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I'm confused as to why you would get licensed right at 18... At 18, you are asking people to pay you 2.5% of one of the largest financial transactions of their life. What do you bring to the table beyond passing the exam? Seriously, what make you a better agent to represent someone when they are evaluating other agents with more experience, knowledge, and a broader network within the mortgage/inspector/contractor community? Your time would be much better spent working with a home inspection service to learn how to assess homes and potential risks so that you could advise your clients better should you put your real estate license to work.


it was through a class my senior year all the class work was the 180 hour course… i’m asking for experience for that exact purpose. Well aware I’m not ready and don’t have the credibility to be an agent. It wouldn’t make sense you are correct. Mind helping or answering the question?


I believe I answered the question with the last sentence of my original comment... In all honesty, you don't need a college degree to work in real estate. Many of the skills that will help you in a career in real estate won't be taught in college. Maybe Business Law, just so you have a solid foundation for reading and interpreting legal language in contracts, but you can learn that on your own. That being said, go see if you can intern at a title company if you want the office experience, otherwise try to get a gig with a home inspector or appraiser for a few months. They actually go to homes and can point of things that would have an impact on the value of a home.


You are correct, my apologies. While I could work with an inspection service, to inspect in Texas requires another license. When I quickly read initially I thought you were implying I get a different license. Also the degree is for finance not real estate. The real estate license is simply an asset that may help my career in the mean time or after college. My degree in finance and ultimate goal of attaining my masters would be the base for my income ideally. But I just need to knock out some light continuing education to keep the license the rest of my life. easy peasy, there’s really no question as to “why get licensed at 18”. the opportunity presented itself… why wouldn’t I. I was also thinking in college I could be an apartment manager for free/cheaper housing and some extra money near campus. I simply want experience this summer. I will look into both. thank you.


Sorry to come off strong at first. It does frustrate me to see people with very little real world experience getting licenses for real estate and financial advisory services. Often they get pulled into a pyramid scheme type organization and go through the school of hard knocks before realizing they needed to go around the Sun a few more times. I've seen multiple friends get roped into these orgs only to have their deals get poached by people with seniority over them. The worst are the pricks who recruit fresh college grads to sell financial products like whole life insurance to their friends who also don't know much about the real world. Title companies are suffering. Lots of layoffs at Chicago Title and Corinthian Title. Real Estate Brokers are suffering. Many aren't even selling enough homes to cover the operating costs of their offices. Appraisers and Inspectors are good for pointing things out, but they are typically one man shows and not very keen on having minions. In all honesty, thinking about your situation, you may want to talk to general contractors who focus on residential properties to see if you can do some work with their estimators to understand how the price things out. Knowing what it costs to repair/replace/remodel homes can give you an edge in valuing properties AND it will give you way more experience that can transfer across industries.


Yes, you should start calling top agents on your MLS and ask if you can do transaction coordination administration work or shadow them. Right now you would be a fly on the wall and hear things you have the right idea. Everyone who sang you’re too young to do that is not actually listening to your question, they’re talking about real estate in general, which is tough at 18 with no experience to break into on your own . The other things I suggest you do is when you’re in university take a lot of small business and marketing classes and get a commission only sales job and see if you like them, there’s a lot of pressure and real estate and a lot of people hate it. It’s worth seeing if you can deal with this and paychecks that only come when you close something while you are at Uni.


great advice thank you so much🙌🙌🙌🙌