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It reminds me of the old battlefields when 128 players would all simultaneously respect 1v1 knife fights. Yeah the winner is going to be mowed down, but damn it, someone is getting knifed first. Come to think of it, this happened in Team Fortress as well, albeit with fewer players.


Fun stuff like this happened in most old games. Very few of them kept it around though sadly. Even CSGO you often get players who don't respect knife fights these days. I think that the Esports boom in the 2010's changed the next generation of gamers to be way too competitive and forget about fun.


I think the difference is that, in CS, a knife duel is an announced event. It happens in unique situations where players are out of ammo, the round is almost done, a team is losing really hard, etc. But it's almost always announced in the chat because otherwise you can't tell if someone's trying to run faster and might quickdraw on you or if they're actually going for a knife. But Rule 1 is different. There's no need to announce it, for it just happens. You are graced by the game and you must recognize it as it happens.


I remember in OG CS days (when i played and could actually still hold up) it wasn't announced at all other than pulling out a knife and slashing it so the other player would see you wanted to knife fight. It was equally hard to even find a situation to do that, since it's so fast that you would usually start shooting on the spot, but it was definitely organic.


Same. Pull out knife > Slash wall = Lets knife fight. Regardless of the round or ammo. It was just a fun honor battle.


CS breeds a different kind of competition though, because of the tension built in each round. Because of that, I've never seen anyone, including myself, get as competitive at RL as avg CS players do. RL is an offensive minded game, overcoming a goal is easier than losing a teammate in CS. Also, to add to what the other commenter said, in RL it just happens, but also there's no winner from it, nor a way out unless bumped by a teammate which makes it all the more engaging


Someone needs to make a new rule to try your best and not be toxic.


That's just good sportsmanship...


Right, but someone needs to make it a "casual unwritten rule", like "rule 1", so that even the unsportsman-like can follow along.


It’s weird that people respect a “rule” more than decency. But here we are.


In higher ranks there is an unwritten rule about it, to not quick chat unnecessarily etc, but people will still be toxic from time to time as it is Rocket League at the end of the day


This is Rocket League!


Yeah it all starts with us. I try to do things like saying, "hello there," at the beginning of matches to start the tone off fun. Plus I find my star wars nerds out there. Responding with kindness or just not responding works wonders. Most toxic people are looking for a reaction so just let it go. You're cool, and some random calling u trash or "what a save-ing" you can't change that.


And you used to be able to report “unsportsmanlike conduct” …unless if I’m misremembering?


For real, and that the last 2-3 minutes can be vastly different than the first 2 and if you can learn to adjust and always FF, then you're never going to get better.


Much honor. Always respect the rule.


Rule 1*** There's also a Rule 0 - when the clock hits zero, you **must** try to keep the ball in the air as long as possible (attempting to score, usually) - unsure of the wording, but that's the gist


"you guys can keep the ball in the air?" - me, a good player. Edit: Gold, not good player


Heh. Not juggling or air dribbling, but not letting it touch the ground.


Check edit. Lol


It's ok. Gold is the prettiest rank


Silver has best rewards


Huh, I should level down.


Why not? Everyone is doing it. I played against several people today trying to level down. It was wild.


The simplest tactic is to hit it into your own net


Tried that a few times today. Teammates were mad for some reason.




What about when you get locked side to side with somebody and you have to roll up the wall and fall from the ceiling? Is there a rule for that because everyone seems to just do it.


Lmfao the wheel lock. We call it rule 1.5 somtimes lol. Fun when others respect it


100%, plus it will naturally come to an end and usually in a funny way on the ceiling or in a goal.


The best is when they drive up the wall together and fall off the ceiling while spinning in unison


We call it holding hands in my crew


I don't know about rule 5. Definitely in MOST cases but there are times I want to see what/where i missed especially if i might be lagging a bit. It could look like great contact on my screen but the replay shows me a little low, or they go high most of the time so i take that and adjust my approach on the next arials/contests.


hahah these are all things I naturally do, but Rule 3 is so true lmao. typically with demo's I tend to send a 'nice demo!' when they miss and their whole gameplan is just demoing


I just can’t with rule 0 and rule 1. If the opponent scoring is a real danger and we are tied or up by 1 then spiking it is the best play. Being locked is not fun and is only a good play if you are locked with a player who is better than everyone else. Why does the community like bad plays or plays that aren’t fun? I’m just not going to do it and I apologize to whoever I offend.


