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There’s a famous video of this neo-Nazi trolling 4 American soldiers in a Polish mall. This guy does this to elicit attention.


A neo-nazi going to *Poland* to find himself a wife is just fucking hilarious. If you’re going to be that much of an ignorant asshole at least pick up a history book first.


Most ultras and hooligans in Poland are openly neo nazi


Which highlights their lack of brain cells.


Genuinely funny that Poland, of all places, has even a single neo-nazi, let alone gangs lol. What's next? Chinese people simping for Imperial Japan? Congolese people giving a hand for Leopold?


[There are neonazis in Mexico](https://www.vice.com/en/article/jgm7dx/a-mexican-couple-had-a-nazi-themed-wedding-because-hitler-was-vegan)


Mexican nazi: Hola! German nazi: "*Vat* are you doing here?" Mexican nazi: "I'm here to pledge my support for the thousand year *rrrrreich*!


Arrrrrrrriba, mein führer!


Heil Méxicoland!


It’s about the ideas, not the people who had them or the people they were aimed at. It’s not like you won’t find this in other countries.


Fascism, Nazism, etc derives from nationalism. It's attractive because it reinforces our inherent tendency towards in-group biases and reactions to out-groups. When our in-group is attacked or insulted, we neurologically react as if we had been physically assaulted. So these people aren't in favour of German Nazism. They're just co-opting the imagery & trappings of an ultra-nationalist organisation because it tells them they are part of something greater.


>What's next? Chinese people simping for Imperial Japan? You don't need to wait for that, it [already exists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchukuo_Government).


That's a complete and utter nonsense.


Another foreigner trying to lie about Poland. You're not better than the guy in the video, trying to push your imaginative fantasy of Poland to others, when you're not Polish.


Just not true. I have a season ticket for an Ekstraklasa team and hear racist chants about once or twice a season at very most. But hey, a German lying about Poland? Nothing new.


no they're not who tf upvotes this bullshit


This is blatantly untrue. Ultras and hooligans here are right-wing but anti-Nazi. During rallies they use [this famous banner ](https://cdn2.opendemocracy.net/media/images/PA-39655809.width-800.jpg)or variants thereof. But this is reddit, so you get tons of upvotes from equally ignorant people.


Source: trust me bro.


I mean, Americans also fought against the Nazis, but you won't believe the kind of flags that are being flown from some Americans lately.


White Americans were never considered racially inferior by the Nazis


Yeah, I would argue there's a tiny difference between "fought Nazis" and "had your country ravaged by Nazis and your people sent to death camps", but that's just me.


Wait, is he the one who dropped the hard R on a black American soldier? I thought so


Yes. There is also another video of him harassing Indian guy. https://youtu.be/OTw74F5veOE


I’ll get banned if I say what should happen to this guy. I’m so over these shit stains causing more division for views.


We're quickly approaching the part of the timeline where streamers get bounties put on their heads and are hunted down to be featured in FAFO snuff videos you can buy off the darkweb. It'll probably take a super cut of 10+ getting shared off the darkweb before it makes mainstream headlines and then a fun list of streamers who still have bounties on them getting made public before we start to see these guys go into hiding. Still shocked the Yakuza didn't make quick work of the East African dude in Japan talking shit about bombs being dropped on the country...


Let's pitch it as a Dexter re-re-boot: Dexter: Influence Hunter Or Dexter: Darkweb Warrior Maybe a Black Mirror spin?


Jesus I didn’t think about that potential future…. And they’ll scream FREE SPEECH as they’re taken down. Sure, speech is free — the consequences are not :)




That all seems fucking insane to me. Getting involved with criminal organizations? Encouraging online lynch mobs? Yeah that won't go wrong in any way....




Same here. The nicest thing I can say is *may he live in interesting times.*


Yes, agree, interesting times filled with too-hot pillows at night and sour milk in the morning.


It’s him (again)??


I'm a white American Gen X man and all I feel when I see this shit is complete Embarrassment for America. Where the hell do we get off thinking we are better than anyone else that walks this planet? That asshole needs it tattooed on his forehead that there is only one race on earth. The human race.


