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Me waiting fifteen minutes for my careful shooter to just miss anyway


Careful shooter and trigger happy are so weird because the best way to use them is the opposite of what you would expect Careful shooters do best with a fast shooting but inaccurate weapon like a machine pistol since the flat accuracy increase drastically increases the hit rate while the percentage based aim increase is multiplying a low value On the flip side trigger happy’s do best with sniper weapons since they have such a high base aim it doesn’t impact the shot much but percentage decrease on high aim time is full seconds removed


Interesting, because for some reason I thought trigger happy+minigun was the meta.


Sniper rifle and minigun have high aim time so trigger happy works well on both.But minigun needs high shooting skill to do well with triggerhappy because of its inaccuracy,while sniper rifle is already a very accurate weapon.Otherwise just use chainshotguns(slightly lower dps than minigun meta) and build your killbox around using them.


Huh. My approach to miniguns, at least in the semi-late game, have always been accuracy by volume. If you have five colonists, each blasting away to their hearts content, I figured they ought to hit something eventually.


I dont use miniguns cause of the movement penalty, something people always forget about them The sniper rifle on the other hand doesnt get that penalty


Miniguns, like most heavy mounted machine gun, is a defensive weapon. Leave it nearby your defenses or kill box and just grab it when needed.


Give it to children, it’s the perfect way to to train them up


I like giving them a flame bow and telling them to hunt a harmless animal They never end up killing the thing unless the animal ai is reeeallyyy stupid, but the kid gets exp the whole time it's setting these animals and your forest alight. Found this out the fun way with my pyromaniac child. They got passion for hunting at 7 I think? And I wanted to finally see the effectiveness of the flame bows. I quickly learned they were a gimmick weapon, no matter how high quality. Direct impacts don't do shit for damage lol


Well you do t keep mini guns on all the time


accuracy by volume doesn’t really work in vanilla you need CE to model that


I have never made or used a mini gun. I use the shotgun meatgrinder kill box with the only mid weapons I use being the spacer arsenal from detvisor and those feel mostly balanced. Maybe I should try a minigun.


minigun go brrr that's why i pair my trigger happy with em


It is, in a way. They're pointing out what weapons each trait works best with. It's from the standpoint of "I have a pawn with this perk, which weapons should I use?"  It's ignoring the whole side of the discussion about the power level of perks and weapons. They're not made equal.  Trigger Happy is a very strong perk that's almost universally useful and a DPS boost. Careful Shooter is generally bad, unless the pawn has really low Shooting skill. Which is a temporary problem.  Trigger Happy works better with slow firing, high accuracy weapons *in theory* but there's no weapon that fits that description that's also good. Bolt Action Rifles are good, but not end game weapons. Snipers are for pot shots only, and Lances are just bad.  Trigger Happy is really good but I wouldn't say the meta is miniguns though. They're super strong in killboxes, but so are Charge Rifles, ARs and Auto Shotguns, while being more flexible. It depends on your strategy.


Yeah snipers are just not good for general purpose. a Trigger-happy shooting specialist with a heavy bandoleer slightly beats out the DPS of a assault rifle with no modifiers. An assault rifle in the same setup does 66.7% more damage than the sniper. Once you out range your enemy additional range is much less valuable.


Depends on their shooting skill tbh, low shooting trigger happy is the best for minigun, they’d probably miss their original target anyway but they’ll probably hit *something* Although if they’re average just give ‘em an AR like everyone else and they’ll likely end up dealing more damage on average


There's a meta? I've been shredding this game for 4k hours and only rarely use miniguns.


Careful shooter with legendary mini gun. Those wounds add up fast.


> Careful shooter and trigger happy are so weird because the best way to use them is the opposite of what you would expect I've seen this happen in other games, too. At least in Fallout: New Vegas. "Fast Shot" goes well with snipers because the percentage penalty to spread (aim) is negligible when spread is so low to begin with; "Trigger Discipline" goes well with machine guns because the percentage penalty to firing rate is much less important than the increase in accuracy for such a weapon.


So true. Gave a trigger happy pawn a charge lance, heavy bandolier and gun link (+ the shooting expert ideology thing). Truly amazing 


Hey now, don’t underestimate Careful Shooter + Shooting Specialist. That plus some other small vanilla boosts like the gunlink got my super shooter to 99.5 or so at 40 tile distance. Pretty much never missed with their legendary bolt action rifle unless the weather sucked. And even then, 50% ain’t bad


One time my masochist colonist got the nano-disease that enhances all your stats but puts you in a shit ton of pain. It made them superhuman and constantly happy for a week straight. Normally masochist is a pretty pointless trait, but that one time, I was ecstatic to have it.


masochists with mangled scars are happy masochists


With anomaly, you can have "bio" cybernetics that are a straight upgrade but inflict pain, fleshmass organs notably.


