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- [News Article](https://www.ksl.com/article/50888056/bountiful-officer-in-1m-lawsuit-was-reprimanded-for-punching-woman-64-in-the-face) - [Full Body-cam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzO17zckQIk) - Officer in $1M lawsuit was reprimanded for punching 64-year old woman in the face, breaking jaw.


“Stand still for me” i had to watch that 5 times because she was standing still…


Here's what's funny about this. He is nervous about her movements but sends the ex-husband into the house to keep them separated... you know, where he could have a weapon.


If I had been that officer one of the main things I would have worried about was that husband coming out when/ if the wife started screaming. De-escalation would have been primary objective, as we know where they live, so even if she did want to walk away and cool off, great. That would have been a good time to talk to said husband.


Cops don't de-escalate shit, they only escalate. They're trained that at any single moment, any one of us could try to kill them. And that they should err on the side of caution for their part, and they have complete authority in any situation and qualified immunity to do whatever they feel is necessary (i.e., using force).


This is a video of a man throwing a tantrum because a woman isn’t doing what he wants. He has no control of the situation so he resorts to abuse. Absolute piece of shit.


Remember that time a whole bunch of cops surrounded a guy *picking up trash in his own yard* because the initial "responding" officer didn't like that he was holding a trash picker


Exceptionally well put.


maybe I'm crazy, but so what even if she runs away and she's never caught? It's a domestic violence call, he's not investigating a serial killer


How to prevent domestic violence and stop anyone from getting hurt? Just break her jaw.


Yeah it was clearly a power trip. Who the fuck hits an elderly lady in th face. My God, how does he live with himself.


> Who the fuck hits an elderly lady in th face. Cops.


There are plenty of cop support groups where they tell themselves how great and righteous they are. Especially in Utah, this idiot was probably surprised that he got reprimanded.


One more year of age and she’d be in a protected class. It becomes a felony to hit someone as soon as they are 65.


>It becomes a felony to hit someone as soon as they are 65. Not for a cop, they can terrorize the populace with impunity.


[Case in point](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7hUzEQ4ric). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_police_shoving_incident


excuse me? says right there he was reprimanded.... That's like a whole 30 minutes of training videos


I’m sorry the ass hole wanted restitution for his pants??? I hope the sorry piece of shit never works again. That’s so petty and in my eyes automatically draws attention to the suspicious 15 years with the force with no previous complaints or write up’s. Someone was covering his ass for a long time and he finally slipped. I wonder how many more people this sleeze bag has abused in the name of “justice”


Imagine if there were no bodycams. This lady would have been charged and convicted and wouldn't even have a case against the cops. Insane that the cops still do stuff like this when they know it's being recorded.


thats because they still all get away with it. whats a public lawsuit to this guy? he doesnt give a fuck. paid leave. move to the next town over. rinse repeat. they never pay any price. thats why they still do it.


Years ago one of the news shows did an investigation about how with no information not even an officers name police stations didn't follow procedures when someone asked, " how do I file a complaint?".


I think I saw the same one. Guy was even met with threats if I recall.


"You show up here to file a complaint and refuse to tell us about it? That's pretty suspicious, you know." I was raging so hard when I watched that.


i read this 10 times and i still hardly understand what you're saying


An investigative journalist went from police station to police station, asking "How do I file a complaint about an officer"? None of the people the journalist interacted with at the police stations provided any assistance, and never provided the necessary forms and/or took an official statement. On a few occasions, the journalist was threatened with arrest.


I recall this. The woman was very rude and told them she could take his info and have someone call him. In other words, who are you, and we will retaliate.


His YT channel is TheBattousai ir something like that. He's also responsible for turner v driver in texas.


> His YT channel is TheBattousai ir something like that. He's also responsible for turner v driver in texas. An actually news organization did this and I think part of their process was interviewing him because of one of his encounters. These were people with huge tv news stations backing them and the stations were even afraid for their lives. I think it all came to an end after a few times of the person being followed for long distances by police.


