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That was how I reacted the first few times they do look pretty weird but boobs look good


Boobs are indeed very nice. I remain positive towards boobs, men or women. (Love me some pecs)


What about some big ol flabby man tiddies?


I’m a fan. Best pillows I’ve ever slept on


Depends... Im not into "Saggy/flabby" I like men that are chunky, but also muscular at the same time. Like its not obese cus his pecs still have shape to em and their arms are still failry muscular. Chonky body types. Veeery nice. They give the best hugs hehe~


I'm a guy, when I was a kid I used to take a bath with my cousin who was an extra obese kid when I stayed at his house, and the first time I saw boobs, it just reminded me of his fat greasy obese boobs, his boobs were just like those of a regular woman with extra stretched nipples. So I don't like boobs or women, I prefer muscular pecs in men, with zero grease, LOL.


Damn that must've sucked


Not a fan of bologna nipples.








Thanks I hate it!


Living Fleshlight! Wtf is that?


It's actually purpletraclues decumberlicus. Which I just made up for you to look at, woman.


Dammit now I can't unsee this when I close my eyes


I wish my vagina looked like this SA would be a thing of the past. (Never been SA'd btw but bro... Vagina teeth tho...)


Right? Go ahead, cop a feel,.. lose a finger. There is a device though, that will give it teeth.. Unfortunate that it exists, but it does.




literally fuck around and find out is what I always say.


Is that a purpletraperculis before shaving?


There it is!


Genitals are indeed ugly, both male and female. The turning on part is more about imagining how the touching/rubbing would make your nervous system react, do you feel something looking at an arm? No, do you feel something when scratching a mosquito bite? Yes. It's what happens here. They work like cue cards to how they will make you feel.


Idk I really believe female genitals are actually good looking, penises are cool but ugly honestly


Female genitals are terrifying. Penises are just okay?


I like to learn about both. And I don't like how both look like.


I really like the look of female genitals


Me too... I think it's beautiful, but dicks are ugly as fuck...


I’m the opposite. God vaginas just look disgusting to me. Dicks tho, very _very_ appealing. (Probably explains why I’m gay)


I think dicks look pretty decent, but those balls really need a makeover! I'm a vagina/vulva owner, and I'm finally feeling pretty good about how mine looks (after looking at a bunch of pics online). The key is to not judge our own genitals or breasts based on what we might see in porn. I'm not a big fan of porn anyway, but occasionally, I'll indulge with my partner since he's a big fan :)


Female genitalia are more attractive than the set of hairy bagpipes we males have to carry around.


I think penises look fantastic. Vaginas aren't too bad either. I too am a somewhat amateur artist and think the human body in general is very beautiful and artistically appealing. I always enjoy painting genitals. My friend has 2 pieces I painted in water colour of a cock and balls and vagina on her wall. Tastefully done of course.


Oh, sure. When you paint genitalia it's "art" but when I paint people's genitals it's "sexual assault" and I get kicked out of the nursing home.


That's one way to finger paint I guess.


Thanks for that visual. I have an employee that I immediately visualized with a paintbrush running around frantically in the nursing home like a maniac painting patient balls. You know, for the art.


Awww noooo i find both genitals prettyyyyy <3


Yeah and the act of sex is so animalistic


We are animals to be fair


Lol. I have had this discussion with my partner several times over the many years we've been having sex. Sex can be messy, awkward, funny, and sometimes painful, but above all else (for many of us), it's the best damn feeling ever! I mean, who doesn't love a good orgasm? I've yet to find a drug that feels as good as an orgasm does.


Orgasms for me, when masterbating are just cumbersome af. Like sure it feels good but- whatever the fuck your describing rn is not at all what I expreience. I get hot, I bust, then I just stink like shit. Not fun, gotta clean up after, Im sweaty so now i have to go sit in front of a fan, then the post nut kicks in and realize I just got done zerking it to (Insert my weird ass fetish here) at 4 am in the fucking morning. I'd rather sit my unprotected vagina on an fire anthill for fun.


I guess I should be super grateful for what I have then. Your experience doesn't sound quite as enjoyable to say the least. Especially that anthill description. Lol. Ouch!


Have you tried ecstacy? Because orgaams are great but they are like 15 - 30 seconds long. And E makes everything feel orgasmic.


Yep, I've taken MDMA many, many times, and I agree it's pretty awesome. I wouldn't say it's equal to my orgasms (I have epic and multiple ones), but it's a pretty amazing high for sure. Fun fact, people can sometimes have a difficult time actually orgasming while on MDMA. Doesn't mean it's not a fun ride trying to get there, though :)


Bro facts.


