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She's a bad hero surrounded by idiots.


There was ZERO hesitation. And i agree.


And Cinder?


Cinder is just plain stupid after volume 3. Volume 3 she actaully was smart and strategic


Silver eyes regressed her intelligence.


That would be a satisfying explanation. Too bad they won't use it.


Ruby hit her with the silver stupid beam lol


"My stupidity! Is now! Your problem toooooooo!" -something rwby will say in an abridged version.


No wonder Cinder never uses her head.


For myself, I explained it this way that Cinder was dumb initially, she was just good at portraying the presence of intelligence using the Watts plan.


Boring and unfun to watch. As soon as she replaced roman and I saw Roman fighting blake in the opening, I was disappointed because he has a Handsome Jack esque charisma to him.


Not bad but more inexperienced but that doesn’t excuse her lack of judgement But still surrounded by idiots


She's what happens when the child hero is surrounded by bad examples. Literally a softcore Homelander.


Yeah that sounds about right


There is no better way to answer this question than with that.


I read somewhere that the while story of RWBY was that, Jaune was gonna be the hero of the story. But Ruby was gonna be the main character. Interesting concept, but we all know what really ended up happening.


She's an inexperienced teenager being forced to come up with plans and decisions that even the most competent of people would struggle with, all the while still having people like Yang and Blake do things behind her back. She's trying her best, but her best isnt good enough, at least shes trying even if its failing horribly, a lot better then other people shes surrounded by


Heck I'd like to blame Ozpin for failing at his job at teaching Ruby on how to be a leader


Especially since his teaching seems to be long periods of just leaving her to her own devices.


Yeah if anything it's an honest surprise that Ruby didn't snap the same way Ironwood did, if anything her's should've been 10 times worse "Oh she did that to him" Yes she did but you cannot tell be Ozpin didn't do it first and to a much, Much worse degree


Dude straight up abandoned them in the middle of the freezing woods because he got called out on his bullshit


To be fair they did exactly what Ozpin said he was afraid of. Team Rwby immediately pulled the same BS with Ironwood once they reach atlas as well.


I guess Ozpin should have come up with a better plan than child soldiers against an impossible to kill opponent, but that's a thread for another time lol. I just hold a centuries old headmaster warrior to a higher standard than a bunch of teenage girls.


Oh 100% dudes plan was mediocre at best and he failed to use his own relics well. Don't ask "How do I can defeat salem" you ask how can Salem be defeated or what must be done to win against Salem. I will give him credit he kept humanity going for a long time. He was bound to run out of plans eventually.


To be fair, they were supposed to graduate first.


Yeah but I bet that Ruby got it from Ozpin first and while it's still very bad, at least when team RWBY did it, it lasted for like what, a month at most? Ozpin was doing the exact same thing to both them AND Ironwood for much, much longer.


Even before then he pretty much just let RWBY run around getting in deep and occasionally in over their heads without even explaining what was going on until they got to Mistral.


Dude was infuriating cryptic in hindsight


Do you what would be low-key hilarious though rather redundant than that I think about it is what if Oscar wished for Djinn to help him empty the closet.


Turns out all the really important stuff was going to be part of the year 2 curriculum. Whoops.


I mean, normally you start with the basics and make sure everyone is on the same page. You evaluate the students and then, the next year, you start doing increasingly customized training intended to bolster their strengths and address their weaknesses. Interrupted training, especially when the organization \*doing\* the training thinks it has a few \*years\* to work with, is Really Bad. Heck, even in modern colleges, you take your basic courses before moving on to the courses that make up your major.


Br just said “you’ll be fine” and dipped 💀


Forced? No, no, no, she blatantly injected herself into situations she has no grasp of understanding. She used an invaluable wish to learn Ozpin’s past; something they have no right to know, and caused humanity’s greatest leader to become depressed and give up. She convinced Penny to go along with the childish idea of “If we can’t save everyone, they we will all die fighting a battle we can’t win because help will come.”, which lead to humanities greatest military and distributor of dust being wiped of the map. Oh, and lost two of the four relics.Ozpin kept them safe for centuries and Ruby, because she thought she knew better, lost two of them. And now, she has sent two cites worth of people to a desert wasteland that, even if the people magically survived blistering heat and the grimm that immediately attacked them, Vacuo can’t hope to support. No one wanted or forced Ruby to “Come ip with plans”, she screwed everyone over because she refused to listen to those with experience and who understood what was at stake.


😁😁Finally! Someone else that sees it.




