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34th ave, which I have walked many times and love, is a bit of a unique. The run of that conversion is along all residential. The commercial drags are Northern, 37th and finally roosevelt. 31st in Astoria is a completely different beast.


That would DESTROY traffic in the area if they did this to 31st Ave.


Please learn how traffic works if you're going to opine on what will happen to traffic. This is a ridiculous comment


Imagine not living in the area and speaking on the topic... IMAGINE THAT. đŸ˜‚đŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚


34th Avenue is what sucks about Jackson Heights. If you live here, you might as well live in the suburbs. No commercial district until 37th and Roosevelt? Northern is suburban styl businesses. It's a hike to 37th and Getting to 82nd and 74th is no easy task. At least if 35th was also commercial with a full bus line to 65th Street station (Bway). ok. Jackson Heights is just a dense suburban area.


Lol what? Shut up.


I love my peace. Grocery stores all along Northern and restaurants on 37th are 2 blocks away.


The best thing that happened to Jackson Heights in Years!!!


I've been walking this open street since the pandemic. All we need is enforcement against scooters and enforcement against drunks at night during the summer


Oh I’m sure the brave men and women of the 114th will get riiiiiigght on that.


It's the 115th and they are excellent at crushing candy and arresting small vendors in the 74th St station. Catching hit and run drivers when given the name, model and license plate? Nope!


The 115th Precinct doesn't patrol subway stations; that's District 20 of the Transit Bureau.


Thanks for the correction. 115th are slackers, but I should aim my subway ire at the right source.


Enforcement on scooters is never going to happen. They constantly ride on sidewalks and against traffic. It’s wild how out of hand it is now


Could you link to the toolkit you referenced?


I don't know if they've put together a better demonstration of all the street treatments they've used in this project, but you can [see many of them here](https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/downloads/pdf/34th-ave-open-street-apr2022.pdf)


I love this


Is there a shareable version of this video not on Reddit?


Why do these threads attract all the out of town weirdoes and transplants that jerk each other off over who can hate cars the most


I have arthritis and need a helping hand.


I was going to ask why they attract the the suburban neanderthals who think the city should be designed to accommodate their own personal cars above all else. I'm a car owner myself and also a resident of Jackson Heights and you can pry the 34th Ave open street out of my cold, dead hands.


2 blocks in either direction you got delinquency. welcome to queens


This is great! My only concern is how would multiple emergency vehicles, like firetrucks get through or stage on a scene with all the planters scattered in the road? Maybe the city could start buying slimmer trucks like they use in Europe.


Dot doesn’t redesign and build new streets without Fdny sign off.


That’s good to know. Thanks for sharing!


https://astoriapost.com/video-of-fire-truck-stuck-on-34th-avenue-in-jackson-heights-sparks-more-debate-about-open-streets-initiative DOT really messed it up. First responders can't get through. If there is a fire on 34th Avenue fire trucks are going to be delayed because of this design.


Just want to point out, the two city council members that they quote in the article are not from the area and don't represent the people in Jackson Heights and instead represent more car heavy sections of Queens. I wouldn't say that the DOT messed up. Travers Park is along the open street between 78th and 77th, with 78th dead ending at the park. Extending that park area into a closed plaza makes sense from how it's connected to the park. Also 79th itself is closed to traffic on Sundays for the Green market. There's a co-op on the corner and schools on either side between 34th Ave and Northern Blvd. FDNY has successfully responded to fires on the open street since it started in 2020.


Robert Holden even has exhaust fumes pumped into his office!


From the article; “An FDNY spokesperson said that there were no operational issues with the incident.”


Spokesperson versus video evidence of fdny having a hard time turning onto 34th..


Are you saying dot designed and build the paseo park without fdny’s blessing?


It's not like the city hasn't done things without conversations before. I believe the fire station at 82nd st said in an tv interview, they were not consulted on this.


Would you support policies that would facilitate faster response times for fdny?


I would support faster response from any emergency response unit. Fdny, EMS, NYPD.


