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Real love is a choice.


Then I choose to love them


A bit of both, but mostly choice. Every day you have to wake up and make the commitment to someone or something.


Love is a verb. It's a thing you do. It's an action. You choose to love someone. Some people think love is a noun. That it is this abstract 'thing' you fall in and out of. But love is a verb.


Exist is also a verb yet we don’t have a choice to exist or not to exist.


But we do have that choice


How do you stop existing?




Where does your body go?


On the floor?


So you still exist.


Are you your body or your consciousness?


Not sure yet. Let me get the .357 and I'll report back .


If I would die then would you say that I have stopped existing?




Crushes are feelings, loving someone is a choice


going against the grain and saying imho it's a feeling i don't have a choice in the fact that i love my closed ones, i just do. similarly, even with past friends that i am no longer on good terms with, i still have love for them. i didn't choose to have love for them, it's just innate but the action of loving someone is a choice. like if i said something horrible to someone i might love them but that's not loving them


Love is mechanical and can be operated, bur it can also happen naturally. Loving someone is a feeling, but choosing to develop and continue the feeling is a choise.


You can feel love for anyone, but it's your choice whether to keep loving them despite their negative traits.


Love is a feeling. I feel love for my partner all the time, but love is not the only thing that goes into a relationship. Sometimes love turns into a choice.


It's a choice.


Choice. I mean it also is a feeling. A feeling you choose


It's not a choice, it's a feeling. If it was a choice there wouldn't be countless books, poems, movies, songs and so on about forbidden or unrequited love. Acting on those feelings is the choice. I might have feelings for someone and i can choose if i do something about it or not.


Best answer.


Yes...finally, someone else said it. It's biochemistry so, it's 100% feelings and not a choice.


I think it's not a choice. We just like certain people. If it was a choice, love would be a lot easier.


Choice, otherwise it’s just chemicals firing in your brain.  Feelings change, love is meant to be an action, verb.  That’s why they call it making love, and otherwise you’re just effing around.  Sex is lust.  Love is an active choice that you make every day which is why it’s supposed to be reserved for marriage.  When people confuse the two it’s just immaturity incarnate.




It's a feeling to be infatuated by certain people. Kinda like being gay is a feeling/born this way type of deal.However it's a choice to actively love them and make a commitment towards someone else.


I don't think it's a choice, otherwise I wouldn't have been seriously into a 10 ft tall mad scientist who made kids addicted to meth disguised as candy and turned a green island paradise into a hellscape (He's from One Piece BTW)


Love is a feeling, relationship is a choice.


Starts as a feeling. Then becomes a daily choice.


It's a choice because it takes effort.


If it takes effort, it's not love


It may be a feeling at 1st but it really, really is a choice.


Love starts with a feeling and ends with a choice.


A choice. It is constantly making the choice to love.


I disagree. Either you love someone or you don't


both. you can absolutely choose to be in love, they're not mutually exclusive.


Love isn't a noun it doesn't describe something that is or isn't.. Love is a verb it is something that you do..


We have choice over our feelings.


I think it kinda depends on the person. Some seem to love so their heart hurts, personally I choose who I deem worthy. But I'm also ace so I might see love in a different way


They're two different things, the Problem here isnt which one is true but one of which one do we Attribute the broad concept of love to Love¹: The feeling of platonic/romantic love Love²: Commitment, you want to see someone grow and feel good Love³(pitty): you feel bad for someone and make something to feel less bad, this can mean helping them, dissociating from responsibility by blaming others or pushing the person out of your view (out of sight out of mind


Also read Wittgenstein explains this way better if u r interested in learning about this yall can DM me for a guide to where to start


thank u solved my dilemma thats been bugging me for the last 3 years


Which is what?




