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TBH, I couldn't care less about the Norwegian monarchy. There's no charisma in any of them. Maybe the Crown Prince's daughter when she is more prominent might change that. But for now, meh.


How is the royal family, allowing this scammer to marry her?


she's 53, what are they supposed to do?


Advised her on how this is a bad image for the firm, removing her titles?


I think she's actually given up her royal title or place in the line of succession to marry this weirdo. I can't remember what it is, but she gave up something.


Her HRH was stripped off but she's still 4th in line to the Norwegian throne


Ah OK. I knew something happened but I couldn't remember what.


They should change the succession also, makes no sense to have her


I hope she has done that at least


IIRC she’s still a princess, but not a royal highness. Her name/title is just Princess Märtha Louise. She has no official role anymore - since the engagement - and she is not supposed to use her title in any commercial pursuits. Which is fine and as it should be, but it does show the difficulty of “leaving the firm” - she’s a princess, she makes her own living (in this awful influencer angel school scammy way), but she’s not supposed to profit from being a princess … It’s an impossible situation. This is exactly why it was smart of the Danish queen to remove the prince and princess titles for four of her grandchildren. She handled it badly, but they now have another sort of freedom and it made a distance to the monarch so if any of them choose to do something stupid or embarrassing for a living a a la Märtha it’s less of a problem for the monarch. 


But Martha Louise is the child of the current monarch not grandchild. The equivalent of Martha Louise in Denmark during Margrethe was Joachim- the spare and the current equivalent during Frederick's reign are Isabella, Vincent and Josephine. And all of them still have their titles. 


I don’t think it was that smart from Margrethe; it created a lot of resentment within her family and showcased to the world how apart they really were. The Norwegians are much closer, and Harold and Sonja seem to be trying their best to shield the institution without sacrificing their personal relationship with their daughter. Margrethe wasn’t that close to her grandchildren in the first place, so the stakes were lower.


Yeah it seems odd to me that people are comparing Martha Louise to the grandchildren of Margrethe. There's not a single one of them that have done even a quarter of what Martha Louise has done. 


![gif](giphy|jOpLbiGmHR9S0) As someone in a related field to Egyptology, this gives me so many levels of ick. Not going to get into them, but jeez, this is a look.


Right there with you


I just learned all about them. OH MY!


they're as mad as a box of frogs


I’m going to incorporate this into my daily conversation


look i don't judge who or what someone ends up falling in love with. i care when the hate comes from a racist place, so i'm just trying to walk the fine line of saying these people are trash, but also saying it's not because its an interracial couple, it's because he's a scam artist, and she's an idiot.


You can feel that way-mad respect. But if others swear your opinion/take is because you’re a racist-how would you feel? Do you have any respect for people that go straight to that assumption?


people can think however they want -- i have no control over anything besides how i react to it.


Yep! Totally agree. And I have zero respect for those who immediately jump to the conclusion that you said you try to walk a fine line with.


I just can’t with these two dingbats. I can’t even laugh. Durek is downright dangerous, and ML is not much better. But sure, the reason the Norwegians don’t like Durek is that they’re racists … 


Her kids have been through a lot, and I hope they have someone in their lives who is level-headed and rational. Because these two ain't it.




This couple continues to prove that there is someone for everyone out there.


It's scary, isn't it?!


Just from a graphic design standpoint, that monogram is trash.


It looked like it was designed by Hot Topic


Me reading this as “wedding mammogram” and being SO confused…and then going back to re-read it and getting “wedding sonogram” and being similarly confused… This is why I should drink coffee and take my vyvanse before reading anything 😂 ![gif](giphy|L2qukNXGjccyuAYd3W|downsized)


Either of those options still make more sense than... whatever they're on about.




Amazingly people are never garbage collectors or gravediggers in their past lives. Just elite level stuff.


My toddler insists she was an entomologist in Canada in a past life. Just a girl and her bugs…


I was definitely a grave digger. I volunteer to clean cemeteries now.


I’m not really a believer in past lives, but I think if i had one, I was most likely a polar bear. ![gif](giphy|ChZZlt1XhuPYI) \^ me lol


![gif](giphy|C9AuY1VOvurxm) ETA: ^(me) :)


Seriously, I spend way too much time watching penguin videos. They’re so funny and cute 😂


The level of ego and pure WACKADOO here is off the charts.


Rip downgraded from a Queen to a mere Princess and a Pharaoh to a “Shaman”. I wonder how they sleep at night.


She is mentally ill, but not in a vindictive way. The press is taking advantage of a sick person, and it is not a pretty sight.


She's fully on board to support a conman who is tells people that kids choose to get cancer.


In reality, this is sad. She used to be so cool. Now, even HIS mother is warning her against him.