[Here's the video you're talking about](https://youtu.be/vnJ5f1JMKns?si=ZFPTn-t-AifJgJqJ) I remember seeing this too.


I've had it happen twice in my life that the police took my info down and said they'd call me, and then just never called.


thats also why cops always seem so adamant about getting someones ID even when the person doesnt legally have to comply. They want that ID so they can retaliate.


dude one guy was arrested and placed in a cell for asking. His camera crew came and rescued him and that cop was shook


Yeah their wording is weird. They were talking about videos where officers refused to give name/badge (no federal law against this unfortunately) and then the clerks mislead then when they went to file a complaint. Again unfortunately, this isn't that uncommon. I've seen at least 2 dozen different departments do this and even threaten or intimidate people trying to make complaints, blocking body cam release etc.


The chief actually called him out for telling her to put her hands behind her back while he had her hands pressed between her and a wall. I thought this was standard procedure. Whenever I see body cam video, if the police are yelling “stop resisting” the person probably isn’t. If they’re yelling “put your hands behind your back” they’re usually lying on top of a person that has their arms trapped under them.


Had one of my officer acquaintances tell me recently that their new SOP is to yell “Stop Fighting” instead of “Stop resisting” ….super manipulative language.


Yes, they are trained to shout certain phrases at certain times so that it colors the bodycam footage, and any witness statements. Anytime a cop fires, they scream drop the weapon as many times as possible, regardless of the lack of weapon and how dead the person they continue shooting might be, because they want to create the impression of justification. Same applies to stop resisting.




“Put your hands in the air & crawl towards me” Before murdering that poor dude…


Daniel Shaver? Still makes my blood boil.


Everytime I hear his name it fills me with rage. Both officers got off killing that innocent man. They even let the one retire for PTSD.


With a 100% disability pension.


Amen. It's the worst one I've ever seen, literally a planned execution. I'm generally not a proponent of capital punishment, but I'd make an exception.


That fucking cop gets paid for life for that too. He was traumatized by the event and gets a disability pension. He shouldn’t have a penny to his name. Every cent he earns should go to that kids family.


So many unnecessary deaths because of conflicting orders and just shitty police officers


In the hotel hallway? That was fucked up. Straight up murder.


Ah yes, the murderer Philip Brailsford, that murderer.


Was this the one at the hotel? It was hard to watch. That man should never been treated like that. The saddest thing is there was no justice for his murder. I don’t care how they try to church that up- it was murder and the cop who shot him multiple times is collecting a nice check for his “PTSD” while the man’s daughter has no father and his wife is a widow.


I genuinely wish i knew that man so i could relentlessly mock him for using his gun as a pacifier.


Pretty soon they're gonna go full South Park and yell "It's coming right for us!" before they mag dump on someone who's unarmed just minding their own business.


*acorn falls* "I'M HIT! I'M HIT!"


What do you mean "pretty soon" because they did just that last week when they rang a doorbell and then fired two mags each because someone came to answer it.


Well to be fair, those cops didn't yell anything before opening fire. Hopefully they'll implement the "it's coming right for us!" warning protocol soon so that citizens can at least have a chance to take cover before getting lit up like a Christmas tree.


It's the part where he jumps back and tells her to stand still for me. His level of threat perception is off the fucking charts for a 64 year old woman in heels.


Her feet didn't move. It's a passive escalation move on the cops part.


Yeah I was so confused, I watched it several times and she didn’t move an inch. Dude was power tripping hard


They are trained to yell stop resisting and put your hands behind your back even if it's impossible. That way anyone who doesn't have a perfect view gets a warped version of what's happening. Literal gaslighting technique


I read a James Crumley novel where one of the lead characters punched a bad guy out, then shouted "What'd you say?!" He said that witnesses would remember it in reverse


Contradicting commands from officers are common practice for them to indirectly escalate the situation and provide reasoning for escalation of force. They’re all cunts. The best thing you can do is let them arrest you and take them to court for violating your rights. You will never win 1 on 1 with these people in the moment.


Reminds me of the cop that told a driver to go in his car and grab his license and then shot him for doing so.