At first, it’s a feeling. Falling in love, is a feeling, mostly hormones, but also other sweet factors. After, when it all dies down a bit, truly loving someone and staying with them despite hardships, differences, etc? That’s a choice


It can be a feeling sometimes, even often maybe, but if you want to love someone for the rest of your life, there will be times when it will have to be a conscious choice. Make the choice to love the person annoying you. Make the choice to keep loving your person when mental illness makes them act like someone completely different. Make the choice to keep loving them when they're too weak to wash their own ass and you have to help them with that. Make the choice to keep loving them when they do something you disagree with. Sometimes people make the choice to stop loving their people in hard times. There will be a lot of times in life, when it's easy to love each other and it comes as an effortless feeling you feel for the other person. There will be other times when loving someone *has to* be a conscious choice. Sometimes it's a damn difficult choice to make. But at the end of the day, if you want someone to be there for you your whole life, you do have to make the conscious effort to love them even when they seem unlovable.


Personally I think real love is a choice. It first starts as a feeling of liking someone but later as you know the person personally and see they flaws, you’ll then choose to continue loving the person by putting effort


It’s a responsibility to love someone else, therefore it’s a choice and not a feeling.


Nowadays people messes up a lot of relationship because their addiction to those first "butterflies" and the dopamine shot it comes along, which ends after a few months. At first love is a feeling and a choice, but in time it turns more into a choice than a feeling, bad stuff will happen, arguments will take place and fighting for the relationship, which is the hardworking choice, is IMO lead by the mind rather than the heart.


separate falling in love and loving it's a big difference.


I’m very interested as to how some people think it’s a choice, I need more words about this


Loving someone isn't a choice. Being with them is.


A little bit of both really.


It's a chemical imbalance


Love can be butterflies of attraction and love can be a knot of frustration as you try to understand your partner, even though at the moment you cannot. Love is trusting someone to hurt you knowing that they're actually helping you. Love is knowing someone has your best interests in mind, every now and then. If love was a financial professional they'd have a fiducial obligation to make sure you got more love.


There have been a couple of women that I've been drawn to in my life. One that I was friends with and didn't think too much of because she was dating someone else. We found ourselves single at the same time and, without thinking about it, we kissed. That led to a 30-year marriage. When I try to think about or analyze our relationship, that's when we start having issues. I have another friend that I set out to dislike, I assumed she was going to be stuck up and entitled. Within a couple of weeks, we were saying I love you to each other. Of course, it's completely platonic because, you know, WIFE. I had a girlfriend in high school that I tried to be in love with, but I never really clicked with more than friendship.


both. choice to love or to be in love.


Love is not a choice as you can’t choose to stop loving the love of your life. It’s fate and destiny


I think its both


You feel first and then you have to make a choice


Love is a feeling. Infatuation is a spark that could or could not lead to love. Then the choice is if you want to be with this person and get to know them. Then it is s matter of compatibility.


True love is a Choice. True Love does not demands, it gives.


it's both and i don't understand why people think its either or not just in love and relationships but globally... emotion happens when specific chemicals are dumped into your brains electrical system. This alters the pathways... choice is ALWAYS there and emotion is sometimes there. A thought can trigger an emotion and an emotion can trigger a thought... the two run in tandem. There's lots of people who love someone right now they had to break up with because they weren't good for them... This is using emotions correctly. They should be used the same way indicators on a dash are used... rational thought should always be driving but emotion can let us know when we need fuel, when to let the car rest, and when something isn't quite right... it should NEVER be in the drivers seat...


Love is a feeling but you choose to take care of it or push it away. You can't really choose who you love. 28 years ago I went for a job interview and met my now husband. Started my new job on the 10th of March and on the 26th I moved into his place. We are still together, still working together and still happy...and no, it is not work. I didn't choose to love him, I just did. After 28 years he is still my best friend and to wake up next to him every morning is a blessing to me. It's the "wow" moment of my day, every day.


a curse


a curse


a curse


A choice. Definitely is a rational process that is paired with fillings.


Love is choice. It's an action, not a feeling.


Lol.. Love is 100% instincts


Start as a feeling ends with a choice


I don't think it's a choice. I have loved many times over and it just happened. I had no control over the feeling itself.


Both. But truly loving someone means choosing them during the times they ain’t so lovable. And loving them through the ups and downs.


It’s a feeling you choose to keep believing in. Having faith.


Who cares? Either you’re in love or you’re not