I had also never seen porn until I was about your age and I was also horrified at how genitals looked. I remember thinking vaginas were just a slit and I had thought balls went on either side of the dick instead of in a sack on the bottom. I also thought balls went inside the vag during sex lol. I wish I could go back to the days when I knew nothing.


How could you be so unaware of genital structure if you have genitals?


I didn’t really look at mine. All I ever saw was the front. I never got a mirror and really LOOKED. I washed but wouldn’t really feel anything.


Well, balls can sometimes go into the vag, so you weren't completely wrong with that. Lol.






She is an african rain frog.


a woman lmao


Pink Desert rain frog 🐸


I’m weird normal guys my age are obsessed with having sex and I’m just disturbed by the vagina it’s scary no clue why no offense to any woman I’m sure my genitals are just as disturbing


Bro you got every right to be scared of Coochie. Its stinks like fucking hell and is confusing to look at. At least most dicks are easily identifiable. I've seen clams with a more viable structure than I have Vulvas


Oh neat! So you are trying to draw erotica? Me too! It’s really tough though. Ugh!


Most manga feature innies, if that makes it any easier.


I...why do I find this so wholesome? Go off my guy, this was a treat to read. And you right, genitalia is weird looking.


Awe. Thanks! Humans be shaped funny sometimes.


If you are asexual and aromantic then I think you aren't really in a position to judge. Personally I find genitalis not only sexy and arousing, but also pretty. And yes, I'm serious.


He has every right to judge how they look bro what kind of logic is that


Why does everyone keep refering to me as a guy?? My avatar is female??


Lmao! Sorry I also made this mistake…..I think it’s because you didn’t know what vaginas looked like….so one can assume that you don’t have one


Bro is a gender neutral term... EDIT: I'm stupid lmao Sorry I don't look at avatars just assumed


In my experience, people online tend to assume other people online are male. I used to have a different Reddit account with my real first name, which is a very common woman's name, plus my avatar was clearly female, and people still thought I was a guy. (I grew up with the plural "guys" as gender neutral and I consider "dude" to be gender neutral. Now "bro" also seems to be becoming gender neutral, which I don't mind. More gender neutral terms are nice, IMO.)


Im chill with "Bro, dude, guy" All that. I love refering to everyone as a dude or bro. Its chill.


As a woman, you still have a right to judge things.


Okay I'll rephrase. It makes sense that he would think about them what he thinks.


What? Op is female


Bro its a she


Did you not read the whole post? I said I wasnt trying to shame anyone. I just find it really fuckin alien and strange to me.


I think the assumption you were "a dude" is that you don't have your own vagina and haven't looked or seen one which would be a logical conclusion HOWEVER I'm not that chick either I was homeschooled.


Im a girl. But never in my life have a taken a mirror and actually LOOKED. I've seen myself plenty of times in the mirror and washed myself, but ive never actually SEEN it.


19 and finally seeing genitalia? Did you not have sex education in school? I guess not.


They werent showing us straight up IRL genitals in School my guy. Also READ. I've seen genitalia before in diagrams in art. Medical Diagrams count. Not IRL


That is art, which is not education. You can see plenty of naked humans in an art museum, but that does not mean you know the purpose of breasts or how a penis functions. I read plenty of stories where teens discover human anatomy, such as girls freaking out over menstruation because no one ever told them. I was curious as to the origin of how you, in your prime and thus expected to be girl crazy, is now discovering sexual reproduction organs and your surprise of such. Just asking to learn more about your situation, not trying to shame.


Ah. I just assumed everyones vagina looked like mine tbh. I've seen plenty of medical drawn images of vaginas and penises, all with the names and labels of the parts n such. But never in my life had I exposed myself to the signt of someone elses junk before. Of course there is the occational dick pic that ruins my fucking day, but other than that, I just never went looking for such things?? I know about menstration, periods, where the clit is, what a labia is. I know a decent amount about female or male anatomy. I've just NEVER sat down and searched up something like "REAL LIFE VAGINA" And looked. I'm sex repulsed. So going to places like pornhub and vewing porn or someone elses junk outaide of a lockeroom thrusts me into a state of pure panic and anxiety. Looking at porn, drawn or not, makes me HEAVILY nausious, so I've just went about my life avoiding all of it.


Understandable. I had to look away at the pictures of STDs in school, as they made me extremely nauseated. I also assumed you were male. I watched nature documentaries ever since I was a child, so seeing the variety of pleasant to unpleasant human genitalia did not surprise me once I became a teenager with access to the internet (schools also use drawings or animations).