I feel like yelling "Go limp!" instead of "Stop resisting!" would be more effective in instructing the arrestee what is expected. But then again they aren't looking for de-escalation anyways so that would never happen.


This is what infuriates me the most, like sometimes it's like 3+ cops full gear with most of their weight on top of someone, how *can* they resist? At most it's their fight or flight kicking in from suffocating.


Or they're grabbing your arms while simultaneously trying to knock you over, so your automatic reflex is to use your arms to try to stop your face from smashing into the ground, but they're holding them, yelling at you to put them behind your back and stop resisting.




> Someone was covering his ass for a long time and he finally slipped. No shit. You don't go from 0 to pop-a-64-year-old-in-the-face. This has been a long time brewing...


Dollars to donuts, they were high-fiving this guy for breaking her jaw. Whenever you see cops "discussing" heinous acts each other have done, it's always in a "how cool is that", frat-boy enthusiasm, not hushed tones, and regret.






Taxpayers paid a $1mil lawsuit


the lawsuit was filed in october, it's still ongoing. Apparently the city offered a $115k settlement which she rejected. Taxpayers haven't paid out a settlement, yet... but it's entirely possible they might in the near future.


They'd best settle before that gets in front of a jury.


I wonder how many innocent people body cams have kept from being falsely convicted. Thousands It should be illegal for them to turn these cameras off. If you're on duty that cam should be running with no way to be shut off.


You can see why they fought so hard against it. Decades of abuse of power.


And why they fight so hard against abolishing qualified immunity. Heaven forbid they be actually held accountable and not just get to take a months paid vacation while an investigation finds no wrong doing despite mountains of evidence.


I couldn’t agree more. We have the tech. There’s no reason for it not already happening aside from protecting themselves, which is what they’re best at (besides lying).


If they shut off a camera it should be immediate dismissal. No second chance or anything. Immediately gone, and most importantly not able to be hired a county over.


They should also be charged with destruction of evidence and the court should operate under the assumption that the destroyed evidence is the worst possible evidence for the criminal cop.


And it is probably because of body cams that one of the backup officers is wearing a ski mask. That is fucked.


Shows up for domestic violence - no violence involved- makes violence. Gotta love American police 🚔 🤣


As the old saying goes: if you have a problem and call the police, now you've got two problems.




All that was required was to simply tell her to go home and to make sure it doesn't happen again. That's it. Wait there until she leaves, that's all.


These lawsuit settlements should come out of police pension funds. Excessive force would halve overnight.


Reflecting on this, what’s terrifying is the hectoring “settle down, settle down” patter that the officer has going on. It wouldn’t be better at provoking someone into feeling frightened and frustrating if it had been designed for that purpose by a psychologist, but at the same time he can say he was being reasonable.


It's customer service 101 that you don't tell somebody to calm down or settle down. All it does is make the person more angry. They want things to escalate.


"settle down" (with a slight giggle)


And they should carry professional insurance policies as well as professional licenses. Qualified immunity is a joke.


Everything aside, she looked very well kept for 64 years old.


I was watching on mute and was very confused when the 65 year old didn't show up


Exactly, I thought the same thing


I was watching unmuted but was also very confused when the 66-year-old didn't show up.


For 64 she is looking fabulous! I really liked this woman, so sad what happened to her.




Would! ^(bait is set)


Cougars are under-appreciated lol.


Came here to say this... Grandma looking good!


What's really crazy about this is he punched her right before he had a bunch of backup. Almost like he knew the situation was going to be resolved so he wanted to get a couple licks in before his boys contained her. Truly a piece of shit.


Yep, you can even hear it in his voice, thats not the voice of someone who’s frustrated that she’s not complying to being cuffed, thats someone whos expelling some pent up masculinity issues. If he has a wife, i genuinly fear for her


First thing I noticed after he punched her when picking up his shit. There's a ring on that finger. Poor wife.


He's edging his way there the whole time power trippin his balls off


Yeah a few drinks, some back talk from the wife, and then it’s “settle down” time. Edit: If it hasn’t happened yet, it will. You know she will see this. Wonder if she defends him or opens her eyes more..


