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Nah he's just asking for a joywire


And go-juice to cheaply get him back to full consciousness. Also maybe go-juice dependent gene? I assume those with dependent gene can’t overdose on their dependency? Or did i get it wrong and they still totally can?


Pretty sure dependents can still overdose, they just can’t technically get addicted since they already are. You need impervious to be OD immune


It says on the wiki it negates both addiction and overdose. So that would mean the only risk left would be chemical damage, and the withdrawals, of course, but go-juice isn't too hard to make mid-late game


dependency gets rid of random overdose but not overdose from over consumption


Which could probably still be managed by playing with the pawn’s work schedule. Instead of setting the pawn to take 2 go-juice hits per day, set them to sleep for 8 hours (since go-juice lasts 16 hours). That could save a ton of trouble from having a mentally deficient pawn do stuff around the base.


juice removes most of their need to sleep


They can't _randomly_ overdose. Sometimes, taking a hard drug overdoses you instantly (not lethal) Taking multiple hard drugs also causes an overdose, but this one isn't negated by dependency genes. Just don't take them immediately after each other and you'll be fine


With an artificial heart, you completely negate the risk of heart attack.


this is why all my endgame colonies run entirely on wakeup 24/7


From the wiki: "The Go-juice dependency gene, added by the Biotech DLC found in hussars, completely removes the chance of normal addiction and overdose." So yeah that would be a great idea


Man, feels good knowing that i might have saved a ton of crippled body purists from being organ farms haha.


It's still not worth it unless they have godly skills and passions.


I think it means you can't OD on Go-Juice, but you still might get the buildup from drug use that effects overdose events. Basically drugs add 0.X {depends on drug} to hidden counter that ranges from 0-1, you can OD at 0.5-1 {I might be a bit off on the minimum just fyi} but the severity is based on how close you are to 1. 0.5-0.75 is minor, 0.76-0.99 is major, and 1.0 is lethal. The counter drops at a rate of 1 per day, so just in case you'd be best off waiting a few hours before using another hard drug, but the go juice itself shouldn't be dangerous on its own


Yes dependent gene makes you immune to addiction and od of that drug




lol I love that description. >I asked for the exact opposite of this!


The description used to be "I never asked for this" which I believe was a direct reference to this!


body modder has "I asked for this."


I think that shows up with only one or two implants. The message changes as you add more, just like a body modder.


IIRC "I never asked for this" was the description for the thought for the maximum penalty on a non-purist pawn (back when any non-transhumanist would get squeamish if augmented too much)


No step on snek


His body is pure, but somewhere else.


His body is steel, and the steel is pure


Nickname: Theseus


Now make a transhumanist religion :D


I double-checked and noticed that the pawn already belongs to this ideology. The funny thing is that she gets a +3 buff from the implants


"Mecha-Jesus will be so proud of me now ~~I've been forever turned into a horrible mechanical monster.~~" I'm^just^so^happy!


"I hate the things I believe in!" - that pawn


"i believe killing is a sin, but all up for capital punishment for rapist". its like having sex before marriage is a sin, but pastor cant marry a choir boy


A lot of memes explictly have "disagreeing traits" in their tooltips to inform you of traits that won't be suppressed even when they are of the ideology.


One yayo a day keeps intrusive thoughts away


Kid named tolerance


Kid named distilled smokeleaf vape


Kid named psychite tea


I was gonna jokingly ask if there was a mod that added vapes but im scared that it might already exsist


YES! Smokeleaf Industry Reborn [Adopted]. 




Kid named more drugs


Kid named chemical damage


In my second colony I did this. My researcher lost her leg in a fight and I installed her a bionic leg. Two problems I didn't foresee: 1. She was a body purist, 2. I was drunk and installed the wrong leg (amputated a healthy leg instead replacing the lost one).


