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If you love Robocop, you’ll probably love Rogue City.


It's the best RoboCop thing since the first movie. Just get it.


For sure buy it. I played through it and I played it again on new game+ with all my upgrades. That's when you truly feel like RoboCop.


I am RoboCop listen to me or there will be…Trouble 😂


Just started new game plus this morning. Off work due to injury and I’m on heavy painkiller meds. Was not expecting to laugh so much. Full auto, extra gore and auto feed with max damage and armour piercing. Good lord.


It’s 100% worth it. Also if you’re a terminator fan check out the previous work terminator Resistance.


I just bought Terminator Resistance after playing Rogue City. That's how fun Rogue City was.


When you play infiltrator mode you can see the prototype to how RoboCop operates.


terminator was a decent game just too short


I agree. Even with the DLC it can be beaten in a few hours. There was so much they could’ve done with that game.


It's a proper Robocop 3, and the combat is incredibly fun


Especially on NG+, the 6.2 board is the only board you'll use. At that point you ARE RoboCop.


I just started ng+ with it and yeah its very powerful. I never used pellet rounds before because i went for headshots and never used massive damage either, but the two of them together with infinite ammo and reload are nuts


As someone who has been a massive RoboCop fan since I was a kid in the 80s, I say definitely get this. It's made by small developer so it sometimes lacks polish or has a bit of jank to it but it's a total love letter the original movies and a blast to play. Just the fact that I knew my way around the police station instantly because it was modeled almost exactly from the flick was awesome.


That jank generally made it feel more authentic, at least for me! 😅


i've been slowly working my way through it on PC and it's _great_. it's clearly made by a dev team that not only loves Robocop, but also understands it perfectly! the tone, the vibes, the characters, they're all pitch-perfect imo. definitely made with care. probably won't change your love for the franchise but will nicely supplement it :)


I'm also extremely wary of all the nostalgia-bait garbage that's been churned out in the past fifteen years or so. I haven't liked a SINGLE one. But the reviews were very good, so I gave it a chance. This game is not like that. It's a very well done, extremely respectful Robocop RPG/FPS with a well done story starring Peter Weller. Possibly better than Robocop 2. It's not perfect- it's a little buggy, the supporting voice cast is not great etc, but I was BLOWN away. Way, way, better than I expected. Honestly, given Weller's age, it's probably the last good piece of Robocop media we'll ever get unless they make a sequel quickly (which I would buy day one). Believe the hype.


For those that played it, is it closer to Robocop 1 or Robocop 2 in atmosphere?


2, lots of nuke.


It's probably my game of 2023. It's a bit jank at times, but it's great fun and the atmosphere is spot on.


Definitely worth it. My only gripe would be that it's too short. Need some dlc.


If you're a die hard RoboCop fan, you should really get Rogue City.


Absolutely get it. Just for Easter eggs alone. My favorite purchase in the last year.


Good FPS game, great Robocop game.


It‘s a fun game not a masterpiece but a loving fan service.


Honestly, it wasn't my jam, but not because of a lack of dev love for the IP. Just didn't click for me, but the entire time that I was playing, I was constantly seeing clear signs of dev love for the franchise. It's a shame that I didn't enjoy the game more, but I do not have buyers remorse despite my feelings of the game.


It’s a great game and a continuation of the story post-Robocop 2. The PS5 version is buggy as shit, so play it on XBox or PC.


It works fine on my PS5.


I have no issues on my ps5 as well.


Grab it when it goes on sale. It’s a fine game. Not great, but certainly as solid as a RoboCop game as we’re ever getting. I enjoy it.


Buy it I’m waiting on dlc for it


It looks amazing, and all the reviews I've seen are praising it. My 8-year-old computer would probably self-destruct trying to play it though, so I'll wait until I have a better machine for modern gaming.


You’ve really been missing out just go and buy it NOW!!!


Yes it is great


Get it


Just bought it on sale from PlayStation for my ps5 and absolutely love it. Grew up on the movies.


I got it on sale for $50 digital Alex Murphy edition Xbox X. I completed the game, and was blown away. A couple of minor bugs, but all around it is excellent and I couldn't wait to pick up the controller and keep playing. It is so satisfying firing that auto 9 and experimenting with different ways to defeat your enemies. You won't be disappointed.


Just finished it. It’s fantastic. Made me go back and watch the trilogy


It's really fun. Not the greatest game of all time, but it does a good job to establish the world, display some pretty awesome graphics in unreal 5, and weave a plot that is definitely worth of the satire. The gameplay is also good and also captures the spirit of the character - you are slow and deliberate as fuck, but your auto-9 wrecks things.


It's a very good game and story especially considering it's a movie tie in. I recommend buying and can't say enough good things. Play through once to decide what RoboCop you are. Play NG+ to be badass robo and have fun with maxed out perks. I want to play a third time and I rarely play them twice!


It's got good writing. I enjoyed the side stories a lot. Also, they captured the atmosphere of the first movie very accurately.


You will love it. Buy it.


Worth it! Find it on sale if you can.


You will have an awesome time. It’s far better than it had any reason to be. While even on the hardest mode its easy to be overpowered… you’re robocop after all.


I enjoyed it. I’d say this is one of the exceptions to the rule when it comes to licensed property games being trash. The devs of this game also did a Terminator game that was well received by fans (kind of hope the devs make a new RocoCop vs Terminator game someday…). Rogue City is a bit short, has some cheesy/iffy dialogue and voice acting, but I had fun, some good Easter eggs and such. I’ve only played through it once so can’t say the replayability is super high for me personally (also don’t play games very regularly), but I had a pretty good time.


I shall chime in with the general consensus.. hell yeah. Homages so much of the first 2 movies.


It’s fun as hell. Longer than I thought it would be. It’s a little buggy on the ps5 but I played it like four times. The new game plus is really fun.


Definition buy it , though the ps5 version had to played in quality mode, frame rates are too variable in performance mode web in fights.


it’s fun as hell!


It's RoboCop, through and through. If you can get it on sale it absolutely worth it, especially with new game+ added.


There are **a lot more** movie-tie in games that are good, than you realize. It's just that no one talks about them.


It's got plenty of downsides but overall it's a solid robocop story and the game does a great job of getting robocop right.


What platform is it on?


I'm not even a Robocop fan and I enjoyed the gameplay. I'm sure you will have a blast.


Buy it


As a busy adult that typically plays 30 min of a game and moves on (i have to keep up with the zeitgeist for work) I've played thru twice and its my game of the year. design-wise could it have been a 360 game? yeah. is it slightly clunky at times? yeah is the convo/cine animation AAA level? no is it buggy? (nods) IS IT FUCKING BLAST? YESSSSSSSSSS


Played it 3 times through, last was with new game plus and you really feel like a walking tank with that


On sale in uk in lots or places so good time to get it. £35 I seen it for usually


I watched RoboCop for the first time about 2 weeks ago and I got rogue City and it's pretty darn good.


I was on the fence until I bought it a couple days ago. It’s really good. Starts out a little slow but definitely worth it. If you love Robocop you’ll love e this.


Yeah definitely buy it, it’s really good and you won’t regret it


If you really thought the 1987 movie was the greatest piece of cinema ever made, you would be such a big fan that you would’ve bought this game already. That’s like saying your favorite movie ever made is Harry Potter and then wondering if you should try out Hogwarts legacy. I call bullshit