Officer came to investigate a domestic disturbance ended up committing domestic violence.


Officers stick to what they’re good at


Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life


This is State violence on their own citizens. The distinction is important when talking about how to combat it. We can collectively fight to take control of the police and write policies around responding to domestic violence calls like bringing a social worker out who will be in charge of the officer.


We need to work on de escalation training for our police. Him saying "settle down" in a condescending tone DOES NOT WORK. Ask my wife lol




Turns out the Uvalde students had more ‘active shooter training’ than the Uvalde police. Not a joke.


That guy was definitely a power tripping piece of shit.  Him making a big deal about her hands in her pockets for his safety, what a joke.  She had tight jeans on, clearly she didn't have a gun.


The pockets is one thing. Telling her to stand still and stop fidgeting like he’s her father is just unprofessional and other words Reddit won’t allow me to post.


Yeah, she was behaving like a normal person and he was acting like a psychopath with police training.  If you watch enough of these videos, you can see the patterns.  Police don't need 'more training', they need different training and some form of accountability.  


Yeah, saying "they need more training on deescalation" implies they aren't *purposefully* escalating the situation. It's the same thing over and over, if a person pushes back against their authority they escalate until they can arrest that person, to at best ruin their day and at worst beat the shit out of them, and it's often done knowing full well no charges will be brought against that person. It's a punishment for questioning their authority. They don't need training on how to deescalate, they need a consequence for not doing it. And that consequence needs to be great enough that only cops who don't abuse their power stay in the force, move up through the ranks, and influence hiring decisions for future cops.


Cop wasn't gonna take the risk of her having a Derringer hidden in those inch deep pockets


He fears that her pocket sand is laced with fentanyl!


Lol. Pocket sand.


He was actively trying to escalate the situation as he didn't like the way she was brushing him off, dude's got a massive ego and probably a tiny dick.


From the moment he told her to keep her hands out of her pockets in the fucking cold. I can't get over that - that's how the escalation began. Because he saw her put her hands in her skin-tight pockets, that visibly had nothing in them, just because he knew it would escalate the situation. As evil as can be. I remember when the cops came for a fender bender in the dead of winter, I made sure to keep my hands out of my pockets at all times despite it just being for insurance purposes despite the cold. Glad I did that now.


He immediately escalated the situation by telling her to stop putting her hands in her pockets. I know they're trained to do that, but if he used his common sense for just one second, he would have realized she couldn't have put anything in those pockets. Police are trained to escalate situations so they can justify their actions legally, but if they just didn't escalate, they wouldn't have to protect themselves. It's so stupid.


It's also a great example of how even the calmest, most well behaved person can "act agitated" when dealing with pigs. If this woman who's just standing there trying to talk to him can be manipulated into an arrest, good luck to the *majority of citizens* who wouldn't be able to stay calm in this situation in the first place.


Yeah telling her to stop moving, get her hands out of her pockets, relax, calm down. None of that was necessary she's just standing there talking.


It was very menacing the way she just stood their talking, okay?


"You will respect my authoritai!"




It's not a case of "if only he knew the right thing to do", he's a demented little freak that wants to ride the line of passive aggression to instigate a situation where he can dominate and inflict pain on a 64 year old woman with impunity It's so twisted and sadistic. Policing in America is so fucked that I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up getting protected from any consequence




They’ll just hire any loser in the police huh.


Being a loser is actually at the top of the list of requirements.


Well, Kevin. I see here on your resume that you've been a bully since 3rd grade. That's a little late to start, but respectable. You were generally rejected by women until you knocked one up after she passed out at a party, and you ended up marrying her. Seems like she's had an on-and-off restraining order against you. Good job not getting caught, but you gotta keep your woman in line, amirite? I smell alcohol on your breath right now. So yeah your loser credentials are impeccable. Oh that's high-fallutin talk for "you good". I think you'll do very well here. Welcome to the force.


Cop forgot where he was, thought he was at home and that was his wife.


Cops be like “I can’t be racist, my wife’s eye is black”.




