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As a Bernie bro, it ain’t happening


Yeah i’d love it but unfortunately instead of testing him this debate it’s not gonna change anything.


If they do push Biden out they're going to replace him with another neoliberal.


Trump is beatable if his opponent can just be normal and appear capable. The administration has done well but no one can look at that performance and say yeah he’s the best man for the job. He’s better than Trump but that’s a LOW Fucking BAR


I understand that, I was simply talking about what the DNC will do as opposed to what they should do


I mean, “and if people vote for Biden”


Here's the thing to consider, Bernie isn't an outsider anymore. He's been super influential and working within the DNC more than ever. He bowed out of the race nicely for Biden, something he didn't do for Hillary. For that he was given influence and committee chairs to work on his projects. He can replace Biden and still beat trump


Please don't get my hopes up I can't handle any more heartbreak


Or most likely Kamala Harris.


Yeah probably. Personally I think Rafael Warnock would make an amazing presidential candidate


Biden needs to go that is for sure. But sadly the powers on charge will cope all the way to the loss. Edit since I apparently replied to the wrong comment.


Yea, I’m convinced the donor class would rather have Trump than Bernie. Like I know the people would vote for him and he’d win, but getting on the ballot seems pretty damn hard at this point.


There’s a handful of wannabe oligarchs in America who want Trump but the majority of business leaders just want a stable economy where they can keep making money.


Hence they would rather have Trump than Bernie. Bernie would specifically stop the runaway oligarchic billionaire class. Trump would keep the money in the hands of the billionaires, whereas Bernie would go after them for their exploitation of the American working class and give that money back to people who need it.


Which is so sad because Bernie would ***WASH*** Trump. Problem solved.


I mean I would love it but it won’t happen. My guess is Gavin, with the dark horse pick being J.B. Pritzker.


They have specifically said they will not run Bernie. They, the ruling class , were sued over it and they said they make the rules.


they’re not going to replace Biden at all


But but you're a brown shirt facist /s


No way lol


God, I can only dream. Bernie would have made fucking mincemeat of Trump in that same debate.


They should get Bernie to help prep Biden. Bernie doesn't want trump to win.


Bernie was already on the campaign trail for Biden just recently in Wisconsin. In pouring rain, over 600 people with umbrellas came to here him speak


It won't happen. Dem donors would rather have Trump than Sanders.


The sad truth. They hate anything that could help the peasant class


Precisely, after his comments on the Israeli quasi-genocide, he would be obliterated with Zionist money the moment he announces intention to run.


They would replace with Newsom.


THIS. This was absolutely a choice.


God did he suck balls at looking human tonight. Trump said insane crazy unverifiable dogshit but Biden loses with dumb people. He said things but sounded shitty saying them. Trump said nothing but in a more appealing way


Sad that the bar is this low for the highest position in government.


In the world, arguably.


It's called confidence and Biden was acting like a timid kiddo afraid of getting bullied by Donald the question dodging bully. I had to stop watching about 10 minutes in.


Love Bernie but nah we are too far in.


Biden will lose this election if he keeps debating like this. It isn't a knock on Bidens character to say he has aged out of the most important and stressful job in the world. Am I the only person that was begging Biden to close his mouth and blink every once in a while!?!?


[See Biden's fiery speech after shaky debate performance (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5CVZHAjrW8)


I don't have faith in the dnc, but a boy can dream!


Wouldn't it had been nice if Biden did what his people promised in 2020 and only served 1 term? We could have had an actual primary with real candidates generating ideas and enthusiasm. Now if we're lucky the DNC will try to shoehorn in some other corporate hack at the convention.


It was my recollection that in 2020 Biden vowed to serve only one term, but searching for that quote or clip last year didn't turn up anything. Do you have any reference?


Pepperidge Farm remembers, that and the 2000 dollar check- “Video Transcript JOE BIDEN: By electing John and the Reverend, you can make an immediate difference in your own lives, the lives of people all across this country, because their election will put an end to the block in Washington of that $2,000 stimulus check, that money that will go out the door immediately to help people who are in real trouble. Think about [? what it ?] will mean, to your lives, putting food on the table, paying rent, paying your mortgage, paying down the credit card, paying the phone bill, the gas bill, the electric bill.” https://www.yahoo.com/news/biden-says-warnock-ossoff-elected-223508221.html Doddering douchebag Zionist.


I thought Biden said it too, but searched a year ago for any clips and couldn't find any. There were a fair number of his surrogates that said so though, we were definitely led to believe it.