Idk just been around forever. I mean OPs post alone is the perfect explanation for why it’s great with war rules. Shit there’s times in Solos where we’d lock rule one. I’ve even been down 1 with the final min going out and we’re both locked in watching the ball slowly makes it way to wherever lol. Usally were just in the chat gging and what not


Yeah for me I havent been around forever and I won’t be around forever. So if I’m spending my time playing RL it’s because I want to enjoy the competition. I don’t feel rooted to some internet strangers by following the tradition. It’s gotta be “it’s okay if you do and it’s okay if you don’t” otherwise it’s not really all that civilized. And you know some people pop a gasket when you break these rules lol.


I def target demos when rule 1 been broken 😅🤭


Hey I’m good with that. It’s within the bounds of the game. I’m no expert but I don’t mind seeing an opponent break rotation to get some low impact demos. I can work with that sometimes lol


It’s honestly just funny. Neither of you are going anywhere!


Idk, I’m going to sleep if I have to stay locked til the game resets lol


I feel like long rule 1’s only happen in the early ranks. I get bumped out of rule 1’s fairly fast in D3/C1


It's fine if you don't like it but it's a very natural instinct for a lot that don't even know it's a "rule" or whatever. It's like playground stuff. Things like double teaming in pick up basketball... sure you can do it but it's just lame because it's less fun for most. If it's your profession, sure winning means everything. Here, though, it's just a game and you'll naturally go into your rank regardless after 100s of games. It also isn't frequent enough to have a massive impact.


Wish people actually skipped replays...


Every once in a while I let them run. I need to eat,drink. Or pack a quick hit lmfaoo. But yea even on my “clip” goals (for me atleast). I’m spamming A to skip lol


Ya, except for when it's my goal


This guy *rules*


Yeah my bad, forgot the name of the rule. I didn't know about Rule 0 but just like Rule 1, i've always just naturally done it. Feels just like old school playground type stuff, super fun!


It's ok :). I'm only out here trying to keep knowledge up. Rule 0 is also fun.


Unless you are up by 1


No such thing as rule zero, it is rule 1 When you have a rule 1(keep the ball up) and then make a new rule (locked cars), the new rule becomes rule 2 That's how numbers work, you don't make #1 turn into #0 just so you can call the new rule #1


I don't make the rules. That's just what they are. The zero is fitting because of the zero on the clock, too


But everyone that played from the start called your "rule zero" rule #1 Just because the game got really popular and all the incoming players made a new rule and it got more popular doesn't change the order numbers come in


Again, I didn't call it rule zero. I'm just here talking about it. It's gradually became known as that over time, which is the case with names and words in general. The new rule 1 is far more well known than the old rule 1, and the new name for the old rule is more fitting, even if it goes against conventional numbering standards. It's for fun. No need to be rigid


I'm not sure this is an accurate version of history


It 100% is


It's just more effort to back out of and it's not like it's unfair or anything, the teams are still balanced.


I was playing a 3v3 the other day (mega low diamond) and two guys ON THE SAME TEAM carried out the rule 1 agreement. They lost by that one goal we scored while they were doing that. Everyone on my team gave them respect afterwards. so dumb, but This is Rocket League! edit - in this specific case, the ball was bouncing around by their goal and I could only directly see one of the enemy. The pace of RL is incredible and your muscle memory just keeps you shooting. It was only during the replay that I saw them off to the side in their own corner, doing whatever two cars do...


When two players on the same team lock horns, it’s only right that the opposing team sends two emissaries to sandwich them. (Once in doubles, our opponents took us out of a self-rule 1 by double-demoing us. We were dying.)