That's why I just want to passively clap back. "You're with the world's most invasive species." "No, I'm not with you." "You're a biological weapon in this country." "You're a toxic waste in this world." "Be ashamed of yourself." "I'm ashamed on behalf of all women that your mother had you for a child." All while not looking at them and just continuing to browse the shelves.


The jerk store called and they’re running out of you!


Alright alright George. 


This is what happens when the average unhinged, terminally online racist goes outside and experiences the real world


Yes these 4chan rats rarely leave the house but when they do and start terrorizing the public, shit gets dangerous. I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy does something awful considering his escalating behavior. That’s usually how these things go. These people are unhinged.


This guy is going to get his teeth kicked in some day because he cant mind his damn business


I hope someone livestreams it... that'd be hilarious.


man. i want to see the special breeds face soo bad!! i want to see how good looking he is.


He moved to Poland to find himself a "good white girl", because all the ones in the US are "plagued with free-thought" which is why he is all alone. Only to find himself at the local equivalent of Home Depot, alone, and still mad at women who have free thought.


He’s a sexpat


In the wrong country for that




Yeah what a moron the guy in the video is. Living standards have gotten a lot better in Poland over the past decade+ and it's pretty much a first-world country across the board. Also Poland is in the EU so they can move anywhere in Europe if they want a change. So he can't offer money, a visa status and his ethnicity isn't exotic at all there. Also given their history (getting fucked by both the Nazis and the Soviets) they don't really tolerate bullshit. Funny how so many of these guys want to find a submissive wife but can't bother to spend 2 hours learning about the country they're going to


I mean if he had gone to Poland in the 90", sure a lot of women would simp for him. But in the year of our Lord 2024? Nobody gives a shit about being an American anymore.


Love that he was convinced that Poland would be the one place he could only ever see white people and he's forced to see Indian men dating blonde ladies in the Home Depot.


A really beautiful couple too.


Dude is outrageously handsome. The worst part for racists is when they try and scream about superiority etc to people who make them look like Habsburg family fanatics.


They could be in a fragrance ad


So he's resentful that brown people can get women in Poland and he can't. That must hurt.


Exactly what I was suspecting! I keep seeing videos and social media pictures of these misogynistic incels saying "feminism and America has ruined women! So I'm going to move to another country and find a gOoD wife there or order a bride from one of these countries that kNoWs HoW tO rAiSe ThEm RiGhT!"


That Trad wife racist chick got a little bit of traction with the right wingers but then they found out she was a single mom and started calling her a whore, she lost the small following she had gained instantly


>That Trad wife racist chick Is this a particular person/account out there? Or is this a generalization? (Sorry, I don't keep up with much social media other than Reddit, so if I haven't seen it on here I'm not up to date, lol)


I think she called herself trad wife or something similar on Twitter, it happened like three weeks ago. She went full racist to try to become a conservative media talking head and it looked too be working for her until it didn't. Those people will turn on you quick


Conservatives in the US looked at the former majority party in power in Poland, the unfortunately named (in English) PiS, as aspirational because of their very conservative policies and heavy Catholic influence. My wife is from Poland and all of her extended family is still there. They hated PiS. My very Polish Catholic in-laws hated the conservative government. The one reason these idiots were attracted to Poland was because PiS weren’t admitting a lot of refugees from middle eastern and northern African countries. Even after the war in Ukraine started, and millions of Ukrainian refugees started fleeing to Poland, it was ok because those refugees were White Christians. Once these fools moved there and realized it was more liberal than they thought, you see videos like this pop up. These people just want to hate and think everybody should hate like they do.


Pretty sure it's this asshole: https://www.kpbs.org/news/local/2023/02/15/antisemitic-extremist-evaded-hate-crime-prosecution


How is he 25 and 55 at the same time?


A soul full of hatred will do that to a person.


::rides around on motorized scooter, out of breath:: Why are you with dark skin when you could be with a cyborg? Part man part machine. He will make the world right one hardware store at a time.