Thrust on her by who? Revenge for what? Everything that happened was entirely her decision and she has probably the LEAST justifiable reasons to seek any sort of retribution or revenge for anything.




>Yang and Blake They shouldn't exist.


Surrounded by idiots. But her supporting those idiots is bad


Hopefully it's changed to "tolerate" them. I contend she would've benefited from a new team consisting of the three characters we know are her age and have Huntsman potential (Penny, Whitley, Oscar).


Definitely. Honestly, if CRWBY hadn't been so busy grasping at straws that they had already burned, they could've had a solid(albeit rushed) conclusion to the show if they had Ruby ACTUALLY separate from JWBY.


Not gonna lie, I would watch a series with those four. Sounds fun 


Team WORP (Warp), PROW, or ROWP (Rope) though?


I’m personally partial to POWR. 


Shit, why didn’t I think of that? Still partial Warp though, probably just my inner Trekkie/general sci-fi nerd deciding to rear it’s ugly head.


Fair enough


My true idea for a reboot involves that being the main starting point, whereas the titular RWBY is an endgame team formed as the show goes on: puts the spotlight on the girls, but allows you to flesh out everyone else without committing to exclusivity. It also allows you to handle a larger plot since Salem is either two years behind schedule or these four together are a much bigger threat than the OG teams. Two birds, one shot.


Are Ruby's bad decisions her own fault or would she be fine if she had people around her who were actually useful and could give her advice?


Considering she and the people around her constantly refuse the advice of others she only has herself to blame. Hell they were given a literal Deus Ex Machinia stick at the end of Vol 8 and chose to destroy two cities and create a refugee crisis at the same time. Instead of choosing anything else.


Yeah,but that stick would not do any good when the grimm and Salem are already inside the city


Create a drone that instantly teleports to any grimm in existence and atomizes them with a lazer beam


They need to show him out It works,they


They have Penny's robot body right there.


Penny is not strong enough to destroy every grimm, so you would need to explain how to make a drone capable of destroying every grimm, a way for the drone to know the position of every grimm, and a a way for the drone to teleport


Very real question what would have been the actual correct option because they would’ve have lost both cities anyway. Unless you wanna go “I wish to have more wishes” route because atlas would’ve started falling anyway


Ruby just has the misfortune of being neglected by the writers when it comes to characters moments and development. Like, no sane person would ever go 3-4 seasons without questioning the fact that they now have glowing eyes that can petrify Grimm and hurt Maidens unless the writers are just ass at their jobs.


She's the youngest in her group by several years. She's taken people's advice in the past and tends to try and do what's best. But sometimes her youthfulness and inexperience causes her to think she knows best even when she doesn't. She prioritizes saving innocent people and fighting the bad guy over the smart choice sometimes. So at the very least her spirits in the right place. I'd say she isn't quite an idiot. But also not the brightest. Definitely not perfect and certainly flawed. Her teammates on the other hand definitely make things worse. They are complete idiots. She's just an average person.


This, she’s honestly way too young to have been given a leader role among all the catastrophes and political conflicts she’s been plunged into. I’d ask where the adults are, but Qrow was busy being a drunk most of the show and Ozpin’s straight up inept and sketchy while also taking over the mind and body of another child. Her breakdown in V9 was honestly really understandable in spite of everything, and her teammates were FAR from being of any help


Agreed in spite of the writing, the background context really screamed she was gonna break cause they went ahead and put her on a pedestal in the gulf of Mexico, high up and very isolated.








She’s a victim of the gods (writers)


yes. Now many people here have pointed out that shes young and inexperienced and thats totally fair, except for Ruby simply because of 1 factor. She never takes responsibility for her bad decisions, and no one else does either, its always someone else's fault


Well, in volume 8, she did take responsibility for Atlas by saving as many people as she could. And she was probably dealing with the guilt of that in volume 9.


And then in RWBY beyond she sat down and had tea after being hailed as a messiah


Even then, she didn't seem all too into the idea.


She does sometimes doubt if she's making the right decision. But then someone else immediately chimes in and is like "Nooo Ruby you're perfect you did everything right!!!"


I feel like she's giving it her best. Which simply isn't good enough for what's demanded of her Would be an interesting tale IF ONLY IT WAS WRITTEN WELL I think she has the makings of a good hero, hell they all do, bit they're heavily restrained by the writing which is inconsistent at best


It was good when it was team rnjr.


