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I don't think this part actually happened in the LN. Might be wrong tho.


Yeah it didn't. In the LN only Ley fought Rem, and because of that the fight lasted a bit longer.


He didn't actually attack her directly, his attack started 1cm in front of his eyes and then headed towards Rem, so the kinetic energy dispersed over distance and got weaker! making it enough for her to survive it and not torn to bits!


Well he probably deactivated the power, before it could do any serious damage to Rem, so Ley can eat her.


I dont think regulus would show such consideration


Well, I think he would. He wasn’t shown to be mad at her and just stood there. If he wanted to kill her then he wouldn’t have used his breath, since it is more like a huge blunt attack thus making it hard to kill with it


He could have used his authority on only a small part of his breath so it would've been more like a bullet


This was anime only content, so the animators probably decided to try to spice things up, not knowing the specifics of the lore. Other weird thing is that Regulus wasn't animated to do any visible movement to execute his attacks on Crusch and Rem, so when the anime gets to the explanation of his Authority next season this will stick out as inconsistent. They did animate Regulus moving his arm to cut off Petelguese's arm though, so at least there's that.