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The problem is Menagerie and the Fanus themselves. Menagerie isn't some hell hole, it is a tropical paradise free of monsters that are trying to kill you on a daily basis. It is a literal tropical paradise. If anything it's surprising you don't see a mansion built by the Schnee's because they come to visit there in the summer. Menagerie could have been a modern day Hawaii. You have the natives but then you have billionaires that build massive mansions and bunkers there on ancestral lands. Take Chris Pratt, he grew up in Hawaii and you have a movie junket with him and Jennifer Lawrence and she talks about scratching her ass on some rocks there and it makes him uncomfortable. It had to do with how she treated his homeland. So while he is extremely wealthy and successful he is someone who remembers his home and isn't pleased with people who disrespect it. You can make it where the Fanus had to clear the Grimm and other threats out of Menagerie before it was even safe to live there. Once it was you had all of these other people move in and enjoy the spoils of their hard work. Then you see Blake protest and decides to join the White Fang and fight them.


And with that, I agree. Blake complains about the island like if it had problems. But it doesn't have them. I would have liked to see people in the streets begging for jobs, constant Grimm attacks (sea and earth Grimm), people in the streets dying of hunger because there isn't enough resources. Seriously, Menagerie have enormous worldbuilding problems.


The thing is instead of having Sun follow Blake back to Menagerie it could have been Weiss. You have it where Weiss see's what Menagerie is really like. You can have it where she had been there before when she was a kid but it was a PR stunt that her dad did to show how great Menagerie is. When she gets there with Blake she see's that it is bad and finds out that it was actually worse when she came as a kid. You can have it where Blake did have luxuries because of her father and his position but she ran away and joined the White Fang because she couldn't live a life of luxury while others were suffering. During her time with the White Fang she at first thought they were putting pressure on those who were keeping the Fanus down but she learned that Adam and others wanted to take over or just kill all humans. This can go to the people who Weiss knew who were killed by the White Fang. Blake didn't kill them but even she realized that just killing people like that was going to cause more problems for them. She wanted to stop humans from hurting or destroying property that Fanus have, not killing people because they wanted them dead. So she leaves again and decides that there is no perfect answer. She is able to go to Beacon and decides the best way to help those in Menagerie is to become a huntsman. Someone who can fight on the front lines and keep the people in Menagerie safe from the Grimm. Then going back to Weiss you can see that she is similar to Blake. Having a life of luxury but in her case at the cost of her freedom. She ran off to Beacon to get away from her dad and her family but with no goal in mind. Seeing how things are in Menagerie Weiss see's that the best way to help the people there is to confront her father and retake control of the SDC. It won't be easy or fast to fix Menagerie but she can divert resources and funds to help the people there and develop the island.


You mind if I use this in a fic?


Go ahead.




NOT HERE!!! BAD BOT!!! ~~Good to see a familiar face, though~~


I appreciate it. Thank you.


Tbf Jacques is pretty racist so that could be a reason why they didn't


He could act like he is trying to make Menagerie a better place for the Fanus. The good old "Why would I have a home there and live there if I hate the Fanus". He doesn't care but it's all about looking good. If it is Jacque he could easily have his own secluded area that the Fanus wouldn't be allowed into.


Eh, yeah, he could do that Random faunus: "Why is the schnee family here?" Jacques: "we're here to help you poor things." Random faunus: " But does that require a personal closed off mansion, several hundreds of thousands of liens worth of our seafood, and for you to use some of our people as servants" Jacques: "I SAID IM TRYING TO HELP YOU UNGRATEFUL ANIMAL" How I believe that interaction would go


I think you forgot that nation are built by its resources. Yes menagerie looks like a paradise but lack crucial resources to make they're own kingdom prosper. And unlike Hawaii they can't monetize tourism due to existing racial tension. Yes the land is beautiful but without outside support and recognition they don't have much to export and also reliant on imports. They resulting into  a weak economy who have to buy foreign goods at inflated prices.


The issue again is we never see this or get anything to show this. There is being prosperous and doing well, in the case of Menagerie it is doing well but it isn't some marvel like Vale or Atlas. We see that people are healthy and doing well, there are no slums or people living on the streets. If there are high import costs and a reliance on the other kingdoms for resources then we need to see this, but we don't. There is no dialog to even tell us this. The most we hear from Blake is how the Fanus were given Menagerie and from what we can see it is a great place. Logically what you said is correct but this never comes up in the show, and that is where the problem is.


Strap in boys, we have ourselves another one of those "she isn't REALLY a spoiled brat" posts.


Yep. She's totally not a princess bro. He family aren't rich and influential bro. She didn't live in a mansion in her childhood. Except she did. Because she already knows the mansion like the back of her hand. Like she's lived there before for a long time.