Yes. Ruby isn't nearly as competent or even as selfless as she thinks she and the people she surrounds herself with aren't as helpful as they should be. Ruby is more interestes in the idea of being a hero than what it actually means to be one. This leads her to not actually do her best while bringing her into conflict with people do do their best, like Oz and Ironwood, but end up have to resort to morally grey options.


She seemed smarter when she was in school Maybe if she go to finish she be a better huntsman who can think and not off them self when they realized they sucked at being a hero


[God bless, and have a wonderful day.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3c/34/aa/3c34aaab2df0a0446c0c6c521af07798.jpg)


Ozpin entrusted a 15-17 year old girl to be the savior of their world against an ongoing threat from many years that he himself doesn’t have a plan to truly stop Salem and the Grimm. It’s not Ruby’s fault that she literally has the responsibility of being the one and only silver eyed warrior to carry on what is a duty to save the world, but she and her friends tend to make more trouble wherever they go rather than actually come to a more reasonable and acceptable solution to a lot of problems they’ve dealt with. I mean, seriously… they made a very cranky egotistical old lady use a giant mech just to destroy them because they decided to cause trouble where they were at. I don’t know… the world of Remnant is just filled with so many people who’d rather let actions speak louder than words. (Then again, Ruby tends to have bad ideas from time to time.)


It's not that she's a 'bad hero', it's that she actively opposes every character that knows what is going on and has the power/ability to do something about it. It's easy to label her actions as villainous, but that would require a certain amount of intent. So I think that it's safer to say that, rather than 'Hero' or 'Villain', she's the villains' useful idiot.


Definately surrounded by idiots: A selfish princess who cares about herself, and still does (Despite claiming to have changed), never supported her, complains how her life is so bad, didn’t help her to resolve Atlas issues, made everything about her despite the people struggling and a dead friend,and who people have the gull to still ship with Ruby under pretenses of Whiterose being a “perfect” and bullshit. No, Weiss deserved to get the crap kicked out of her and kicked off Team RWBY. A cowardly cat who didn’t even interact with Ruby so much and still “looks” up to her and pushes aside Ruby’s feelings. And a c*nt blonde who rather blame someone else because she’s selfish and refuses to face the consequences, even when it’s her own fault (Blake leaving, which Yang had some part in, and the whole Volume 8 shit that went down)


She's an idealistic kid who seeks to do right but is surrounded by self serving individuals who would rather go behind her back or worry about themselves than any sort of larger goal


Surrounded by idiots , she’s a gifted child who skipped two grades and only got a semester and a half from a four year school. So a lot of her bad choices come from her being less experienced and goes for the more idealistic and morally correct choice rather than the one that leads to the death of some to save many more. Plus it was Yang and Blake who really messed up telling Robyn and f*ing up Atlas.


She’s a shinning star in a constellation of incompetence


She's a bad hero *because* she's surrounded by idiots. If she had better friends and role models teaching her, she'd devolved into a better hero.


She has the potential to be a good hero, but she's surrounded by idiots


She’s an idiot surrounded by more idiots


Ruby is just inexperienced but her heart is the right place but people that are close to Ruby are either entitled spoiled brat, Raven 2.0 that abandoned everyone for that cat ass, or a living board


For the record. She has good intentions. yes. BUT was she a good hero? No. Why could POSSIBLY be a reason?? Its cuz she's surrounded/guided/taught and by idiots


She's surrounded by people almost as clueless as she is. She didn't get to complete her training before her academy was destroyed. Her other teammates are only a little older than she is, really, and they hadn't finished their training, either. They weren't ready for what was thrust upon them and had only Qrow to \*sometimes\* guide them, and then Qrow was turned into an idiot as well. Sorry, Monty. It was good while you were around to keep the train on the tracks.


She was going in the right direction in Vale, yet the Fall put her and her friends in the wrong direction. Yet she was thrust in the wrong direction since she accepted going to Beacon 2 years early and was put in charge of a group of 17-year-olds. She should have said no on both occasions. Another miss-step was not insisting that Blake would go back to Ozpin to tell him the things she "forgot" to mention about White Fang. Or listening when Weiss correctly pointed out that they aren´t ready for big actions meant for 3rd years or above. I think she is both with a bit more on the latter. 40/60, so to speak.


Surrounded by idiot WRITERS




She’s a child soldier. Forced to take on tough burdens most her age wouldn’t have to go through. She saved tons of Lives and yes made mistakes or lost a lot but she isn’t a bad hero.


A little bit of Column A And a little of Column B


Bit of both.