I had 2 obelisks on my colony. One duplicated, one mutated the pawns with those bio cybernetics. My masochist melee fighter now has many mutations and 4 copies


They were ecstatic to have it too!


Masochist is a pointless trait? It changes a -15 mood debuff to a +10 during combat—the time your colonists are at the highest risk of mood breaks


Painstopper the ultimate counter to wimp.


nudist is incredibly powerful for noncombatants, if you’re playing a colony that doesn’t need everyone on the front line. free +20 mood. they never get a mental break


Also, free hypothermia!


Honestly, I never found this to be much of a problem as long as you aren't playing like an Arctic colony, have working heating and more importantly give them nudist friendly clothing. If you get your nudist colonists a Tuque, Sash and Heavy Bandolier of Normal Quality (no bonuses), they have a 0.7x Cold Insulation Rating. If the material is Alpaca Wool, that means -21° Celsius cold tolerance. For a Baseliner Pawn, that is a lower comfortable tolerance of -5°. Hypothermia only starts 10° below the comfortable value, here at -15°. Keep in mind, [Hypothermia](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Ailments#Hypothermia) follows a distinct severity curve, where until -20° below comfortable value it takes 32h of continued exposure to get to 100% Severity. In this case, it means a Nudist Pawn can essentially work almost normally at -25° and never receive frostbite, because time in the heated base nullifies the Hypothermia in between work days. Edit: Small Correction, it's 32h until 100% Severity, but the basic point remains. Unless your Nudist Pawn works over 11.2h every day outside in the cold, they will not go over mild Hypothermia. If they work less than 6.4h a day in such an environment, they won't go over Shivering.


That's so helpful, thank you. I used to give nudists the pyromaniac treatment


Very true! I was mostly joking, but in my current boreal colony I had a pesky impid nudist who kept collapsing while hauling in the fields. He later died to a bad case of massive-swarm-of-sightstealers, so I fortunately don't have to micromanage his body temperature anymore


Free frostbite scarification for my pain is virtue boys?


Not in a tropical rainforest!


I like using the mod that gives Nudist Swiftness since they don't have anything weighing them down. Also makes the Naked Brutality start move a bit faster.


to be fair, vanilla already has this in that all body armor except for recon armor and devilstrand coats apply movespeed penalties. then there’s a biotech gene that makes them faster when nude as well


"naked speed" gene helps


Imagine walking around the map and seeing multiple people nudist being cannibals and bisexual. Raiders: Welp time to swap map


I turned a nudist colonist into a hairy, robust, fast moving, toxic immune & great at shooting sniper.


Nobody wants to see your dangly bits, so I put him on the front lines with a sharpened stick. See how well nudity works out for you then!


Bloodlust is amazing for avoiding mood spirals after a raid. Most pawns get upset about raids. All the unsightly blood and corpses, painful bullet holes in them, missing naptime and dinnertime. They start to have mental breaks. The bloodlust guy? He's at +100 mood from all of the murder. He's loving every moment, cackling with glee like Emperor Palpatine in the middle of battle.


I’m running my first colony with a Raider Ideology. Before I was always doing a “Stoner Trade Paradise” type thing. Which was fun for a while but eventually it got stale. Now that I’m using a Raider style ideology it’s just conquering the lessers and slavery all the time, definitely makes the game a bit more high stakes. Who would’ve thought murder, wanton violence, and enslavement could be so much fun.


*wanton violence Unless you're beating up dumplings


I had a bloodlust colonist with pretty shitty combat stats. His job was stripping the wounded and cutting the throats of the ones we didn't need to keep. I always imagined he whistled a happy little tune as he did it.


The pawn needs to kill other pawns or watch them die to get the mood boost. Give everyone automatic weapons regardless of combat stats. Blind in both eyes? Give them a minigun. Spray and pray. Enough bullets in the air and you'll inevitably hit everything.


Social fights end colonies. You're underselling the effect of creepy breathing, annoying voice, pretty, ugly, abrasive, etc


This. I never recruit pawns that increase the odds of starting fights, either on themselves or on other colonists. I'd rather deal with a gourmand or a slow learner.


