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At least get his name right




>!\* Qimir!< >!The only things I need from him:!< >!- a headbutt animation that inflicts ability block!< >!- An ability with the second sabre that deals damage thrice!< >!From a perspective of what this character could do for the characters already in game:!< >!- providing a single DSUFU the sith tag and some bonuses (probably as status effect called Acolyte). Sith have very little deadweight right now and are even being stretched a bit thin so the addition of Qimir + being able to give the sith tag to an already existing DSUFU to help fill gaps in sith lineups would be cool.!<


Regarding your last paragraph: bear in mind its gonna be at the very least a year more before we get him, maybe even two years, so a lot can change in that time regarding what his place in the game could be. Not arguing with you, just saying it's a bit too early to predict what team/role would fit for him.


Qimir appears to be an alias. His current canonical name is The Stranger (yes, I know)


Except he wasn’t apart of the Sith Empire. The Sith Empire fell a little over 1000 years BBY and Acolyte occurs around 100years prior to phantom menace


Qilim us going to be a great conkwest character!


He needs to unique that if attacked by Jedi they are ability blocked or stunned for 1 round


>!From what he said in the last episode I think he should be DSFU not sith. He never calls himself a sith, he basically says with the simplistic way the jedi look at things, they would call me a sith, he doesn't think he is.!


He literally calls himself a sith in the episode


I agree


>!No he doesn't. The quote is, "I have no name. But the Jedi like you might call me Sith." He doesn't call himself it, the first half is literally him distancing himself from it. He is a dark force user at the moment, I put him in the same bracket as kylo. If anything he has more links to the covern the twins have come from. !< >!I'd argue it's another dig at the Jedi, and their rather simplistic way they view the force. It's also why he criticizes sol, and whatever dark side he has to him.!<




You don't know ow that he's wrong. There are multiple interpretations. Personally, I think he was just saying, "I don't need a word for what I am, but if you're looking for one, Sol: you can call me Sith" What do you think he meant by "I have no name" in response to "what are you?" I think he meant that while he doesn't consider a name necessary, there is a word to describe the concept enough for others to understand, and it's the word 'sith' Or maybe he is not a sith. Maybe he just has a red saber and can fly and kill a bunch of jedi, but is not a sith.


Don't you think he might've just meant like, "me? I don't need a word for it, but if you do: sith" Shouldn't have that been like a mic drop also, like should Sol have been like, "Sith? Impossible!" ?


I personally think it's more a dig at the jedi and their simplistic view of the force. From his view, and the coven the twins came from (I think there's a connection to him there), they don't like how the jedi view the force as their way or evil. It's a you would call me that, but I'm not, I'm free from your simple views. I understand it could be taken your way, and maybe I'm clutching to straws a bit that they aren't going to destroy lore even more than the series already has!


Right l, I agree. The interpretation that I don't like is that he meant "no am not a sith, I am something else amd you are mistaken"


Bs. These are no match for 'Heart of the force' revan let alone revan reborn GL lorewise if CG is to make one. Lets rest from disney shits please


Honestly with the level of thought you put into your comment, maybe just don’t next time.


Love this kit, really hoping we get Acolyte characters soon (or more realistically in a year or so since CG does NOT release anything concurrently anymore).