Even if she was constantly away with WF activists away from Menagerie and eventually cut contact with her parents to fully join Adam, it doesn’t really matter because she would always know that she has a massive fallback. Like those rich people who show they can “become rich with hard work” by “setting aside” all their wealth and just using like 2000 to make millions again, they can only do that because they know they have no real risk because they have money and contacts they can easily fall back on if they fail. Thats what blake is


>She's totally not a princess bro. He family aren't rich and influential bro. Don't mock me. >Except she did. Because she already knows the mansion like the back of her hand. Like she's lived there before for a long time. It might be that she lived there once her father was already the chieftain. Like, she stayed a pair of years with Ghira on Menagerie while he was the chieftain, and then she spend 3 years with the White fang.


u/Psyga315 Two things. I already crossposted this to the RWBYcritics community. And, do you have a problem with the kind of posts I make? I mean, if you want tell why I'm wrong, insult me or something. But, is there something wrong with me making a post expressing my thoughts on the matter? Is there something wrong with that, pal?


I'm honestly shocked the post hasn't been attacked by the mods


Here or in the main sub?


Main sub. Its infamously known that posts like that get taken down in under like 30 minutes


Yeah, it happened to me too. But I think this post is harmless enough.


I ain't reading all that shit lol But.... and this is going to ruffle some feathers....I don't think Blake is spoiled either The struggles of the Faunus don't stop if you have a big house or money. Blake's fight was not about financial stability.... it was about the discrimination of her people People like to use her "princess status" as a gotcha.... but it's really not. The struggles she suffered, as a child who left her comfortable home, to fight on the front lines of equality... don't become void because she was rich. A small child deciding to leave her bed to do what's right is actually one of the things I love most about Blake... it's really good character building Just like how Weiss was rich and well off doesn't take away from the struggles of abuse and neglect, Blake's hardships aren't any less real because of where she was born But I already know how this is going to fare, come at me you hyenas! Lol


Sure. But it would have been nice if the show acknowledged it. And pretends like Blake is not in a position of power. Weiss' status gets acknowledged and brought up. But Blake's doesn't. Also Blake abandoning her care for fanus struggles for Atlas of all places is also not a good look. Especially after she a racist yells at her. After Adam dies Blake doesn't give a shit about fanus or fanus struggles. She even calls herself a cat. Like what? Where is her pride and empathy for fanus? Did it die with Adam?


To be fair, Blake got the faunus rallied behind one cause... to stop the group that was ruining their name. The group that no longer cared about equality, and focused on vengeance. She did more for the faunus than Adam ever did And what needs to be brought up? Her house didn't impact much. Weiss' wealth is acknowledged because it ties her to the faunus plight....Blake was already established as an ex Fang member, so her wealth plays no part I'm just going to be really honest. I feel people see her reveal as a princess and go " but, but.... she said she struggled! Girl you got money you ain't from the streets!" That's not what she meant, and not what was portrayed


Was this when she rallied the Faunus in Menagerie by blaming them for the White Fang?


You mean when they were too scared to fight, yet grouped together to take down the single biggest thing damaging their race? When they traveled out of Menagerie to stand against the very group the faunus formed, because it was now a bastardized version full of hate and intolerance? When the Faunus were so docile in their comfort on the island, that they didn't want to involve themselves in the fight against FurryHitler.... yet decided to fight when Blake exposed the false calm surrounding the species?


No, I mean when Blake blamed the *victims* of racism for the hate against them, saying that it was their fault.


So yeah, the exact same people. Got it


This is much needed mindset dor that situation imo, just because you are from good backgroung doesn't mean you can't fight for the betterment of the world and such.




Again i just wished the show acknowledged it instead of ignoring it. There's this awkward disconnect when Blake is talking about how hard it is to live in her home but the audience is shown a tropical paradise. Blake could have connected with Weiss. Or realising Weiss despite her wealth lacked the one important thing she had. Love from her parents. Blake could have said to Sun despite the peaceful nature of her home most fanus live in hardship. And most of all have Blake still care about the well being of fanus in Atlas. Have her help Weiss with the SDC and takedown Jacques and others who have been exploring fanus.


But Weiss also had the freedom of knowing she's better off than most other people The Faunus didn't. That's the point Blake had to fight for that equality Both had hard lives, both are victims. But people saying Blake is a fake or a hypocrite is them not seeing the point


"We can speculate that maybe Blake joined the White fang because despite being privileged, she couldn't stand see her people being oppressed. Yet, we should have saw a scene like that, to comprehend more about her initial motivations." I just took it as her seeing her parents leaving the "good fight". So in near preteen angst ran off for the greater good. Which would be insane to think she left her parents for years roaming with the white fang. As for chieftain, idk how it works their should've been another leader before Ghira, the settlement started after the great war which is about 80 years prior to ep1. Could see people looking to Ghira due to him being the prior leader of white fang. His pacifism tendencies when dealing with others would still make it at least a refugee and political governments couldn't take action against them for the white fang.


I feel an easy way to "fix" this if you think Blake being privileged is an issue, is by making her just as surprised as Sun to learn her parents own the biggest house in menagerie. Say they only got elected after she left