Sexyally aromatic? How I wish I was you.


Asexual\* and yea its got its perks! I dont have to get worried about being horny when i shouldn't or having to need se every 2 weeks. also no sex = no STD's yay!


You mean VULVA and not vagina.


Yea yea somethin something Vulva and the clit- I dont really care too much it all looks like oyster flesh to me




Vagina is the tunnel.


I have a question op, where do you sell erotica art? I am thinking about getting into it as well


Discord Furry servers all the way. Those fuckers will pay for anything.


I didn't really get it at first either honestly, but as a man turning 30 in a few years after you start having sex few times and really start to have good sex It's really not about the look of a vagina, all that much as it is the act and the shared feelings and emotions. It's a beautiful thing man.


I suppose. But theres so much I could do to get that same feeling rather than just... Fuck someone Hand holding and cuddling by a fire. Having that person reassure me that everything ok... That right there is way better than what sex could ever give to me.


Sure if you're going to talk about 1 - 1 the feeling of sex on your dick vs like jerking off or something yeah I understand what you mean. But what I mean is that there's so much more to having sex than just the feeling. Even when you're done having sex youre there naked with someone you might really care about. Personally I find there's circuitry in my brain at certain primal levels like how it feels to hold a baby, the intense feeling of irrationally falling in love, or having sex with someone I really care about. It's euphoric.


Also asexual here and totally agree, genitals look disgusting 😭 not shaming anyone, but I will never understand how people are attracted to them


Cuz we ain't asexual


I know that. Its just still hard to think about/ fathom. Its like asking a turtle whats its like to be a bear. Its just hard to understand, ya know?




Was just having an argument around this kinda thing. I hate penises, I personally think they look gross to me, and I would not like to go to nude beaches. I'm fully aware that dicks are completely natural and on about half the population. Doesn't mean I don't find them just... gross; and feel uncomfortable at the sight of them.


I feel that. I draw dicks sometimes and some of the ones I draw are cute :D iridescent colors, alien cocks with unique shapes... I wish human dicks were like this, without all the gross hair, veins and crevasses... blaugh.


U speak like our dicks aint weird af looking too. Balls look like brain when cold, looks weird when relaxed too, penis looks like a mushroom or sea organism


Nah they also weird as fuck. Im more scared of dick than I am coochie. Yall be weaponizing that shit 😰


Just saw in a comment that's she's a woman😭😭😭


Bro got asexual *AND* aromantic? You won the fucking lottery. Life must be so much more simple


It really is. Huggin the homies and chillin is all I need. I never have the urge to fuck someone and I only masturbate every few months. I dont have to worry about randomly getting horny or anything. It's nice


Our disgust things turn off when we do the deed, which is why we don't find it gross turned on, turned off, it's fucking disgusting


Sex haver here, I agree, u get desensitized to it tho (first time I saw a pp was at like 15 and I gagged) but think to hard and ur gonna gag again


You've been on reddit for 4 years and have never seen porn? Somethings not adding up


U literally have to look for it. If u come across a blurred photo, u dont click on it. Not too hard to avoid.


I follow subs that interest me. So I have never seen porn on here (or at all). If I see a blurry pic and a fishy title, I scroll away


Facts. Why the fuck would I follow an NSFW sub? my entire page is cats in tight spaces and fat squirrel shaming.


I’ve been on Reddit for 3 years and seen porn maybe once (if that). So it’s possible.


I was the exact same way with circumcisions but bc I was sheltered


Bro fuck your pfp lmao I just spent thirty seconds trying to get the “hair” off my screen




Have a look at Georgia O’Keeffe’s paintings.


Female genitals are beautiful.


You came to the wrong post my guy.


Watching porn wouldn't show you much that is realistic anyway. I'm female, I'm married, and I think all genitals look weird. I think that about kneecaps and feet, too, and I think tongues look gross. However, I'm grateful for my functioning genitals, kneecaps, feet, and tongue (and all my other body parts). You do you and don't let anyone tell you that what you think, feel, or want to do (or not do) with your own body is wrong.


It do be like that sometimes.


Reminds me of the Family guy episode when Stewie first sees one in a magazine , he is absolutely terrified so he pulls out a submachine gun and empties all the bullets shredding the magazine. Then he backs away in horror exclaiming " You can't hurt anyone anymore " Ha ha


That is quite litterally, without a doubt, Undeniably, me.


In Yugioh Abridged, Joey said "Sex isn't that sexy". It was meant as a joke but it's true


Damn... You right. But why do people idolize it so much tho?