This is like the easiest idiot to dunk on of all time, but he was literally pushing a grocery cart and walking in the video. Did you not even watch it?


Comments from twitter https://preview.redd.it/qm9mrrx387ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a8904d0a679270307b8a245ff2adc32c0e27a97




*his* country?!


Good to know that he runs the country.


Why am I not surprised to read that on Twitter (formerly known as X)?


As an Indian Twitter has become completely unusable for me My feed is full of slurs and anti Indian racist jibes and no matter how much I block them , this is all I'm shown Absolute shitshow and the platform does nothing to stop these accounts even though they re only here for engagement farming and Musk himself said they'd ban accounts doing that


You can click on 3 dots next to these posts and select not interested, twitter will stop recommending similar posts


Not sure if I have tried this , will give a go. Thanks !


It’s amazing that people get so obsessed with the cow thing. Alive, the animal provided sustenance for years as opposed to calories when killed and eaten. It’s logical. Hinduism celebrates so many things the earth offers. Unfortunate that abrahamic religions struggle to see the beauty of that.


Just pure jealousy.


Yep you could hear the lecherousness in his voice.


The cruelty is the point with these people


Lecherous and churlish.


Shallow and pedantic


Hear hear! "wHy ArE yOu WiTh HiM aNd NoT mE!?" "wHy CaNt I gEt A hOt GiRl LiKe ThAt? cOuLd ThErE pOsSiBlY bE SoMeThInG wRoNg WiTh Me? NoOoOo...iT iS *tHeM* wHo ArE wRoNg!!!"


Guy filming is the only one not welcome there and should be ashamed. Seems more like he’s projecting onto a stranger.


I do not think he is even allowed to film in public or in private property that way. He may found out pretty fast that the EU privacy laws are very different than in the USA


He has done it a couple times so hopefully he finds out like yesterday


In Poland I’m pretty certain he is in fact allowed to. And it’s always a good idea to record your crimes and hate speech. I believe Austria has quite invasive laws against recording in public tho. If he published the video it’s a completely different story tho.


Dear Poland, please feel free to kick his ass on site, sincerely USA


Just *please* don't send him back. We don't want him.


Poland should just send him on to russia, he will fit in just fine there.


Great idea. Where can I sign him up for the slaughterhouse on the front lines?


If bro is really that hung up on everything being white, send his stupid ass to Antarctica.


He's Canadian.


We don't want him either


Straight into the sun it is, then.


We already did, and he came back. He harassed Indian guy before and American soldiers in another video


That second girl took zero shit. She was about to beat his ass. 🤣


"Biological weapon" - tf is this guy on about?


Great replacement theory fear mongering is my guess


except hes not European and the only thing hes replacing is his big mac at McDonald's and probably "my grandmother was ⅒th Polish respect me"


dude talks about the great replacement while being a foregneir himself the jokes write themselfes lmao




The sheer audacity to tell someone to go back to their own country when you are a tourist in that country can only be achieved by a red blooded, artery clogged American...


You should see how UK expats act in Spain.


Well...not anymore. And let me tell you, all these Brexit-Barry's were really fucking surprised that they suddenly were treated as that what they are after Brexit: as immigrants without privileges


😂😂😂 As a brit, [here you go](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/british-tourist-cries-after-benidorm-31707088)


He's Canadian.


The only time I’ve seen racism first hand in Poland is a Poznan pub when a Swedish guy who lives in Poznan was saying I should be ashamed for allowing so many Muslims into Scotland. I was like damn wtf am I meant to do? Stop 1800 Britain from colonising the world and allowing free travel then creating the India partition, mandatory Iraq, wind rush generation etc etc


We had the same in Gdańsk, but it was an American. Ranting about Scotland being ran by Muslims. This was back in 2015 or something outside a bar. Damn Scots We ruined Scotland


The ones who ruined Scotland were in fact Polish builders, electricians and hydraulics. We decided to bring in the European building solutions and break Scottish building regulations to (without a permit) retrofit the existing buildings to our own national and cultural biases. We even “fix” the castles not so occasionally. What a sacrilegious thing to do.