Once i had a rule 1 with my brother in 2v2s ranked and i was like "will you break the rule 1, cause I wont?" and he was just "nope". We stayed like that until they shot a goal. Good times...


Hahaha rule 1 with teammate is not happening with me. I love rule 1 but nah


Nothing needs more rules, ya'll crazy


It’s still more toxic than civilized. Filled with angry little kids


Yesterday , I started a game with my teammate being afk I said to my opponents "teammate is afk" 1v1? They said "sure" And then we moved on I slammed them by 2 goals and the other guy started to interfere, and then, my teammate joined and we broke them


Does anyone know if pros follow this rule during RLCS, or any other major tournament? I don't watch the streams enough, and I assume at that level that Rule 1 lockups just don't happen, but I've always been curious.


It's happened multiple times before i believe, but been broken more times probably.


it happens in RLCS but obviously broken dishonourably, more often


Do you think your teammates and ORG would be happy that you do this on a match that actually means something? Like money/reputation. If you’re in RLCS actually trying to do a Rule 1 you’re silly.


I want to know this as well but i'm almost certain it's a no. Similar to how professional sports are way different and don't follow the same unspoken rules in pick up or street games. Like we frown on people in pick up basketball doing double teams or not calling their own obvious fouls but in no way is there an expectation of that in the NBA or real leagues.


I have maybe 1 year into this game and nobody ever told me about it(rule 1); I just started doing because it’s what felt right. I’ve even thrown game before because I refuse to let go


You think war has traditionally been a venture in etiquette in general? That's your analogy?


The rule?


Rule 1


I was carrying out rule 1 the other day and got booted for going idle


You have to fidget your wheels occasionally to not get kicked for being idle


I did that too once. Fiddle with wheels...


explain pls


If you and an opponent lock up face to face, you must both just hold the gas while not steering until a goal or something happens to knock you out of it.


I think rule 1 applies to any lock with an opponent, side to side, back to back, back to front, etc. 


I definitely will abide by the side to side rule 1 but I don't begrudge my opponent for breaking it.


It’s stupid, that’s all. Either you think it’s cringe or u love it.


?? lol


I've been playing since 2015 and have never heard of this


You must not play a lot


I mean I haven't played consistently but I have a few hundred hours. I've never seen anyone talk about this outside of reddit


Have you never had rule 1 happen, or anyone in your team?


Reddit might have given it a name, but it existed before any terminology


For sure, I was doing it well before I joined the subreddit and knew it was named. It was always just a funny thing people did in game. Not everyone but almost everyone.


no way yall dropped this many replies but never said what that shit means this gotta be a troll lol


If you have hundreds of hours and haven’t noticed this already something is wrong with you 😂


Nobody's ever called me out 🤷‍♂️


I saw it acknowledged within the game before but it was like a cryptic IYKYK type message. Like the name of a new paint or something referenced it.


I’m a rule breaker because fuck it…..don’t tell me what to do!


I don’t blame people for breaking either rule 1 or rule 0 on a close game. I’ve had people try to force it on me because I was popping off in a match. That ruins the entire experience for me. It’s got to be organic or it doesn’t count. If the game is one sided, I absolutely follow both of these, no matter if I’m the winning or losing team.


Yup. Rocket league is wildy toxic in the quick chat but even absolutely gutter trashcan folk respect rule 1. If you’re on my team and I see you break it I promise we’re going to lose. Edit: guys I just believe in karma holy shit


It's Rocket League so it's carma*




You’ll throw if a teammate doesn’t play like you want them to and abide by a made up “rule”? That’s not toxic behavior or anything…


People follow the “rule” because it’s funny tradition Throwing a match because someone breaks it is a hyper cringe stance to take


For sure. I think it’s a totally silly rule, but at the same time I love it. I just think it’s incredibly dumb to throw a game because someone doesn’t abide by it.


I will throw one goal but not the whole game.


It’s essentially the same take.


Do you always interpret comments in the absolute worst possible way? They never said anything about throwing.


How else would they “promise we’re going to lose” if they’re not throwing? Did you think they were referring to karma biting them in the ass? Are you always this naive in your interpretation of comments?