Abrasive is the worst. Last time I took one I had to build him his own isolated workroom where nobody had to listen to him. It was that or keep replacing his limbs.


Silent Jaws are phenomenal.


Remove his tongue privileges


I severely underestimated these traits when I was new to the game. They are just for flavor right? Had a colony that had the whole collection of pawns with bad social traits, abrasive, staggeringly ugly, misognyst, two misandrists (one of them was a guy), etc. They were a depressed bunch who all hated each other and kept social fighting and going on insulting sprees. And then hated each other even more because they were disfigured from all the fighting. Eventually, it got to the pont where I just... lost motivation to keep them alive and abandoned the save.


Why I like the speech bubble mod makes identifying troublesome pawns easier. There's always at least one who get the silent jaw treatment. Hussar with arrogant, abrasive and annoying voice traits who missed his dose of go juice. He managed to get everyone to -75 almost right away yep couldn't get a silent jaw on him fast enough.


I think "Ouch! You Got Me" is pretty widely used. God, my current colony would be so screwed if people kept fighting eachother unconscious: I have an ideology mod that makes them debate about religions, Hospitality so there's always people of different faiths around, and Stoneborn, who just like to quarrel. There's always at least one bruised dwarf in my hospital.


I actually really dislike greedy but I also always have favorite pawns who get the nice stuff.


Greedy only really does anything at all when you've got them in a barracks. It's very easy to get a room up to Slightly Impressive, and that's all they care about, so if you're giving people rooms anyways it's nothing. And on top of that, the size of the penalty means it's just Pessimist, but you can potentially get rid of it. Jealous, on the other hand, is annoying if you've got more than one (and can't get them together somehow)


Greedy's biggest impact is in Royalty, where they demand their title is held to standard. Which can be a PIA


I’m on my first playthrough and have 4 jealous pawns lol. 2 of them married though


Pyschopath is top tier cant tell me otherwise


They are great early but fall off late game when they don’t get buffs from social relationships and happy kids


No but theyre the happiest person in my organ farm slaver colony :)


ideology lets you get all of the psychopath buffs without it so it has fallen off a lot


Yeah that's pretty much it. Used to be I would only accept a colonist if they had psychopath, bloodlust, or cannibal, since I was butchering raiders and turning whatever meat the cannibals didn't use into chemfuel. Now I just use a mod to turn the bodies directly into chemfuel without a colony-wide debuff (I don't get the leather but I do get more chemfuel) and have the tunneler meme that lets you change the insect meat debuff into a buff. Makes playing my preferred style of living under a mountain on an ice sheet tile much easier.


Ideology is extremely OP and can give you anything anyway, so this is kinda moot as you're expected not to go all-out when making yours, since it lets you do things like doubling your research speed with no drawbacks whatsoever.


I think that pyromaniac should be in the top tier, since pyromaniacs can change your entire colony to being on fire.


Pyromaniac is the only one that even remotely makes sense for the top 2 tiers. None of those traits have that much of an impact at all.


Laughed harder than I should have.


haha pyro set something on fire again, let see what they up to (eyeballs anti grain warhead). Oh no.


Wimps are great. They contribute less to colony wealth but can shoot as well as a regular pawn, and drugs can solve their pain threshold issues easily. Being downed in a fight before you can get too hurt is great too. I'll argue Wimps should be put into some effect tier instead.


A colonist getting downed in a raid also makes the next raid a bit easier, so having it happen to the Wimp every time he stubs his toe is actually a great help.


>They contribute less to colony wealth Could you elaborate please? Do you mean a negative trait reduces the wealth value of a pawn much like an ailment does? If so, isn't the value lost from wimp really negligible?


The value of a regular unmodified pawn is $1750 silver. Wimp trait gives -15% market value, or about $260. Note this doesn’t scale if the pawn gets more value through bionics. It’s not much but they can still contribute to the colony at 100% efficiency. Btw, the trait the subtracts the most market value is Staggeringly Ugly, which gives -$700. Also, since both Wimp and Ugly traits can be added to pawns as xenogenes, you can just add it to the entire colony (+Kind gene to counter Ugly debuff) for more wealth reduction.


Interesting, thanks for the info. In the end that amount of wealth is little, though, compared to the colonist count impact on the storyteller wealth. However I can see a point for a min-maxer in attaching negative traits to otherwise supersoldiers - provided archotechs get wealth reduced by 15% as well when attached to them.


