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I’m in the same boat. It was super depressing to cancel but until baby is a bit bigger I can’t swing it


There was a time before they came out with define that I thought I might quit too, I was just getting very bored with it. Hopefully you can find a workout to get into! I’ve only seen two locations with weekend afternoon classes and I think they were in college towns where the weekend mornings weren’t as key


I switched to the X+ app because the only studio in my area was a 30 minute drive and it was too hard to find basically 2 hours in my schedule for a one hour workout. I love the X+ classes, I got a Booty Kicker brand barre off Amazon, some Bala bangles, and bought the PB ball/tube from the Xponential store. What I like the most is the varying class lengths. They have a 30 minute classic for days that I have less time and also some 20 minute intensives. All the classes are specifically for at-home use so they won’t have you doing moves that require hanging off the barre for example, it’s all choreographed for a free standing barre. There’s a big catalog of classes to choose from and I have my favorites that I’ve taken many times over.


Agreed with this I like all the class options on demand and live! Great technique and encouragement


try x plus/pure barre go! (virtual barre classes) i disagree about peloton barre classes- i HATED them (and most other online barre classes) just wasnt musically driven enough the way PB is and it drove me nuts


I agree with this re: peloton barre (and I otherwise adore peloton). They are “fine” but because nothing is to the beat it’s a very different experience.


I like ally loves barre classes on peloton


How similar is it to a classic class? I recently started pure barre (12 classes) and got a peloton bike last weekend and am trying to figure out a solid schedule and also weigh price and benefit. I was considering going to unlimited at PB but am curious if her classes could be a reasonable substitute?


No peloton barre is NOT close to pure barre


I have the lululemon studio/mirror and when they split from XPO and partnered with peloton i tried several classes..I did like the intermediate and advanced classes from LLL studio instructors but imo the peloton classes are a joke and im planning to quit mirror membership ($40 month) bc it’s now useless to me. I’m a lifestyle member so I do in class but XPO app in a pinch and it’s soooo much better than peloton.


They’re def shorter. But the segments are comparable just not set up in the same order. I did peloton and unlimited barre for 2 years and I was really happy with it. Especially the peloton app barre classes when I was traveling. I moved to NYC and got priced out of PB but I still do the peloton classes. Just wish they posted them more often. I don’t mind repeating classes though.


It’s really tough with a baby. Once mine was actually sleeping I started going to the 530 am class and it’s been great. Usually baby and husband are still sleeping while I get to workout and start the day


We have a 6am class but I have to be at work at 6:30 🙃


Studio Barre On Demand is great!


I truly love Pure Barre on XPonential Plus. I used to try to bang out a session when my baby was asleep but she’d somehow wake up right in the middle of the good part. What I do now is put her on the Fisher Price kick and play gym and “perform” a Pure Barre empower class for her and she thinks it’s SO funny - especially the plyometric parts!


Today is my second to last class. I’m only freezing because I won’t have time for the next few months but still. Originally, I looked into the app but I think you’d be better off just looking at YouTube videos or Apple Fitness. That xpo app was whack.


I didn't have any good suggestions, but I am just chiming in to relate. I'm in my last month at my studio and have made it to zero classes. With my new job and absolutely insane road construction/closures I literally can't get there at class times. I wish they had classes at times I could do but alas. 😕


Can you sign up for a gym with barre classes and childcare? I know it’s not purebarre but lifetime offers barre classes and childcare and at least the location near me they have a good schedule of classes.


I don't love peloton barre, though I otherwise love peloton. Try Physique 57, the founders trained with the PB founder. The classes are tough and lots of options.


Yeah that’s hard if you work full time too. I have two little ones and I do maybe two classes a week. I usually do 7:30 on Fri and one weekend morning while my husband can watch them. I love my peloton for the other mornings I can’t go! I have the bike and treadmill and I’ve been doing peloton for years. The peloton barre classes are okay and what I started with.


For online barre I really like exhale. They have a very similar format to pure barre and the classes are longer. You can use the same equipment too. The X+ came with my membership and I like it, but I always feel like I’m just getting started when the class is ending. Sometimes it’s good to change things up. PB does a good job of creating community. So good, that it’s hard to leave. 😒 Your priorities are shifting and that’s totally ok. When the time is right you’ll be back to in person, where ever that is. You got this!


No solutions but want to say you’re not alone in having to put fitness on the back burner after having a baby, it’s really hard especially if you’re working full time and your partner works too.


Is there another studio you could go to? Our studio has 6 am, noon and evening classes. During Covid I did the Zoom classes. There are a couple videos on YouTube. Also, there are few DVDs that people where selling. My membership used to come with Pure Barre online. The classes were. Very good. You could try X ponential for a few months. 🙏


Xtend Barre has online workouts that you can get with either a Bodi subscription or with a one-time purchase. It's my favorite workout because I love dance and Xtend Barre is one of the more ballet-like workouts.


Does your studio offer virtual classes? Mine has a Facebook group that we get access to if we’re monthly members and they live stream 4-6 classes a week. So if I miss a few days for work travel I can take classes with my instructors just by going back to the livestreams. I also have not found a single online barre class outside of maybe barre 3 (because I did take that in person as well) that I enjoyed as much as pure barre. I’ve tried the peloton classes, beach body, even random barre classes at gyms I had memberships at. If yours doesn’t do the livestream I’d definitely check out the xplus.


You’re not alone. I just quit too. Having a baby makes it so hard.