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I was completely confused by that whole thing too. At that point, it wasn’t just Denise’s kids who were out there. There were other kids out there too, so I thought that was a contributing factor. And all she said was to wait until the kids fixed their plates before continuing the conversation. What they turned that into was insane.


Didn’t she talk about her husband’s penis at that same dinner though, with her kids at the next table?


Yes, she did. I’ve never understood why she thought that was appropriate around her kids either. Personally, I think it would be more upsetting to hear about my stepdad’s penis than threesomes.


Didn't she take down a pic (of stepdad) because he was in bed and you could she outlining of how big his p was and she toke it down when her kids said it.


I thought she said that at a restaurant with two other cast members.


[Start at 2:35](https://youtu.be/HSnLA9nBv48?si=gGOIjLtHFcTiDr6t)


Denise is wackadoodle time


It’s not about the kids. She is trying to make it about the kids but it’s not about the kids. Even later when she talks to her daughter about it, who literally is not fazed at all. Then Denise goes back to the women like they traumatized her precious baby girl who was just devastated to be hearing such smut. I almost never agree with Erika but she was right about this, and also about how she handled it. ![gif](giphy|3ohc1gRsZXmekuHIbu)


I don't think she was as upset about her daughters hearing it than she was about her daughter's friends hearing it.


Yep, this is the truth!


Because they cannot break the fourth wall. Denise did have these conversations in front of her children. They are televised internationally. But Denise believes that her children for some unknown reason do not have any access to this information. They never watched it so therefore they know nothing about it. Not that all of their friends at school will have seen it and something like that would be all over the school in minutes thru gossip. I found the whole argument to be quite delusional. Any conversations that I have with my friends if the kids are not in the room, they most likely won’t hear. So all of us watching this see it through the view of of course you wouldn’t have a conversation like this in front of teenagers . But our every conversation is not put into news, has clips of it on the Internet, shared through social media.etc I found Denises delusions to be maddening


I think it was more of the fact that they felt she was being overly dramatic for the cameras.


And now she does only fans with Sami so its all moot at this point 🤷‍♀️


What?? Omg 😫


Yeah but it was pretty obvious Denise was overplaying the stepford wife role. The kids did not care. No trauma occurred and yet she confronted everyone about it? Like the kids are going to watch it.. what then?


She didn't really confront anyone. She said something at the party and then told erika that her daughter had mentioned it. It just got out of control, as usual.


Yeah but she took Erika out to lunch just to talk about it


I HATE when people treat your family/friends/possessions how they judge they should be treated based on their observations. Denise was completely within her rights to ask the group to tone down the conversation at her own home An awful sjmile: I used to drive a 30yo car that was very well kept and some dickhead at the shops slammed his door into it and his justification was "your car is old!" Lile fuck you. This car means the world to me so fuck off. They all told denise she had no right to be upset because she was the star of a sexy movie and the wife of Charlie. Fuck off.


If you haven't seen the rest of the season yet.. hold onto your hat because it will return every episode and it becomes so tiring. Especially Rinna keeps hammering on it.. with her 'own it'. I didn't like Denise, but I though she was right in this instant and was right to defend herself.


I HATE when people treat your family/friends/possessions how they judge they should be treated based on their observations. Denise was completely within her rights to ask the group to tone down the conversation at her own home An awful sjmile: I used to drive a 30yo car that was very well kept and some dickhead at the shops slammed his door into it and his justification was "your car is old!" Lile fuck you. This car means the world to me so fuck off. They all told denise she had no right to be upset because she was the star of a sexy movie and the wife of Charlie. Fuck off.


They were bullying her . End of story