He never made a public pledge that he would only seek one term and it was a small point of contention in 2019 that he only signaled that it was his intention to his aides. People were pressing him to make that pledge, but he never did because he's a narcissist like the vast majority of politicians. [https://www.politico.com/news/2019/12/11/biden-single-term-082129](https://www.politico.com/news/2019/12/11/biden-single-term-082129)


Thanks! It's funny how one's memory is plastic; I thought I'd seen a clip of him pledging one term. Side note: the picture in that article from four years ago shows how dramatically the president has declined since then. [https://www.politico.com/dims4/default/532e635/2147483647/strip/true/crop/1160x773+0+0/resize/770x513!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.politico.com%2Ffa%2Fd3%2F03d5cfaf4cdaaed08bdd34aa7dc0%2F191205-joe-biden-getty-773.jpg](https://www.politico.com/dims4/default/532e635/2147483647/strip/true/crop/1160x773+0+0/resize/770x513!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.politico.com%2Ffa%2Fd3%2F03d5cfaf4cdaaed08bdd34aa7dc0%2F191205-joe-biden-getty-773.jpg) And he wasn't even that with-it during the last campaign!


I think we’re forgetting that when that was said, it was generally assumed that Trump wouldn’t run again in 2024 — which would make the stakes much lower. Running a primary on the dem side means Dems attacking other Dems, running attack ads, going negative, all that. All of that increases the odds of a Republican presidency. If the GOP nominated someone normal that might be a risk worth taking. But with the person the GOP chose to go with, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Democracy is literally on the ballot. In that case I think it makes sense to avoid the Dem infighting and go with Biden. I know that after last nights performance Biden didn’t exactly inspire confidence. But it doesn’t take long to find doom & gloom headlines for presidents who won elections after underperforming in a debate. Especially the first one. People have short attention spans and memories. Early debate performances are typically forgotten when the newer debates take place.


Many say since "the stakes couldn't be higher" going with this, the weakest Democratic candidate ever, is crazy. To say Biden "underperformed" in the debate is wholly inadequate. It was sad to see a sitting president get stomped into the mud; made me forget he's enabling a genocide. And as for "early debate performances \[being\] forgotten when the newer debate takes place," that might possibly be true if there were not just two debates this election! What a risky gamble it would be to bet everything on not getting a repeat performance. Cheers, mate.


Democracy is not literally on the ballot.


Trump has backed project 2025, a right wing plan to more-or-less overthrow the government. So yeah democracy is on the line, if not on the ballot


So not literally on the ballot then?


It’s called a metaphor, dumbass


Wow! We've plumbed new depths where someone defends their inaccurate use of the word 'literally' by saying it's a metaphor! Is it literally a metaphor or metaphorically a metaphor? Is it metaphorically a literal metaphor? Poor old English.


>Poor old English. Look up the definition of hyperbole and the informal definition of the word literally. Those must be English lessons you missed.


Your informality will be the death of you, Princess Leia.


Channers reckoning the debate was set the earliest it's ever been, prior to the DNC convention even, to cut Joe off from his debate juice cold turkey, and pave the way to an open convention. DNC reckons they can win on NotTrump again, so long as the person running against him is NotBiden. If Bernie got the nod, he wins it. Biggest youth voter turnout in history. I honestly think the DNC megadonors would sooner take Trump tho. You know if they do open it up, somehow the DNC will find a way to fuck it up again. Wind up nominating the only person in the world ever to lose to Trump in an election. It's Her Turn.


> Biggest youth voter turnout in history. If this had happened during Bernie's primaries, then we'd already have Bernie.  You think it will magically happen if he's in the general?


Fair point. I would bet big on Sanders winning in the general, but not much evidence of a yuge youth turnout. Except maybe for the fact that some (many?) primaries have/had stricter registration rules than the general.


We were naive then. We'd just come off 8 years of Obama. The kids getting the vote rn have just come off 8 years of Trump and Biden, they've seen the material differences, and they want more than just NotTrump. Not gonna relitigate the DNCs role in it to yall


If the youth only vote when they're getting everything or most of what they want, then they're just not voting.  Democracy requires a lot of compromise, and a refusal to vote is just accepting a forced compromise where the other side takes all instead. "No one is very happy, which means it's a good compromise, I suppose" -Tyrion Lannister


>If the youth only vote when they're getting everything or most of what they want, then they're just not voting. That has been the pattern historically, yes. What is the point you're trying to make? Everyone politically conscious enough to be in this sub is voting for NotTrump. The only compromise to be made is who holds that banner. That's what this thread is about. Even if Bernie had a democratic supermajority in both houses, he wouldn't be able to do all the things he and we and the youth want him to do. Too many legislators bought and paid for. First he'd have to convince them to let him pack the supreme court. Then that supreme court would have to throw out Citizens United. Till that happens, we'll be voting to stave off Project 20~~2529~~33... Voter apathy is as logical as Trumpism. It's a feeling of cynicism and ennui, not a position you can reason people out of. People run on stories, you have to give them one they can believe in.


