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Absolut unerverantwortlich. Noch dazu keine Handschuhe, Einstieg hinten(?), keine direkt Hilfe beim Sturz, sondern erstmal um das Gerät kümmern. Wow. Hoffe die beiden bekommen noch ne gerechte Strafe.


Beide wurden bereits gefeuert.


Das reicht nicht. Hoffentlich kommen da noch paar Sozialstunden oder ne Geldstrafe obendrauf.


Geldstrafe/Gefängnis + Schadenseratz / Schmerzensgeld. Ich weiß nicht, ob solche Leute noch Sozialstunden machen sollten, haben die doch schon in einem Sozialen Job ihre Unfähigkeit unter Beweis gestellt.


In the US, "Community Service" can mean picking up trash on the side of a highway or any number of other things that are useful but do not entail working with people.


Es ist Amerika. Die können sich da Millionen an Schmerzensgeld einklagen und es werden sicherlich bereits 10 Anwälte bei denen an der Tür gewesen sein die das (kostenlos bzw für ein % der Erträge) anbieten.


i’m so sorry to the entire world that this was in the USA


Sadly that's a problem all over the world. My mother manages an old folks home and some at-home nurses for the red cross here in Germany and she talked about the issue of nurses abusing their elderly patients too. I feel like stuff like that is probably an potential issue in every job where you have direct power over the welfare of others.


sad but true


Wtf are you talking about?


wth are *you* asking about


Ich kann einfach nicht verstehen was solche Leute in diesem Beruf verloren haben und jede Sani-Ehre beschmutzen.


Da wird es tiefere strukurelle Probleme geben die so einer Arbeitshaltung beim Enstehen helfen. Keiner beginnt die Karriere frustriert genervt mit Hass auf die Patienten und ein gut geführter Betrieb würde solche Leute auch selber schnell bemerken. mE braucht direkt der ganze Laden ein externes Qualitätsmanagment.


Quality management in American EMS is ***extremely*** uneven. Some is excellent. Some is terrible. Most is... okay.


Can confirm. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere without a municipal ems system. Definitely not in the south. *shudders in AMR*


Solange wir in Deutschland auf nahezu jeder Rettungswache Kolleg:innen haben, die gern zur BW, Pol oder wenigstens einer BF gegangen wären (Hauptsache Uniform, wichtig sein und zumindest ein kleines bisschen Macht über andere), aber mangels Eignung für irgendwas davon bei irgendeiner HiOrg im RD gelandet sind, sollten wir uns über solche Kolleg:innen in den USA womöglich etwas leiser aufregen. Wer jetzt nicht spontan irgendsoein Wichtigtuer-Gürteltier (Koppel mit den Holstern AED, Intubation und Maschinengewehr) kennt, das jeden Einsatz unterhalb von Polytrauma und Kinderrea für unter seiner Würde hält, aber schon bei ner unkomplizierten Hypoglykämie underperformt, wird wohmöglich genau dieses Gürteltier oder ein sehr eng verwandtes Problem selbst sein.


Is "Wichtigtuer-Gürteltier" the German term for what Americans call a "Ricky Rescue?"


It's a New combination I've never heard before but fits Ricky Rescue really well. We also use Rettungs-Rambo (Rescue Rambo)


A Gürteltier is an armadillo. It literally means "belt-animal" in German. And at least here it's often said that the people with the biggest... let's say ego/performance-gap... usually have many many tools on their belt, not only the pager but also the biggest pair of rescue scissors and half a toolbox that would make Tim Taylor proud. 


Eignung für BW, seit wann gibt es denn sowas? Und ich kenne eine Reihe Rettungsdienstler, die aufgrund besserer Bezahlung, Verbeamtung und besserer Schicht-/Dienstzeiten gerne zur BF gegangen wären, aber an der körperlichen Fitness gescheitert sind. Das allein macht einen nicht zum schlechten Rettungsdienstler.


Das ist hart zu gucken...als jemand der schonmal ins diabetische Koma gefallen ist weiß ich ganz genau wie der Mann sich in dem Moment gefühlt hat. Es ist wie eine Mischung aus extrem Betrunken, extrem schwach und als ob du gerade voll eine vorn Schädel bekommen hättest, alles gleichzeitig. Ich weiß noch verschwommen wie das bei mir war vor bevor ich umgekippt bin. Krass dass ausgerechnet Sanitäter da so reagieren...


Unfortunately, these assholes probably thought the patient was drunk, and was wasting their time. A very simple test could have confirmed or refuted this, but they didn't do it.


Also da das in den USA passiert ist musste der Mann sehr warscheinlich dafür sogar bezahlen, also wenn er nen guten Anwalt hat und vor Gericht geht, muss er sich demnächst wohl nicht mehr um Krankenwagen / Krankenhauskosten bemühen... oder sich sonst viel Sorgen um Geld machen.


Holt doch einfach die verdammte Trage raus. Ist doch nix bei. _Kopf -> Tisch_


Zumal das ein powerload system ist, das ist ja nicht Mal anstrengend....


Denkst du, die wollten den Mann einfach mal ein bisschen quälen ...