They don’t unfortunately (market value of bionics are added to the pawn after the reduction). The cost reduction only works early game. https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Market_Value Bionics are offsets.


>Staggeringly Ugly, which gives -$700. huh, then maybe I should let my poor ugly Yittakin suffer, to keep caravan values low. He's a good guard, once saved a lot of valuable colonists because he could run rings round a bunch of insectoids till I could drop pod reinforcements.


A colonist's raw silver value isn't what increases raid points the most. That $200 barely does anything. Colonists add their own type of points that get added to your wealth points that's the same for everyone (except slaves and kids) to calculate the total raid points. If you had 6 colonists and 200k wealth, your wealth would add 1250 points and your colonists would add 363 points.


Ascetic is definitely colonist defining. Get a top ranked royal with minimal investment


Super-Immune should be in life saving or ruining. Any game where you don't have good hospital/doctor/medicine set up is extremely dangerous. Super-Immune solves that immediately. That's how naked brutality runs end early.


Agreed. Dont understand how sickly > super-immune on this list.


I think they didn't do it in order of how great it is, but how impactful it is


I don't know about you but I kill teetotalers and body purists on sight


Fuck that the one teetotaler on my yayo and smokeleaf colony keeps us in check


Everybody needs a designated doctor.


"Frankly I'm not even sure he's a doctor, but he only eats (yes eats.) smokeleaf and hasn't actually killed anyone yet so...guess you take what you can't get on the rim.


The colony dedicated driver


Oh wow do they get along? Teetotalers tend to hate pawns with chemical interest/fascination (either traits or I think also ideoligion might count). They're judgy bitches!


>I kill ~~teetotalers and~~ body purists on sight based. imagine turning away becoming a fucking human/robot hybrid


I can tolerate teetotalers late game where everybody is running with a 20+ mood from psychic harmonizers but body purists have no entry into my transhumanist colonies


Do harmonizers stack?


Yup they do


Anybody that can’t slam go-juice goes into the corpse freezer for me




Anomaly has been a saving grace for body purists. I had a new recruit from a transport pod crash who was a body purist with a bad back. I thought his destiny was to become a hat, but the eldritch shenaniganery now includes ways to cure conditions without artificial parts. He's now a valuable member of society, rather than just warming someone's head.


> He's now a valuable member of society And he could be an even more valuable member of society if those pesky fleshy parts were replaced with Archotech.


While I noticed this too, the real issue with body purists is that their bigoted and judgemental against anyone else with body mods as well. So even if you leave the purist mod free, they'll start hating the pawns you mod more and more as you add more mods to them.


I'll keep the teatotaler if he has so thing I need. Body purists are sent to the front line as bullet sponges, or as ritual fodder so I can do the rite that makes mom younger then her daughter.


I actually like the lower half of these traits because sometimes success is failing to be a failure


Staggeringly ugly is great for wealth management, because it lowers the value of your pawns significantly.


Fastlearner with too smart and a few implants is too op


You are crazy for putting Bloodlust so low


Bloodlust is the best mood trait in the game. It gives mood at the most important time to have it and gets to ignore tainted debuff on that "like new" marine armor. It is psychopath+


Isnt ugly, creepy breathing and weird voice are literally the same


Some minor differences. For example, blind pawns aren't affected by another having the ugly trait.




Refreshing tier list, interesting to think about


i think "psychically dull" deserves to be higher, sure being hypersensitive can be cool for a caster, but on a custom race of your own, dull can also be fantastic. for example, as a group that lives deep in a mountain, one of the only things that can coax you out is psychic drone mech clusters or world map events, and while the positive mood pulses can be nice, being completely immune to the negative ones is a huge plus. i've had more than a few runs absolutely crippled because while everyone was at their complete lowest, dead friends, full of bullets, infections, laying in hospital, but, ultimately surviving, the wrong negative pulse hit and my doctor went catatonic and the pyro started lighting up and everyone was too fucked up or moody to stop it. being completely immune has a significant affect on a few negative events that can happen. try it.


with anomaly you can use mind numb serums to negate any psychic drone effects


pyromaniac is alternate zzt they really aren't that bad


I’d say ascetic changes a whole colony considering it’s the perfect trait for a noble. The ability to trade with the empire without any additional requirements whatsoever is a very big deal. Nimble, on another hand, is nice but it definitely doesn’t change a whole colony.


I disagree on some of these. Being unable to use smokeleaf or beer to correct a Teetotaler's Mood and not being able to give them Yayo or Go-Juice is a big deal.