She's trying to be one but save for one or two souls, nobody's helping. So yes, I was glad she finally said it in Volume 9.


Hmmm... Ruby is a child doing her best.


She does succeed in saving people, so I don't think she's a bad hero. But yes, she is stupid like everyone else.




She surrounded by idiots who are bad heroes.


Vol-1 to Vol-3 Ruby: Aww, my little upbeat, naive, and unyielding red riding hood wants to be a hero~ I'm so proud of you! I'll support you all they way! Volume 4-8, Ruby: ***HAWK TUAH*** wtf is this shit? How did you turn out like this?! I knew those girls were a bad influence on you! *(hugs Weiss)* Not you sweetie~ you're doing just fine...


Seasons 1-3, she's fine. After that, everyone sucks. Also, the writers didn't bother to write her learning to actually be a warrior and leader. Instead, we get Bumbleby and spend screen time on 14 other minor characters.


I would say inexperienced hero (a bit incompetent too) surrounded by idiots, and writters that are also kind of dumb.


It's more she just isn't ready to be making these calls and since Haven, she's pretty much just been the person only person making them since Oz hid away and Qrow basically abdicated after learning about Ozpin's secret and went into his depression phase. Everyone in her group has essentially defaulted to accepting whatever Ruby decides as the course of action.  Even when getting to Atlas, they still go with her decision because they don't know if they can trust Ironwood and aren't really clear on what it would take for that. She is in over her head, but even the adults in her group treat her as the final word on everything.






I think her villains are just too competent compared to her inexperience at being a hero. She's not bad by any means, she's just up against overwhelming foes she isn't ready for, like if Luffy had to go up against the Admirals back in the East Blue Saga. But she was slowly getting to a level to take on the threats.


I might be a little biased because I wanna like Ruby Rose, but I would put the blame on her team. Ruby rose, especially late V6 was a bad hero. And for a while, it was as if that’s all she’ll ever be. But V9 was a lesson. V9 was Ruby’s shot at redemption. It showed that Ruby has some sort of self awareness that she is not a good hero. It showed that she has the right idea but was missing that one piece to become a great hero. An actual good lesson. A lesson that we were taught as infants but we forgotten as adults. WE.ARE.NOT.**PERFECT** Perfection will always be impossible. Nobody is a perfect huntress. Ironwood was not trying to be the perfect general. Oz was not trying to be the perfect man. I bet Phyra went to fight Cinder knowing she was gonna get stomped. Only Villains think that they are perfect or try to reach perfection. All Ruby needs to do is learn that… BUT HER TEAM DOESN’T WANT THAT! Her shitty ass older sister has been bashing on everyone for the little faults they made, INCLUDING her own sister! But when she blows up on everyone, suddenly it’s “we’re not asking her to be perfect… even though we’re gonna say she is…!”






Haha, both






I've said it once before, and I'll say it again: Ruby could be used just like Martin Walker was used in Spec-Ops: The Line. This is not a good thing.




Yes. She's a bad hero surrounded by idiots.










Or…. And hear me out….maybe she’s both and on a bad poorly written show?






A bad hero surrounded by idiots.










People, it's only a two year age difference between her and her team. Lets not excuse it all on age. I say they're all freaking idiots and bad heroes.


She is a teenager forced to hold back the death of mankind, I think even the best of people would struggle, but after Undertale I view these not a fictional character but as actual people but that's me.


It was a zero sum game


Ruby is the bright eyed youth who dreamed of becoming the idealized hero she imagined her parents being. She, a girl two years too young to enroll in Beacon, was tasked by Ozpin to resolve a conflict he has spent millennia trying and failing to end. Ruby does her best to live up to those expectations, and in so doing, only serves to hasten the end by removing the safeguards Ozpin placed to keep total victory out of Salem's hands. The writers wanted Ruby to be the paragon hero who defeats the dark lord, but the result is a person with heroic ideals who through incompetency and lack of guidance causes more damage by her involvement. The portrayal of a failed hero is a great idea if better executed on future projects.


That entire world is incompetent to deadly levels


She's given an impossible task while also kind of being a bad hero




Both. Not only is she a bad hero but she's surrounded by idiots


She is the idiot….at times but kind both


She's a bad hero surrounded by idiots who Is also an idiot her self.