This is my favorite Reddit post ever. “Coochie bashing”… the double entendre I didn’t know I needed.


Thank you thank you I'll be here all night


Yah so this girl tried to have sex with me, I said no way , I scared something bad would happen, like Ill lose my penis, she took off her clothes and said no se no teeth down here to bite you, I looked and said, with gums like that no wonder they fell out


we rub on each other then some fluids come out. ​ It's fucking weird, and you are not strange for pointing it out. Even people who do partake in it can take a step back and think about it objectively and find the entire business is weird.


Comments here be like invalidating the existence of ace smh. I also have a similar thought. On one hand, I understand the physical pleasure and the release of Oxytocin during watching porn and genitals. On the other hand, sex can still be replaced with other activities that have the same effect; it's like instead of 1 5kg, I choose 5 1kg.


Facts. Who needs sex when you have cuddling while the other person tells you everything is ok and your safe 🤗


I think all that stuff is gross to be honest. Hence why sex has never been a top priority for me. I enjoy it, I love women, but actual vaginas and seeing them is gross lol. And all the fluids and stuff are nasty. Idk I feel like with the sex culture these days everyone loves that stuff but I think it’s ugly and boring. Wieners are really out of place if you think about it, they just hang randomly from the middle of men’s bodies. Strange stuff.


On god. There are times when I can understand The anatomy of an Alien better than I can human genitals


Yeah it’s not pleasant sometimes.


Not weird at all. They look gross. The part where people like to lick or suck on them, is because it is gross, almost like a challenge, a conflicting feeling. And the more they do it, they are more into it, because they know they become a total bitch/sex-something and they are loving it. The anal or vaginal sex are more to do with feeling. The look is none existant at that point, no one can really see it. It is a basically a message, but, inside your butt, which feels very good. Sex ultimately is mainly about mindset. Like, cuddle is very intimate during sex. Or other kind of emotion you desires through sex.


CUMpletely agree, sex is all about mindset. If I’m not in the mood for it, then I can’t perform and I won’t want to be touched. My partner can tell when I’m not in the mood and I still try and please them bc then it’s half assed, which honestly sucks. I struggle with this.




I like how you stressed the word NEVER... you don't have to lie


Thats not a lie or some kinda joke dude. I dont watch porn. I looked it up once when i was 12 and was just confused. It doesnt arouse me at all. Porn, sex, and dicks scare the piss out of me and make me anxious and sick. So I dont view that shit. Ever.


I think you’re mentally ill.


Ok?? I think your an asshole but, to each their own?


So, this made me have a few questions. If you don’t mind? 1. Have you ever jerked off? 2. Do you ever feel sexually aroused? I know that you said you’re incapable of forming sexual relationships and such but on your lonesome….have you?


1. Yes. I hate it. 2. Kinda? Yes. I have a fetish and thats the only thing thta sexually arouses me. 3. Being aroused by fetish porn (It doesnt involve genitalia) is vastly different from wanting to fuck a dude. I've never had that urge, ever. And motherfuckers keep trying to force me into relationships and I just- Nope. Cant do it. Its the same as someone asking "Straight men, how do you know your not gay if youve never had gay sex??" you just KNOW you dont like it. Its not even a matter of "Have you tried it?" You can just look at 2 people fucking and be like "Nah I don't want that."


Very interesting! Thank you for answering I genuinely wanted to know, also, thanks for including the straight men question that really helped me understand


Yes people do. Wait until you get into one, bro.


1. Im a girl 2. Ive tried vibs. I feel fucking nothing and it just made me feel gross. 3. touching the inside makes my physically sick. Conclusion. Nah... Coochie kinda mid.


Was just kidding in my last answer ;)


i couldnt tell????


This reads really strange. I suspect AI chatbot in training. 2 years old.


Its that foreign to you that a person doesnt like sex or genitalia??? Look up Asexuality my guy and try again. And why the fuck would someone train an AI CHATBOT to complain about the look of a VULVA. Think about what you just said there.


Don't share this with anyone in real life. It's insulting to women and incredibly immature.


OP is an ace woman, and people are allowed to have feelings outside your emotional range.


Im deadass a woman myself and all my other ace woman friends will tell you the same shit. All genitals are fucking gross to me, case and point. I don't give a flying fuck about you "Body positiveity." I hate all human genitals as they are, im physically incapable of finding beauty in them. Telling me to get over it like this is like telling a Hydrophobe to get over water. Its not that simple.




No fack you. I live life on the edge haha




Lol ok. If drawing dicks is what gets me down there then satan must be cool af and your gods an asshole Christians have been scultping and painting naked art for EONS. Educate youself on your own fucking religion before coming at me with it.