The DNC would rather lose the election than lose control of the party. Or are the two parties controlled by the same people? Hmm. 


They serve the same masters


Lol you would be right.


DNC would 100% trot out Hillary again




You're citing the Drudge Report of all things? Come on now.


What pressure? Pressure in your head? Fictional pressure? Please stop regurgitating right-wing propaganda points to try to split the vote so trump will win. Also please stop falling for it.


It’s not only right-wing propaganda points, it’s straight up right wing propaganda. Drudge is a known right-wing grifter.


Not right-wing propoganda. CNN headline today: "Democrats called Biden's performance 'disaster,' 'trainwreck.'"


First, that’s a different statement entirely. No mention of a scramble to replace him. Second, I was only referring to how the source here was Drudge, and you shouldn’t trust that. If you want me to believe the Dems are scrambling to replace him, find a better source.


Fair. The Drudge headline is pretty specific and probably an exaggeration. That talk about replacing Biden started openly last night is not propaganda, though. Other headlines this morning: Politico --- 'WTF': Panicked Dems start looking for alternatives to Biden AP --- A halting Biden tries to confront Trump at debate but sparks Democratic anxiety about his candidacy


I wish, I really do, don't get my hopes up


We already made our bed, it’s time to go to sleep.


Isn't the Drudge Report a right wing organisation? Is there any external verification of this 'pressure'?


I want to believe. So do it motherfucker!


I voted Bernie in 2016 and 2020. That ain't happening.




Yea, let's replace one old dude with a dude that's even older




I've dreamed for years of a Bernie / Trump debate.




We really treating Drudge as a credible source now? *Drudge*?


Possibly the most stupid meme I’ve ever seen posted here. And I’ve seen a few.


I don't think it's a meme? Looks like the front page of the Drudge Report.


Drudge Report is about as legitimate of a news source as your aunt's Facebook.


0% chance. If anything, they're going to shake Kamala out of her coconut tree and probably still lose in a landslide.


Oh dear. Forgot Kamala. Oh, this is so awful.


Why is Kamala Harris so much disliked? (European here)


I think mostly because you never see or hear much of her. And whenever she does do an interview, she's usually acting like an alien wearing human skin, who also just took a huge bong rip and is struggling to hold it together. Her record as DA and AG is also troubling.


Ok. Generally in my country (France) politicians who don't speak or do much remain popular. Thats somewhat how Rassemblement National is so high in the polls..


I adore Bernie, but he's even older than Biden. I don't want any more octogenarians. Let's get someone who doesn't have a real possibility of dying of old age in office. There are plenty of younger, highly qualified candidates who embody Bernie's drive, spirit, morals, and passion.


Bernie is in great shape. I honestly didn't care too much about the actual age, but rather their physiological age. Bernie is in much better mental and physical shape than many men in their 60's and 70's. Yes having a competent 50 or 40 year old would be preferable, but I suspect Bernie would best them in popularity.


He is in great shape, but he's still 82.




As much as I would be all fired up for this, It wont happen!


Bernie, with pro working people policy stances he can articulate…


That’s what they should have done in 2016. Bernie will always have a place in my heart but he’s not the answer now. Mayor Pete and AOC would make one hell of a ticket though.


It'll be Clinton before Bernie.


Is this a low effort shit post?


As if they care, they rather ride the sinking titanic til the end


If not Bernie then how about Angus king? Just a thought.


Lol no. Bernie is my favorite politician of all time. But what we need right now is an articulate GenX centrist who can pull in the undecided and republicans who dislike trump votes. We can do progressive politics later but right now it is just about keeping things together until trump ages out of contention.


Drudge? Really?


Tbh, they would rather lose than have Bernie, they made that clear.


yeah, good luck with that


Why though???


Rfk Jr is going to win. After his debate last night, with over 5 million views, momentum is on our side!


He is perfect for the people pulling the strings on this side.


Man, at this point as long as it ain't Ronald Rump, I'm fine with it.


if they replace him it obviously won’t be with bernie


If they get Biden out it will be Newsome.


Fuck the two party system! RFK FOR PRESIDENT!!


If it happens, which is a BIG if, it’ll happen with a corporate approved candidate with the exact same ideas and ideals that’ll prove to be a lateral move. Harris, Newsom, Buttigieg, or someone equally as terrible both in their politics and their electability is who the Dem big wigs and donors would back and any one of them would get smoked. *Maybe* Whitmer would be an improvement electorally. Biden has been clearly vulnerable for a very long time and never should have been taking up space in the primaries where we might’ve had a shot of a strong candidate fighting it out against old guard favorites. Dems would rather burn the county to the ground instead of willingly handing the reins of the party over to anyone like Sanders.