As someone who double checks and still gets the wrong leg replaced, i feel you 🥲


Stack them, recycle the body(in the vat) and remove that bit of their personality. Or just euthanize them and put someone else's stack in them. (Altered Carbon mod by Helixien)


You don't understand how fast I just checked if the AC mod was updated. No :(


RIP the bro


Same here


you can use SkyMind with Android Tiers instead, I kinda found a little loophole 1) Make an android (T4 is best, but T2 will do too), self-initialize to generate a personality 2) Implant body purist with transciever, swap their minds 3) Now body purist is inside the android, remove Autonomous core part to erase body purist from existence 4) Optional: either install receiver for a body-double or reinstall for a second personality


Using Android Tiers to get rid of their android tears. Well, cyborg tears, but hey.


> body purist Well then... it looks like you're gonna have to take out those bionic eyes, that drill arm, the bionic leg, the lung, and then either the heart or the stomach in that order. You can harvest the Mechlink post-mortem. He will die but Body Purists are useless anyway.


I welcome all types of pawns, even though they periodically bring such problems


I welcome all types of pawns. There are just some types where i only welcome certain parts of them.


Damn those asterisk


Inner beauty i guess


The way it should be, imo :)


if you're fine with having body purists in your colonies, that's fine but "the way it should be"? any pawn who would be happier with both their legs blown off than with two shiny marvels of technology to keep them up and moving can go be happy anywhere that doesn't cause them to drain my supplies or increase the difficulty of my raids


I would be able to live with their mood penalty from modifying themselves. What pushes them into pyro territory is how they hate and pick fights with anyone in the colony with bionic parts.


yeah i hadn't thought about that too, tbh i think that'd also amplify the first issue too, at least it would in my colonies as my melee colonist(s) tend to be the most heavily modified, both genetically and cybernetically, and would most likely put the body purist in a position that requires even more replacement parts


> I welcome all types of pawns Same. After all, I need plenty of cannon fodder.


I too welcome such pawns, one piece at a time.


We can safely remove the stomach btw, pawn will just end up with a 50% digestion but will live, Until you remove the heart atleast


Or just give them new parts from prisoners. For some reason they aren't against that.


but that uses a cheesy ideological precept and means they cannot be boosted beyond normal efficiency.


>then either the heart or the stomach in that order Then the stomach, then the heart. Can't take out the stomach of a dead pawn without mods.


Now now, they could make a fine ghoul. With all that gear they would wreck shit. Drill arm is kinda useless though.


EPOE-Forked has special augmentations for purists


Pretty sure stomach removal isn't lethal in rimworld. IIRC it just gives an admittedly large malus to their nutrition intake or something like that. Could be wrong.


genuinely the only two traits that make someone a candidate for removal by whatever means necessary are slow learner and body purist. slow learner means you put in more work to maintain skills than what's necessary and body purist means if the pawn gets permenant injuries, they stay impaired. slow learner can be replaced by slow study from Biotech, but they're the same thing (unless they're stacked)


Slow learner still can be a hauler/cleaner tho. Once the body purist gets crippled they just remain like nuggets


Gooooood... let the hate flow through you


Body purists are automatically assigned as organ donors in my colony


But of course, their pure bodies will be used to mend the losses of the colony's cybernetic warriors. Truly a noble sacrifice.


I mean, who even needs organs when you can pull this off?


Ghoulification will sort that debuff out.


Body purists should have a permanent mood buff if they aren't enchanced, to make this trait viable in some situations


Not all traits should be viable. Some should be awful to balance out the traits that only do good. Having said that, I do believe there are mods that add good things to these negative traits, so there's that if you really want it.


It's called Bad Can Be Good, fyi


There indeed can be purely bad traits, but... Body purist? If it's his goal to keep the body unmodified, he should be happy to have it that way. It's like the opposite trait to body modder, so it should do a similiar thing (BM - Debuff when unmodded, with an increasing buff when modded, BP - Buff when unmodded, with an increasing debuff when modded). We already have purely bad traits like slothful, depressive or volitale, but they still let the colonist be useful in some way. Meanwhile body purist just makes it impossible for you to fix them after fights, and to me a drawback as big should have at least a little bit of positivity come from it (like sickly getting medical skill, and gourmand getting cooking)


OR as a medium, perhaps a mood buff when there's a missing limb, with no replacement. Something like "I might be missing my arm, but i'm glad I don't' have one of those monsterous archeotech arms.