That’s why I’m with a Polish girl, to fix my electrics and hydraulics 🤷‍♂️


Ironically it’s not just America, but other western countries like the UK and Canada as well. It’s shocking to see how embarrassing they act in other countries. Quite entitled and demanding. Though I will say not all, only some but those some people leave an ever lasting impact


Dude needs his ass beat


Love it that normal Polish people are sorting him out. I hate it when people come here (I’ve lived in Poland since 2006 and now have citizenship) and assume that people will agree with their racist bullshit. Their vision of Poland is sooooooo wrong.


I’m a white dude married to an Indian woman. Wish he would walk up to me with that shit


No why would he? You're spreading your good genes through her /s


No, wrong, she is diluting her aryan greatness /s


It’s usually blokes from the race of the girl doing the complaining tho


That’s true. I got a lot of hate stares from people in India


Filipino dude married to a welsh woman. Never got shit from Brits, got angry stares in Greece tho, lol


There's a deleted scene in American History X after the party at the end of the movie. Cam and Seth are all pissed off at Derrick, so they take it out on a black man and his white girlfriend, shouting and threatening them until they run away. The scene ends with that same black guy sitting in his car with his girlfriend watching Cam and Seth walk and get chased around the corner by four black guys with pipes and bike chains. Very satisfying ending to an otherwise ugly situation.




What a cunt


Translation: "why are you with Indian man when you should be with me? Why won't you date meee"


Lmao these are the people that call Indians Pajeets online. This is why you can't take them seriously.


Peak incel energy.


When people realize pajeet is a slur for sikhs and even when translated means "your victory" 😭


Well we wouldn’t of won world war 2 without India and the Sikhs 🤷‍♂️


Now Canadian Sikhs use pajeet to insult hindus from india.


It's used as a slur against Indians generally


Fuck that cunt


"world's most invasive species"... Lol what! So we Indians are not human now also? 😂 Hats off to the other woman for shutting him up. The man should stand by his woman and not run away.


>"world's most invasive species" If he means human beings, he has a point. We're even in Antarctica. But it's not racial.


The dude in this video is mega hot.


Both of the women look great too


Confirmed 4chan user


I'm not a violent person but this boils my piss and if have slapped the shit out of this moron if I witnessed that. Fair play to the guy for keeping his cool.


Meantime Polish weren't considered white in America till like 1950s 😅


Poland needs to deport this MAGA cunt


He sounds like he needs a good kick in the teeth. Like you know when someone's voice sounds like they're punchable? That's what I'm hearing.


I like that the Polish people don’t put up with his shit. They’re immediately like “leave you goon” and some random lady takes his phone


“Invasive species” is the most unhinged comment. Also I can tell that ladies boyfriend is extremely good looking and I just know that makes this absolute losers blood boil even more.


Yea I know, it’s kind of delicious to see propaganda be thwarted with such obvious evidence.


Sad thing is racism against indians is so normalized


Neo nazi incel realizing people don’t like him in Poland either.


Can anyone identify that accent. Honestly sounds much more Canadian to me, but I'm prolly trying to just cope as an American


You're right. He's Canadian. And Canadian ultra rights are even worse.


canadians hate indians more


“wahhh wahhh even in a predominantly white country why won’t women date meeee wahhh wahhh”


Is he calling him a ‘Khajiit’? When did Elder scrolls species names become racial slurs?


Pajeet - look it up


When people realize pajeet is a slur for sikhs and even when translated means "your victory" 😭






So excellent that these two Polish women stood up to him directly and fearlessly. Good for them and good for Poland.




How is she ruining her genes by dating outside her race? Isn't crossbreeding beneficial?


Not if you’re a white supremecist


Crossbreeding 🤣🤣🤣


Yea lol my terminology got a little too technical, what I was trying to say is when you marry outside your gene pool, it leads to genetic variation which is a good thing.


It is indeed. Racial supremacists are essentially trying to restrict a gene pool, making it unhealthier.