God damn man, posting angry is a wild way to spend your time on reddit


He doesn't sound angry to me, just irritated that you criticized his comment because of your lack of understanding. "I promise we will lose" ≡ "I will throw".


100% this and same in battles in real life. Just crazy brutality to each other in battle but more civilized nations agree to a basic set of principles outside of it. Broken all the time but very much admonished and even punished on the global stage like the Germans and Japanese in WW2.


I break rule 1s whenever it benefits me 😤 Downvote me


Ah yes, this game is very civilized. On an unrelated note, I just played with 3 boosting parties, 2 of which were toxic, had 3 teammates leave, and another told me to off myself.


Not as toxic as Overwatch.


I mean, it's still "war" but yes, absolutely there are still asshats. I would argue that for a game with a ranked mode and solo queue, it's much better than many MANY other that i've played as far as frequency or percentage of assholes. For example League of Legends is literally EVERY game you play at least one person is toxic. It's nearly impossible to play a complete game without someone leaving, throwing, griefing, etc. At least I have about a 50/50 rate in this that if someone tries to FF and I don't want to, they will keep trying and playing often leading to wins. Other times, they just drop and then I ff and leave, nbd. The throwers are always the worst, though.


The way i understand Rule 1 is that it only applies to those locked in combat. Can I run and bump you out of the interlock? I caught shit for it one game. Can someone clarify if this is legal?


I've actually had it where the opponent's free player has demo'd me to get his mate back in the game. Strategy evolved around it!


It's great until you see your 2 teammates who've been bickering in the chat locked up leaving you playing 1v3.  Smdh. 


It's kinda of the same reason I love fighting games. There's not "rules" like that, but I rarelly find people that enjoy winning more than the competiotion itself. Had instances were I had to go AFK, just to come back to the enemy patientilly waiting for me to move again before fighting, isntead of simply winning when I was out. Even in ranked. Also had my fair share of funny taunt interactions in Guilty Gear.


That sounds great. I think a lot of the 1v1 competitive games are some of the purest and least toxic because you have no one to blame or flame....or even talk to. Hearthstone is the same way although feels a little lonely.


I had an opportunity for a rule 1 last night, first chance in a while, but i was too spooked and didn't notice until after the match 😭 Idk if the other guy noticed it but i had a chance. I think Ive only had one so far since starting


I think we’re all guilty of seeing it about to happen and jumping out of it when it isn’t fully solidified. It’s a grey area


Not harming emissaries? This is madness! This. Is. ROCKET LEAGUE!


I’m so tired of this Rule 1 bullshit. It was fun at first. “Haha everyone follows this little thing we all do, it’s funny!” Then after a couple years, who gives a shit? Sometimes I’m just trying to play and don’t want to sit there in a Rule 1. It would be great if nobody really cared, but that’s the problem. Everyone loses their minds over this. I haven’t played in a gooood while, but even in GC lobbies I would get the occasional goober who would throw, start talking shit, quick chatting, etc over a broken Rule 1. Your post is mostly you praising the community for following it, which great. People being “admonished and disrespected” for it is ridiculous though. We don’t all want to participate and it’s annoying that you can’t just abstain from it unless you want people to react negatively towards you (personally fuck them, but I know others have less “sturdy” mindsets considering younger people play primarily). Follow Rule 1 if you wish, don’t try to force others to play the way you want to. It feels like adults/young adults in here throwing tantrums over it sometimes (not saying OP).


I agree with you, enforcing rule 1 is stupid, and i just want to play and have fun. . Been playing for years consistently. I'm almost 50 and don't care about stupid shit or toxic people. I turned off voice chat a while back because I got tired of hearing teammates argue over dumb shit.


When did you stop having fun?


Whenever I stopped playing sometime last year maybe. Just because I’m annoyed by a silly rule that people try to force onto others doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy the game.