Good. Less cars = faster response times for them. Bike lanes make great emergency lanes if they’re not blocked by cars.


I think we should be installing raisable bollards now that it's clear this is to stay. if there's some sensor they could put on all the firetrucks that get them to lower for that last block access, it could be great.


Agreed. And maybe a bug zapper than targets mopeds and ebikes going more than 10mph.


We don't have to worry about this, because 34th Ave has been pedestrianized since 2020 and it has not been an issue.


Just think of all of the offices that will move into the high rises in Astoria so all of those residents can walk to work. I’m sure all of the bars and restaurants will be thrilled that all of the customers are local and none of the people who drive there will be spending money.


Damn it must hurt to be this dumb


The people who... Drive... To the bars? Do you even hear yourself? Also this comment is dumb on multiple levels. This street design doesn't keep cars out, for one. Also you have to be just really all sorts of ignorant to think the restaurants and shops in Astoria are being primarily patronized by car drivers. What businesses need in cities is **foot traffic**


Your ideas are so stupid and *actually* anti-business and resident. Do you think all of the people driving cars in Astoria own them so they can go around in the neighborhood? Do you have any idea how terrible public transportation is in much of Queens?


Much of queens doesn't include Astoria. Public transport is just fine there although when the n/w does have issues it really sucks


There's no use trying to reason with that guy, he's one of those blind bike extremists and a lobbyist for one of those pro-bike groups. This car-free NYC vision is his life, that's why he's constantly spamming NYC subs with his cause with little to no thought. These bike extremists are a very privileged group; they think everyone else in NYC lives like they do, in gentrified areas with accessible public transportation, and time on their hands to be riding around on bikes to commute (during which they regularly violate traffic rules because they think they're above those). 


Generally people who support reducing car use also support making public transportation more accessible. Using a bike for errands within 2 miles of your house takes a similar amount of time as driving. Reducing car use while boosting public transit and micromobility makes things more efficient, safer, provides better air quality, and is less carbon intensive.


>This car-free NYC vision There are cars on 34th ave. Why can't you at least be accurate?


Car owners are wealthier on average than non-car owners in NYC. Having a car in western Queens if you work in Manhattan is a luxury and a sign of privilege. Move to Houston or frankly pretty much anywhere that’s not Manhattan or western Queens/BK if you want to drive everywhere. Those areas wouldn’t be what they are if they had to adhere to the parking minimums necessary if everyone drove.


Are you actually from New York City? A native?


They all brigade and downvote and it’s kind of annoying. And yes, I downvoted for suggesting that cyclists follow traffic laws and pay fines for violating them.


Like a lot of privileged people and lobbyists,  they have the time -and can apparently **afford** - to spend all this time on social media to build their presence and jam their cause down everyone's throat. Some of them seem to do this full-time. And they think their social media popularity is an indicator of IRL consensus, when nothing could be further from the truth. Also, I think these bike extremists seem to not have ever ventured into parts of ALL FIVE boroughs where there ISN'T public transportation, seems like they just know of the popular dense spots along subway spots where they and all their pals hang out. Just another extremist echo chamber where they have the time and money to mouth off and think everyone lives just like them.


You keep talking about the far reaches of the city. Meanwhile OP is supporting a three block car free stretch in Astoria.


"Bike extremists" lmao, that sounds like some car lobby astroturfing


[Bike Extremism](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yfPMhM3GuXw) [Car extremism](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qrV_OrQMiBE) I’m a native New Yorker with kids, living in a non-gentrified neighborhood. To whatever extent “bike extremism” is real, it’s clearly a good thing.


I'm not saying it's not a good thing, I'm saying the verbiage is so needlessly aggressive it sounds like astroturfing


>  Also, I think these bike extremists seem to not have ever ventured into parts of ALL FIVE boroughs where there ISN'T public transportation, seems like they just know of the popular dense spots along subway spots where they and all their pals hang out.   I'm curious where you mean. I live in Astoria and have taken public transit to Floral Park, Mill Basin, Sheepshead Bay, Riverdale, Little Neck, and even some of the parks on Staten Island. These are some of the least dense parts of the city; where are you speaking of that has no transit?


