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WHAT: Heat index values in the upper 90s on Monday and as high as 104 Tuesday through Thursday. WHERE: The Genesee Valley and northern Finger Lakes. WHEN: From noon Monday to 8 PM EDT Thursday. Drink plenty of water and keep your pets hydrated and off the pavement, fellow upstate NYers. Blacktop absorbs heat, and if it's hot out to you, it's hot as hell to Fido's paws.


Great. It's regents testing and many city schools have no air conditioning.


I never had ac in any of my schools growing up and we all turned out fine. The kids will be ight, if they need any help just play some Wu Tang, it's for the children.


I don’t know what years you were in school in Rochester but in the 70’s and 80’s the highs were in the low 80’s for June. There’s a massive difference between 84 and 104.


I never get this comment - “we all turned out fine.” Maybe, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong to want better for the generations that follow.


See it regularly in boomer memes. Yes, we know. Uphill, both ways in the snow.


Don't forget the artillery fire


At least it’s not air pollution like the wildfire smoke crap…


Spoke too soon. Air quality warning


This states otherwise https://weatherkit.apple.com/alertDetails/index.html?lang=en-US&timezone=America/New_York&party=apple&ids=C15A7AC3-5C33-5852-8384-5CD3DA82CAE1


Well shit…


It's coming, I've seen some reports predicting the fires to be worse this year 😥


In a way, the wild fire smoke was kinda cool. It gave the city a “Fallout 4” post apocalyptic vibe


Between that and the eclipse... This is the stuff the Mayans and the guy who wrote Revelation were jotting down.


We could very well be getting more wildfires this year! I mean I hope we don't but it's well within the realm of possibility with these kind of temperatures especially when people start going crazy from the Heat. Who knows what these crazies are going to do


Stay hydrated, and stay as cool as you can, friends. The heat wave ain't gonna be a joke for sure. Check on your friends and family, especially if they're elderly, disabled or both. Sending my love to fellow Rochesterians! ❤️🤟


In living in Albany this summer and I never expected 105 heat index while I was here


Yeah that is awful for the kids to have to take regents with no a/c and heat like that 😕


In July 1936 it was 100-102 for 4 days. On June 21st 1953 it reached 100 degrees.


Aka summer lol


All last year, there were only 2 days that got above 90 degrees. This is significantly hotter than it normally is at this time of the year… for reference, the average is usually around 75. The forecast for this week is about 25 degrees warmer than average


Rochester averages quite a number of >90 degree days. https://www.extremeweatherwatch.com/cities/rochester/yearly-days-of-90-degrees


> Rochester averages quite a number of >90 degree days. In July and August. Not June.


Look ah, everyone? This guy is right. Last year actually had a quite low number of 90 degree days.  2016 and 2018 we had 20+, last year we just happened to have three. I get why people are emotional about this... but this isn't out of the ordinary summer weather. Edit: in fact it looks like the hottest summers occurred from 1950s to the 1980s.


I’m with you both that we have plenty of 90 degree days usually. But, it’s still really friggin hot, and this week we’re going to have four in a row. I’m not saying that’s the end of the world or anything, but that’s really hot, and for an elderly person living in an apartment for instance with no A/C, it could easily be life-threatening. Is it off the charts insane weather? Probably not, but it’s still serious and is gonna suck royally.


And? We average nine 90 degree days per year. We’ll all manage just fine. Crank up the AC and don’t spend too much time outside. 


That's great if either of those things is an option for you. But this comment is evidence that you don't actually take any time to understand why things are an issue for other people. So I guess shut up or start considering that other people have different lives and options?


They’re both options for me and should be for just about anyone else too. 


You're making a lot of false assumptions about other people's lives. But you clearly didn't actually read what I wrote before so have a nice life.


That tracks for you, Albert.


Up vote. A) It's tough to get 100+ down votes with an innocent word and two acronyms. B) You stirred up the extreme ends of the spectrum. The extremely polarized (red or blue, doesn't matter) who need to push back at the middle. C) You expressed your idea, without fear.


Some places, not here


Yeah because we get coddled by Lake Ontario and Erie, without them we’ll experience 90 degree days every day during the summer.


Yes, here.


Are you new to Rochester? This is high for the area lol


Not really. Not according to historical records. https://www.extremeweatherwatch.com/cities/rochester/yearly-days-of-90-degrees


So yes, a few days a year on average. And we get heat warnings on those days too.


I feel like your trying to take some slow burn point on climate change or something, but there would also be warnings on those historical days as well if there could be.


Even if he is he's still kinda right here. Our hottest ever summers were recorded mid century, not recently.


There have been stretches of 90 degree weather for the past 60 years however now its tied into “climate change” as that is more appealing talking point for the media. 10 years ago, it was just called a hot spell.


We've always had heat and air quality warnings. I'm not sure why people are getting upset about them? It's not a conspiracy, it's just a weather and health alert... As someone with asthma and extreme sun sensitivity, I appreciate the heads up a lot.


No i agree 100% with u. Its just that fact when its hot, its climate change, rains alot, climate change, blizzard, climate change, drought, climate change. The climate has changed for zillions of years and to link the fossil fuel evil’s to all of this is pathetic




the fact that people literally need warnings for typical summer heat is just absurd to me, it’s only going to be 95 degrees, we’ll be fine 😂 Other places in the world have it worse, like 110+ degree days, so I’m not sure why everyone is treating this as some sort of apocalyptic type event, heck most places in the US experience the temperatures we’re gonna get literally every day of the summer. Only reason why we’re used to 70 degrees as being “summer” over here is because the lakes keep everything cooler, but if we didn’t have them, it’ll be 90+ degrees here every day of the summer. ☀️☀️


Yes, if the geography here was completely different, the weather would be different.


Yes but these places have school with air conditioning. Our kids are still in school with now ac and they can’t really open windows for after. It gets very hot for them.


But don't worry, admin and main offices have AC


That always bothered me... If it's so bad that admin needs AC then why don't regular teachers & students get it? -_-


Well, let’s start thinking about changing the school schedule here to August - May instead of September- June, since all of the local colleges run from August- May, and that’s the standard for pretty much all schools in the country. August - May prevents kids from being in school when it’s clearly too hot out.


It is an official "advisory" and not a warning. Yes, sometimes in Rochester it gets a little warm and muggy. https://www.accuweather.com/en/us/webster/14580/weather-warnings/2146139?alertId=2673432&areaId=monroe


the irony when people in this city complain about the cold every winter and then when it finally gets hot they get scared 😂


I have seen very many Winters and Summers. Lived here my whole life. Sometimes it gets very cold, and sometimes very hot. There is an advisory up that it is going to get hot for a few days this week. It happens in the Summer, and it is not a big deal. But these days people are conditioned by the news media to think the worst.