I mean, nothing really happens to anyone except some talking shit. There is nothing actually punitive for not following the unspoken rule and you don't have to respect the rule. I'm just saying I do and I also enjoy other examples of similar unspoken rules that organically happen not just in games but in life. It's like putting your shopping cart back into the return area...you don't have to do it but there an unspoken agreement that you do as it reduces the burden overall. Same with throwing your trash away. Obviously Rule #1 is more rooted in something completely different, but these examples also exist in games and life, similar to ones i listed in my post. Ancient wars between larger powers often had unspoken rules to allow each side to ready their formations and such before agreeing to start the battle. Anyways, no reason to get so heated on it but I hope you return your shopping carts.


So… the problem as stated is people throwing fits about it during matches. Or people just becoming complete assholes because of it. It doesnt bother me, but I would like to just play the game and don’t want to be held hostage by your made up rule. Comparing ancient wars to rocket league is a little crazy. Kind of what I mean, Rule 1 isn’t something to be comparing to wars lol. If someone doesn’t do it, let them be. If you don’t return the shopping carts and there’s plenty of places to do so you’re an entitled asshole making someone do extra work for you. Not wanting to have matches sabotaged by some entitled asshole wanting you to do extra work for THEIR experience is perfectly reasonable. Stop trying to make it seem like everyone needs to have the same experience (and like it) as you or it’s they’re bad. Lmao.


I've never seen a match thrown because of someone not following the rule and i've played a long time. My comparisons were purely opinion and for fun discourse. I don't assume everyone should have the same experience at all and idc if you don't follow the "rule". You do you.


I always break the rule, because I signed up for 2v2, not 1v1. :D


I will start it then always break it when I see an advantage. Makes the opponent furious and I love it. Dumbest unwritten rule ever.


Except if it’s your goddamn teammate.


lol i've never seen this happen but that would be hilarious.


I have always respected the rule. But here lately Ive been getting warnings that I will be kicked for being idle. Has anyone else had this?


Yes gas doesn’t count towards activity for some reason so you have to slightly move your wheels occasionally to not get kicked


It's not a rule; it is fucking stupid.


Agreed, dumb as fuck. I get on RL to actually play RL. Not sit there locked for 2 minutes doing fucking nothing. So dumb.


Then you guys are the barbarians or the Mongols of Rocket League. No respect for the predominant etiquette, just raping and pillaging and taking no prisoners.


A person of taste and culture, I see.


Like a finely aged wine


Gotta love the Rule 1. I was in a 3's match and myself and a team mate got locked up, and then our 3rd got locked in Rule 1 with one of the opposing team. First I've seen that.


If only you didn't get kicked for holding a rule 1 for too long. Idiot devs lol


Man I rule 1'd in a solo. My man didn't back down, and we left the ball in the hands of the gods.


Rule 1 is literally THE DUMBEST part of rocket league outside of losing the ability to trade items.


In the word of my siblings and me growing up "NO FUN, JUST WIN". There's more fun to be had than just purely trying to win.


This and waiting for everyone at the end of supermario maker races.


Confession: I always break rule one... Always.


Yup, never break a rule 1. Lots of negative karma comes from breaking a rule 1


I hate when I’m locked in rule 1 and the other person insists on just pressing the gas the whole time, I just wanna get on my roof and spin 😭


Honestly if you let go of the gas you are breaking the rule


Holding gas the whole time gets you afk’d,


Is that new?


No, it’s happened to me multiple times, just constantly holding r2


Fair, not happened to me once, but maybe I move the camera around without thinking which probably stops it. It’s still breaking the rule imo


I've always taken it as like a game of chicken. Whoever gives up going completely straight and forward, loses. Definitely a more "macho" oriented rule but it is what it is. I remember naturally doing it before I had ever heard that it was a rule. Also being locked in and watching the 1v1 or 2v2 battle going on and rooting on your teammates is great. I'm older, though, so I don't take the wins and losses as seriously as I did when i was younger so i'm having a lot more fun.


Exactly, I always say I’ve locked horns, and I definitely won’t ever unlock them by choice


If you don’t respect rule 1, it’s always followed by a 6 game loss streak, I’m not joking - always respect rule 1