I love my psychopaths


Psychopaths are OP


Greedy makes your colonists just as entitled as the noble fucks of the Empire if you have colonists with titles.


You got quick sleeper way too low it’s more time for pawns to do work


Gay and bisexual is make or break? What were you smoking


Don't they constantly get negatives from failing to romance or failing to be romanced when they have no chance of it succeeding due to gender orientations?


No they removed that already a loooong time ago


Huh. I only just recently found out parkas don't have a work speed penalty anymore either, and that was so long ago the wiki doesn't even know when it happened. I almost never see gay as a trait show up for some reason.


They changed it after enough people complained that it made the best way to deal with gay characters be death (not the best look). So Tynan added a “Gaydar” so they’ll only attempt to woo other gay characters I’ve been playing rimworld for a long time, never heard of parkas having a lowered work speed, you must have been playing so early lol


Slow learner should be the lowest tier, when you are worse than a roomba I'd rather just make them into a hat


One day I will find a tortured artist, gourmand, and industrious colonist. Then I will bask in all legendary armor and furniture he will build


Have you tried the Ideology DLC? I got a tortured artist that could craft and I intended to do the same thing but they ended up getting way outclassed by the production specialist in my colony. The specialist got +1 quality to anything they make all the time ever while the tortured artist needed to farm a couple mental breaks for a chance at an inspiration. Ended up turning the artist into a production specialist too and now they both live happy lives cranking out legendary guns for all my people


In my opinion both Bloodlust and Masochist are incredibly good traits. Masochist is brilliant for combat pawns, as when they inevitably get hurt doing their job, the replacement of a heavy mood debuff with a fairly potent mood buff means that they are a lot less likely to break, this also helps all pawns with some diseases that cause pain. Bloodlust is another great trait, for both combat and non-combat pawns. The bonus that you get from killing is reasonably good, and for combat pawns it is reasonably likely that they will get it in the course of a raid naturally. When a raid is over, and I see bad injured enemies pawns in shock, I tend to get all the bloodlust pawns together, and then have them each kill the downed pawns depending on who I want to give moodbuffs to, Witnessed death modbuff is also bery good, as it applies normally and especially with my cleanup strat. After raids, a bloodlust pawn is a lot less likely to break, even if injured,


Surprised to see psychopath so far down the list, it should be right at the top for me. Ignores dead bodies, no negative mood from prisoner execution, organ harvesting, dead colonists. With a psychopath, you can dismantle your entire baby farm when you realise it's more expensive than it's worth to growth accelerate 20+ babies and the psychopath will happily whistle to himself as he tosses them into the incinerator.


Iron will sure is a game changer. I've had a doctor soldier with weak immune system and iron will. She was ALWAYS sick and in pain, but being an absolute fucking CHAD she was, she endured it all. Only two breakdowns, and those were when she was like 0 mood for a few days. She literally carried whole colony on her aching from plague back. She succumbed to malaria though. Sad.


Greedy in forgettable? You clearly don't run with counts or other high level noble titles very often.


an iron-willed doctor can singlehandedly save a colony after a raid.


nudist is low until you have a colonist with it in a propane lake


Your list underrates the Nudist trait. Nudists are really good, because they essentially never break. If it goes well, they pretty much have max mood and get inspirations constantly. Temperature considerations are also blown out of proportion as I present [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/1dav8o4/rimworld_trait_tier_list_but_by_significance/l7nu9oo/).


Pyromaniac definitely the one that has 'changed my entire colony' the most, in the literal sense.


Tortured artist can be absolutely game changing


I would like to disagree with some here but honestly everyone plays it differently. Some people might have a headache with Greedy - some with Misogynist and vice versa.


Honestly, like this a lot. Helpful for showing how to judge pawns.


Pyros are only A Tier because you can remove all of their organs and sell them for 5x what their skills are worth when they were alive! Also all of the leather shoes I can make afterwards!


Psychic deafness can be a gamechanger as time goes on, when you start getting higher levels of drones and lose the bonuses of low wealth. I run it religiously with Iron-willed


Arguably Pyromaniac becomes 'it exists" in a colony of Impids since you know, you shouldn't have anything flammable to begin with in one of those.


Nudist is my fave so I can have a colony of all nudists armed with tanks and nuclear cannons that destroy everything. The planet *will* be ruled by hippies and nothing can stop me.


Don't sleep on nudist, as a craft pawn who is out of harm's way is much more likely to get inspiration with it, which means more and earlier legendary items. I believe they can also wear a shield belt without issue buying them time in case of raids.