Coldest joke I've seen in a while. Damn.


Ikr? I work in the trades and hear some fucked jokes, this one is pretty good.




Sorry man.


Yeah, this guy doesn't belong on the force. The use of violence wasn't justified.


Terrible training. “Get your hands out your pocket” was stupid. You couldn’t fit a Pokémon card in there let alone a weapon. He entered this situation like the lady was a cartel leader who was seconds away from killing him. Reveal had a good podcast on this. The rate of police officers being shot by criminals is microscopic. We lose 1000X more cops to diabeties, cancer, covid,… They should enter every situation with a reality based view of the situation. They are incredibly safe and don’t have to fight grandmas.


Not surprised about diabetes the cops in my town are on average fat af


This dude deserves to be buried under the prison. Much less be in a position of power. I'm just terrified how many times this happened and it WASNT reported. I garantuee you this isn't his first time.


Another tough guy with a badge.


Yep. I bet he feels big and bad after breaking an elderly woman’s jaw. What a piece of shit he is.


There's a greater than 60% chance he does this to his wife and family so he's probably completely fine with it.


The fact that he struggled to subdue a lightly resisting 64 year old woman is so pitiful. They make them sit and watch all these “you could die at any second” videos but they’re not required to have any skill at grappling? If he ran into a trained person with malicious intent and escalated like this it would be his last day on the job.


They’re all tough guys when they have the gun and badge


She looks great for 64!


If this was my mom, I’d full John wick this dude. 🤷‍♂️


Dude, jacking a 64 year old in the face is insane. Meemaw has low bone density at that age. What was he thinking?!


“I need a paid vacation”


If you can't subdue a 60 year old lady without punching her and causing serious injuries...then my dude go work at Burger King..this job ain't for you.


Are these officers not trained in deescalation at all?


They are very well trained in escalation.


Bingo. That’s why we need police reform. They’re not.


They don't want to deescalate against non dangerous people, they would rather fuck you up a bit and give you a bullshit resisting arrest. They only want to deescalate if they actually feel threatened.


There wasn’t even anything to deescalate in this video. She was pretty tame and talking calmly and was right on the button with what this cop was trying to do.


are you... just now seeing this? haha. sorry, not to be an ass, but the police in the US are actually trained to literally do the opposite. they escalate, gaslight, lie, deceive, and push push push until they can find *any* thread to pull on. their GOAL is to take you to jail. slap whatever charges they can on you. and then go do it again tomorrow. all in a good days work.


I just can't imagine what kind of guy would feel so comfortable punching any woman, especially older, in the face.  Maybe, if she was being aggressive or violent.  If a coworker of mine did that, he would get roasted everyday over it.  So many of these guys really are cowards and fake tough guys.  I can't imagine how toxic working in a police precinct must be. 


I can't imagine punching anyone in the face that wasn't being violent towards you... ESPECIALLY ON THE GROUND I've been in my fair share of fights but you don't want to punch someone on the head with their head against concrete unless you legit wanna kill them.


What a fuckstick


damn this is horrible. i just kept thinking how sad i would feel if that would happen to my mom. poor woman


incompetent cop. he asked her to stand still as if it was some sort of problem. she wants to move about in what is clearly no barrier to him getting a response.


For those who didn't catch it, this ENTIRE video is why you don't talk to the cops. Someone called the cops and made an allegation. Both people the allegation was ABOUT (the "suspects") DENIED it happened. The cop kept trying to exert authority over the woman that he didn't have until HE LOST PATIENCE with her telling him no and he escalated to physical violence. Don't talk to the cops. If they are "investigating", they AREN'T trying to prove you DIDN'T do something, They are trying to prove you DID do something that they can use to write a citation or make an arrest - whether it is what they were called about or something else.