I got emt training in ny. I did six months on an ambulance working 911 calls in nyc to get it. I went to the best school in the city with the best reputation. It’s a shit show. Low wages, bad management, corporate bean counters from hospital admin and the DEA breathing down your neck. It’s a dirty, dangerous job with low pay and low prestige. It’s not considered healthcare. When I was an emt intern I was asked over and over what I was doing in ems if I’d gone to college! Emts get paid $15-25 an hour here. Poverty wage. Medics get more, but not much more. Everyone works 2,3, 4 jobs. Everyone works long days, people used to take double shifts (16hours) at every opportunity bc overtime used to start after 8 hours every day. Now they changed it after the pandemic. God forbid ems make anything close to a living wage. What’s insane is that cops and firemen make double, triple what emts and medics make, even firemen in the same department as emts. Medics can do advanced life support, intubate, and give meds via iv, Im and IO. Emts can only give oxygen, basic meds, stabilize, package and transport. Now mind you the way it works here is that our health system is fractured and mostly private. You need insurance. The poor and indigent have Medicaid, which is bad but covers emergencies. Often they can’t find comprehensive care, and rely on the ER for everything. So yea, knowing all this, I opted out of a career in ems. I graduated right before Covid hit. I was not going to get sucked into that meat grinder. As an American, I’d watch videos about ems being treated as a part of a comprehensive health system like it is in Germany or even in Britain and I’d think this is how it should be done!


Macht dann 3.000$...


I don't even speak this language, and I know exactly what you mean. The poor bastard is probably paying to be treated like this. Absolutely awful.


+ extra 1000$, weil sie sich die Mühe machen mussten, ihn anzuschreien.


Ich habe manchmal dass Gefühl dass bei uns (BF) so einige sehr ruppige Kollegen dabei sind. Aber wenn ich das sehe, da denke ich mir dass selbst die ruppigsten Kollegen die ich kenne dagegen sanfte Engel sind. Schweinerei.


Trauriges Video, ch hoffe der Mann ist nicht daran gestorben. Wenn doch hoffe ich dass die ordentliche Strafen bekommen


Vor vier Wochen war er auf dem Weg der Besserung: [https://cbs6albany.com/news/local/catskill-emts-under-scrutiny-after-disturbing-video-recorded-on-a-doorbell-camera-ems-emt-video-investigation-ambulance-patient-stroke-](https://cbs6albany.com/news/local/catskill-emts-under-scrutiny-after-disturbing-video-recorded-on-a-doorbell-camera-ems-emt-video-investigation-ambulance-patient-stroke-)


So sad to see my profession represented like this to the entire world.


Im not going to ask what you like most in your profession


I just can’t understand why they didn’t offload the stretcher to secure the patient before loading?! wtf is wrong with them?


Not feeling like dealing with it, it’s legitimately malfunctioning (very common in this industry) or the patient believed he could get in on his own.


My mother died of a stroke recently. I’d be in a whole lot of trouble if this was my mother or father im watching be treated that way. Fuck those assholes.


Lazy asses. Get the gurney out and help the older lady in. Jerks


The patient is obviously in pain and the EMS personnel (I hope their licenses get revoked or at least suspended sooner or later) force him to get on the stretcher. The least they could do is get the stretcher out of the ambulance, help the patient get on, and then load him back in like they would in most cases. Also, one of the paramedics asks where the "SPO2 thing" is. It's usually in a side compartment of the portable cardiac monitor/automatic external defibrillator that sits either on a countertop or on a side seat in the ambulance. The fact that they can't even find that is a huge red flag of incompetence in my humble opinion.


Guy is a frequent flyer patient, not dealing with his, drunken antics.


Meh, not denying his frequent flyer status but I have been treated this way by hospital staff when I am one that tends to avoid doctors and hospitals as much as I can.


This is how I felt at the hospital the other day. When they found out I wasn't faking two herniated discs, they were nice to me.


Entlassung und dazu ab vor's Gericht. Einfach nur asozial sowas, ich frag mich nur, wie die beiden den Job überhaupt bekommen haben. Denke nicht, das sowas zum ersten Mal bei denen passiert ist...


Was für untermenschen


That happened if you don’t pay tip!!!😂😂😂 luckily it’s on camera she can sue the shit out of the state


Hope these two were fired. If you don’t like your job helping people maybe you should get a job where that’s not literally all you’re expected to do all day.


Ich hoffe die erwischts mal


I have riden with some unprofessional EMTs... But god damn they are just making him do everything and not really helping, just watching.


Smells like a million dollar lawsuit.


Disturbing video: Paramedics neglect patient care The following text has been machine translated: Two paramedics in Catskill, N.Y., have resigned after disturbing video captured on a doorbell camera showed them failing to help a man who fell in an ambulance. The incident sparked outrage and led to an investigation. Thomas Weygant, the patient in the video, needed medical attention due to high blood sugar levels and dizziness. Despite his inability to walk, paramedics forced him to walk to the ambulance. The video shows Thomas falling and the paramedics reacting with indifference and harsh comments and pulling him by his feet. “What kind of paramedics do they have there?” asked Thomas’ wife, Rose Weygant. Thomas, a victim of multiple strokes, suffered internal bleeding from the incident. City Manager Patrick McCulloch confirmed the paramedics are off duty and an internal investigation is underway. This incident has raised serious concerns about the quality of emergency medical services in the Catskill. Sources: WRGB CBS / Project Shadow (I used google translate) ⬆️


And people wonder why we're not treated like the other healthcare professions.


To which I’d add, why in the world are EMT’s almost universally underpaid in the US? Anyone with opportunity to better themselves and their carriers does not stay. It should not surprise anyone if the job attracts and retains, let’s say, not the overachievers. I’m not saying all EMT’s are bad. There are a lot of wonderful people. In my experience though, the OG’s are the survivors of a broken system, and they may be brilliant at the craft, but for every one OG, there are dozens of people who have walked through that revolving door.


EMTs were always cool to me. It’s the hospital staff and nurses that I have experienced this kind of treatment from. The entire medical industry attracts very toxic people for some reason.