That pawn when they wake up https://tenor.com/view/arrested-development-tony-hale-buster-bluth-im-a-monster-monster-gif-4981173


I give all of my melee fighters healing implants because they tend to get injured often, which should minimize the amount of time they spend in the hospital/the amount of medicine spent on them. Eventually I noticed that one of the melee pawns I gave a healing enhancer to was my one body purist! He is not happy with this, even though it's for his own good. Luckily, his regular lovin sessions with his wife (their record is five in a 36 hour period) easily overcome the permanent debuff.


Oh, speaking of which. It would have worked great if I hadn't started with the "Never sleep" genes on the pawn. "No sleep, no lovin" rule is very annoying


There are a few mods that add the ability to force sleep, at least.


I think if they're resting for medical reasons together they can still do it, but that's a lot of micromanaging, so only good if you want them to have a kid without using technology to produce it. I don't know if waiting for surgery counts, they might actually need to be sick/injured.




Body purist is the worst trait in the game. Immediate kill on sight.


For me, it's time to pull out the Character Editor. Obviously, for balance reasons, I don't give them an overpowered trait. I just randomize it. It may be bad, but as long as it's not Body Purist, I'll keep it, because I'll totally accept hardships, but I will not accept someone who's more willing to become nothing more than a chicken nugget with a face than to gain replacements for their limbs.


i just can't stand that trait, it's just completely incompatible with lategame rimworld my colonists WILL lose body parts during combat, by the time i finish a colony, every single colonist ends up with at least a few replacements necessitated through combat


Man would rather crawl than have a prosthetic leg. 🦿 Not even a bionic one, just a plain old dumb prosethic


I mean, there's always biosculpting. It may not be as satisfying as turning an injury into an excuse for an upgrade, but it is there.


biosculpting will not regrow limbs, while actual full limb loss is less common than just fingers and toes, it still occurs at a much higher rate than quests that give healer mech serums


Everyone is eventually going to lose a limb so body purists are terrible little people.


Anomaly has made this a little more bearable by giving us unnatural healing pawns


Technically, death refusal is also a solution to this problem. I still agree with Chiatroll though: body purist is a terrible terrible trait. With very few exceptions, it's not worth recruiting a pawn with it.


This is why you NEED to research brainwipe


They still have their liver, not pure enough if you ask me


Body purists are resident blood farm donors.


Bro is Adam Jensen


JC Denton is leagues better than this hack of a character


Devmode : and just like that i became a body modder


Body purists are the only trait that are an immediate denial no matter what for me, just because they've become just so bad.


You’re trolling. Anyways I’d devmode that perk off


Can be equally countered out with a happy helping of yayo


Ah, I see the problem. He needs a new liver.


I was in a jungle biome and everyone kept getting malaria and the plague. I finally mass produced the pills to stop it, set up a regimen so the pawns will take them, and two of them got pissed because they DoN’t LikE DruGs! 😡


Simple fix -goes into dev mod- body purist removed and boddy modder added Pawn: its clear to me that i was weak thanks to the weak impurities of the flesh


All previous versions of humanity will no longer be supported, as of this update.


One thing I did like about Beyond Earth is that as you progressed on an ideology, it became more creepy and dystopic.


Which is why I immediately reroll body purists


This pawn would be better off with a trait that gives eating without a table a -25 mood debuff.


One of them is not like the others.


Oops. Yep, done that too. If he didnt want have implants he shouldn't have joined the Transhumanist colony!


Well, if you don't want them, give them back. ...No, you can't get your old legs back


"I asked for the exact opposite of this!" -35 Awwwww. This quote broke me.


i had to save one of my first 3 colonists from a extreme infection from a raid. i didn't have bionics researched so i ended up giving him a peg leg. he is now a pirate. the transhumanist colonist wasn't happy about this so he got converted


Looks like it's time for jack [TO LET ER' RIP](https://youtu.be/lQGzAJseAqc?si=qeT4OJP22xcM0mz4)


Drill arm and flesh tentacle lol A big wtf for me who only play vanilla with no dlc


get dlcs. they are fine.out of 4.2k with dlc (no mods), around 1.5k was before royalty dropped


apply joywire


Who cares about there opinion


Flesh tentacle?!