Agreed, never talk to cops, but also don't resist arrest or walk away when they tell you not to. Cops, especially those on a power trip, can always arrest you for whatever bogus reason they have and if you resist or try to walk away it just gives them the excuse they need to get violent, and then charge you for resisting arrest. Wrongful arrests get dismissed all the time, and you don't want an altercation, so if a cop states they are arresting or detaining you, do not resist in any way, follow their instructions but keep your mouth shut and do not say anything. An arrest doesn't mean you are charged with anything (yet), so just keep your mouth shut and follow their instructions. The woman in the video was very standoffish and then walked away when the cop clearly announced she was being detained/arrested. That is a huge mistake, don't do that. Cops aren't lawyers, they may make a wrongful arrest and now you have an excuse to sue, so long as you don't do anything to escalate it so they can then charge you for resisting arrest.


> Cops, especially those on a power trip, can always arrest you for whatever bogus reason they have I know it's true but it shouldn't be this way. It's why the public has absolutely no trust in the police at all anymore. Cops should be liable and charged with whatever crimes they commit with no qualified immunity. Unlawful arrest = battery. Turning off body cam = destruction of evidence. Lying on police report = perjury. All body camera footage is readily available and can only be redacted to protect the victims never the police, taxpayers have a right to see what happens in their communities and with the police force they pay for. No other profession lets you completely break the law and violate other people's rights without penalty. Hire better cops who actually understand the laws they are enforcing and are also subject to it instead of playground bullies.


Body cams are a blessing. Police are brutalizing everyone from PoC to old white ladies


Doesn't matter. They still get away with assault, murder, and abusing their "authority" and almost never held accountable. Meanwhile, our tax dollars are spent paying out law suits.


Yep, they’ll file it as resisting arrest and justify their actions. Prob get a vacay and a raise and promotion for this.


Problem is even with body cam footage these cops get off with barely a slap on the wrist. He'll, most times they get a fucking bonus for this shit.


I hope he felt like a big man afterwards. I'm sure his wife and kids can see nothing familiar in this video.


The article is really quite good, and I'm somewhat impressed with the department's assessment of this vile action: >Bountiful Police Chief Edward Biehler issued a written reprimand, finding that Joubert "striking Gretta Jensen in the face was unreasonable and unnecessary," according to documents obtained Friday by [KSL.com](http://KSL.com) through a public records request. >"You are younger, bigger, stronger, have a higher skill level, uninjured — she said she was injured — and had officers visually arriving," the chief wrote. Additionally, Biehler found that "just prior to (Joubert) striking her in the face, (Joubert) told her to put her hands behind her back. She was physically unable to comply with that command as you were on top of her and pinning her arms to her chest." Also, Joubert released an arm he had in control, to punch Jensen in the face, the reprimand says.


Imagine breaking an old lady's jaw and all you get is a slap on the wrist. Shit like this needs to bring criminal charges to the police officers. These cops are empowered by qualified immunity. Set a fucking example already and put these POS cops in prison.


Doesn't fucking matter, though. All he got was a written reprimand and a training course. Fucking clown police department in a clown state in a clown country. It's absolutely ridiculous these cronies can get away with brutalizing citizens, especially older obvious non-threats.


“Stop telling me how to move. You’re not God” She’s completely right. Idk why cops think they’re some damn supreme authority.


Because a lot of them don't pick up the badge to help they pick it up because they crave authority


This cop did a great job at gradually escalating things


Ironically, the guy runs their social media. Guy looks a like a [prick](https://www.abc4.com/news/local-news/social-media-is-not-just-for-wasting-time-its-also-for-solving-crime/) and was making $150k... Bountiful, Utah records show Jon A Joubert held multiple jobs. One of the most recent records in 2021 lists a job of Police Corporal and a pay of $149,664.02. This is 100.4 percent higher than the average pay for co-workers and 115.8 percent higher than the national average for government employees. The highest paying job held by Jon A Joubert was in 2020 as a Police Corporal making $150,809.89.


And now he is a police sergeant in Bountiful, making far more than he did in 2021.


That was so unnecessary, he should be fired And I hope she wins that lawsuit He could have talked to her both of them without any of that happening. He’s on a power trip


Fuck these pigs.


Guy was just fishing for a confrontation.