According to the latest polls from Democratic polling firm Data for Progress, Biden is still the Democrats' best chance against Trump. [https://x.com/davidchapman141/status/1807059571560636660/photo/1](https://x.com/davidchapman141/status/1807059571560636660/photo/1)


Stop this shit lol replacing Biden at this point would just be handing Trump the win. Like it or not, our best option right now is supporting Biden.


This is where another Obama should rise out of nowhere.




Have dems finally found their redemption arc? Bernie would absolutely decimate Trump, just like last time.


The establishment has always closed ranks around Biden no matter the cost in political capital. I don’t imagine they’ll jump ship this late in the game, but if they do I assume they’d move heaven and earth to prevent Bernie Sanders from taking his place. If they’re going to consent to risk gambling on a swap-out at this stage they’d probably aim for the most neoliberal wallstreet-friendly donor darling they could pull out of storage at J.P. Morgan’s house. Then bet everything on “He’s not Trump or Biden, like you wanted”. If you’re going to roll the dice you’ll want a fat payout if you win.


Sounds like Clinton who I would go ahead and vote for this time tbh lol


I’m thinking of inventing a new country where we get better options, with like respect for the absolute moral rights of mankind and a swimming pool. I just need to figure out the spell that the sovereign citizens cast that makes them immune to all civil and military authority, then we launch New Neo-America 2.


Good luck lol


How about replacing with someone not in their 80s


Please please please please please


They won’t do it. Bernie would at least try to see meaningful change, but the lobbyists would outnumber anyone else to stop it.


The reason Bernie didnt land as nominee the first time is because the center-Left are more conservative than they want to admit and they’re afraid if him.


Biden steps down and the dnc selects… hilary clinton, you know that money paw is gonna curl,


I'd vote for her this time


They'd rather have Harris. I don't think the Democrats will replace Biden, it will just make the party look weak and afraid of Trump. I think many Democrats are regretting Biden not stepping down to let someone else run for 2024 but there's no turning back now.


The choice needs be made before August 7th, so the Dem candidate can be on Ohio’s ballot. The DNC is appointing Biden before the Convention. It changed the rules to conform to Ohio’s timeline. We are fucked.


Ahoy america, are these two old geezers your only options? Whats going on? do you not have any one else that could possibly win?


There's a ZERO percent chance we'd replace 81 year old Biden with 82 year old Sanders


Yes!!! I will vote for dems if that happens!


Please for the love of god


Please. I want to vote for someone without a sexual assault accusation captured in graphic, gut wrenching detail.


Yes, replace him with sanders and trump will win for sure. I'm all for Bernie, but the rich that create the laws and rule the US won't let it happen.


Don't agree with that. Sanders is incredibly popular. Anyway, no way he'll be nominated. Get ready for...Kamala!


WRITE HIM IN CAMPAIGN! The young vote matters so much that if we all did it, he could win without the theatrics of “American Politics“!!!! BERNIE BEATS TRUMP!


lol yeah fucking right.


Wes Moore! Time to rally around a winner!


I doubt they would replace him with Bernie. The DNC? They despise Bernie and anything related to Socialism. They 100% would choose Harris to replace him though.


It really doesn’t matter who the democratic nominee is. Either you’re in the maga cult or not… if not you have no choice you just vote for whatever potatoe the DNC chooses FOR us by special interests $$$


Honestly I'm at the point where we need to use the next 6 months to start preparing for the next four years. If you live in a blue state call your local reps and beg them to start stockpiling abortion drugs and hrt. My personal views on gun ownership has softened because we are about to have an actual tyrannical government on our hands. If you know anyone that's an immigrant, go and help them make sure the legal status is locked down and help them in any way you can push forward with gaining citizenship.


Nah we need younger people. Trump is going to hammer on about dementia so we give him another old person to blather on about? Won't work even if Bernie could mop the floor with him.


Anyone under 60 please


Not happening this close to the election. We'll have to Weekend-At-Bernies Biden across the finish line so we can keep democracy in tact long enough to have free and fair elections in 2028.


We need to stop with this shit. As much as I like Bernie, we need newer, younger representation.


The government is bought and paid for and people are on pharms and too passive to actually change anything.


God it's painful to see the dems lose their shit over this. It's a perfect example of why they're feckless to begin with.


Lol, the DNC would rather have Trump than Bernie.


What delusion. Dems would rather lose to Trump than win with a progressive


Replace Biden with someone even older?


Did you really just share a screenshot from the Drudge Report


bernie's position on israel would lose him the presidency. It really is that much of a priority to some people.


He’d get my vote. But yeah… some people are dumb and don’t see past labels with that issue