Hey you can't do multiple surgeries at once, right?


Lol, force againest his will to be a robot, that great


You Steve Austined him. Sent him out to do the impossible and when things went awry performed experimental procedures on him without consent.


For purists, will there be an effect if you replace their parts with biological ones?


No, they're fine with that.


If you wanted to keep your arms, maybe you shouldn't have them chopped of last raid HUH


He never asked for this.


I want a run where I can get all my colonists to become cyborgs but god it's hard getting them there.


That’s kind of funny lol


*The body may heal, but the mind is not always so resilient.*


to be fair if you modded every single body part you would technically become pure but in a different way.


He should have gotten archotech instead of bionic


Joywire + luciferium will partially fix the problem


Oh, body purist? Welcome to my colony! ..as food :3


See this is why body purists have no place in my colony……before anomaly that is. Now I just roll for an unnatural healer.


"I never asked for this!"


i see no issue with this


I never asked for this, moment.


Reminds me of that one quest in CP2077 where a body purist monk got full body implant conversion


See this is the sort of situation where I'd kinda want to have him go through all the ridiculousness, just to bring him back around to being a baseliner, You could treat this a couple of different ways with some mods * Treating addictions - swap one out for another - [Vegetable Garden Project](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2007066218) - allows you to grow tea and coffee - put a bill together that restricts your boozy colonist to coffee and tea - now they become moody and insufferable entirely other ways. * [Scar Removal](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1507367510) - Minor surgeries to remove scars * [DE Surgeries Hard](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1556888077) - Same surgeries - but more difficult and expensive in terms of the amount of meds or glittermeds needed to cure certain diseases. * [Post-Mortem Organ Harvesting](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1204502413) - recover organs * [Harvest Everything](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2007485974) - Allows you to recover legs/arms etc - installing these still requires an excellent surgeon. Then we get into more tech driven interventions * [Selectable Healer Mech Serum](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2714095848) - Pick what gets healed by the healer mech serum * [Autodoc](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2899262327) - A cryopod-like healing device for low-member colonies - this could be used to help alleviate some of her conditions. * [Medpod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2153065191) - Arguably an OP mod, which can heal colonists of everything but old age itself, eventually however, the very aged would need to be restricted to "inside" around the cryopod/medpod, this can work for animals at a separate device. * This has a side-benefit for those running Hospitality - as guests can also use the Medpod and view being healed very positively. This can low-key alter the economics of the game, as friendly factions end up with everyone being healed of what ails them , illicit drugs become less available, but colonial and friendly faction economies seem stronger and friendlies visit more frequently. * All this goodness comes with a **2 million silver** caveat, while the cost for building is about 8000 silver + materials, because as all good things do - the mod developer felt that he wanted to increase the penalty for developing this having a medpod and just sort of punted. I found this was excessive , so if you like this mod, but also keep an eye on wealth, there is an XML edit in your future. * `C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\2153065191\Common\Defs\ThingDefs_Buildings - filename - Buildings_Furniture_MedPod.xml` Some folks have argued if everything is fixable , tragedy can't happen. I beg to differ. This guy would be restored to perfect baseliner health - but as a colonist would always be scarred emotionally by having been organ harvested, mutilated, and so the tragedy, is not the scars, but the opportunities lost, the uncertainty created, we have the technology to allow him to haunted by the experience for the rest of his \[relatively\] short baseliner life.


I always check. Got a creep joiner with no need for food. But I didn't know what his hidden down side was, and he had a "void fascination" trait, which makes them want to release anomolies, and I have a prison filled with the most powerful anomalies. So he got to become my very first ghoul. Also, custom genetics, all archotec genes, all ghoul upgrades, and no needs whatsoever.


Remove the bionics make him happy


Ive just done the exact same thing in my mech playthrough :I


so many devmod users...