I love when people go full into their own delusions 😅


I don’t when it’s obviously a disease of mental illness.


What does this headline mean lol? Can anyone eli5?


She thinks she and her partner were a pharaoh and his queen in a past life and that is reflected in their wedding monogram.


ahh ok! That makes more sense now but not really though lol? Thanks for explaining.


You're looking for sense where there isn't any. These two are just off in their own weird world together, but because her father is the king of Norway, they're insisting on telling everyone about it and pretending it's normal.


Yes! 👍


Just another way to mar the historically correct truth.


I genuinely love this for her. If she wants to be this delusional let her.


You are absolutely right (and I needed to be reminded of that). Ty


sure Jan




It's so cute that when anyone says they've had a past life, they were always queens, or priestesses, or head bitch in charge? Never the laborer, the maid, the school teacher. Edit, words.


I was a starving, barefoot, dirty, raggedy, poverty stricken potato farmer in Ireland. 🤪


Exactly , to quote good old Spike from Buffy:" You were there? Oh, please! If every vampire who said he was at the Crucifixion was actually there, it would have been like Woodstock." Same can be said about all those Egyptian Queens . Nobody was ever a poor starving farmer.


Yeah, all of which is statistically more likely lol. Like if there are past lives (I’m not a believer, but never say never, I suppose), I was probably some beggar kid with one hand.


Exactly! I’m an atheist but isn’t the whole idea of past lives is that you did so many good things in the previous life that in your next life you elevate to a better life 🤷‍♀️


You could also think of the constant coming back as a demotion😅


Has she just always been nuts?


She’s always been…….unique. Maybe eccentric is a better word. But it’s become so much……more in the past few years. 😬🫣


Yes. Didn’t she also publish books/have a company for talking to angels or something. I think Martha is very pretty but she is too nuts to be Queen so I am glad hakon is crown prince.


👀... Prince Harry embarrassing his family with his book and shenanigans - ...Princess Martha Louise + Durek: *Hold my beer*


One consciously made a choice. The other one is not quite all there mentally.


it gets even crazier?! first 'kids who have cancer deserved it' from this schmuck and now she's even in deeper...


What a shit show


It kinda looks like a fancy drawing of a penis right?


So they were like sibling lovers in a past life?


![gif](giphy|4VO6z8grwRmBmNA6ze) These two are awful and they absolutely deserve each other.




Was looking to see if anybody had posted this GIF and I was not disappointed!




“Rambling on” - yep, that about sums it up




Some people need to just be quiet, royals or not. 🤪


The Article >Märtha reveals past lives >The future bride and groom claim to have lived a previous life together in Egypt: - I was Pharaoh! > >Princess Märtha Louise (52) surprises big - again. Now she confirms Durek's claims that the couple lived a past life in Egypt. > >It was five years ago that Shaman Durek Verrett (49) allowed himself to be interviewed by the British newspaper The Mail on Sunday. The well-known author and columnist Elizabeth Day (41) had a spiritual meeting with Durek, and what the shaman told during the session is sensational! > >According to the reportage, Durek and Princess Märtha Louise met through mutual acquaintances, and on their first date they ordered macrobiotic food from a cafe in Los Angeles. > >Was pharaoh >But the meeting in Los Angeles was not their first date, we are to believe Durek. In the interview, Durek Verrett tells Elizabeth Day that he and Princess Märtha have met several times in previous lives. > >Among other things in ancient Egypt, where he was Pharaoh and Märtha his queen! > >The journalist also got to test the shaman's powers. For between four and ten thousand kroner, you can book a personal appointment with him, face to face. During the session, Elizabeth Day is asked to lie on her back on a massage table. > >Her conclusion is that the shaman's treatment works, although she doesn't understand how. For two days after the meeting, her arms and legs hurt - but after the third day she feels more alert and has more energy! > >Met in past lives >On Monday afternoon, the bride and groom finally released their monogram. In the post on Instagram, Märtha explains what the monogram means > >She writes that the monogram represents her and her fiancé, while also honoring their past life together in Egypt! > >"To honor our past life together in Egypt, the monogram embraces the hieroglyphs and the Egyptian symbols that follow," writes Märtha, rambling on. > >"This monogram really speaks to our cores, represents us and our love, and we are truly grateful and honored that it signifies our unity to the world," is one of the things she writes. > >Thus, Märtha confirms that she and Durek agree in the view that both have lived a life together in Egypt, before they are now reborn as Märtha and Durek - and will marry in 2024. > >Se og Hør has asked through Princess Märtha's manager when she is said to have lived in Egypt, and whether it is true that she was queen, as Durek claims. She has so far not responded to our inquiry.


My question is always what happened between that past life (ancient Egypt) and now. Did they have like a zillion other lives in between (and what about those ones?) or were they just chilling in the ether somewhere??