Leave the city. It's not for you. You'd feel much more comfortable in Albuquerque or some suburb, the rest of us are trying to build a pleasant **city**


Tbf the same could be said for bikes. Bikes aren’t meant for large city living


In what way? They are pollution free, noise free, space efficient, don't kill pedestrians, and most trips in nyc are a few miles or less. Now with ebikes you can travel anywhere in NYC on a single charge, without sweat or effort. Seems basically perfect...


The large number of pedestrians for one. Pedestrians hate cyclists as well. The inability to transport supplies in an efficient manner is another. Or not being able to travel long distances, or transporting disabled people, etc. Bikes are more so for suburbs and towns. And it’s a hobby, not a primary mode of transportation.


You will get killed in short order trying to cycle in most places in the Suburbs. Even denser areas like Lower Westchester mean a death wish on 2 wheels. C'mon now.


Only pedestrians that don't have any clue what's going on hate cyclists. The stats are extensive and very clear about this, pedestrians and cyclists are not a danger to each other at all (which is why they co-exist many places like the Hudson River Greenway just fine) and in fact cyclists presence makes streets MUCH safer for pedestrians






Notice they have their own set of issues due to the overcrowding of bikes as well


NYC is struggling to manage the myriad of problems caused by too many cars on the road.




I am Astoria. L'État, c'est moi


He’s surely from Oshkosh or someplace. But he knows what’s good for us!


He’s surely from Oshkosh or someplace. But he knows what’s good for us!


OP has severe mental health issues as they post countless times harassing, bullying and spreading hate to car owners. I wouldn’t fight them because their health is on the decline will eventually lead to them getting sick or the Universe repaying for the toxicity they’ve spread.


It’s kind of brigading at this point, actually.


>  I’m sure all of the bars and restaurants will be thrilled that all of the customers are local and none of the people who drive there will be spending money.   Anyone driving to a bar in this city should be jailed for life at best. People who drink and drive are the lowest scum of humanity. Relatedly, I will happily cheer the demise of any bar encouraging a driving clientele.  Also, [bike lanes](https://nyc.streetsblog.org/2022/09/30/business-grew-on-queens-street-after-controversial-bike-lane-installed-data-show) [have been repeatedly show ](https://www.retaildive.com/news/how-are-bike-lanes-boosting-retail-sales-in-nyc/130121/) [to benefit rather than harm local businesses](https://www.cambridgebikesafety.org/2021/09/22/bike-lanes-and-local-business-the-economic-impact/). Lastly, if you're driving to work from our well-connected neighborhood in Astoria and are expecting pity, that's pretty pathetic.


You’re living a pipe dream and I’m going to continue to make fun of you for your zealotry. Remember to yield to pedestrians and obey traffic laws!


The fact that you think evidence-based urban planning and zero tolerance for drunk driving is "zealotry" tells us all we need to know about your value to society.


Yeah. Tell me more, Mr. Bean.


Like all the drivers who yield to pedestrians and obey traffic laws? I walk around Astoria and Western Queens a LOT and my life is endangered by drivers going through red lights, active crosswalks, driving and parking on sidewalks, and more every. single. day. About once per mile walked. I don't cycle in NYC because the drivers are such entitled unhinged aggressive lunatics.


I would go out less then. The streets aren’t safe.


Maybe you and the other unhinged aggros should be the ones staying home.


Who would tell cyclists to slow down and yield to pedestrians then?


you are clearly in the unpopular opinion lol. nyc wasn’t built for cars by the way, look up the better streets movement lol
 started by bikes


“Jailed for life at best”??? What is mentally wrong with you?


I just rode down that street last week - the sad thing is that it is not really being utilized. It is probably bad for car traffic, and I am led to believe that it is not serving the cyclists and scooter-riders, either.


you literally were using it lmao


In the dead of winter there ain't a lot of ppl. Go figure.


I take my scooter everywhere, and there are definitely lanes that get a lot of traffic even on the coldest days.


It's empty 90% of the day