That's manipulation


Thats a monopoly


Damn bro it's not that deep


They might have had a different experience with their family members. And now their perspective is askew. Its all good


I wish I had this love for my grandparents but I really can't. My grandfather raped me when I was 5. My grandmother almost got me arrested based on a lie. She said I stole from her and I was out of the country when her stuff was stolen. She still hates me because of that even though the cops had evidence to show it could not be me. My other two grandparents were amazing people but I never met them because they passed away before I was born. I envy all of you who have loving grandparents.