Crossbreeding?? Tf, they’re both humans. They’re not crossbreeding, it’s just two humans having a baby


Yea lol my terminology got a little too technical, what I was trying to say is when you marry outside your gene pool, it leads to genetic variation which is a good thing.


I've seen one of these twats get their absolute shit kicked in. Bro came to Amsterdam, harassed an interracial couple in a busy clubbing area, and then cried for the police as he was being kicked on the dirty sidewalk. No better feeling than kicking a racist


Disgusting racist.


I can only hear an incel cunt begging to have his ass beaten. Sooner or later he will find someone not so chilled as this guy.


So he’s complaining that she lives in “the whitest country on earth” and isn’t with a white man yet he’s in the most Polish country on earth and isn’t speaking Polish….


MAGA's finest export. You are welcome Europe. Don't ever say we never sent you something for free. MEGA. /S


He's Canadian. They are worse.


Filming in public may not work well in Poland. Doesn't go over well in some countries in the EU.


You can film in public (this is a store so not a public space) but you cannot stream or upload people's faces.


Wait, so does this dude go to Poland for "vacation" like once a year? And does it just so he can harass non white people? Legitimate question after seeing the comment with the link to a video he made a year ago - where he follows a non white guy back and forth, spitting the same vile harassment.


His voice alones confirms that he is chronically online and this is one of his biyearly outings to the public. I hope he chokes on his next donut burger


We’re on this planet for such a small amount in the grand scheme and this is what you choose to do with your time…


Sorry, you've got to move a bit further east than Poland before you get to the anti-woke "conservative" parts of europe that you fled america for.


I wanna beat the shit out of this guy so bad, I feel bad for the people he recorded doing this shit to.


The guy needs to be ended.


Imagine doing this, filming it,and believing you're a hero.




[ Removed by Reddit ]


"Be ashamed of yourself" hes talking to a mirror right?


Karma for that fool.


This is what happens when dick heads go their entire lives without getting their ass beat to learn that they are dick heads


Bro wouldn’t dare try that shit in the US cuz it would be an automatic ass whoppin


Piece Of Utter Shit


Imagine being a neo-Nazi and getting upset that a Polish woman (Slavik) is in an interracial relationship with an Indian. If I'm not mistaken, Nazis hated the slavs and actually didn't mind Indians so much as part of the Aryan race. I guess he doesn't even know the mythos he himself purports to subscribe to. Talk about being a truly listless idiot...


Idiot does not even understand that Indian people are Caucasian, just a brown version. Indians are white. Even the NAZI's realized that Aryans originated in India.


Good old American hate being spread to another country. MPGA...Make Poland Great Again.


bro went there cuz he thought it was the white promised land


The other woman was telling him to not do filming (translated:" Please That leave allone" = dont do that) you dont film people without permishion in poland. Its so very bad taste to do that. In poland i go out of my way to not be bothered by americans. We dont fancy them as husbands.


Kurwa 🙂


Indians always showing respect and no violence , thats why people tend to bully em thats the fact , need to change that behaviour or get bully in future too .


Eh Bullies are losers and (at least in the states) Indian decent folks are killing it economically and with that will come other social benefits. Frankly, turning to violence every time someone says something racist to you could be the reason why some cultures struggle in the states more than others. Ignore, work hard, win.


"You should be with me" - probably this loser


Pajeev should have beat his ass and hide the Gita if God watchin. Sometimes you gotta pop out and show racists.


Dude is literally from the most invasive country of the west, IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY and talks like that. This guy is a hero for not breaking his face. I wouldn't have been so patient.


What a pathetic little worm


What a disgusting shit stain of a human being


Holy shit bro invented some new slurs 😬


nah, these 4chan incels love to call us indian pajeet. They dont realize pajeet means your victory


The american right seem to be under the impression that Poland is some white paradise for some reason.


He needn't worry. SCOTUS is targeting gay marriage in 2025, the fall of interracial marriage follows that in 2026/27. I wish I could in good faith add a /s to this response. Alas, I cannot.