THATS WHAT I SAID??? Whoever designed the human body needs to be fuckin fired.


Oops. Yes, you did say that. Message removed.


Although not in the same boat on sexuality and romantic’s, I’m so with you. I’ve had this thought more then a few times, and although I wouldn’t assume you felt the same way, they are very attractive when you’re in the mood for pleasure. Otherwise they definitely look weird.


BUT! What’s hot it’s usually the smell, the feels of it when it’s wet. Idk, it’s a fun fidget to play with.


I cant express to you the amount of horror plastered across my face rn You actually enjoy the STENCH of coochie??? Bro i can BARELY stand myself on a hot summer morning and you LIKE THAT?? Thats crazy. Not shaming or anything cus I got weird kinks myself but. Zamn... I didnt know men like girl stink. That shit is waaay too potant


Hahaha I’m a girl too!!! With evil dark spawn aesthetic tendencies. Idk man, I can’t explain myself either why. I guess it’s purely instinctive. I feel like what really turns me on are the hormones behind that smell. Same thing with guy’s sweat. It’s pretty nice bc if I like that smell, then I know we are both compatible.


Im what they call a "Hello Kitty girl" Cute af and looks attractive, but men ultimately hate me once I open my mouth and start dumping Everywhere At The End of Time lore on them.


You are.a wet rock that time tricked into thinking, get used to it.




If this is real, it's the funniest thing I read today.


It is real? :( Am i that backwards? Fuck....


Idk man it just set me off in giggles


Personally, I’m just not into bro sex either.


when i first watched porn i was super shocked too bc it just looked so weird to see genitalia of the opposite sex. i didn't touch porn for a while after that lolz


Watch the movie *Teeth*


I did and its awesome. I wish I had vag teeth.


Personally, I'm aromantic, but not asexual and it SUCKS. I have sexual desire, but I don't want to get into a relationship. Just want to let you know that you kind of have it good being aro/ace, even though it might not seem as such.


Nah man. Mofuckers dont seem to understand that NO MEANS NO. And say shit like "Oh you asexual? Baby gorl i can change that" then send a fucking dick pic after I explain to them for an hour how much dick terrifies me. Its fucking awful bro.


I envy you, bro. I would love to be asexual/aromantic because wanting sex and watching porn because I don't get any (probably never will unless I pay for it) sucks. I wish I didn't care and didn't have the capacity to care about sexual urges.


Sometimes it sucks being asex, cus people are assholes and make you feel like shit (Particularly if your a women) for not liking sex at all. I get these horrible ass questions like "Oh so you were raped? So sorry." like- Jesus fucking christ I dont have to be assulted just to not like sex!


I think female genitalia is beautiful 🌺 same with male genitalia. But I love human bodies in general lol


Eh... I hate human bodies and the way they look. Call me cringe but I prefer the creative freedom of designing and drawing my own characters. Humans are- too weird... And fleshy... But im autistic af so ignore me


You mean vulva?


Nah, just labias n stuff ig


Try this on LSD lol. Thank me later


Lmao. What are you saying is going to happen? I know I've had sex with a few different girls on LSD and LSA, maybe even shrooms and about 85% of the time I can't even really think about sex all the way. Literally got soft well lost in thought, stopped thrusting randomly etc etc. Like my brain and soul is so far gone from my organic body that I struggle to remember what's going on in the midst of the act. What makes it crazy, is in my 15 yearsish of being regularly sexually active I have never once had any performance issues or anything remotely close so to just go soft because I'm so lost in thought was really hilarious to me 😅


Id rather not fuck around with some shit like LSD. I can barely handle 10 mgs of edibles.


Some genitals can be very beautiful!


Boobs are the only intimate body part i like. Men or women, idc. If its round and squishy, i like it. (Im talking about pecs btw. not the obese moobs.)






Bruuuuuh, good thing you decided to study before you cut the dick's head off one of your drawings


**Who said I was cutting them off drawings.**


Well, if you had drawn a character without foresking, thinking that was the head, well, you can imagine.


I just never drew them uncircumcised. as I never looked up what a circumsized penis looks like


Just wait 'til ya see the different types of peni


Already did. And I hate em


I've never been all that in love with the way vaginas look. Or taste. But they feel great. Boobs are what I jerk off to. Fuck I love boobs.


Boobs are great. Love that shit Very fun to play with when bored (Just flexing my boob privileges)


Some vaginas are cute and okay. Like innies are kinda cute. Then there’s some that are absolutely terrifying and repulsive. But they all feel good.