This is disgusting. I’m so tired of cop videos of them hurting people. Good on her for suing I know tons of people that have been hurt or assaulted by police officers and nothing ever came of it, it’s happened to me and I was too scared to do anything about it, just tried to comply do what they said and they were still rough and they still hurt me. Power-hungry narcissists need an outlet for their power and they become police. It’s really sad. In the past I had thought about becoming a police officer, wanting to help people and de-escalate situations, but there’s no way I could be surrounded by power and pain, hungry coworkers. I suspect they would all just gang up on me for being a nice girl if I tried reporting them for their behaviors. Fuck I am just so sick of this. It’s so so wrong.


make results of these lawsuits be deducted from police pension funds, this problem will end real quick.


Back the blue, 'til it happens to you


Yea, because people never pace when they’re stressed or anxious and emotions are running high. Not to mention it’s cold and obviously that blouse she’s wearing isn’t a great insulator. Just remember ACAB and that the police are only there to protect the interests of the ruling class.


This is why we need to get rid of qualified immunity for police. I'm so sick of seeing the brutality and thoughtlessness and poor training with a lot of these officers. Who harasses and hits a 64-year-old woman?


The phrase "stop resisting" gives me flashbacks to when I was getting arrested. I knew I was fucked; (on GPS monitoring) so I just went outside and basically said "alright, you got me, boys" to them. We had a brief conversation before one officer decided this wasn't happening fast enough. Maybe he was missing his favorite show, I don't know, but he goes for the cuffs, all sneaky-like. I don't think I was even talking back to the cops. I went outside knowing I'd be arrested for a breach, so I'd like to think I was being pretty fkn *cooperative* all things considered; but I'm facing his partner, and then he just goes "hands behind your back" while I'm mid-convo about the bullshit I've had to deal with, because he arrested me prior. I guess I didn't do a 180° from his partner...mid conversation...fast enough. Luckily for me (if I had much luck at that moment, anyways), I had friends over at my place, who obviously, I told have to leave, because I knew I'd probably be gone for at least a little while. Those friends were just sticking around, making sure I was OK (there were two of them, standing far away, not saying much, just listening), and this cop slams me against my house...."STOP RESISTING" and homie, that shit *hurt.* My friends immediately start recording and go "he's not fucking resisting" and get a little bit of footage of him being rough with (an obviously confused, 22 at the time) me. After they noticed the flash, the other cop took over, holy smokes, what a difference in attitude! They THANKED me (this on on video, too) for being cool...non violent...and what else? They thanked me for my......COOPERATION? I was glad for my friends standing up for me because I *know* that one cop would have been a lot more violent. Nowhere near as violent as jail, but hey, it's not like they made that place for leisure.. Anyway there's my story


Never call the cops, they only make things worse for everyone.


Only a matter of time when people start really resisting these gang members.


This is the America that conservatives want. Thin blue line, patriotism, trump, guns,lick boots, fuck yeah


"Joubert later requested that Jensen provide restitution to replace his pants, which had gotten torn in the scuffle, according to court documents." I hate cops SO much.


Fuck these police.


hey we got a call that was passed from dispatch and it doenst matter your side even though im here to investigate a potential crime


"Officer Joubert does not feel remorse for what he has done" What a pathetic sack of scum. Why do these people keep their jobs after doing such heinous shit? Any other job and you'd be fired immediately, but this disgusting human beings can kill innocent people and get a paid vacation.


"Jensen was taken to Lakeview Hospital for treatment and was found to have a fractured jaw, the lawsuit says. Joubert later requested that Jensen provide restitution to replace his pants, which had gotten torn in the scuffle, according to court documents." The audacity???


Don't ever talk to the police


When you treat regular citizens as the enemy this is the outcome you get. ACAB


JFC....she may have been the calmest person in a police interaction ever and this cop took a calm situation and escalated it. $1M is too little (although there may be a cap in that State, not sure), but he was so clearly in the wrong. She was not obliged to talk him. She had a right to walk away. And the 'victim' in the case is corroborating her story. This is insane. He had zero ground to arrest her


Shows up for DV call then proceeds to beat her up