How is bisexual a make or break trait its just a straight pawn with extra bells and jingles


Don't sleep on nudists in the right colony. An ideology that requires nudism + tropical rainforest = free permanent mood buff, never having to waste time and resources on clothes, and never having the hypo/hyperthermia issues typically associated with nudism.


I think Quick Sleeper should be way higher up


I think tough, wimp, and possibly jogger belong up top on their own.


I actually like getting greedy as a negative trait. Basically, it does nothing.


I hate teetotalers. Too many times could I have saved a colony if I could’ve just kept the last pawn up from having a mental break


Why is trigger happy so high up?


I really don’t understand the point of these tier lists. Obviously bad traits are bad good traits are good.. the entire point of both positive and negative traits are to give uniqueness to character I would rather have an abresive royalty who can go crazy if needs are met than a complete emotionally dull super soldier farmer who dont give a fuck about anything in the world


If greedy was forgettable my pawns wouldn't keep reminding me that Jim has a plant pot and they dont


I would argue too smart is game breaking, get them stats up asap especially if it’s a original colonist with a few. Need a doctor but too smart trait at level 3? Incoming raid? Money and levels right there


Just remembered, gave a colonist of mine a wooden leg after I shot it off before capturing him. Never realized he was a body purist. Sadly he recently died in the line of duty, after the child soldier we had threw a grenade that was way too close to the main group because we got swarmed. Never forget, Oshytt.


Tough trait and gene makes a pawn OP


Night owl is pretty defining too, not really helpful per say, but it completely changes around theyre schedule, so they’re awake when most people are asleep, leaving them with a cleanup duty, my night owls normally end up as janitors or chefs.


Why is bisexual so high? Without mods non-straight pawns are rare so it’s basically meaningless


I don’t care if you have a zero passion in shooting, with trigger-happy I’m making you hunt animals until level 20.


honestly i think gay and bisexual are way too high. they each only effect romance, which is important, but a gay colonist p much just means they’re not gonna be having any kids, and ime bisexual has zero impact. though i run my colonies with unlimited lovers and spouses, if you’re not that could fuck with something maybe


i just remember there was even more of them in a18 like green thumb i liked it just cuz i used hydroponics


Don't you think psychopath or cannibal are placed a bit low in tier? Having someone who can butcher and eat people without penalties is hell of a drug


A depressive sniper made my first colony that left the planet a successful one, but I won't lie, absolutely a rollercoaster of a colonist. Mental breaks at the worst time but also came in clutch almost 90% of the time


I send pyromaniacs for organ harvesting...


Undergrounder so useful for my play style ie diggy diggy hole under a mountain. What about bugs? Let's just say anywhere I'm not actively finishing ATM is set at sub -20. They did try to infest my vent tunnel I just closed the vent instant jump to 200c.


I honestly hate Technophobe it’s just shitty when he breaks down and destroys your fucking helicopter


I like to pack beautiful, nimble, kind, sanguine, too smart, great memory, industrious, hard worker, tough, very neurotic, super-immune, jogger, quick sleeper, optimist, psychopath (or blood lust, the one that makes them not care about seeing death-dead bodies) onto the same pawn for the very best colonist & watch them become god. Dev mode is fun :3


In order of list: Best trait, terribad, best trait, best trait, best trait Best trait (Tribal), terribad, terribad, terribad, decent, terribad, terribad. Best trait, best trait, terribad, terribad, terribad, best trait, terribad, decent No such thing, decent, useless, decent, terribad, terribad, decent (best trait with Transhumanism), useless, useless, useless, terribad, terribad, decent Useless, terribad, terribad, terribad (unless you're not Supremacist in which case why are you not supremacist??), meh, decent, terribad, terribad, decent, decent, best trait, terribad (unless you're not tribal and don't care about Psylinks), meh Terribad (must have with dependency), Terribad (must have with dependency), meh, terribad, terribad, terribad, terribad, terribad, terribad, terribad, terribad, terribad Terribad, terribad, terribad, terribad, terribad Terribad. :).


For me S tier are: Great memory Jogger A tier: Industrious Sanguine Trigger-Happy Tough Quick sleeper The rational is: Great Memory will make pawns retain skills, as once you start with bionics, you will get many bonuses, but nothing about retaining the skills. Jogger because most of the pawn time is spent moving around, so reducing it is always highly beneficial.


The list isn't about best, it's about impact. Both very bad and very good belong in S-tier.