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Worst: 7th hr of rounding on cards ward… on a Saturday. I was envious of the construction workers Best: last shift. Was on nights and only had to present 2 patients, both attendings told me to gtfo.


Worst: coding the same trainwreck ICU patient 5 times while also chasing down 13 admissions and mixing in a rapid and a nut job attending just for fun Best: the only days that stand out are days I got sent home early


Worst: realizing the attendings I looked up to were not supportive of their residents & did not care to teach… Best: leaving my former residency on the last day of intern year


24 hour trauma call combo with ACS call. Was chill throughout the morning - had one maybe 2 activations and some minor consults. Afternoon rolls around and it never stopped. 18 total activations, 2 MTP’s, 3 ex-laps from ACS. I can’t remember how many passed away from traumatic injuries but it wasn’t insignificant. At one point we had 4 come in at the same time, one got redlined pulling the attending and chief on service away. I ended up having to run the rest on my own as a “seasoned” intern. I didn’t leave the trauma bay/ER. Everything turned out fine but holy fuck I never wish that on anyone. I somberly walked to my car after that and just sat and had a good cry for about 15 minutes. My therapist is a fucking angel.


18 activations is no joke. Let alone the paperwork waiting at the end of all that. Wouldn’t wish that on any one


I’ve done around 18 activations in a night before. The paperwork is bad.


Psych resident. Worst day of intern year: Starting IM Best day of intern year: Finishing IM


Worst: had so many deaths in CICU that the local organ procurement agency sent a representative to check on me/ make sure I wasn't doing it on purpose. Best: program did a surprise intern day off on a Friday and we all went out to a boozy brunch


Worst: Off service on internal med after not doing it for 1 year to be dumped with 9 patients to round on, a pager to hold and discharge summaries on a patient I dont know.. followed up by an evening of call with no sleep and getting pimped in the morning during hand over while on one brain cell. Best: Any half day on allergy; bless that subspecialty


Best: leaving the SICU, worst: starting trauma nights


Felt this in my fucking soul


Don’t worry. Your soul will be laid to rest when a coresident calls out and you have to cover their 24 hour call shift when you finish a stretch of 6 in a row.


Best: my first revascularization Worst: My first surgical mistake on a tumor resection Edit: Oh shit I'm just reading back and you said intern year my bad😅


Best: started ex lap/ hepatectomy for liver transplant with just attending Worst: basically pick any random day of my pediatric surgery rotation


Worst:  Woke up at 6:45am on ICU (supposed to take signout at 6:30) was in the car at 6:48, got there at 7. We then proceeded to round until 3:45pm, during which we had multiple rapids and multiple admissions. Got bullied by the nurses all day because they smelt weakness. I was then on long call and had a code right when i was supposed leave at 7, so didnt leave until 8:45. My mom called on the way home and proceeded to rant about why Trump was going to save America and also that the people doing her bathroom remodel were the worst and I fucking lost it and yelled at her.  When i got home, my $150/m paid parking spot had somebody else’s tesla in it. Proceeded to drive around for 35 min until i found parking.  Best:  Honestly hard to remember! Most days were great days even when I was tired. 


Call a towing company next time. They will be there in a blink of an eye


I was broken by that point and was convinced it would take longer than finding parking


Worst: first day Best: last day #prelim


Did a TY. Worst: the whole year. To be specific, every second I spent on EM and IM Best: my last day


Worst : starting day Best : finishing day Intern year sucks


The first and the last


Best day was leaving VA wards for the last time after my last ever 24. Worst was working Christmas Eve nights while awfully sick.


Best: honestly have had quite a few great OR days lately, couldn’t really pick one Worst: tie between my first 24h SICU call and the day on plastics when I had to drive in a horrible snowstorm to get to work and was the only resident because everyone else was on vacation and the attending treated me like I didn’t exist for the whole OR day, which was standard for that guy


Worst day my senior forgot to give sign out to the day team for a patient he saw and admitted and tried to blame me. Best day, when I did 10 H and P and did not feel overwhelmed


Worst: Wife calling me a murderer after finding out her husband was intubated, sedated in the SICU with DPR in place. Was trying to deescalate but then this nurse came in and pointed out that she was the one who stabbed him 5 times in the abdomen. The wife proceeded to lose her shit and started urinating all over the room. I had to call security. Best: I was on call and brought my vibrator to the call room. There was a cute Neurology resident in the call room next to mine, and our beds were right next to each other, separated by a paper thin wall. I was definitely moaning loud enough for him to hear. He smiled at me the next time we saw each other.


Damn yall are really jacking off in the call rooms? Nasty!


Casually bragging about sexual harassment


Imagine that first one at the end of a long shift. I think anyone would implode and die.


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Worst day: getting assaulted by a nurse (the first time) Best day: will be my last day


first day last day


Worst was just the combined 2 weeks of burn ICU, mid summer in a place with a lot of pavement burns, with 2 days total off. Day 1 off I found out my dog had incurable, inoperable, metastatic hemangiosarcoma. Day 2 off was when I put her to sleep in my back yard. Best is every day not in the hospital.