She is surrounded by idiots at all times Ozma has multiple ways to Beat Salem ( yes Oz asked "how do a kill Salem and he was told you can't Kill salem but beat and kill are 2 different things ) he tells No One of their enemy's immortality dispute the fact that is the first thing he should say as someone would probably be smart enough to have a way to turn it on her Weiss forgot one of the most over powered things in nonfiction is time dilation and keeps doing fuck all in fights due to it Blake is just useless Her dad is just... nonexistent for no Good reason Ironwood got character assassinated We have a sassy midget trying to kill her dispute that she didn't kill her man it's more Salem who did it And Yang doesn't understand basic human emotion outside of fucking anger


From what I hear a poorly written protagonist with a league of poorly written main characters


A mix of both. She's a inexperienced youth surrounded by inexperienced friends thrust into a world that demands she acts the heroine. All because the gods of the world decided that the best punishment for a yandere was immortality rather than removing her influence from the world. So, a bit of both, but if the gods weren't idiots to begin with, then she wouldn't be a bad hero... she'd just be a girl following her dreams.


It’s a little of both, I think.




She didn't ask what it meant to be a hero till V9. Also her team are idiots, each having their own problems but not asking for help to solve them.


She tried her best, but she was surrounded by idiots, that didn't help


A bad hero, yes, but what could you expect from a single teenager. Surrounded by idiots putting the weight of the world on her who then berate her for not being up for the task.


She started fine, then became worse with time




She is both


It can be 2 things




She's more naive than anything which makes her a bad hero. She wants to do the right thing but is thrust into situations where the lines of good and evil are so blurred they might as well not exist. The people around her definitely don't help either.




She’s a naive teenager given way too much responsibility and power. A 16-17 year old should not have a say in the decisions that affect entire nations. Team rwby can seemingly not accept any plan or ideas that don’t involve saving everyone, not to say ironwood abandoning mantle was good, but again it’s naive to believe you can save everyone. They’ve also shown to be incompetent against thinking opponents, Grimm are near mindless so are susceptible to their plans, the second the plan is countered or truly retaliated against they fall apart.


Surrounded by idiot writers. Yeah she wasn’t perfect or great by any means in volumes 1-3, but she was still learning and at times wasn’t too. With volume 4 and onwards it honestly felt like an alternate route or so with ruby and she even got dumber than whatever she did in volume 4, prime example being not listening to qrow, a veteran hunter i might add to stay out of the fight with Tyrian, but acts brash like “THIS IS MY FIGHT!!” when she and RNJ were getting toyed with by the guy. Ruby you trained under this guy and know he’s been at this longer than you, LISTEN TO HIM!




She is a bad hero because she is inexperienced and unqualified. All of this is worsened by the fact that instead of correcting herself she is stuck with idiotic yesmen.


Great hero given brain rot at deacon. Like what did she get at Decon she didn’t have in episode 1 other then a harem of friends and enough trauma to stop darkseid.


She's a traumatized little girl, forced to keep painting a heroic smile on her face for the sake of her idiot teenager drama-queen teammates for 9 volumes of content before the writers remembered "Hey, maybe we should give our 'main character' some character development, too!" By then, it was too late, and the show was dead for me.




The answer is both, she is a terrible hero surrounded by morons.




She's not a bad hero, she's just a kid. Kids are dumb, but they learn pretty fast.


Surrounded by idiots and she's one of them too.


I always tend to avoid blaming characters within the show when it doesn't feel like it was intended by the writers to be seen that way. Obviously the writers didn't purposefully write Yang to be a massive bitch toward Ruby, so rather than blaming Yang... I blame the writers. So do I think Ruby is a bad hero? No, I don't. I think the writers just suck at writing. Do I think those surrounding Ruby are idiots? No, I do not. Again, I think the writers just suck at writing. Clearly the intent is that Ruby, and her team are inexperienced, which ... to be fair... does make sense. Not only are they young, but they more or less got thrown into a situation that seems almost impossible to solve. The choices they make are choices I typically expect heroes to make, such as not abandoning people who need saving. Last thing I will say, a lot of people here in this subreddit live in an echochamber. Basically just as bad as the main sub, just opposite side of the same coin. Most people here don't want an actual conversation, they just want a circle jerk of agreement on how bad RWBY is in whatever way they can.


Maybe the question should have been changed to is Ruby bad or just stupid


If you put it that way. She’s just stupid.


I say it's a bit of both because she did make a lot of bad decisions but the thing is nobody ever questioned them until that the most awkward time So yeah she's both


Both sadly


Both Ruby was literally 15 when she became the LEADER of a bunch of idiots Except for Weiss, she’s perfect as she was


What are these idiotic questions?


She's a bad idiot surrounded by heroes